T*l. - H.lttettit.,(f.olte_gititit Volume XX I I I NO. 1 Concert Tonight The new Beach Boys with a new sound and a new look will be in concert tonight at the Warner Theater at 8:00 P.M. Featuring oldies but goodies with new vibes from "Surf's Up", they are making the comeback of the decade. Beach Boys Sound Out With New Vibrations The Beach Boys, one of the hottest and most popular groups of the '6o's have emerged into a new sound and will appear in concert at the Warner Theater in Erie tonight at 8:00, through the sponsorship of the SUB. Their new popularity is a combination of nostalgia and a progressive rock which keeps them on top of what's happening more than any other existing group. The Beach Boys have come a long way from the surfsinging, sun-and-fun boys of the early '6o's. Nine years ago three teenage brothers, Carl, Brian and Dennis Wilson combined their talents and cut a record called "Surfin'," along with two friends, Alan Jardine and Mike LoVe. The only three instruments they used were a guitar, string bass and a "drum" made from a trash can lid. The song was a local hit, and the California-bred brothers and friends were on the move toward stardom. Now, some nine years later, the Beach Boys have mellowed into provocative singers, utilizing the Moog Synthesizer, a gurgling sounding instrument. They set up a $200,000 custom sound system, the only one of its kind in the world. They put thought into the words of their new songs. Brian Wilson, the main „songwriter for the group, has come up with-some profound music. The new sounds can-be heard in such albums -as "Pet Sounds," "Sunflower," which includes compositions by - each member of the Beach Boys, and "Surf's Up", their latest. Music critics have praised the singers asthe best sounding group now performing. Membership in-the BSU is also But the group still sings the old open to white members of the hits as encores and favorites and student body. There is one they're found in albums like "The stipulation for white members. Best of the Beach Boys" and White students applying for "Stack 0' Tracks?.. . membership must have . a The music of the Beach Boys is "precise and definite knowledge a sound worth listening to; and of black history." Stipulates their concert will be a once-in-a- President Debra Lomax. lifetime chance not to be passed up. Elections for the Student Government Association of the Behrend Campus will take place in the Reed Student Union Building and the Otto Behrend building on Oct. 21 and 22. There are positions for 15 represen tatives and a second vice president. Petitions are available at the Student Union desk. Improvements At Behrend See Page 3 Published by the Students of the Behrend Campus of the Pennsylvania State University Council Recommended Encampment Recommends: Form Campus Council by Ray Geiger Editor-in-chief Twenty-nine students, faculty, and administrative members proposed the recommendation that the Student Government Association, Faculty Organization, and Administration via their respective leaders convene to explore the formulation of a campus council. The recom mendation was made during a three day encampment program held at the Behrend Campus during the summer break, September 10-12. The recommendation was made after discussion of University Park's University Council, and several other ad visory-type bodies.- The purpose of the University Council is presently to advise the President in what ever area he wishes. The encampment was a first ever at Behrend. It was BSU To Form Liaison With Black Community by Beckie LaPlante Staff Reporter The Black Student Union at Behrend Campus hopes to secure a favorable response to their activities this year. Chartered in the Spring term of 1970, the purpose of the Black Student Union (BSU) is to instill unity among the black students and the black faculty. The BSU on Behrend Campus.serves as a base for its 18 black members. Prospective members must take a black history test begin- ning with the black struggle since the first slave to the present-day conflicts. Upon addmission into the BSU, the white members are permitted to participate in all scheduled activities. According to Lincoln Myers, BSU vice-president; the BSU will function as a liaison between the black community of Erie and the blacks on campus. The BSU intends to render services to the best advantage of the blacks in Erie. They are also recruiting black high school students in hopes that they will attend Behrend Campus in the -Fall term of 1972 thus raising black enrollment. The BSU is. divided into six committees. The Educational Committee, composed of upperclassmen, provides tutorial services to help - black _ freshmen -with_ their academic endeavors - . _ - The Educational Opportunity Program provides financial aid to those blacks in need of financial assistance. The Recruitment and Com munity Survival Committees work primarily with those blacks in Erie and the surrounding area. The Cultural Committee en deavors to display black culture at Behrend. Debra Lomax, president of the BSU, stated that developed from the same idea used by other college campuses throughout the nation. Its organizers included Dean of Student Affairs, Benjamin A. Lane, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Betsy L. Seanor, and Student Government President, Al Quinlan, and Chairman of the Faculty Organization, Richard Tomsic. Goals set forth by the en campment at the outset were: 1. 'Development of mutual confidence among constituent groups of the Campus; students, faculty, and administration. 2. Development of com munication among constituent groups. After an evening of in troductions and group dynamics, the body was divided into six separate topical groups each with its own resource member. Recommendations that extended from these groups were diverse there will be a Black History Week on campus in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X. The purpose of the Political Prisoner Committee is to "communicate with national political prisoners and to take care of pledges and petitions for freedom." according to D. Lomax. The Committee also keeps abrast of all possible information on Angera Davis and David Hillard. Lastly, the Recreational Committee is planning several joint efforts with Gannon College in downtown-Erie.. 'Theprimary goal of the BSU is to concentrate - on self development. Lincoln Myers stated that "the blacks on Quinlan Ra Hopes For - by Carol Turkington Staff Reporter Al Quinlan, president of the Student Government Association of the Behrend Campus, ex pressed his ideas concerning the long range plans of the SGA and Behrend's place in the Erie community. • One of the most important ideas confronting the organization, Quinlan believes, involves Behrend volunteers who would be able to work in the Erie community in such places as NATO, centers for mental retardation, and voter registration drives for the inner city. "A lot of groups need help and I think we should do it," he stated:7"We have 600 kW - and a lot of -them- don't have things to do. I think a lot of students are interested in getting involved." The SGA is also investigating the present system of meal tickets and the feasibility of implementing a new plan designed to eliminate the relatively large number of meals a student pays for but never eats. In order to change the present system, Quinlan commented that September 30, 1971 and numerous The group entitled "The Future of Campus Residence Halls", proposed suggested changes in the structure of the governances, physical improvements for the dormitories, and a more progressive visitation policy. "Campus Involvement in Community Affairs" centered around helping in children programs and get-out-and-vote programs in the city of Erie. Although the encampment had no real power, the people at tending were made more aware of other's feelings, and it was suggested that everyone at tending should informally submit their ideas to the proper authorities for consideration. "For a first encampment held here, I was greatly encouraged and I hope that it will be the first on an on going program," Daid Dean Seanor. She also remarked, "Hopefully next year we can have even more participation." campus don't want to be con sidered militants and they don't want to be dependent on whites." The BSU wants to be heard as a unified Voice for the black minority. Speakers, black political groups, and black rock bands will all be sponsored by the BSU this year. In order for the white students to better understand black problems on campus, the BSU hopes_ to have a black representative in the Student Government Association. They also feel that it would be to their advantage to have a space in the Behrend Collegiate devoted entirely to black activities. Debra Lomax .said "I don't care :what class I am put in personally because I know where I stand within the black realm." ps On Behrend "we'd have to have complete support. It's going to take time." Concerning an increase in visitation hours, he explained that "we are going to work continually throughout the year. There is a very good chance of receiving more hours in the near future." There has been some discussion about possible curriculum revision, including among other things the end of mandatory physical education and speech classes. "These are really long range problems," Quinlan remarked, "someday I'd like to see Behrend reach a point where students could receive credit for outside work". For example, the volunteers whom he would like to see helping in the Behrend community could possibly receive some credits in sociology or psychology. In stating his hopes for the year, which includes optimism for the potential of the campus, he concluded, "I'd like to see, by the end of this year, the Behrend student body so active on campus and off that they wouldn't need leaders."
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