T. 1.: tit r nit Qtniteglait Volume XXIII N 0.2 Outlook Good Benjamin A. Lane, Dean of Student Affairs confers with a member of the Collegian staff about the proposed visitation policy. Lane expressed optimism over the passage of the proposal which is nearing completion. Baughman 'Marshdi by Doug Leichiter Managing Editor A change in the philosophy of the student marshal has been expressed by Robert C. Baugh man, Business Manager of Behrend Campus for the up coming year_ Baughman said "The present - feeling is that students will be employed by security, but that student mar shals, for example, as such, would be used only for outside events, such as directing traf fic...". Baughman went on to say that at the moment one student is being employed by security, but solely for clerical purposes. Baughman emphasized that the entire concept of student Nowak Appointed New Security Chief Frank J. Nowak has been appointed new Chief of Campus Security on the Behrend Campus. Nowak, 63, has worked in the juvenile division of the Erie Police Department for the past 15 years. Mr. Nowak attended both Penn He graduated from East High State University and University School, Erie, Pa. and held a of Pittsburgh, taking courses in number of jobs in related fields the field of Police Work with until 1941, when he was appointed children. He also has completed Patrolman for the Erie Police the Federal Program in the area Department: From this position of Narcotics, Dangerous Drugs Sergeant and then Captain of and Law Enforcement. detectives. Mr. Nowak participated as In 1956 Mr. Nowak was ap- instructor and lecturer for the pointed Head of the Bureau of Advanced Institute with Children Police, Juvenile Division and was and Youth, sponsored by Penn thenS tate Health and promoted first to Deputy Sylvania / Welfare Department. Chief and then Captain. The Student Government i!i : i;. : B Boys held Association elections will be ii:!:i!. : i .: each oysß; held October 21 and 22. ::: i :.:. Those desiiing to run for a i::1;g Reviewed i . i•l!•i: position must have their applications in by October ii!1:;i;i; :.:. ... 13. Applications may be ii;;;Ri • See ...., ... ... obtained in the SGA office:! . :liiiiina .. .. i :i;i s rage 4 & 1 from either Al Quinlan or Joe Zani, or at the Reed Union desk. ......................... Plans Chan marshals is up for disbussion. "We don't even know that we are going to be calling them student marshals as such. We might,-we don't know." Baughman went on to say. He added, "What we are going, to do is let it grow more naturally, and it is not going to have a militaristic structure as we had last winter and spring. The structure will be much looser and more casual." Baughman particularily stressed that if the student marshal concept is continued this year, those persons employed will be students first. "We don't want to compromise the position of any student," Baughman said. The telephone switching duties Mr. Nowak has had great experience with youth through his job, because of duties in cluded relating to individuals 18 years and younger. Published by the Students of the Behrend Campus of the Pennsylvania State University JRC Elections October 11; New Visitation Proposed by Beckie LaPlante Staff reporter An informal meeting of the Joint Residence Council was held September 28, 1971. According to George Frola (4th, Business, Clairton), president of the Joint Residence Council (JRC), several new proposals were made. The JRC is hoping to have the visitation hours extended, and proposed the hours between 8 and 12 for weekdays. Quiet hours (7 p.m. 7 a.m.) will still be in effect during the week The Council also proposed a two-hour extension of visitation hours on Friday and Saturday - from 7 pin. to 2 asn. Benjamin A. Lane, dean of Student Affairs, is optimistic about the passing of these new hours. The JRC also worked on several points in their new constitution, which includes elimination of the Board of Review. Elections for dormitory floor representatives will be held Friday, October 8, 1971. Six floor representatives will be elected from each hall. The Chairman that the student marshals for merly performed is being han dled from 5:00 PM to 12:00 AM by a nonstudent in the Security Office. After midnight, any in coming call will receive a tape message informing him to call another number. When this number is dialed, the person is put in contact with the Pinkerton guard on duty by a professional switching service. Baughman was concerned that the philosophy of security should be understood as being, "...preventative all along." Baughman also added that the security operation,"... is a very low key operation, and is to be available when students need aid." Security At Work One of Behrend's Pinkerton guards makes his rounds on the Behrend Campus. Behrend has 24 hour police service to prptect buildings and be of assistance to those needing aid. and Secretary-Treasurer of each Council officers elected in the dorm will automatically sit on the Spring term of 1971 had the option JRC. Art Sprague (4th, Pre-Law, to remain on the JRC or to with- Phoenixville), vice president of draw. Under the new system it is the JRC reported that the duty of stated that only the chairman and a floor representative is to, secretary-treasurer of each dorm "Represent the people on their will reside on the Council. floor in the Council; and to hold floor meetings and to stimulate Those electing to stay were: interest in academic and social George Frola (president), Art activities." Sprague (vice president), Bill Several Men's Residence Connor, Sudee Porter and Linda Council and Women's Residence Juliano. Lane Optimistic Toward Visitation A change in visitation hours is being reviewed this week by Benjamin A. Lane, Dean of Student Affairs and Mr. Irvin Kochel, director of Behrend Campus. Dean Lane reviewed the proposals with his staff (on September 29) after speaking with representatives from the Joint Residence Council. The proposed hours are Monday through Thursday from 8 to 12 pm and Friday and Satur day from 7pm to 2 am. The new hours for the weekdays will contain certain stipulations; each floor in each dorm will be given a chance to accept or reject visitation hours. Any floor will be able to work within the hours of 8 pm to 12 pm, making modifications according to the wishes of the students. Dean Lane forsees a change in residence facilities if the logistics problem can be overcome. If there is enough interest among those students not wishing to use visitation privileges, work will be done to see that special rooms are provided for them possibly in the winter term. Those rules set up last year concerning visitation, such as signing in and out, escorts, and quiet hours will still be in effect. Dean Lane stated that "if there were more facilities to cover a 24 hour visitation program, it would certainly be looked into. But because of the three residence Thursday, October 7, 1971 halls we are a little more restricted as to what we can do as far as 24 hour visitation." Lane also feels that it takes a level of maturity to be accepted at Penn State, and he hopes students will use this maturity in handling visitation. Mr. Kochel has not yet signed any statement concerning visitation. He said that he will issue his statement after the evaluation of the proposals set forth by the Office of Student Affairs. Both Dean Lane and Mr. Kochel are optimistic about the situation. Dean Lane added he "hopes that the individual floors and the Joint Residence Council will maintain the enthusiasm for the program." SG A Approves Changes The Student Government Association of the Behrend Campus accepted the revised constitution of the Behrend COLLEGIAN and voted to join the Council of Presidents on Wednesday, Sept. 29. Work in the community was also introduced as a goal of the SGA. The COLLEGIAN's con stitutional changes include the new name (formerly the Nittany CUB) ~ and changed the formerly unlimited term of office of a faculty advisor to one of annual appointment. The Council of Presidents is an organization designed for branch campuses to aid in expressing their needs and wishes to University Park. Campus problems are forwarded to President John W. Oswald from COP, and, according to Dean Benjamin A. Lane, "I would think it would be the primary liason...". The Council replaces the former Organization of Student Government Associations, which is no longer recognized as a governing body. In accordance with president Al Quinlan's wish for student involvement, Bruce Behringer (10 Huindeve-Erie) addressed the SGA concerning volunteer work in the Erie community, and how Behrend students might conceivably help. Behringer proposed a "Behrend Student Services Committee" to aid in this work, -and stated that he would have a written proposal for the next meeting of the SGA. "I really think there's a need for student participation in com munity activities" he stated "...We've got to get out of the Ivory Tower of Behrend."
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