Page 4- The Hchrcnd College Collegian Thursday. October 10. /996 ways has." “Well," she persisted, “don’t you feel sorry for President and Mrs. Clinton after what Morris did to them?" “Not especially," I said. In truth, I do sense the unfairness of having a prostitute on whom Mor ris allegedly lavished money and White House gossip and “secrets" making life more miserable for Mrs. Clinton with claims that Morris told his companion that Hillary was the instigator of the infamous search of FBI Files on Republicans. I do recoil from the hooker’s claim that she overheard President Clinton tell Morris that Mrs. Clinton is “ill” be cause of the pressures of the Whitewater investigation. I do see in Morris an incredibly arrogant jerk who will cause the Clintons incalcul able grief. Still, my bottom line reaction is that Bill Clinton had every reason to know that the Rev. Jesse Jackson was correct when he labeled Morris as “immoral and amoral." The presi dent knew years ago that Morris was a con artist who pimped politically for right-wing Republicans, liberal Democrats or whomever. And Mr. Clinton knew that he had hired Mor ris specifically to help him con the voters of 1996. Betrayal? Morris advised Mr. Clinton to betray the most helpless people in America, some 16 million pitiably poor children, along with those “underclass" families that need Simmons on Election by Jason Simmons Collegian staff ’ Election lime approaches the * flaws in of our culture. It mocks ; our commonscnse and ability to ; make an educated decision, but any * decision made by a human is ; wrong. Perception taints our thoughts, deception changes our \ thoughts, and righteousness forces us to dispute our thoughts among ' each other. I hale politics. < Who arc you going to vote for the presidential office of the United States? The man who will remedy your problems? Of course not, but \,you think you arc! You will vote ' for the candidate that convinces you that they possess the answers. You have already been deceived. If your CAREER DEVELOPMENT NEWS Women’s Professional Dress Seminar Reed 3 Oct. 14 7pm How To Prepare for A Career Fair Workshop Reed 3 Oct. 21 7pm Engineering Career Fair Reed 3 Oct. 24 1-spm Additional Information regarding ail of these events is available In the Career Development Center. Enterprise Rent-A-Car American Management Systems Rapid Design Service Ferellgas Sterre Enterprises Hewlett Packard UNIVERSITY PARK NEWS Visit the Career Development & Placement Services at http: for a listing of all services, recruiters and programs scheduled for University Park. \ THE JOB SEARCH CLASS Have room in your schedule next semester for one more credit? Juniors and seniors are Invited to look into H&SS 297 Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. assistance. Mr. Clinton took that ad vice by signing what this president knows is a shamefully-flawed wel fare “reform" bill. At Morris’ coun sel, in pursuit of becoming the first Democratic president in 60 years to win re-election, this president sold out his party’s most basic principles. Bill Clinton still has shown me no evidence that he has moral or ideological moorings. Doing what seemed safest for him politically has been the hallmark of his first term. Yes, he may wish to devote his second term to ensuring himself a “nice” place in history, but that, too, in his mind will probably require some major compromises with prin ciple. When a politician feels it necessary to hire a Dick Morris to help him snow job the voters, isn’t it likely lie’ll look for a new Dick Morris to help him bulldoze the historians? Politicians talk a lot about “the American way of life.” In the real American way, Morris will surely become a multimillionaire through his book and the other fruits of his scandalous behavior; President and Mrs. Clinton will suffer some from his revelations; and then, after his eight years in the Oval Office, Mr. Clinton will retire and get $lO mil lion to write a book. So I feel sorry for whom? Just voters, and sacked quarterbacks...of the Redskins! C 1996 by King Feature* Synd. war fabulous candidate were to tell you the truth, wouldn’t he be more likely to tell you that he will not solve your problems, he will not rectify our nation, and he will not be able to end our social problems, but might try? But Nooooo. He is your savior to your problems and will stop them. It has not happened before, so why think it will happen this lime? I always hated politics; I consider them a load of BS. Unfortunately, I am now part of this BS by writing this article. Politics arc evil. It is a game of manipulation and deception. You, as the voter, arc the pawns of their game. They make you believe that they know what to do, but all they have done is put on a fantastic show UPCOMING EVENTS UPCOMING RECRUITERS Business Majors MIS, Com Sci ME, MIS, Com Sci Business Majors PLET PLET THE JEFFREY HART COLUMN The American presidency is a peculiarly double assignment. Un like a leader of a parliamentary democracy, the president is at the same time a party leader and the symbol of the nation. It is devilishly difficult for a president to combine the two roles. As symbol of the nation, certain things are expected of him. The White House is not just an administrative structure. It is a na tional shrine. Tourists visit it, see the “Lincoln Room." Past presidents, such as Abraham Lincoln (who appealed to the “better angels of our nature"), Franklin D. Roosevelt (who told us that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself") and Ronald Reagan (who spoke of a “shining city on a hi 11”) tried to honor and understand their office, apart from bills passed and whatnot. Dwight D. Eisenhower could not be damaged by a scandal in the form of his chief of staff, Sherman Adams. Adams had taken some gifts and was otherwise tarnished, but everyone knew that Ike was clean. President Clinton is potentially vulnerable to the Dick Morris metaphor, because, as they say, it “has legs," and it runs in different directions. The primary aspect of the metaphor that comes to mind is “betrayal." Morris, Clinton’s guru, first betrayed his Connecticut wife with his expensive whore in Washington. Then he betrayed Clinton by let ting the whore listen to phone calls with the president. He also betrayed Clinton by letting the whore read in advance the Democratic National Convention speeches by Hillary Clinton and A 1 Gore. When Lyndon B. Johnson's closest aide, Walter Jenkins, was caught in a homosexual situation in the men’s &{ That l»wy ' l jusT L°j? \ SKftRl J STr' V AwT°us f% Deadline: Oct. 14 Deadline: Oct. 14 Deadline: Oct. 14 Deadline: Oct. 14 Deadline: Oct. 14 Deadline: Oct. 14 room of a YMCA, it was not a metaphor for LBJ. No one associated him with that. Dick Morris is much more of a problem for Clinton. Symbolically, Morris is “close" to Clinton in a way that' Sherman Adams was not close to Eisenhower and Walter Jenkins was not close to LBJ. The Morris metaphor operates on the level of sexual license, and there is no need to go into detail about that. At least Morris' whore was more than a one-hour engagement. She did not expect more from Morris than cash. Most of Clinton’s women sure ly were led to believe that he cared at least a bit about them. But Clinton’s political whore, Dick Morris, didn’t care enough about Clinton to be careful about what he did. In a Washington hotel near the White House, no less! And, of course, Clinton is an expert betrayer. He speaks with honeyed tongue, but he casually betrays his supposed principles at every turn. Historic Democrats must feel betrayed. It is marvelous that Morris actually coached Clinton in the betrayal, advised him to become a phony Republican The Democrats had to swallow that, just as, maybe, Dick Morris’s wife will have to swallow his betrayal. 01996 by King Feature* Synd. [ A* THev -Don't |“ l TfcY To I \ HeAITN cAfcef / Yfar onTobacco— - IC3 p' 43=- The Behrend College Collegian published weekly by the students of Penn State Eriß/The Behrend College Editors in Chief Jennifer V. Colvin Danielle Murphy Business Manager Carley Gwin News Editor Doreen Foutz Sports Editors Brian Gregory Matt Plizga Entertainment Editor Sheila Bickel Photography Editors Colleen Grifeen Joe Stiller Pp?U! The Collegian is published weekly ;by the,students of Penn State Erie, The Behrpnd Colege; First Floor, The J. Elmer Reed Union Building. Station Road, Erie, PA 16563. The Collegian can be reached by calling (814) 8984488 ... at MAA M4A it.. x 4AW4 AAAA Letter Policy: The Collegian encourages letters to the editor on news coverage, editorial content and University affairs. Letters should be typewritten, double spaced and signed. Letters should be no longer than 400 words. Letters should include the semester standing and major of the writer. All letters should provide the address and phone number of the writer for Verification of the letter. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for length and to reject letters. Letters submitted to The Collegian become the property of the newspaper. The Collegian is published every Thursday during the academic year on recycled paper. Opinion Editor . Chad Clouse Letters to the Editor wanted! lf you have a M\ complaint, compliment f.M or thought about > University affairs, I current events or I Collegian content, The I Collegian would love I to hear from you! I Letter must be typed I and signed by the I author; they can be I dropped off in the office or mailed on campus. John Continued Collegian staff: Dave Anechsteln, Edward Black, Dave Bbulos, Brian Chamock, Mike Coursey, Louis O/Amicojdr. Adria Kovaly, Kristine Kannel, Jessica King, Eric Krouse, Mike Nles, Adam Levenstein, Ashley Newhouse, Bob Misulieh, Josh Pie, Sara Prosser, Jenn Reisenweber, John Rossomando, Joe Ryan, Kevin SchaaT, Wendy Schell, Jason Simmons, Kim Thurston, Jim Weaver, Brad Waldbaum, Kirsten Wright, Michael Yowell, Jonna Zizak. war then he would have continued the policies of his predecessors. It is true that the President appointed General McCaffrey and partially restored funding to the Drug Czar's office. The Houston Chronicle characterized the President's actions in the following manner. "Frankly, the president's sudden re-declaration of war on drugs could hardly be more cynical, having every appearance of a shameless political maneuver. At the very least, this change of direction demonstrates Clinton has no coherent drug policy." Facts are facts and the Clinton Administration waited until the start of the Fall election campaign to taka any concrete measures to combat drug' abuse. Between 1993 and 1994 the Papers of the President reveal that the president mentioned drugs only 24 times out of 3,370 entries. This definitely is an administration committed to the drug war. Perhaps in a conversion of heart President Clinton truly has come to see his errors. If that is the case welcome aboard Mr. President. It is incredibly hard to know when this president means something because he is the master of contradictions. The Democratic Party sat idly by in the 103rd Congress and allowed the Administration to gut the nation's ability to fight the drug war. Where was Senator Daschle or Congressman Gephardt when this was going on? Where I come from, being silent about something as grave as this is virtually the same as being a part of it. The Democrats say that character does not matter. Then I ask should it matter when a president does one thing and then says another. The Presidency should be above politics and our presidents should be men of integrity that the American people can trust. Advertising Manger Tom Keefe Office Manager Crystal Dehart Academic Advisor Dr.'Ursula Davis Activities Advisor ' Dr. Rob Sped
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