Thursday, February 6, 1992 Column advocates violence (continued from page 1) here at Behrcnd, as well. "First of all, there is freedom of speech. You can’t restrict a person from saying what he believes in," said John Young, the vice president of Behrend’s Association of Black Collegians. Young, an eighth semester business management major, didn't completely agree with Wilson's column, however. "He does make some good points, historically speaking," said Young, "but you can’t make a blanket statement (about the white race being racist). "For our own survival, we (African Americans) have to become more self-suficient. I’m not advocating violence, 1 am advocating action. Economics and education are the keys." Some University Park students felt that the column incited racial tension on campus. JlY|ls<jn, who said he has rcceivecTdeath threats, ditfiTTagree that his column could cause violence. "They say that A causes B -- A being my column, B being violence no, that's not true," said Wilson. Since the column appeared, letters and phone calls have ; NO GIMMICKS - i EXTRA INCOME NOW! I ENVELOPE STUFFING - $6OO • $BOO every «ee« • | Free Oetaus: SASE '.a . BrooU lntemation<L Inc. = 0. Sox 680605 • Ortanoo, FL 32868 * ZXTRA INCOME ’92 * Earn $2OO-$5OO weekly mailing 1992 travel brochures. For more information send a addressed stamped envelope to: ATW Travel, P.O. Box 430780, Miami, FL 33143 Penn State Behrend Bookstore poured into The Daily Collegian's newsroom. Two protesters even appeared in front of the newspaper's office building last Thursday, one wearing a sign that read, "White Man, Shoot Here." Some students have called for the newspaper to take disciplinary action against Wilson, but The Daily Collegian has no such plans. According to Kevin Naff, Opinion page editor,, the paper Ribbon campaign underway The Association of Black Collegians and The Young Conservatives are distributing black-and-white ribbons this week, hoping to call attention to the KKK's hate-oriented philosophy, according to Jeremy Sutch, vice president of the Young Conservatives. • "We're supposed to create a forum for ideas on campus. We don't believe the Klan has a legitimate place in that forum," Sutch said. The KKK have made headlines in area papers recently after an area couple announced they will hold a rally for the KKK and similar groups on their farm this summer. "We’re trying to show that we're not against their right to rally," said Angela Johnson, ABC president. "That's their right under the First Amendment. However, we have a right to peacefully protest against their philosophy and all that they stand for." Johnson said she was surprised something like the planned rally could happen in the Erie area. "1 didn't think that people were still ignorant of other races. And that is where their hatred comes from their ignorance of others." BE SMART! EARN EXTRA CASH WHILE HELPING OTHERS. BECOMEA PLASMA OONOR. New Donors R on your Ist fltesavfng pi this ad. Physical required CALL FOR DETAILS PLASMA-TEC. LTD. Bookstore hours: The Collegian will not take any action against Wilson "We have freedom of expression in this country," said Naff. "It's as much Chino's right to exercise that as anyone.” In the staff box on its Opinion page,. The Daily Collegian runs this disclaimer: "Opinions expressed on the editorial pages are not necessarily those of The Daily Collegian, Collegian Inc. or The Pennsylvania State University." 454-0070 111 West 9th St. 6? people are to topple one of stable democracies Tbejwup, instigated by rebel ■ft, followed violent protests uarest arising fsoro a widening gap and poor Venezuelans. a new John H. J of staff will be replacing Fat Buchanan, who left the political talk show -to campaign against Frcskfcent Bush. “It will be the first time I'm on the other side of the desk, so to speak," Summit said, referring to his chance to grill old political opponents. ’Tm really going to be very nice about it," he added. HARRISBURG - Gov. Robert Casey’s 1992-93 budget plan fails to include $125 million in education funds, Democratic Party officials said Tuesday. Several ,areas of the budget will not see any increases from last year, and some will even sec five percent cuts. The Casey administration, bracing for the worst, predicts the Commonwealth will face a $403 million deficit by June. SKIATOOK, OKLAHOMA - Chester Reyckert says he enjoys cruising around the greater Skiatook area in his new ride a seven-ton Hungarian armored personnel carrier. "It's just a big toy, really," he laughingly said. The nine-man carrier, equipped with inoperable 14,5 mm cannons and ,30-catiber machine guns, was imported on a bet by a local businessman. Our question: do you think cops will pull him over for speeding? Page 3 loot lit first step extension of $2.1 felHion by President ®iifc cwaiy 'shire ratic ansas lied. intrigue 'alysts
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