Till! TIMES, NEW BLOOMI'Iliil),' PA., JANUARY ' 22, 1 1876. THE TIMES. PENNSYLVANIA It. B.-KIDCLE DIVISION. On sud after June 15th, Trains run as follow I WK8TWAIID. EASTWARD. J'i.7,MalliAU'.i Mm. WTMll,Arn. PaM.Tr'uiTr'n I'llIMatPAI, Hl'ATlOHS. Ki. 1'r'u lit. I Am. P.M. I. M. .! 144 sta 7.47 T.m 7.H 7. Ml 411 S. B 114 S.lKll S.l I '.mi .4a .M ft. 1111 l.aii B.IIS 11)06 I.4SI ilockvllle, Maryavllle, Imiirannon, Bully's Nowimrt,.. Mlllcratown, ThompioDt'n n1t'iloi,. ....... Port Rojral.... SSI S.M is 40 t.Nll SB DIM (t.lH II l : MS i.mi i ni T.I m I0.M T.Ofti 1.4.1 I.M I.SS II M S.M f .101 f.41 i.Bo 4 in 4.1(1 7. US .4 S.MI lulu I.IKI 11.91 4. 1.4(1, .tn IU.4S 11.14 11 40 law LIS II. s.4s Miiipmini'i,,,. MeVej-town,, ft. llsnillrou, , IiiiitliiKdou,. Tyron , AltlMHI i.n i.U l. no I.S4 f .10 10 ft4 1(1 1(1 on . .H7 .Ml S.M 6(1 i.ss I. It IW .16 Ml A.M. P.M. r.M.I PHfKhnw (TvtiisMifl leaves Warrtahnra- at It .00 P.M. niinoannrm II. lift flK: Now port 11.47 (na) "1 rlvssat Pittobnrtriiis.10 4. u. tWOninw West, the Wny Psssomrer Irsrcs Harris ours; Dalli-tlie other train's Daily ejeciit Hundtv. l-Oolllf Kat, the Atlantic Ksprcasleaviis Alloons Daily, the oilier trains Dally ceii Holiday. taTaHnc Express West will atop at Diniaaiiiton at I and at Newport at ft. 17 a. iu., when flatorud. , Publlo Sales. Hill? for the following snlcg have been prlutcd at this ofllee. Notice of the eame Is published In tills lint till day of eule without extra charge: February 5th Join Hall on the farm of Wash ington Frits, In l'oun twp., will toll Hot-sen, . Cows, Pigs, various farming Imploments and bonsohold furniture. March 7th Wm. A. Roodor on the farm of Jacob Klttor, In Tyrone twp., will sell Horses, Cows, young Cattle, and a general assortment of farming Implements. UrlelTtomH. Temperance meot'lng In the Presby tcriim church next Bivturtlny evening at a quarter pust bIx. Mr. Wilson D. Messlmcr, of Ulaln, has been appointed Mercantile Ap praiser by the lloard of ConimisslonoiB. The Burgess of Newport In view of thedanuer from snmll-pox along the line of the rail road hns issued a procla mation urging vaccination. Stone breaking has no charms for tramps, and perhaps that Is the reason that the number Is so much less than during previous winters. Jurors in Huntingdon were so scared by small-pox that they failed to put in an appearance at Court, una that Judicial body was consequently adjourn ed. The Miflllntown Sentinel says that the small-pox lias been con lined to the house where the first case iu Patterson oc curred, and that efllclent means have been takcu to prevent any spread of the disease. George Oamber,one of the track hnnds belonging to Mr. Jacob Hamuker's division, Pennsylvania railroad com pany, had one of his great toes mashed last week while helping to rip-rap the new piers of the Sherman's creek rail road bridge. llecord. Fire In Marysville. On the evening of the loth Inst., at about 7 o'clock the house belonging to Jacob Tuckey situ ated in the borough of Marysville was totally consumed by Are. Loss partially covered by Insurance. The family was absent, attending church when the alarm was given. Prison Cars for Tramps. The Pennsyl vania Kail road Company are making a strong effort to suppress the tramp nuisance on the line of their road. They have provided four prison cars, which have been placed at different points on the road, and they recommend that the local authorities give such aid as may be in their power to the officers of the Railroad Company, and urge them to see that proper and efficient officers, especially Justices of the Peace and con stables residing at accessible points, be elected at the spring elections for the several districts. A Strange Case. The Chambersburg Repository says : On yesterday morn ing, Mr. Lewis Detrow, who lives on the Mentzer-gap road a short distance from the turnpike, found on a by-road leading from the Mentzer-gap road near Mackey's run, a shifting top buggy and with It a set of harness complete. The buggy has been standing where found since before the snow, as the snow shows no track, which the buggy must have made If left there since the snow. There was, beside the buggy and harness, a lady's skirt in the buggy box, and a bread basket with corn meal 'in it. Whose It is, and how it came to be left In so secluded and out of the way place Is a mystery. The place where the buggy was found is one of the most secluded and out of the way places In the South Mountain. Court Proceedings. The following mis cellaneous business was transacted by the Court on Monday of last week : Holding Elections in Juniata Tup. And now, January 12, 1878, it appear ing that the frame school house In which the general elections have heretofore been held in Juniata twp., has been con verted from a public to a private use, It Is ordered that the general, special and township elections for the township of Juniata be hereafter held at the tenant house on the farm of Geo. Titzel, de'd, in said twp. of Juniata. - Proceeding on Roads. Conrad Roth, James B. Hackett and Jnnies Mcllhenny appointed to review road' between a point near the widow Morits and a point near Deckard's, In llowe township. - Plain UroHh, John Martin and James Foof to view road from a point In the publlo road leading to Ulaln to a point in public road leading to Lupfer's tan nery to Plain, in JackBon township. Conrad Jtoih, Jus. 11. Hackett and James Mcllheny to view road near Samuel Pear's to rond near Blllman's ridge leading to HuttUlo Mills, in Savllle township. Oeo. Swarta, John McKensle and James n. Hackett to view private rond on petition of Jesse H. Puts, in Miller township. Ueport granting road from near Sam uel Slioibley's to near Adair's lane iu Mnillson township, confirmed. Keport granting road from T). Deck ard's to near No. 1 school house, In Howe township, confirmed. Specid Court. The Court ordered that a venire issue for drawing a panel of SO jurors, to at tend at a special Court, to heptln on Monday, 18th of February, 1878, and continue one week, to try the balance of eases not reached on the list for January Term, 1878, and any other railroad cases at issue and ready for trial, but no other new cases. Unfortunate Hunters. A hunting party in Mifflin county were recently quite unfortunate as will be seen by the following, from a corres pondent : Mr. Editor : I will give you an ac count of a hunting party's experience while In the mountains about four miles south of Oranvllle, St. P. It. lt.,on Deo. iMith last. The party consisted of P. Pellfer, V. Aurand. U. Bollinger, (. Purn, P. Prower, H. Jennlng, J. Preh ninn and J. McNemar. About mid night the straw in the cabin in which they were lodging, caught lire and the flames sprend so fast that they had scarcely time to get out, leaving utmost everything except what they hud on, to the Humes. There were three pair of boots, three coats, five hats, two guns, one watch, and all the provlBlons,burnt. The balance of the night can better be Imagined than described. The whole party sitting around a lire, some bare headed, some bare-footed some without coats, and all waiting for day to dawn to tramp it homo. Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week. On Monday evening about 5 o'clock Mrs. Clurvcr, wife of Dr. Ourver, of Thompsontown, went to the stable to milk, leaving two children, aged 21 and 4 years old, in the sitting-room of the house. When she returned to the house the older child was absent, and the younger one was lying on the floor of the room in which she left the children, with all its clothes burned oil", and its body burned almost to a crisp. The un fortunate child lingered till 11 o'clock that night, when It died. The children, when the mother went out, played with the lire, and in the play the clothing of the younger one was set on lire, with the above results. The older child be came frightened, ran out und left tho younger one alone. Sentinel. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from tho Cumberland county papers of last week : On Thursday last, Dr. A.. Levette, a Homeopathic physlciun of this place, while at his stable looking after his horse, the animal kicked him in his side, breaking one of his ribs and otherwise Injuring him. One day last week the oldest sou of our townsman H. C. Walters, met with an accident which might have proven very serous. He attempted to steal a ride on a buggy that was passing along the main street, and unfortunately got entangled in the wheel and was taken around several times before he was dis covered. Put for some passerby making it known to the driver, he certainly would have been killed. Shippensburg Chronicle. Church Notices. Preaching in the M. E. church, next Sunday at 101 a. m., and Sacrament. Sunday School at 01 a. in. Preaching every night this week. Presbyterian preaching next Sunday at 11 A. M., and 61 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 01 o'clock. Sunday School at r:.15 o'clock P. M. Ladies Take Notice. We shall to-day open a pretty line of presh oooph, which are sent from the city to be closed out, and many of them at prices below the cost to manufacture. Look at these prices, and then call and see the goods : Pretty Styles of Dress Goods for lOcts per yd. Very Desirable " " 12cts Much Better " 20cts " A few pieces of Matalese " 23cts " Bilk Mixtures for 88cls " We have also received another lot of those excellent live cent calicoes. This way far bargains 1 F. MORTIMER, New Ploomfleld. January 22nd, 1878. Auctioneer. The subscriber gives no tice that he will cry sales in any part of the county, at reasonable rates. Parties wishing his services should engage him liefore having bills printed. , Thos. Butch, Jr., pd. New Bloomfleld, Pa. ,. Notice. Persons desiring me to call sales, would do well to notify me as to the day as soon possible, so that the day they select may not interere with the date fixed upon by some other party. I intend to have a complete list of all sales, and the date upon which they will take place. Satisfaction guaranteed. , r David McCoy, " Ickesburg, Pa. Yf. J. BICE, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, Ickesburg, Perry Co., Pa. CJT Always at home on Saturdays. Call if you want anything in my line at the most reasonable rates. FOR SALE. A valuable farm situate 2 miles south of this borough, contain, ing about 100 acres. (!" acres of which are cleared and in a high state of cultiva tion, the balance well set with fine tlm Iter. The Improvements are a good two story dwelling house with kitchen at tached, Parn, Blacksmith-shop and oth er outbuildings. There Is also a good limestone quarry, a large orchard of choice fruit trees on the premises, and a never-fnlllng spring of water near tho door. This property will be sold cheap, and on reasonable terms. For further particulars, address jAcon Fitirz, Car lisle, Cumberland Co., Pa., or apply at this office. 41 FOR RENT. The best Coach and Wag on Maker Hlion In the County. There Is a Placksmllu Shop connected with it, and everything convenient to carry on a flrst-cluss Coach business. For further particulars apply to N. IIknpkiihon, 87 pd Oreen Park, Perry co.. Pa New Tailor 8hop. The undersigned gives notice to the publlo that he has opened a shop opposite ltlnesmlth's hotel New Ploomfleld, Pa., In the rom formerly used as a confectionary, where he is prepared to do work In his line promptly, and at reasonable prices. All work warranted to give satisfaction, tllve me aeall. Hamckl Bkntzel. Bloomfleld, May 1, '77 tf. Removal. J. T. Messlmerhas remov ed his Shoe Shop to tho room adjoining F. B. Clouser's cilice, 4 doors west of the Post-Oflloe, where he will make to order Poots and Shoes of all kinds. Repair ing promptly and neatly executed. He will also Keep on hand a good assort ment of Boots and Shoes, which he will sell at low prices. Olve him a call. 17 Does This fit You ?-Some of my custom ers have apparently forgotten that store accounts need to be paid. I wunt money and a little attention to thin notice will save costs. F. MORTIMER. Tho host Alexnnder kid glove for sulo by F. MORTIMER at fl per. pair. " The Above All," Is a new brand of chewing tobacco, and is without a peer for excellence and sweetness. For sale, wholesale and retail, by J. B, IIaiitzkll, iu Ouutt's Puildlng. A Clothes Line filled with clear white clothes at an early hour on wash days is a pretty sure indicullon that Labor Saving Soap is is used ut that house. F. Moirri.MKii sells it. " IT BEF.M8 as If I should coujfh my head olT," Is sometlms the Itnputlimt e ;clnmntlon of a sufl'eror from n severe Cough. Qticll the paroxysms with Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. The relief Is I m mod Into and tho cure ccrtnln. Bold by all DruKKlsts. Tike's Tootlmcho Drops cure In 1 mlnutoi 1 Ballou'8 Monthly Magazine for February. It Is always a pleasuro to read this mnga zlue. It Is so sprightly and ploasant, and has Buch a fund of excellent tnlsrcllanenus read ing, that every one has a chance to find some thing that will suit his or her taste. Tales, sketches, advonturos, poetry, humorous mat ter, engravings, and all that goes to make- np a nrst-class magaxino, are given and, above all, It Is furnished to subscribers at the low price of only f 1.50 per year, post paid, which Is so cheap that it should bo In tho hands of every family In the country. Sample copies of the January and February numbers will be sont to any address on tho receipt of twenty-llvo cents by the publishers then, If you wish to continue, It will only be nocessary to remit (l.!25 for tho balance of the year. Tholmcs fc Talbot, Publishers, Boston, Mass. Llpnlneott'8 Magazine fcr February. This valuable magasluo for February has been received. The following Is a partial list of the contonts t A Month In Sicily Illustrated. Glimpses of Sweden Illustrated. " For Porcival Illustrated. Flown Love. With the Kusslans In Bulgaria Illustrated. Hunting In France. Jack and Mrs. Brown. A Reminiscence of the First Iron-clad Fight. Two Peculiar People The Falling of the Veil. Thirty-five Years OU Soundings. In Auut Mely's Cabin. Our Monthly Gossip. Literature of the Day. TERMS : Yearly Subscription, 4.00 ( Two Copies, 7.00; Three Copies. JpO.OOj Five Cop ies, f 10.00) Ten Copies fM.OO, with a copy gratis to the person procuring the club. Single Number, 85 cents. Specimen numbor mailed, postage paid, to any address on receipt of 20 cen ts. To Agents a liberal commission will be allowed. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, 713 and 717 Market street, Philadelphia. " Dollar Grabbers." Mr. EniTou : Ilavlng read In your paper reports of the remarkable cures of catarrh, I am Induced to tell " what I know about ca trrah," and I fancy the "stulF' and " luhaling tube" makers (mere dollar grabbers) would be glad If they conld emblazon a similar cure in the papers. For 20 years I have BuUurcd with catarrh. The naeal passages became com pletely closed. "Snuff," "duet," "ashes," ' inhaling tubes" and "sticks," would not work, though at iutervals I would sniff np the so-called catarrh snuff, until I became a vain ble tester for such medicines. . I gradually grew worse, and no one can know how much I Buffered or what a miserable being I was. My head ached over my eyes so that I was con fined to my bed for many successive days, sutf ferlug the most Intense pain, which at one time lasted continuously for 108 boars. Ail sense of smell and taste gone, sight and hear ing impaired, body shrunken and weakened, nervous system shattered, and constitution broken, and I was hawking and spitting seven eighths of the time. I prayed for death to re lieve me of my suffering. A favorable notice In jour paper of Dr. Bage's Catarrh 'Remedy induced me to purchase a package, and nse it with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche, which applies the remedy by hydrostatic pressure, the only way compatible with common sense. Well, Mr. Editor, It did pot cure me to three-fourths of a second, nor in one boor or mouth, but lu less than eight minutes I was relieved, and In three months entirely cured, and have re mained so for over sixteen months. While nsing the Catarrh Remedy, I need Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to purify my blood nd strengthen my stomach. I also kept my liver active and bowels regular by the use of his Pleasant Pnrgative Pellets. If my experi ence will induce other sufferers to seek the same means of relief, . this letter will have answered Its purpose. Yours truly, 8.D.REMICK. Consumption Cured.. : An old physician, retired from practice, hav ing had placed In his hands by an Kast India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure of consumption, brodchltls, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous complaints, after having tested Its wonderful curative powers In thousands of nascs, has felt It his duty to make It known to his suffering follows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all Who rlnalra 14.' llila nnlna In rjapm.n tf 1. or Kngllsh, with full directions for preparing piiu using, cent ny man nv addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Bhearer, Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y. 4t d riM'rihEN. I will mall (Free) the recipe for a simple Vpr. etable llalm that will remove Tan, Freckles, I'lmnles and Mlntehes, leaving the skin sott. clear anil Vaiitllul; also Instructions for prod i icing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth faro. Address, Inclosing 8 et. stamn.llmi. A andulf It Co., Ill) Ann Be, M. V. A4 llmos TO CONsTimlVES. The advertlser.hsvlng been permamontty cured (if that dread dlspase, Consumption, by a simple remedy, Is anxious to make known to lils fnllnw siilTerei s the menus of cure. To all who desire It, he will aiMid a cony of the prescription lined, (free of charge), with fhe directions for preparing and using the same, which they will II ml a sure cure flir (yiinailllinl Inn All,t.tn U.onfllilll. M,i. Parties winhlnir tlm nrnanrlntloii will llta Bat awl. dress K. A. WII.HUN, 1IU l'enn Bt., Williams- A4 Out. Tit AN PR A HlC NT TEACIllWO CARDS. Instruction and Amusement combined. Im portant to parents and teachers. iw different artlstln designs. The entire pack sent free for 25 el currency or stamps, Van Pelf Co., 'M Ann BU, N. Y. At ems. fifl Agents proms per week. Will prove iPO i .OU It or forfeit VM. New articles, lust patented. Samples sent free to all. Address W. H. CII1DKHTKK, 210 Klilton Street, New York. a4 6m. ERRORSiF YOUTH. A 4.1 KNTt.EM AN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility premature fiecay, and all theellcvtsof youthful ludisc.ietlon, will lor the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, tne recipe and dlrentlon for making tho simple remedy by which he was cured. Hiif fnrnrs wishing- to nrnllt hv the advertiser's ei pnrience can do so by addressing In icrfeot eon Ildeiice, JOHN UUUKN, fl Cedar Htreet, New York. At&ms County Trice Current. Bloom riaLD January 21, 1878. Klax Heed 1 'is, Potatoes, 3T Butter ft pound 18918 ' Eggs V dozen ID" Dried Apples fl pound 5 cts" Dried reache 10 e l5ots.V)k NKWPOUI MABKKT8. . ' Corrected Wtelely by Kough A hro'.hef.) DBALSHS 114 OltAirV Ac PHODIJCK. Newport, Junuary 19, 1878. Flour, Kxtra te 2 " Super 4 7fi White Wheat V bush, (old) 130 a 180 Red Wheat, 1 25 1 23 Rye 650)66 Corn C0O50 Cats fl 82 pounds mm Clover Seed 4 2Ij4 25 Timothy Heed 1 20 Flax Seed 1 00 Potatoes,,..,, .......i.i 3M$80 Bacon 8 O 11 Dressed Hogs, t ai'A Ground Allium Stilt 1 854J1 35 Mmoburnnr's Coal 2 Ort Btove Coal 3 75 4 25 Pea Coal 2 50 Gordon's Food per Sack 2 00 FISH, SALT, L1MK AND COAL. Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the Lowest Market Kates. CARLISLE PKODUCE'M AKKKT. COHRSOTED WKBKLT. WOODWARD & BOBB. Cahlislb, January 18, 1878. Family Flour, , (6.50 Superfine Rye Flour 3.50 White Wheat, new 1 25 Red Wheat,new 1 25 Rye 85 Corn, (new) M) Oats 28 Cloverseed 4.76 Tlmothyseed, 1 25 Philadelphia Produce Report. PiiiijtDKi.pHiA, Jan. Kith. The tenor of the foreign news has had a tendency to make a dull trade for grain of all kinds resulting In a decline of wheat and corn. Quotations are. Wheat. l.'W4j 140; Rye, mmi: Corn, 2$50; Oats, 3640; Dressed Hogs, let. ".. . "irr 3MLA.X1.I1 T A Griet. Redman Mybrr On the 15th Inst, at Rock, vllle, Mr. Wm.L. Redman, of Newport, to Miss WurvJ. Myers, of Buck's Valley, this countv. Kkmppeh Hicboohf. On the 181 h Isnt., at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. Frederick hempfer to Miss Lizzie Rfcedorf, both of buvllle twp., this county. AcKEit Hoffman. On the 27th tilt, at the resl deuce of the bride's parents, Mr. J. M. Acker, of Buck's Valley, this county, to Miss l'heiuie Hoff man, of Millllntown. Juniata Co., Pa. Hakpek Koon. On the 2rth uit., at the resi dence ol the olllclating minister. In Newport, by Rev. W. Grlsslnger. Mr. J. a Harper.of Newport, to Tlllle Koon, ot McKee's Uall Falls, Buyder county. Brant Lioht. On the With nit., by same, Mr. Parker J. Brant, of Port Royal, Juniata county, to Mary A. Light, of Miller townshlp.this county. Roaus ISHKKi.Er. On the 1st lust., at the Lutheran Parsonage, In Shelby, O., by Rev. D. Hummers, Geo. F. Roads, of this county, to Sarah J. Sheeley. of Richland county. O. Crf-b Wehtenuaveb On the 20th ult.atthe residence ot the bride's parents. In Oasis, Iowa, James P. Cree, formerly of Spring twp., this county to Lucy H. Westenhaver, of Oasis, low. Brrrunj Taituib. On the 3rd InsL, by Rev. K. L, Nicodenius. at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Geo. Bitting to Miss Uaiuuth K. Tttvlor. all of Liberty Valley, this county. Bristine Goshokn. On the 13th Inst., by 8. A. Smith, Esq., James Bristine to Miss Nancy Bell Goshorn, bothot Toboyne twp., this county. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. Health and happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessors, and yet they are within the reach of every one who will use WEIGHT'S LITER PILLS, The only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Headache, Sour Stomach, Constipation, Debility, Nausea, and all Billions complaints and Blood disorders. Noue genuine uuieaa signed " Wm. Wright, Phil a." 1( your Druggist will not sup ply scud 25 cents for one box to Barrick, Roller 4k Co., "ON. 4th St., Phil's. January 1, lo78, ly T ADIE8 AND CHILDREN will find 'a Xi splendid assortment of shoes at the one price store of F. Mortimer. AVEIIILL BARLOW. ' ' 4lt Nouth Bcvond Street,' (BBLOW MARKET,) PHILADELPHIA, If AS k GREAT VARIETY OF TUB SEW STTI.IS (neon Anno and Eaatlake F URN ITU HE, IN ASH OR WALNUT, together with a large Stock ot all the Latest Designs of Chamber, Parlor, Library, Dining Room, Church, Office and COTTAGE FURNITURE. , Also, Wren Hire lied. Springs of various patterns. BEDDING, MAT TRESSES OF EVERY QUALITY. Folding and Oriental Chairs, llano Stools, 4Vo. AT VERY LOW PRICKS. 41y THE WORLD FOR 1878. Since the chsnge In Its proprietorship (which took place May 1st, 187S) '''J'he World'' has he come the brlgfi'est, sprlghtllest, nmt scholarly and popular journal In the metropolis. It Is en toi'talnlng. Interesting, bright, decent, fair and truthful. It does wrong wittingly to no nian, no creed, no Interest and no party. THK WORLD believes the Democratic party Ut exist for the food of the public service. It does not believe lie publlo service to exist for the good of the Democrotlcparty, THK WORLD believes the Enemy of Mankind may be trusted to attend to his particular busi ness of stirring up strife. It therefore seeks to promote peace on earth and good will among good men. 1IIK WORLD believes that even the Moon has two sides. It therefore Elves everv honest man. credit for supposing himself to be right, no lust ier now wrong ii. niiv nom nun io on. THK WORLD believes that sulllolent unto each day arethe evils thereof. It therefore considers It quite unnecessary to embitter existence to day by righting over the lights of yesterday. . THK WOULD believes there was some sense In the old superstition according to which every day's fortune was colored by i he first objects seen In the morning, It therefore thinks that to lay on a man's breakfast. table a sheet full of unclean things, angry words personal squabbles and Iiolltical spites Is about as likely a way to proplia Ing his good will as to put spiders lulu his coffee. THK WORLD believes that " man the hermit" Is not to be trusted without the snriwrvlslng and civilizing Influence of woman, and It therefore holds that a publlo Journal which falls to attract attention and enlist the support of the women of the community, will neither gain the publlo con science aright nor give wise counsel In public affairs. As a mere matter of business, therefore, THK Willi, 1) endeavors to be fair to Its opponents la rolltlcs. candid In its diiscusslon of publlo ques. Ions, lust to all men and "up to the latest news." THE DAILY WORLD. 110 00 a year, postage paid. t5 fio six months, postage paid. ti 76 three months, postage puld. THE WEEK.LV WOULD. 11 OU A YEAR, POSTAGE PAID, contains all the news of IIib week i letters sent by able correspondents from all parts of the world: lirlghtand entertaining editorials, and nontlnned stories written expressly for THK WORLD bv the best authors) full reports of the markets of the t'nlted States and foreign countries- a Farm er's Department. Killed by D. I). T. MOORK.th founder and for many years editor of MOOHK'H RURAL NKW YORKER. BEMI-WKKKXY WORLD. t2 00 a year, postage paid, II 00 six inoulns, postage paid. CASH PREMIUMS. To the person from whom THK WOULD shall receive, previous to March 31st, 1878, the money for the largest number of subscribers for one year to the WKliKl.Y WORLD wo will give a first prize of 3i0 00. For the next largest numlier, a second prize of 1200 00. For the two next largest lists of subscribers. IPO On each. For the two next largest, list of subscribers, two prizes of 175 each. For the six next largest lists, six prizes of ITiiiOO each. For the eleven next largest lists, 11 prizes ot 125 00 each. Those desirous of competing for these prizes (which are offered In addition to the regular club premiums) will please write for full particulars to "THE WORLD," 35 Park Bow, N. Y. January 8. 1U7H 4t ii .Mi'tm HONEY OF HOREHOUHD AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Congls, Colds, Iafluenia, Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing, aid all Affections of the Throat, Bronchial Tabes, and Lungs, leading to Consumption. This infallible remedy is composed of the Honey of the plant Horehound, in chemical union with Tar-Balm, extracted from the I.IKE I'KlNCin.e of the forest tree Ant:i Uai.samf.a, or lialin of C ilea J. The Honey of Horehound soothes ant scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm CLEANSES AND HEALS the threat and air passages leading to the lungs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great medi cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.B. The Tar-Balm has no bad taste or smell. TRICES 50 CENTS AND $1 PER BOTTLE. Great laving to buy large size. "Pike's Toothache Drops Cure ia 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. J. N. CEITTEUTOU", Prop., N.Y. December 18, 1877 ly ATCHMAKlR & JEWELER. CEO. C.HENRY, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Carlisle Street, New Bloomfleld Pa. Repairing of all kinds well and promptly done. A if"riii. ,a "iriiiaumf r 7BSaa7 . -fc --.r.fc.r. fKBJt. m m'fc'iHiLii. .SlaBf ''i a. TbB an. ."Si IPS'! 'iSfl. f4at, .. sV --Mi- Iu. aWnl sntk efcjiMai i 7i mi flsmill"' mm at MrTl". smU m ' LiMmmJ-mM utmtA m.m .a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers