7 Tlio Hloomflltl Times' ST.I! A.M IS THE PLACE TO GET Plain niid Fancy SALE BILLS, PAMPHLETS, LETTER-HEADS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, INVITATIONS, TICKETS, BILL-HEADS, ike, &c, &c, &c. At tlm Shortest Notice AND MOST REASONABLE RATES. B ALL SCALES. Lll. MAIIVANF.HT1I, 1). W. DVAIU and . J AM ICS II. Ultllilt known as ' Tho Ball Scale Company," have now 011 hand a large supply of Iluoy's Patent CHUN T ii It SOAL K, the Simplest, Cheap est nnil best t'innN-r Hc-alein the nini ket. - For scales, or Agencies In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New ,lerey, Delaware and Maryland, nd-riie-ei "Tlio Hall Hoalo Company," Poltsville, t,chiiIUil!coiiiity, I'a. to, For Scales or Agencies In this, Coiintv, ap ply tot.lie, undersigned, wliero they can be seen and examined any tlnie. J I.ETHY ti r.KO., Nuwpnrt, Perry co.. Pa. FltANK MOKTIMKH. 'HI New lllooiulleld, Perryeo.,Pa. AOAItO. Toallwhoaro suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakne.s, early decay, loss of manhood, Sc., I will send a rec'po that will cure you, F1IEK OF CIIAHGK. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In Sout h America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Kev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, Rlbte House, Acta York City. 16b ly STEWART'S ADJUSTABLE TREADLE FOR OPERATING SEWING MACHINES WITHOUT IMTIUUE Oil INJURY. Tlio mint complete method of propelling the sewing niichihtt. It saves four-fifths the labor and entirely avoids the cause of physical inurv ; en dorsed by the medical fraternity. It ran be at tached to any ordinary sewing machine without removing the machine from the house. No hew ing machine should be used without this Im portant uttach'nent. Semi for our circulars, which explains the principles. Address, XKtV YOKK TKEADLE MFU. CO., 3 lyr. 01 Cortland t Street, -ZV. Y. CHRONIC Dlaensrs Cured. New paths marked out bv that ulaincst of all books l laln IIoiiih Talk and Medical Com mini Sense." nearly inn) panes, lino Illustrations, int. v.. ii roo i ii, in i.ii i.exi Huron Ave., j. y. Purchasers of this bonk are at liberty to consult its author In person or bv mail free. Trice bv lna',1 S.).2"iforthe standard edition.orjl.flotor the Popular edition, which contains nil the name mailer and illiiitratinns. Contents tali'es fire. Agouts waate I. MUK KAY HILL FUHLISIIINU CO., Pi!) Last 2th St., N. Y. 41 l:)t. I A .1.1 !-MvtA GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A SlKtil.ING REMEDY Foil DISEASES AKD Injuries op mm Skin-j A Healthful )i:auti;'ieii op tim Complexion; A He-liai-.i.e Meass or Fi:evi:stixg and Re- MEVINU lltltiCMATISM AND GOUT, AND AW U.Nt DAi.Ei) Disinfectant, Deouimizeu an;i Ci)U.teu Iui:ita;;t. Clam's fiiiljriiur .SVwp, besides eindi calin loe;i: ilUuises of tlio skin, banishes ill lee s i,l tin; i-DiiiiiWion u ii i impting lo it eTatifyin clo.iru. si ami smootlmos. StlljrfiHt' HatJiH aro celeliraieil f.ir cti l iii". er.ipii'ii;K ;.m other diseases of lltcsUin, :is w oil ns Rln utiiati-m ami Gout. Glenn' fiiiliinr Soap jiroiluccs the stitno cU'ects id u mitol tr.llinu; expense. Tliis adinirublo fpcrilij n!?i epusilily lieals turcs, bruises, Malite, hums, rjirahit nnd cvts. It rcmnvcH dandniir i.n l picvcnts tlio liuir from fulling out tin 1 turning gray. Clu'liint? and linen mod in tlio sick room is ili-Mifi'Otod, nnd diseases cominunii'nlilo by CDiil.iL'i with tho person, pruventcd liy It. Tlio JIfdicl Fralernily sanction its use. PUICI S, g.1) AND 50 CKNT8 PER CAKE, FEU JJox,(3CAKEB,)00cntid $1.20. . 0. Buy Uto largo chVnsi nnd tlttretty ccouoiulic. by all liruKui.u. Sold IIITm Hair nnd Whisker Iyo," Black r Hrown, 60c. N.CC1TTEM0N, Tror, 7 Siith At. Ji.T. , Newport Advertisements. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & produce MERCHANTS, flrlck Warehouso, Front flt., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WB would respectfully Invite the pattonnKe of the farmers, ami tho public ieiierallv, as the llltlllKKT I'KICKH the market will ulloril, will be paid or all kinds of (iKAIN. FliUUU, l'liODt'CK. HKICDH AMI 1IA1I.1IOAI) THIS Wo have constantly on hand, F.IM11, HALT. IM.ASTI:!!, CH.MFNT COAL. ' fltON, ST UK I., 1IOHS1C SIIOKS, ic, He, FOIt HALE AT Til K LOWLST UATES. t. Orders promptly lliled, NiHVirt. July 20, IST'i tf N EWPORT DRUG STORE. ILnin r on Imud a tMinpli'tn ivKiirtmfMit of thp fol ImfiiK nrtictca, tho mibstrHltcr rs1:b a nhnrrof your IMtroimjM?. Drufft and DfvdtciiieHt CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a fut. Ht-x-'t of Concentrated Home-dies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Bruslie.s, rcrfuiiiery HAiit oir,, ' AND FAXCr' ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, TUBE WINES & LIQUOR . rem MKD1CINAL and SACUAMIiNTAL runrosES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully nnd Promptly Filled B . M. EBY, Newport, iPerm'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, STRWI'OIIT, PA. Role ARent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos. Oouiitrv Merchants supplied with Goods at I'hilailelphla prices. f Your orders are solicited. 9 44 w. It. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LKS9 MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take pood Timber on I lie sunup or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumber, &c, We use Cleartleld 1'lne and Hem lock only. W. It. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Ferry Co., I'u. October 10. 1S70. American nnd Foreign Patents. GILMORE & CO.. Successors to CHIPMAN, H OS MICK t CO., Solicitors. Patents pro cured inall countries. NO FEES IN ADVANUF. No charue unless the patent Is granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for obtaining and conducting a re hearing, liy a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications may be revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases be fore tlie l'atent olllce, Extensions before Con (tress. Infringement titiltsln different States, nnd all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. Send Stamp to (itlinore & Co., for pamph let of sixty pages. LAND CASUS, LAND WARRANTS & SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before tlio U. S. General Land Olllce and Department of the Interl.-.r. Private Land Claims, MININd and 1'IiK EMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip In 40, Kil. any lilt) acre pieces for salo. This Scrip Is assignable, and can no located In the name of the purchaser upon any (iovernment land subject to private entrv, at SI. 2-' per acre. It Is of eipial value with Ho'unty Land Warrants. Send Stamp to Uilmore Hi Co., for pamphlet of instruction, A It HEARS OF PAY AND TIODNTY. OUFICEliS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war. or their heirs, are in many casesentitlcd lo money from the Government ot which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp to G1LMOHE & CO.. and a lull re ply, alter examination, will be giveu you free. 1 K X S I O N S. All OFFICERS, SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or injured In the late war, however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing C1LMORF.&CO. Cases proi-eeuted by GILMORE & CO ."before the Supreme Court of the Lulled Slates, the Court of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business Is conducted In aseparato bureau, under charge of the saino experienced parties, einbloved by the old Arm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to GILMORE & CO., Is thus secured. We desire to win success bydeservlngit. Address: UILMOKK SCO.. ti2lJ F. Street, Washington, D. C. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The subsorlber late ot the tlrm of Khoades Smith, would respectfully inform the citizens of BLA1N and vicinity, that he has opened a WAGON MAKER SHOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TEN to TWENTY percent, cheaper than the old tlrm. 4VUlve me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB bMlTIl. Blalu, August S, 1867. THE "WEED S i rho Family favorite" IMTROVKI) if Model liiIit-lliiiniitis, Noiseless, No (3e:irs,o Ciinis,No Spriii:;s. New and Ele-nnt Stjles or "Wooi! Work. From this date, by tho expiration of Patents under which we liavo been paying roy altics,A e arc enabled to sell our ma chines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, and as low as those of any first class machine. r Scn(l for Circulars and Trice Lists. Weed Sewing Machine Co., 20 Union Square, NEW YOHK. 11 7 18L U LATCH L,JV8 Improved Cucumber Wood PUMP. Tasteless.D arable, Eniclent anuuneap. llie best Pump for the least monev. At. L it-y, VV tent ioti Is especially Invl-t.-i .;,, . i led to Hlatchley's Patent Improved llraeket nnd New Drop Check Valve, which can be withilrawu without removing the Pump or disturbing t lie Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. irSend for Catalogue and Price-List. C1IAS. . 1ILATC1ILEY, Manufacturer. 637 ly Suti Commerce bt., Piiilapelphla, Pa. BOOTS Do you want HOOTS of any klndf If so, call and see the LARGE STOCK NOW OFFErtED DT M O It T liMl!lt, Or.A.G.OLIN'Sllli; nil Dl-flitMt of I'rlvnte nntnre. rwnltln-; from early nbiinvft or Inl'cotlon of tltlier Smx. McniliiHl Vciikn'iiiDro.tiii-lii( KmUloii, LouoDlrmurv, impMlrt-! r-lelitt Iot JUuiihouil or linpnU-ni-y, Nrrvuui Iti'Mllty, (nna- i iiuuh vi tuu uiuiiurr, ninnrji, J.IV4f, I.II ii AtHitiisi, (.'ntiirrh. I Him, nil Cti runic Uix-Acts, nml 1HH i;Kj;s OF I KMALKM, yWl.l to lU trratuwnt. Dr.Oiin tiivi luui ft Hfc-kniK eiiwriam-e, ami curw wlieru otlim ftJl. l l piuluRt of ilie Itufurtiiuil rVI'nol, iikm do iiicrcurv. Iriw th lw-rUTArtKm tlte U. H. LAIHK.H reaufrlnx treaonciit with priviitc hoinu nnd board, r.tli or wiito. LMtv coi.VBuietite for Iniiunu. Rend fifty rent ttt laniple of Rubber fiimd ntnl clr di Iw of linfrtirtant liiformRtinn .yxin. i2 OLl'H i i iiKib in., f . riT nox. t nnini tiinn iree. infonuftlloti for ilia kiii) mldtlld H.'fil .if hdili ft-i. f :i all iil-?ft of II (xivitld ttiii tl. (Oiitfiii'Utli,c li.-itiiiv. Vftinnbh Rtlvli iKo married i litumv In I in nmrrL..! ti.iri. Everybody khoulU udb thU buulu IVlc 0 cuU. to uy mfr A F HYS ! OLOG ! CAL nuiJolo VVetliotk and 1 1 II'IIIUO tttl II maniay ami tlio t until lo.- it: the e- AN U m t.f KbproduoMen mnl iie Diseases of Women. A honk tor p ivntp, foniud- n. ub HHIvril t int-.DICL ADVISF.R! "ii nil (llarnifrvot a Private Nature itri.u irmn Self Aoitao, KxouBKfta, or fircret LiQBen, miii ui U.( Uh'jii of 1'iirp. I'lM :nnMny''- p-icc.MI ct". AOLINrcAIiLiTCriJaitJoi! the uHtrf diwaitna tnn,e ot thi- Throat u nd Lnntrs, CaUurrh.Hupiurc, tha Op.um Habit, kv., jirive JO i-n. i.l'hiT hiMik m-iit postpaid, on n'cnpt of pHcrtor all Ihrco. cimtaininif ,VKl imgrn lit-mitifully iliumatiti, tor Jj t ti. AauriMa I) a tiiJTTa, u. ix a. tui tu at. ioms, mo. 5000 Agents Wanted To subscribe for the Agents' Journal. A hand somely bound 24 pace Journal, brim full of Inter est to A ire n is. livery Agent should see it. Send Postal Card for specimen copy. Address, AGENTS' JOUltNAL. New York. 36 6m I nVFRQI,0K OF KNOWLHPGE, or Se tu 1 i"l crets of Love. Courtship and Marrlape Showing how to get married, live hap pily obtain health, wealth and distinction, and appear to advanlaue In society 200 panes 300.000 sold. Mailed for lOcts.. In Postage Stamps or cur rency. Address. TUB UNION PUBLISHING COMPANY. Newark, N. J. Hwli. nmf REDUCED rn iul a a i it -:.. I a 2 Ik HI fffll Hotels. T HE PERRY HOUSE, Now lilooinllold, Perry Co., Pn., TII09. BUTCH, Pioiirletor. PENTENNIAL HOTEL, J (Formerlv tlio Bwcgor House,) MAIN BTIIEET, NliVV I1LOOM FIELD, PEltltY CO., PA. JOS. S. SMITH, - - - - Proprietor. llnvltiu Rood accommodations for regular or transient boarders, a share of publlo patronage is solicited. lo a JHE MANSION HOUSE, New I'loonillelil, renn'a., V. M. lilNKSMITH, . . Proprietor. This well known hotel has lately beeneiilarRed, re painted and rn. lilted, liest aeiMniiiiiodatioiis Rlliirdeil. f Careful hostlers always In nllend ance. iuuf pEABODY HOUSE, COItNK It OF LOCUST AND NINTH 8TS. , J' J III, A I) ELJ'JIA , I'A . Convenient to all places of amusement and car lines in the cily. No chanues to and from the Centennial urouniK . Col. V.'iiimn. iniipiletor of the ffnsiiY llot'st;. ''inelniniti lor tlm past twenty years, nnd present tropiuclnr. has leased the hoiie lor a term of years, and has newly fiirnisked nnd lilted It Ihrniiuhoiit. l!e win keep a strictly llrst-class house, ami has accommodation for ;;iKl guests. Terms 5 i per il.iv. - No liar has ever been kept In the IIFAItY Mors I-:, nor will any be kept at, the I'LA ltOKV. gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FOHMIiltLY "Tllli UNION,") JOS. M. FK(.'i:K, rrojirlctor 317 & 319 AIICII STIiKKT, 'niLAl)ELI'IIIA. Torms, $2.50PerDay. IMS HOTKL 1 cIor cf ntrnltv located and hav itil! been entiiely KKFinun, it will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can bodeilred A VCriONEEllS. J AS. P. LATCHFORD, A UCTIONEE1!, Would respectfully Inform the public that lie will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive promnt. attention. lON N ALLY'S MILLS FF.HItY CO., TA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Terry and Cumberland counties. Post olllce address, Bherniansdale, Perry co.. Pa. D.HENRY, A UCTIONEEll, Blaln, Perry connty Pa. -Terms Moderate and every exertion made lo render satisfaction. 6tf Auctioneer. The undersigned gives notice that he will cry sales at any point in Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders ure solioited and promptattentlon wlllbe given. K. It, WKI.LS, New liiirfnlo Perrv co., Pa. DAVID M'COY, Auctioneer t Charires verv low. Post Olllce address . 81 Ickesburg Penu'a- Q B.HARNISH, A.TJOrX"IO?S il'THlt , nelville, Perrv Co., Pa. Charges moderate, .-.ml satisfaction guaranteed. 5 ) JJOME MANUFACTURE; LOOK OUT! I would respectively In form my friend that I lu teudvalling upon them with a supplj 01 good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of CAKSIMEES. OA8SINETS. FLANNELS, (Plalnaiid bar'd ) CYTil'ETW, Sea., toexcliangefor woo orscllfor cash. J. M. I1IXLKK. Centke Woolen Facioiii . 8,17,4m fifU" .ii vs 1 111 1; ii.'urf.tifi; 5V i ,mrx I K "1 1.15IK. n core 1 .rtonmmpA?, t '"ii:ii'. iimnriiiiiiAiirri'iiiiii5j' J utrnx... Ask lournrEToii.iriiscinu sz. - " tip sit ?' t it. mill, on rtfiipt J 14 .V .I'. isitLM'.'.IJtr.C! i3,;iiii.k.' f For Sale by F. IIOKTIMEH, New Ulocmlleld Perry county. Pa. 5 ATEAII. Ajrcnts wanted. Busi ness leiTttllimle. I'arltculsrs free. Aiintti VfOETH A CO..B1 Uuia.ll. I'st.r4,,llwlulr.Fri!i. wllh every 01 ilrr. Out. VTflt irae. J. 11. Usylord A Co.. tliltmo, ill. TRESPASS KOT1CK. The undersigned, hereby notify all jwrsons not to hunt, rish, guther nuts, cut timber, &., or otherwise tres pass on their lands In Jackson lownsliip. Perry county, Pa., or they will be dealt with according to law. B. K. BALTOSRER. PETKH GUI SHALL. September 18, 1877. pd FLANNELS A splendid assortment of Flan uels, just opened by F. MOUT1MKK. 1)RINTINQ of every description Deatly ex . ecuted at the Bloomtleld Times Office, at reasonable rates. M mmM Not Valued Highly. A minister was told ottco ly n man that ho lind been u profcRsor of religion for many years, Lut for ten years ltntl negleeted all religious duties ; but not withstanding this, he lind never given up IiIh " hope." The reverend gcntle liinn notlelng ineanwhilo that his brealh stnelled sti'ongly of liquor loft no time in telling him that It was time lie did. JIo did not set much value upon a hope that had been preserved In whisky for ten years. E;r A man with a. long overcoat on and a hor.se-whip In his hand entered a bunk near the post olllee, and presented a eheck I'uliing for 510, whieh he had received from a commission house. " 1'leuse Indorse It," said the cashier, as he bunded it back. " I'll Indorse II, of course," replied the 111:111, holding up his l ight hand as if ready to swear. " Write your indorsement," explained the clerk, pointing to the desk outside. "Oh oh that's it, eh r" And he went to the desk and slowly and care fully wrote on the hack of tlte check : "Tl.is'Tsaw rite." AVlien the cashier entered into a clearer explanation the man drew down his hat, got red in (he face and growled : "Darn 'em ! They just hate to let -a cent slip out o' litre, imtl don't you for get it!" - - - . 0" A Yankee minister being threaten ed with deprivation, said to some of his llock, that if we were "deprived" it would cost a hundred men their lives. On being asked what he meant by such a threat, he explained that if he lost his benefice he should set up as a quack doctor, and if so, ho had no doubt be should be the death of at least a hundred patients. C5T A very tall, thin Highlander saitl that be " bad a cold In bis bead, originating lu wet feet." Bbe looked at him slowly from bend to foot and back again, ns if measuring the distance the cold had to travel, nnd then ejacu lated, "Gracious me ! you must have wet your feet some time last year." O'"" What did you get V said a wife to her husband, the other day, when be returned from a " black bass" fishing up the river. " Oh, I got lots," be said : " I got tired; I got hungry; I got wet and muddy ; I got back home; and I think I've got n cold !" At the close of the sittings in the Illinois House of Kepresentatives, the clerk read the following: "I am re quested to announce that the Rev. Iliwt,r f 'TTn rl o nil wilt (lelttmr n lo.tni-a this evening In the hall on the ' Educa- f tion of Idiots.' Members of the Legl3- J lature invited to attend." - C2T " Paddy, my boy," said a gentle man to an Irishman, whom he observed fishing away at a favorite pool, " that must ben line stream fortrout." " Faith, and sure it must be that same, for I have been standing here this three hours, and not one of 'em will stir out of It." CJ A practical joker living near Dan bury, Conn., stole a scarecrow from a farmer's cornfield last week and leaned It up against the owner's door yard fence. The owner saw it, and suppos ing it to lie a burglar, sat up nil night waiting for it to attempt to enter bis bouse. In a recent scandal case in Smith county, Kansas, a lady witness declin ed to answer a question, and the attorney demanded her reason. "Because It is not fit to tell decent people, " Oh, well," said the lawyer, just walk up here, and whisper it to the judge." What agonies must the poet have endured, who. writing of his love, as serted that he "kissed her under the silent stars," and found the compositor had made him declare that he " kicked her under the cellar stairs." fc'gT A man who baa been traveling in the " fur West" says but'be probably misrepresents the matter that when uu Idaho girl is kissed e-Ue indignantly exclaims, " Now, put Mat right back where yuu took it from ! " C-S A teacher, who, In a fit of vexation, called her pupils a set of young adders, on being reproved forberlanguage,apol ogized by saying that she was speaking to those just commencing their arith metic. C2-A young man out west while courting bis girl put hla arm around her waist and lacerated bis finger with a pin. He earoe near dying of lock-jaw: Let thU be a sad warning.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers