(J T1IK TIMES, iKW ULOOMriKU), VAu JsOVKMlWll 20, 1877. &(jc MiuiittticU) (lima. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. XVMnvIM f imth'tllilr'tiM'irn frin All tM'nn wlin nrn liilt-r. B'cil la niu.t.-l- iipirly lit liiiiMltiK to tntsilii pai'liueiit. Keep Borax In ttio House. lluvlnu; Ituifj used liorux for vnrloiiH Ii)uh'h(I(! mul liycnlo purpoHPH, I liuvo tioine (o regard It ns a nccwslty. IIiiiihc kt'cpiMS who do not line It liuvo Hotnc tlilng yet (o Icnrn coiiccniln a very convenient nml useful nitlelu. In tho lnuinliy It In I'l'onomlt'iil, na It oaves lioth Inlxir and soup, and Is really elieup ir limn the latter. For tilnnkcU and other largo articles It Is enpee!nlly valuable, and In all canes tlio uho of u llttlo borax will save half the labor when the articles are much ttolled, while It Is not Injurious to clothes. It Is perfectly ell'cetiial in. driving nwuy red ants, cockroaches, etc., If sprinkled around on pun try shelves, or put In small quantities on paper and placed In tho runways of the Infects. ltorux Is also of great value for toilet use. For removing dandruff and clean ing the hair It is unequalled. It Is also a good remedy for rough face nnd chap ped hands. Its application to wounds, sores, bruises, sprains, etc., proves very salutary, and It Is often the only remedy required, even in severo cases. Indeed, borax is one of the best remedies for many ailments in our whole hygiene, and for that reason nlouo should bo kept ready for use when wanted. That prepared by Hnilth Ilrothers Is tho best, and can boobtalnedof almost any grocer or druggist. There nro many other uses for borax which I need not specify, but those I have mentioned nro alone enough to satisfy any family of tho value of the article, and to all such, us well as those who do not understand lis properties, I repent, keep borax. 1 . Arbutus In Winter. When a student at the Massachusetts Agricultural College, the writer secured a root of Arbutus from nn exposed bank in the latter days of February, set it In a pot In a sunny window, and, giving it ordinary care, In a few days tho nu merous buds began to opcn,and sent forth a mass of the well known, beautiful, fragrunt blossoniH, which held on, or were succeeded iy others, ror several weeks. These were a delicate reminder of the spring time coming, and a con tinuous delight to their owner. This beautiful flower can be had so easily, we wonder that it has not come into more general use as a winter flowering plant. No particular care need bo exercised with it ; quite severe cold does not de stroy it. The only requirements are to get it, even from partially frozen ground as the writer once did, put in rich earth, plane in a not too warm room, and en joy its beauty. Scientific Farmer. Supet Pnt.itn Piiriilinn. - u Take half a pound of sweet potatoes, wash thcm,nnI put tneni lntonpot Willi u very little water, barely enough to keep them from burning. Let them simmer slowly for ubout half an hour ; they must be only parboiled, otherwise they will be soft, and may make tho pudding heavy. When they are done, take them out, peel them, and when cold, grate them. Stir together to a cream half a pound of butter and six ounces of powdered sugar ; add a grated nutmeg, a large tea-spoonful of beaten mace, tiliso the juice nnd grated peel of a lemon, a wine glass of rose-water, a glass of wine, and a glass of brandy. Stir these ingredients together. Bent eight eggs very light, and stir them into tho mixture in turn with tho sweet potato, a little at a timo,of each. Having stirred the whole very hard at the last, put it into a buttered dish and bake it three-quarters of an hour. Eat it cold. flW Ei-earbonato of soda, or common baking soda that is found almost in in every household, is said to be a sure remedy for bums nnd scalds. The soda should bo placed on the wound, and a cloth placed over tho top of it. The cloth should be kept moist all tho time. This treatment not only relieves the sufferer of all pain, but helps to cure the- wound. The Boston Journal of Chemistry is authority for the above, and Its well-known reputation thould be sufficient guarantee that there is no hoax about the matter. Let every one rememlier this remedy and try It should they be burned or scalded. Cream. One pint of milk, one tablespoon Cul of corn starch, one egg. Sweeten and flavor to the taste. Let the cake get cold, but spread the cream on while warm. KJ" A simple and harmless application for ringworm is found by washing with a solution made from the root of a com. mon narrow-leafed' dock, which belongs to the botanical genus Kemex. ' Use vin egar for the solvent. ' 1877. FALL STOCK. 1877. -(:)- NEW GOODS. We Imve nuitln ii'i'olv i il n lull supply ill I'd II (1 Is. In which we ink your attention, PRETTY PRINTS. Our slock of Prints nml nlhi'i' l.iiw 1'iii'n dress (mods Is tlm pret. l.ll'Ml. ever MlllHTll In t III! 1'iiunly. Will yuu eoino nml In 'k lit them T MEN'S GOODS. Wo linvo n Splendid Assortment nf (lends suited fur Men's Wear. Our HtoitK I Vri y com plete In nil kinds nt goods from H cents pur yard upMiird. DUUIO OIIUCO. HlKK's for Men Women (ir Children 1 If soeoina and see tlm Stock wo have. It In complotn, Hint Prices wlllsultyou. HATS AND CAPS. Wn nrn particularly proiiil of our Hpleiullil Assortment of Hull tk Clips fur Men or Hoy. Tho style Bi n Kmd nml Hie inlces will hu sura to please you. EVERYTHING. If you wnnt iioods oT nny fc I ml you will lin ul. must mini to Unit them In Hie Hiilemlld Stock, Just opened liy V. MORTIMER, New Bloom field. MAKE HOME HAPPY. A Plentiful Supply of Good Ending and Beautiful Pictures WILL DO IT. THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY STAR, A (In lfitii-intf pwr, wi ll 4 full ml it in ii, Mfci only ftl.OO yrmr iwn iiikv iiM-hiufM. mul U llie binrut, M b P ihrltthtr.at, iumI brut nnjtrv u r.H lir. I im- n 1 Uf tuniifV. ll w iiifinHii i in intiiii-, Ui all th new, nml, liuniditx Hindi ullii-r pnml renlini(. vvty iniintni- litj. llin w ur fotir Mrclli'iit t 'nfi or r h.vtcti ttl'. Kvi-rjf iilincnlicr r-i:t(v'it it O'M'V of Ui lit-inilltul t"iL'tv- n-ir. Tli roor llin I'oor Muii'm I'l'lfMKl, hi km dix'M timing, nrnl ;''(. ..I i.ll-i HI'AH ll.t.llril ttA J'l-.it ALMA A . 5 Ih. rxtl'H m Ht li Hint tn iitv ixii-mx ni imi'liiiiit nml miiillnii (h iu:'iiiiM. Hi'4kiar lixlurciiirtil lo Aiti'IiIm, nlwuyrt tliu in i 'Hi lll'i-i.l in lu d l'i, t f now ftrtwter Hum rvrr. We wnnt r uliili nut'iii hi I htt eimmry to omnmiilnte with u Uwu I'limiiicm-iiit . 1 1 h t (1 inih. niir iiMiHiin dfHliin" lei jt l ni cln, Wt will hi-lid ft HiimidH n.i y .11 .i't (iH'tutn Mii'l r run vhh1'! it oiiitit i'. n J a . Sfnrrtmr n ropv nf p-ffirr frrr., Utmt lor one iM'I'oro MiiliMriiJ)- ' unuf Jiitr niiv ikt.lti'i. 2 I ,-V.l4 tM wtllMII VVl llllV" fllttTl I I t ( Hire, "Tito roiif H1 C"or rixmn I'Vli'ml. lv t.,iyl.ni mu i lmv hi it -u-..i tii...1t r i v di.-M i-n-..iii' In , ni -nir. mi..', wlnc'i i iiii- rn'lilltnl I'tM llll llll ('" -It; V )tt.Ktr U'lthmU fHitililt, 0:r Wttr. i SI 1 . 1 s . L'JJ Walnut Nt: Vinnlmni'.i. J .TiKK HOME PLEASANT THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. CliolrO lionks no longer fur the Tew only. The best ctnndiud novels within the reach of every one. Hooks UHUiilly sold from f 1 to fil filven (uiielinuged unil uiiabiulgcd) lor 10 mid iiO eeuts. 1. linstl.vnne, Wrs. llenrv Wood (Hnul!dNo.)'.!f'e. 2. .1 oil ll I'l.lhhcx, (lent., lly Miss IMuleeK. 2 X Jane Kyi e.liy Chiiriolte lironle.l linulile No. (line. 4. A Woman llalel.CInu lex IteHile siiew novel. Via. f. 'J'lie liluek Imlii'i. JhIi-.h Vei ne'H Intent. Hie. II. Liit Days of Pompeii, liv ISulwei'. loe. 7. Adam ltedn. lly (ieoi'K I : 1 t . (Doulile Ko.J 'J'e. 8. 'J he Ai'iinilolAlotto, liy .MnrvOeell ilav. le. 9. tlhl Myddeluui's Money lly Mary Cecil Hay. inc. 10. Tho Woman In While, I'.y WllkieenllliH. Vue. 11. The Mill on thu KIosh. liv (ieoiare Klior. 2nc. li. The American Siuutor, lly Anlluiiiy Trol lop". ..... ;)(;. IS. A l'l ineossof Thulo. Tlv Willhun ItlaeU. i-i'c. 14. The Deud Secret, liy Wllkle t'ullim. lee. l.'. Itomola. tlv (ieni'Ku Kllot., (Iiouhin No.) 2i;e. l'i. The Kni:lisli ut lint North I'ole ami Field i)( Ice, In one book, liy Jules Verno. loe. 17. Hidden I'erlls, lly Mary Cecil Ilav. Me. in. liarliaia's llislory, lly Amelia II. lahvanlH, Hue. 111. A Terrible Temptation, lly ( has. Iteade. Me. iiil. Old ('uriortily shop, lly (Iliariou Dieliena. 2u. 21. Koiilt-lay. Hv C'hHlles lieade. - Me. 2i Man and Wifa, liy Wllhio Collins. Ma. 23. Tho Kiiuiro' l'K iey. Hv Mary Cecil II:iy. 'Ms. Kor sale by all llooltseller.s nml Newsdenleis, or sent, post am- prepaid, on receipt of price by (H'oiiiiK MUNUH. 1-iiiu.iHIIKH, r. O. Box 00.37. 21, 211, ami 2i Vaudawaler St., N.Y. i T I !reat Olianee to make money. I ! I I III K you cun t Met Cold you can VA VyX-Ji- . get (ircenbuekH. Wo need a peiMou In hVEllY TOWN to take subscriptions lor the lareest, cheapest and best Iltusiidted faintly publication in the World. Anv one can become a successful uncut. The must elegant works oT art Kiveu free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One Agent reports niakiiiK over Jl.-ilMu a week. A lady anent reports taking over 4no subscribers In ten days. All who eiinaue make money fast. You can devote all your time to I ho business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from Inline over nluht You om do It as well others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Klo Kant and expensive Outlit free. If you want lirotltable work send us your address ut once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages falls to make ureat pav. Address " The l'eople's Jouinal," Portland, Maine. Slwly ESTATE NOTICK.-Notlce Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estateof John Neldlgli, late of Jackson township. Ferry county. Pa., deceased, have been Ki auled to the undersigned, residing In Mittlin township, Cum berland county. Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate pa) me, it and those having claims will present them duly authenticated tor settlement to THOMAS K. MOFFITT, Kxecutor. P. O. Address. Newville. Cumb. co,, Pa. W. A. & W. H. Si-oNBLKit, Atty's for estate. August 21, 1877. M j . ADIE8 AND CBILDBBN Will flnd ft i tplendld assortment ot fcboea at the one price fetoro of F. Mortimer. , , , LMilliuloli'lila Atlvritlst iikiiIk. JANNEY Sl ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. l'Ji) MAHKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINW1UGIIT h CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS . AND TEA DEALERS, North Kast Corner of 2nd and Arch rttreet., l'hiladcliihia l'cnu'H, QHARLES S. JONES, WIIOI.KSAI.K DEALKH IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 218 NOIIT1I WHAttVES, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. DOUGHERTY WITH D. J. HOAIl & CO., WnOLKSALS BOOT AND SIIOE WAUE1I0USE, 1U MAItKBT HTItEKT, Philadelphia, ITenn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., WUOLESALB DHALBHS IK T013ACCO, CIGARS &c NO. . NOHT1I FIFTH STKEKT, PIIILADKLPIIIA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers! u Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shade, Broom, Carpet Chain, Wadding, nattiiij:, Twiuus, Ac, And n !lnv assnrtinent of WOO 0 nnd Wn,!,OU vv.!tK, No. 12(1 Market street, above 41 li, PHILADELPHIA. JU(JAS' HEADY IIXE1) PAINTS ! NO WATliK, NO f'llIMlCAl.H, NO IIKNZ1NK, HUT A PUl.'H READY roil LSI. no i5EAuriFULsiiAin:sor taim BUNT 13V MAIL. IT IS PI T (INUK1C OTHKII PAINT. MADE WITH 1.ICA1) ANDulL. VIZ: NN'KLY lll;i:.SIH'.li HI' I . NOT H.OWI-.D ON UKli VATi:it PAIN'l. TKT IT, And Ycu Will I'rure it to lie Hie IN st Iii(iild hi t lie lUnrkit. .IIIN Ll'CAH A CO., Philadelphia, IIANLFACTLKEIIS OK SivihS uud Iii:i('i'iiil I'reiicli tirccn, WHITE LEAD COLORS AND VAKNIS1IES. gMlTH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, Ox lliou Stkket, East or Cabusli St., Xcw Bloomfleld, Penn'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commo dious Shop on HIkIi Mt., East of Carlisle hlreet New Hloomneld. Pa., where he Is prepared to man ulactuieto order Of evei7 description, out oj tho best material. Sleighs of every Style, bullttoorder. and finished in the mostartistlcaud durable manner. S. Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. WREPAIlUNGof allkindsneatlyandprompt. 'ydone Acalliisollclted. SAMUEL SMITP IMi I lmloliili la A il voi-1 Isnnonl s. p D. ELDER & CO, ii IjAnk hook maniifaotuiieuh HooksoHorH II 11(1 SblloiH'lM, And Deiilers In WINDOW tJUKTAINH WAhh J'AI'F.ll, KTC, k No. 4.10 Market Hlreet. rillEADEErillA Pa. 2EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' SucncsaorH to !IIAFFNE,ZIKOl.F.K &H Importers and Dealers In HoMlery, CJIovcn, EllbltoiiH, SiiNeiilrri, THREADS, COM US, and every yarlety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 80, North Fourth street, PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. jlffentHfor Lancaster Combs, gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. KI,AM ItOOKM Alwayi on hand, and made to Order. Nos. 530 Market and 623 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA AI.KO Publishers of Sanders' New Headers, and Brooks' Arithmetic. Also. Hubert's History of the United States. Pelton'sOntllne Maps.&o. gARCROFT & CO., ImiMirleis und Jobber Of Btaplo and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimerc8, ' Ulunkels, Lincrjj, White OooiIh, ke., Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET 8TKEET, (Above Fourth, North Bide,) IIILAUELPIIIA. JEW. T. M0UL, ItEPKEHENTINO Wciuier, AVrilit & AValkin, llnmirnctnrpr & Wholesale Dealer IN Boots & Shoes Nn. Z02 Market Street, I 1 1 1 L jYX I CLl' 1 1 1 A . K V'AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS I MPOKTBKy AND JOBEl:8 Or A D QUEEN SWAHE, 923 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. w. H. KENNEDY, TRIMBLE, BBITTON Co.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Wo. 605 MARKET BTREET, i ' . PHILADELPHIA. 718 IMiiladoIiilil,, A (herd sent tut ft, JJL0YD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WIIOLKHALB IIARDWAHE HOUSE .No, (ar Market Street , I'lllll.1vjpl,n I',.na. HIGHEST AWARDS J. REYNOLDS & SON. NOIlTUWrsT COftNKIi TIIIIITKICNTII AND PIMllCKT HTH., rillLADELl'IIIA, M ANUFACTUUKItS OF PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters wrrrifliiAKiNo and cmnkkii iiiiimuko OKATKS FOIl 1IUIININO ANTHHA CITE Oil IIITUMINOUH COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOll MTUMINOUS COAL. KEYST 01ST33 WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKINO IlAN(lEH,LOW I)OWNiltATEH, Klo. Descriptive Clrcnlarascnt free to any address. EXAMINE IlKFOItE HKI.KCTINM. Itily Trofosslonal Cards. JE. J UN KIN. Attnrneyat-taw. , New lilooiiilleld. i'erryeo., fa. - onice Next door to the residence of Jndee Jniikln. AM. MAHKKI,. Altoriieyatl.aw, New llloomllelil. Ferry county, Pa. 14T Offlee directly opposite the Post-OIllee, and adjoining the Mansion House. JEWIS I'OXTKlt, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, NEW W.OOMFIELD, I'KItliV CO., PA. ..r01'"1!' promptly secured collected WrlilnKsand all leul business carefully attend edlo. 6li JAMES H. PEItOLSON, Attorney at l." NEVVTOKT, PA Wonice Market Street, near the Sijuare. 86 (i CIIAKLES II. HMILKy, Attorney at Law? New lilooiiilleld, Perry Co. Pa. .Offlcwlth C. A. Harnett, Esq., on Illeh Hlreet. north side. nearly opposite the Presbiie rian Church. August 2i, iJSn! M. A. SI'ONHI.EK, Attorney-at l,aw, . 7 ""ii:e aiijoiniiiu ins residence, on Kasl Main street. New lilooiiilleld. Perry co., Pa. i'i Ij ildi JOHN (i. 8IIATTO, HurReon Dentist. .. . ... N'llloomlleld,l'erryco.,Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surreal Jxintistr) done lu the best manner, and at reasonable prices. .orticeathlsreftldencn one door Fast of the KoIiIiihoii House, and opposite Win. A. Sponsler's l.uwollloe. 3 lily WM. M. HK1HRKT. Attorner.at-l.aw7 New Ulooinlleld, Perry co.. Pa. Bloomlleid. 3331v. ' WM. M. HUTCH, ATTOKNEYATI.AW, - . . K,;w lilooiiilleld, Perrycn., Pa. -Onice Iwo doors West of F. Mortimei. Store 37 ly T EWISPOTTEIl, notakt FliliMO. New Hloom Ji Held, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, llonds,Alrl(!anes and Leases careful!) prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and liouutv piipers drawn and eertllled. will aim take deposition to be rei d in anv court in the United Mates. 7 loly CIIAS. J. T, McINTIItK, Attorney-at-Lav,. New I'.loomlleld. Perry co.. Pa. -All professiona l business prompt lyandf ait li fullyatteiidedto. 321v. "Iipi. A, MOItlllndN, TV .flHTICKOKTHF. PEACE and (i FN Kit A L COI.I.I.C'l (Ut. NkwCkkmantown, Perrrco.. Pa. - Iteinitlaiieeswlll be made promptly tor all Collections made. 744 CIIAS. A. KAitNKTT, Atloiiiey ut-l.aw, New r.loomlleld .Perry eo., Pa e.OI!lre on hlirh street. North side, nearly op poiiite the Presbyterian Church. 3 i'ly RICHARD L. MAGEE, JT7STIf'E OF T1IK I'EACK, "(iniee at liis residence. In CENTIIK TOW N HI1IP. Perry County. Penn'a.. one mile Kouthof New ISIooiiilleld. )n 3 TIJ.I.IA.'M M. SITCII. IjisIIoc of it S'ci)'4-. AND OKNEKAL COLLECT OK, New Uloomflold, Perry County, Penn'a -Hpcelalattentlon paid to Collections of all kinds. D ieds, Honils.MorlKiipes and Airreemeiits ueallyexecuted. 7 li.tf QE0RGE H. MARTIN GENERAL AGENT. ' III.AIN, I'EHltY COL'XTV, I'A. Sieclnl attention plven 10 the colleetV.n ol claims, and any other biisinesn enin Unl 10 Mm will reeeite proinjit attention. Charges moderate. Apiil. I'.Ptli. 1ST,. Cm-:-) a not easily earned in thesettimes, but fit 4 t ltcan be made iu three month by " any one of eiihersex. In anv part of the country who Is willing to work steadily at the emplovTieut that we turnish. I'ioaweek in your own town. You need not le far away from home overniuh. Yonenn give jour whole time to in woik. r only your spare moments. It com nothing to try Ihe buslne-w. Terms and ftf Outfit free. Addrensat once, 11. Hallxtt U Ca. Port land, Maine. i iy. IS TAFM INTERS'AU-V, AN0 POSITlVElV CURES RHEUMATISM, COUTr MEUflAlG'A AN9 IUM0AQ0. 8uL0 BY DAJG2:SI3 EVEfitWriEKE. SEND FOR ClA GJ1AHT0 HCLPHENSTINE A BENTLEY. OaUiiSliTS, WASHING I ON, 0. c. - For sale by wholeaale Druggists in Pitts burg and Philadelphia. . 36 ly JOB IMIINTINQ of every description teatlv and piouipily execulrd at PK.nsble Jialt a at the BUH'iiiiield Times Straui Job Ornve. AnOOLDPLtTED WATCH m. Chepvt ! nlii kuon wurld. Aatxpts Watckt rt to V7UJiiUi. Addrea, A. Cw uu Co C&fcoo. Ilium hi ii iipims mi iimn iimi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers