8 Homicide by Cnsslus M. Clay. Richmond, Ky., Ootober 1. IIou. Cus ilui M. Clay, formerly Minister to Russia undor Prosliiout Lincoln's administration, yesterday eliot and killed a negro man named Porry White. The affair occunod at 10 o'clock in the morning, on the farm of General Clay, six miles from this place Qeu. Clay had had in IiIb employ as cook lor somo time a negro woman, the mother of Terry White. A few days ago he dis covered that she had been robbing him of some of his silver plato, his table service and other articles and he discharged her. Being a very violent women she swore vengeauce BgainBt her employer. Previous to this Ferry had also been ordered from the place, being known in the neighborhood as a negro who lived by stealing. lie had resolved to kill Clay, and a letter written by White, containing a threat to carry out his purpose, was shown to Clay. The latter had anticipated trouble with the negro, and for ten days past when he went out oiajiis farm he carried his pistol. Yesterday morning General Clay mouut his horse, with a small white boy behind him, and started to a negro church in the neighborhood, where he intended to ongage a cook. lie had proceeded but a short distanco from liia house when he saw a loose horse in a pasture near the roadside. Just as he was passing the little boy remarked, "There is Perry White." ' Clay ordered White from the placo, when the latter rose from the ground and made for him, when Clay fired twice. Both balls took effect, one in tho neck and the other in the breast, and the negro full dead. Guuoral Clay immodiatoly rtfdo to town and gave himself up. Trouble with Strikers. Leavenworth, Kansas, Oct. 1. The laborers on the Kansas Central Narrow Gauge Railroad, at the end of the lino near Circloville, have been on a strike, for two or three days past because they were not Jiaid their wages. Early Saturday morn ing a party of about twenty citizens left this city aud were joined at Ilolton by the Sheriff of Jackson1 county and a posse of fifteen men. The train proceeded to the scene of tho disturbance, where a large body of the strikers were congregated, many of them on horseback, headed by a man named William Hartman. ' The party 1 was greeted with hoots and yells, Ilartmau, especially, being very offensive and demon strative. Captain Taugh, leader of the posse, commanded Hartman to halt, and was answered by a pistol shot. The posse was then ordered to fire over his head, and Hartman replied with two shots from his revolver. The posse then fired upon Hart man, inflicting wounds from which he died the same evening. The train return ed to Circleville, where it was met by a crowd of strikers, and a warrant sworn out against Captain Taugh, who was ar rested but released on his own recognizance. At Holton the train was confronted bv another body of strikers, who took posses sion of the switch and declared they would not let the train pass unless the posse surrendered Captain Taugh to them. This" was refused and the train backed out. Subsequently, the posse marched into Holton, and took up quarters at the hotel, which was surrounded by armed strikers ; but they did not attack the house. Taugh was again arrested and released on $10,000 bail. . . Printing Office Seerets. A proporly conducted printing office is as much a secret as a Masonio Lodge. The printers are not under oath of secrecy, but always feel themselves as truly In honor bound to keep office secrets as though triple oathed. An employee in a printing office who willingly disregards this rule in relation to printing offioe secrets would not y be scorned by his brethern of the craft, but would lose his position at once. We make this statement because it some times happens that a communications ap pears in a newspaper under an assumed signature which excites comment, and va rious parties try to find out who is the author. Let all b saved tha trouble of questioning the employee of the printing office. They are know-nothings on such points as these. On such matters they have eyes and ears, no moutfi, and if any fail to observe this rule, let them be put down as dishonorable members of the craft. It is the same in job printing. If any thing is to be printed and kept secret, let proper notice be given of the desire for secrecy, aud you might as well question the Sphynx as one of the printers, so that even the secret books for lodges are print ed without fear. C2T" A Lehigh county damsel found what sue supposed was a vacant hornet's nest, which she improvised into a bustle. It worked nicely until some of the hornets that were inside made an investigation The bystanders were horrified when shi proceeded to execute a series of gyrations that would have done credit to the most lamous ballet dancers, and even the pre- ; senceof a number of the sterner sex didn prevent her from going for that bustle in manner that was truly shocking. She says she doesn't want to try any more such ex periments, beoause they stung her serious- CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! CARPETING S, OIL-CLOTIIS, AVALL PAPERS. A complete Stock Just opened for FALL TRADE from New York and Philadelphia Markets. I COMPltlBINO THREE PLYS, EXTRA SUPERS, BRUSSELS. VENETIANS, HALL ' AND STAIR CARPETS, AND OIL-CLOTIIS, ALL CHOICE PATTERNS AND NEW DESIGNS. MATTINGS, HASSOCKS, Ii'ug-g-ets-, BJTsitH, Ting's, Sec. A HANDSOME LINE OP ENGLISH FELT SQUARES, AND OIL CLOTI-I BUGS. PATTERNS IN HOME-MADE CARPETS, ALL COLORS IN STEPHENS & BEETEM, . Bentz House Building, No. 2, East Main St., CARLISLE, PEN2PA. o o I I p P-i h5 o o o H O PS fc NOTICE; TO YOU ! "S gMM The finest Stock of Goods ever brought to this been opened by Prices were never so low either. Call and see for: yourself. F. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. HERE WE ! ARE AGAIN ! WITH bettor inducements to our customers and people In general than ever we have offered, we have just laid in our immense FALL and WINTER STOCK, and as usual, intend keeping the lead for LOW PRICES and GOOD GOODS. Of our many bargains, the following are but a few : CLOTHING, CARPETS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Men's Heavy Work Suits t 4-f0 tot 5.00 All Wool White Blankets per pair J2.S0 and tip Mmi's Business " 6.00 to 8.60 All Wool Colored Blankets per pair 2.25 " '. Men's Dress " 10.00 to 12.00 Ladles' Double Shawls 3.00 " " Youths' Work 4.00 to S.00 Ladles' Blugle Bhawls' 75 Youths' Dress " 6.00 to 10.00 Ladles' Felt Skirts 50 " " Hoys' Dress " 3.00 to 7.W Ladies' Balmoral BklrtS f 0 " " Men's Overcoats 10.00 to 15.00 Ladle's Nubias 25 " " Men's Overcoats &00 to 6.00 Ladies' Coats 2.75 " " Boys' Overcoats S.fO to 5.50 Ladles Corsets 40 " " Men's Commou Coats 1.60 to 8.00 Ladies' Hair Switches . 1.85 " Men's Dress Coats 4.50 to ,8.00 Ladies' Ties 20 " " Boys' Common Coats ' 1.50 to 2.50 Ladles' Linen Collars ' 8 " " Boys' Dress Coats 2,50 to 5.00 Ladles'Buches 8 " " Men's Common Pants 1.00 to 2.00 Ladies' Handkerchiefs 5 " " Men's Dress Pants 2.50 to 6.00 Ladies' Hose 4 pair 2J " " Boys' Common Pants 1.00 to 1.60 Ladies' Undershirts 40 " " Boys' Dress Pants 1.E0 to 3.00 Embroidery and Edgings 3 " " Men's Vests 76 to 2.00 Ladies' Leather Bella 10 " " Boys' Vests 60 to 1.25 Ladles' Belt Pin 20 " " Men's Wool Hats 65 to 1.00 Pins 28 rows (or 5 ' " Men's Felt Hats 1.25 to 2.60 Bilk Handkerchiefs 25 " " Boys' Wool Hats 50 to 75 Men's White Shirts 75 " " Boys' Dress Hats 75 to 1.25 Men's Colored Shirts 60 " " -Men's Caps - ' 40 to 1.50 Men's Woolen Shirts 75 " " Boys' Caps - 25 to 76 Men's Undershirts SO " " Boom Carpet IS to 25 Men's Drawers 80 " " Flowered Carpet 83 to 45 Men's Colored Hose, 8 per pair 25 " " Wool Carpet CO to 1.00 Men's Handkerchiefs 8 " " Floor Oil Cloth 40 to 60 Men's Suspenders 10 " " Table Oil Cloth - 80 to 40 Horse Blankets 1-25 " ' Trunks 2.00 to 7.00 Overalls 40 " " Satchel 75 to 2.50 Knit Blouse 75 " " ALSO Jewelry, Cutleiy, Aocordeons, Mouth Organs, Soapa, Perfumery, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Combs, Brushes, Collars and Cuffs, Ties, Bows, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Motto Frames, Germantown Wool, Spool Cotton, Slippers, Lace Curtains, Furs, Counterpanes, and many other great Bargains, which space will not permit to name. Give us a call and see what we say is true, ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPOET, PENN'A. 6 o o o o Q Q f in W tJ w o o o o o 9? a 7? a place, has just the subscriber. RUPTURE. Those wishing Tteltef and Cure for HUPTUKB Should consult Dr. J, A. KIIKKMAN, 2f.8 Broad way, New V oi k, send Uicts.,tor his new hm.k.wllli Photographic likenesses of bad cases before and after cure. Beware of cheats Wlro pretend to furnish Dr. Sherman's treatment. One of these fellows, a germnn clerk, now calling himself Dr. W. Cremiilen. is imlll'ted on complaint of Dr. H. aud awaits trial tor for. gory aud embezzlement, SMit r ' tIrTfTiFu WITH A COLD 19 ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COUGHH. and nil diseases of t he Til HO AT, LUNU8, CHEST and MUCOUS MEMBK AN E. l'nt Vp Only In nine Boxes. BOLD HY ALL DUCOOIHTB. 8M4w O. N. Chitteston, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. HIIN "nrt revolver, Illustrated Prleellst. free. vtuiivS (jreut Wettern Oun Work, Pittsburgh, la- atidtt. AOENTS wanted I Mednls and diplomas Awarded for HOLMAN'BNKW PICTORIAL BIBLES. BOOO 1L.UVH 1 11 ATMINM. Address for new circulars, A. J. HOLMAN & CO., 930 Arch street, l'lillaUtt. 8'Jdit. fyfl Ten Harvest for Agents. We send 111 II I I'rBB, our new49page Illustrated A J iiJL Jewelry and Watchcutalogue.with lnstnintioHS how to make money. Address. M. CHONEOH&UO., Phllaor Milwaukee. Wis. ,39d MOTHER'S! For Burns and Scalds, Bites of REMEDY. I Insects, Poison by Ivy, Frozen Limbs i Parts, DiseharRlnK Sores, Milk leg, sore ami weak eyes, Boils, Carbuncles, Felons, Styes, Sore Nipples. Broken Breasts, Erysipelas, Acute Pains, Headache, Earache and Toothache. Blind and Bleeding Plies, Bleeding of the Lungs, Uter. lne Hemorrhage and liillamiitlonsand Ulcerations peculiar to Females Is Sanfokd's Extiiact or Witch Hazhf,. Ask for It, because it Is better, stronger and cheaper tlmn any oilier, and Is war ranted by Weeks & Potter, Wholesale Druggists, 300 Washington St., Boston, Mass. MMn, AGENTSriTEDT6rrfiiE m ILLUSTRATED HISTORY THE GREAT RIOT It contains a full account nf thn rpiirn nf tm-mf In Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Chicago and other Cit ies. The conflicts between the troops and the mob. Terrible conflagrations and destruction of properly. Thrilling Bcenes and Incidents, etc. etc. Send for a full description of the work and our extra terms to Agents. Address, 89d4t. National Puulishino Co., Philadelphia. Fa. LEAUV TELEGRAPHY. Young Men and Indies, and earn from $15 to T0 per month. Good situations guaranteed. Small salary while learning. Address, with stamp. Sherman Tbleorami Co.. Oberlln, O. 30dlt, JACKSON'S BEST & ABOVE ALL. These brands of Sweet Plug are acknowledged by all, to be the Finest Chewing Tobaccos In The market. Put up In all shapes and sizes, In ma hogany and black wrappers. Sold by the trade generally. Send for sampieto the manufacturers C. A. JACKSON Si CO., Petersburg, Va. Geo. V. Wakdi.e, General Agent, 3id4t. Nos. 8 and 6 South Water Street, Fhlla. EWAltlllNO'8 . (1876 Uniform Copyrighted 1877) LAW BLANKS, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low aud whatever you need. Law aud Commercial Supplies of all Kluds. Jtf Send lor samples and price lists of what you want. r Catalgues of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, pr direct from the publisher. K. WABINO, Tyrone, o-a. E STATE NOTICK.-Notice Is hereby glr en. that Letters of Administration with! he will an uexed on estate of John B. McCllntock.late ol Carroll twp., Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOSEPH B. McCLINTOCK. Administrator. P. O., Address Shenuansd.ile, Perry co., Pa July 24. 1877.) tO- H. Bmit.et, Attorney. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Ephralm A. Mc Laughlin and wife of Toboyue township, Perry county, Pa., by deed of voluntary assignment, dated the 18th of July, 1877, have conveyed all their real and personal property for the benefit of creditors to the undersigned, residing in Blain, Jackson township. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said assignors will please make immediate pay ment, those having claims will present them to the undersigned for settlement . GEO. H. MARTIN, August 1, 1877. . Assignee. ESTATE NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of John Neldigb, late of Jackson township. Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Mlfnln township, Cum berland county. Pa. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to THOMAS K. MOFFITT, Executor. P. O. Address, Newville, Cumb. Co., Pa. W. A. & W. 11. SroNSLXB, Atty's for estate. August 21, 1877.-6t gLOOMFIELD ACADEMY. FALL SESSION BEGINS, SEPT. 3rd. STUDENTS prepared for the best Colleges In the land, aud the drill In the classes will be thor ough and up with the times. A NORMAL CLAbS for those desirlngto teaoh. Address J. B. FLICKINGER, A. B , Principal, or WM. GRiER, Proprietor, New Bloonineld. Btoointteld, Aug. 14,1877. CAUTION. I hereby caution all persons against Interfering with the following per soual property, now In the possession of Elizabeth A. Graham, of Bavllletwp., Perrvfo., Pa.,towit: 1 Cupboard, 2 Stoves, 1 Stand, 2 ileds. 1 Bureau, 2 Tables, Chairs, Capet, Clock, Chests, 1 Sewing Machine, Lot of Tinware, and Cooking utensils. Iron Kettle. Tubs, and all the balance of her household atfalrs. As the same belongs to me,hav lug lately purchased it at a Constable's tale, and loaned tue same to her. , . . ., Sept. 4, . JOSEPH WALKER. The oldest and best appointed Institution for Obluining a Businens Education. . Forclrcular.add.ess.i,DcFF&8oN.gi SCwlmo. Pittsburgh, Pa. TRESPASS NOTICE. The undersigned hereby notify all persons Dot to hunt, tlsli, gather nuts, out timber. &e., or otherwise tres pass ou their lands In Jackson township. Perry county, Pa., or they will be dealt with according t0 lftW" ' R K. BALTOSSER. PETEH (iUrMI ALL. September 18, 1877. pd OPIUM Ad McnthtM tUbft tbMlnUly ut MMtnf und. rftlulaMi no uublii-Uy. brualtuuia fee pMUcuUn. Cau!, ail n ningiqM et VMWH ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! The nnderslgneci. Assignee of JnmesO. Rklles, will oiler for sale, by outcry, on the premises, at drier's Point, In Bye township, Perry county, l'euu'a on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1877, at one o'clock t. m., the following described real estate, or tracts of laud, as follows, to wit: TRACT No. 1, situate In thn township aforesaid, adjoining lands of Martin Bouder, John Hmee, Benjamin Leon ard, Samuel Grier, and others, oontalulng about ro ACHES, more or less, having thereon erected a TWO STORY STONE HOUSE, Atf fSk with Summer House attached, fciitijb TJiebuildlngs are calculated for two families. A BANK BA11N, WAQON SHED, and other outbuildings. There Is a good well of excellent water at the door, also a never-falliug spring of water near the dwelling. About 68 ACRES of this tract are cleared and In a good state of cultivation. There are two good Orchards of choice fruit trees on the place. This is one of the most desirable properties In this section of the county, convenient to churches, schools, Sc. and Is well worthy the attention of purchasers. TKACT TVO. , A tract of excellent woodland, containing about 20 ACRE3, MORE OR LESS, situate about one mile from the above described farm, adjoining lands of David Knsmiuger. Jacob Kuaub, Henry Mosler, and others. TltACT ISO. :i, Also a tract of woodland, containing about IS ACHES, situate In same twp., adjoining lands of Henry Bailor, Adam Nace, and others. TERMS OF BALE :-Ten percent. of purchase money to be paid when the property Is stricken down i one-half of the balance on the 1st day of Apr 1, 1878, when possession will be given and deed delivered, and the balance on the 1st day of April, 1879. Unpaid purchase money to be secur ed by Judgment bonds aud to bear Interest from date of delivery of deed. The above tracts will be sold all together or separate, so as to suit those who may be desirous of purchasing. ' for further Information address A. M. Markel. Attorney for Assignee. G. F. ENSMINGER, Sept. 18. 1877. Am,,iDee- ASSIGNEE'S SALE XX OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE subscriber, Assignee of David Fry, of Carroll township.. Perry County, Pa., will offer for sale, on the premises, on - BATUKDAY, OCTOBEB 20th, 1877, the following described Heal Estate: A TRACT OF LAND, situate In Carroll township, Perry County, Pa., bounded on the Fast by lands of John Sheriff, on the West by David McAllister, on the North by Mrs. lorn, on the South by David McAllister, containing about 18 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, bavlng thereon erected a TWO STOIIY LOG JWiTHnW. WKATHKKBOAKDKD 5 '",' U HOUSE, with kitchen attached, andaXOO ItAHN and other necessary outbuildings. A good Orchard, and a tine lot of Locust Trees, 41c., are on this tract. JW Sale to commence at one o'clock P.M., ol said day when terras will be made known by JAOOB LONG, Assignee. 8ept. 18, 1877. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned assignee of Michael Bitting and Emanuel K. Bitting, membersot the late firm of M. Bitting li Bon, will expose to publle sale on SATURDAY, OCTOBEB 6th 1877, nnder an Alias Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Perry County, the following described Beal Estate to wit: A TRACT OF LAND at Montgomery's Ferry, Buffalo twp., Perry county, Pa., containing six acres, more or less. Having thereon erected a LARGE BRICK Asmk HOUSE (used as a Hotel & Store Stand) I?'"? a large Frame Stable, Slaughter bouse '.r'l and other out-bnlldlngs. The location fora Hotel and Store Is belter than any other In this couuty. TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent of purchase money to be paid on day of Sale, one third of bal ance on the first day of November 1877 and the balance In two equal annual Installments with In terest, to be secured by Judgment Bonds. Sale to commence at tea o'clock A. M., of said day. Sale to extinguish all liens under the order of Court. WILLIAM LODGE, Assignee. J. C. McAi.LrSTER. Att'y. September 3, 1877. VALUABLE PROPERTY uVt Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale in Spring township, Perry county, Pa., A Tit ACT OF LAND containing TWENTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, having thereon erected a THRKK KTOKY LOU WEATHEKBOARDED HOUSE, Frame Barn, and Shoemaker Shop and all the necessary out buildings aud a Well of water near the door and a lot apple, peach, pear, quince aud cherry trees, grapes, &c. This property Is located one mile North East of Oak Urove, aud is an excellent location for a Shoemaker Shop. STerms ol sale easy. August 7, 1877. DAVID KEIBEK. E STATIC NOTICKNotlee Is hereby given that Letters of Administration ou the estate ol J.osrph Ensiuiuger late of Carroll township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in the same towuship. All persons Indebted to said estate re requested to make Immediate payment, aud those having claims will present Lueiu duly autheutluated for settlement to ELIZABETH ENSMINOER, CORNELIUS KNSMINGKIt, A. M. Markel, Atl'ylor Adiu rs.1 AdiulnUiratr'S August liS, 1877. k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers