THE TIMES, NEW 1JL00MFIELD, PA., OCTOBER 9, 1877. Tho Bloomfild Times STI3A.M job office; IS THE PLACE TO GET Plain and Fancy SALE BILLS, PAMPHLETS, LETTER-HEADS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, INVITATIONS, TICKETS, BILL-HEADS, &c, &c., &c, &c. At the Shortest Notice AND MOST REASONABLE RATES. B ALL SCALES. LB. MARYANEKTH, D. W. DERR and J AMISS n. tiKIEli. known as ' Tha Ball Scale Company," have now on hand a large supply of Buoy's Patent COUNTEK SCALE, the Simplest, Cheap est and best Counter Bealeln the market. - For Scales, or Agencies In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad dress "The Hall Scale Company," Fottsville, Bchuylktllcounty, Pa. a. For Scales or Agencies In this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they can be seen and examined any time. J: LEIBY & BRO., Newport, Perry co., Pa, FRANK MORTIMER, 9tt NewBlooinQeld,Perryco.,Pa. t A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &e., I will send a recipe that will cure yon, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Bend a self-addressed envelope to the Kev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, Bible House, New York City . 16b ly STEWART'S ADJUSTABLE TREADLE FOR OPERATING SEWING MACHINES WITIIOTJT FATIGUE OR INJURY. The most complete method of propelling the sewing machine. It saves four-fifths the labor and entirely avoids the cause of physical injury i en dorsed oy the medical fraternity. It can be at tached to any ordinary sewing machine without removing the machine from the house. No sew ing machine Bhould be used without this Im portant attachment. Send for our circulars, which explains the principles. Address, NEW YOKE TREADLE MFtt. CO., 8 lyr. 64 Oortlandt Street, N. Y. kC UI I mall one and one-half dozen of the most beautiful newChromos, In French oil color ever seen for Sl.OO. They are mounted in 8 a) black enamel and gold mats, oval opening and outsell anything now before the public, satisfaction guaranteed. Two sam ples for 25 cents, or six lor 60 cent5. Send 10 cents for grand illustrated catalogue with chro- fioof Moonlight on the Rhino, or 20 cents for wo Landscapes and Calia Llllles on black ground, J. LATHAM & CO., 419 Washington St., Boston, Massachusetts, Headquarters for Chro- ngraviT13"wArt A FORTUNE. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A. Stoklinq Remedy For Djseasks and Ihjuiueb of mi Bkin ; A Healthful Beaottfier of tub Complexion; A Re liable Means of Prbvektino and Re- LrEVTXG KlIKTJMATIBSt AND GOCT, AKD AH TJltEQUALED DlSrsFECTAMT, DEOD0BJ2S& AND CoUHTER-IltRITAKT. Glenn's Sulphur Soap, besides eradi cating local diseases of the skin, banishes defecta of the complexion and imparts to it gratifying clearness and sinootlmomi. Sulphur Baths arc celebrated for cu ring eruptions and other diseases of the skin, as well as Rheumatism and Gout Gienn's hulphur Soap produces the same effects at a roost trilling expense. This admirable specific aleo speedily heals toret, bruitt, icalds, burn, tpraiia and cut. It removes dandruff and prevents the Lair from faUing out and turning gray. Clothing and linen used In the sick room is disinfected, and diseases oommuuirabls y contact with the person, prevented by it. The Medical Fraternity sanction Its usa. r&iCES, 23 and SO Cents fek Cake, Pm Box, (3 Cajleb,) 00c and (1.30. B. Buy Um torg ukes uni thereby mqIm. BoU by all prujjl.u. "Kill's HaIrutdWUfi&erITt' Black .C. 5. CUTTEHT8S, Prp, 7 Slitk It. 5.T. Newport Advertisements, JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Bon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully invite the pntronnge of the farmers, and the public generally, as the H1UHK8T I'HICKH the market will allord, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUH, PRODUCE, SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH, SALT. FLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, horse shoes, &c, ate. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. tA. Orders promptly tilled, Newport, July 20, 1S75 tf JEWPORT DRUG STORE. Having on hand a complete assortment of the fol lowing articles, tho subscriber asks a share, of your pstronapre. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Eomedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Terfumery HAIIt on,, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, TORE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B . M . EBY, Newport, Penn'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, t NEWPORT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorilard's Superior Tobaccos. Country Merchants sunulled with Hoods at Philadelphia prices. mr i our oraers are solicited. v 44 w. It. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers in this county. We will also take good Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Liumuer, aco, vi 9 use viearuem j-iue ana Hem lock only. W. R. 8. COOK & CO., - , Newport,irerry Co., Pa. ' October 10, 1876. American and Foreign Patents. CI ILMORE & CO., Successors to CHIPMAN, X HOSMER & CO.. Solicitors. Patents urn. cured in all countries. NO FEES IN ADVANCF. No charge unless tlie patent is granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No addi tional tees for obtaining and conducting a re hearing. By a recent decision of the Commis sioner, aijl, rejecrea applications may do revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases be fore the Patent office. Extensions before Con gress, Infringement Suits In different States, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. Send Stamp to Uilinore & Co., for pamph let of sixty pages. LAND CASES, LAND WARRANTS & BCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. 8. General Land Olttce and Department of the Interior. Private Land Claims, MINING aud PRE-EMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, 80, any 160 acre nieces for sale. This Scrip is assignable, and can tie located in the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entry, at 81.25 per acre. It is of equal value with Bounty Lrituu wnrrauLn. oeuu diuui lu UlUUUfQ tit UO., for pamphlet of instruction. ARREARS OF PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS aud SAILORS of the late war, or their heirs, are in many cases entitled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp to GILMORE & CO., and a full re ply, after examination, will be given you free. All OFFICERS. SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or Injured in the late war, however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing GILMORE & CO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORE & CO.,. before the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business Is conducted In a separate bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties, embloyed by the old firm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to GILMORE & CO., Is thus secured. We desire to win suocess by deserving it. Address: GILMORE 4CO.. 04 F. Street, Washington, D. a IMPORTANT NOTICE. The subscriber late of the firm of Rhoades Smith, would respectfully inform the citizens of BLA1N and vlciuity, that he has opened a WAGON MAKER-SHOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TEN to TWENTY jer oeuL cheaper thau lh old firm. M-eive us a call. Batlsfaetlsa guaranteed. JACOB SUITU. Blaln, August 8. 187. i THE WEED PRICES REDUCED. "The Family Favorite" IMPROVED Light-Running, Noiseless, No Ocars,No Cains,No Springs. New and Elegant Styles of Wood Work, r From this date, by the expiration of Patents under w hich we have been paying roy alties,we are enabled to sell our ma. chines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, and as low as those of any first class machine. Send for Circulars and Price Lists. t Weed Sewing Machine Co., 2G Union Square, NEW YORK. H7i8t BLATCULET'8 Improved Cucumber Wood Tasteless,Durable,Efflclent and Cheap. The best Pump for the least money. At tention is especially Invi ted to Blatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump or disturbing the Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. -Send for Catalogue and Prlce-Llst. CUAS. G. BLATCIILEY, Manufacturer. 637 ly 506 Commerce St., Pnilapelpbia, Pa. BOOTS Do you want BOOTS of any kind T If so, call and see the LARGE STOCK NOW OFFERED BY ' F. MO 11 TIM .EH. New Pension Law. UNDER an aot of Congress approved March 3, 1873, widows of oftlcers who were killed, or died of disease eoutracted In the service, are now entitled to (2.00 per mouth for each of their chil dren. The guardian of a minor child of a soldier who heretofore only received J8.00 per mouth pension is now entitled to S10. per moth. Soldiers who receive Invalid pensions can now have their pensions Increased to any sum or rate between 18. and $18. per mouth. Soldiers who have lost their dischargescan now obtain duplicates. Fathers and mnthers who lost sons Intheserv ice upon whom .ley were dependent for support, oan also obtain pensions. The undersigned having had over 10 years ex perience in t he Claim agency business will attend promptly t claims under the above act. Call on or address LEWIS POTTER, Attorney for Claimants, New Bloomtleld, JOtf. Perry Co., Pa COPY YOUR LETTERQ USE Excelsior Copying Book, MADE OF CHEMICAL PAPER. Quickly copies any writing WITHOUT Water, PRESS, or Brush, used at home, library or oftice. For ladles wlsh na tstretAln nnnlMRnf letters, everv business man. clergymen, correspondents, travels it is invalua blesells at sight. Send 13.00 aud we will send a 300 page Book, letter size, BY MAIL said to any address. We refer to any Commercial Agency. Kenrt stAtnn fnr AirentV Circular. EXCELSIOR MNF'O. CO., 110 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ills. 6000 AUEN1B WANTED. U bill DIVORCES Legally and quietly obtained In every State and Territory, for Inoompatihiutt and other causes, no matter where the nartv resides. 13 Years1 ex- f erlence. Fee after decree. All letters contlden la). Address A. J., Att'y, Rooms 8 and 9, 132 Dearborn, St., CHICAGO, ILL. Un questionable references given. Correspondence with the legal profession Invited. 14 5m Mode Machine J, 1 mm 9 Hotels. piE PERRY HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, Terry Co., To., TIIOS. BUTCLt, Proprietor.1 PENTENNIAL HOTEL, J (Formerly the Sweeer IIoueo.1 MAIN STREET, , NEW DLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. JOS. S. SMITH Proprietor. TTnvtnir trnnA ar.nnmiunrlntlnna tnt Hi,i.l. n transient boarders, a share of publlo patronage is solicited. 10 lu JHE.MANSION HOUSE, New INooinfleM, Fenn'n., D. M. RINESMITU, . . ProprWtor. Thta utaII.It nnnrr, tintnl re painted and re fitted. Best accommodations R Horded. Jtf Careful hostlers alwavaln nfli.iwl auce. 933 tf DEAB0DY HOUSE, CORNER op LOCUST and NINTH BT&, PHILADELPHIA, PA. nnnvnnifttit: tn nil nlnne nf nmnoomont anA i linen In the citv. No cliftntzps to ami ft 'fun Mia Centennial grounds. Col. Watson, proprietor of the Hburt IIorsR, Cincinnati fnr the past twenty years, and present proprietor, has leased the house for a terra of years, and has newly furnished and fitted It throughout. He will keep a strictly first-class house, and has accommodation for 300 guests. Terms 83 per day. , 43 No Bar has ever been kept in the nENRY HOUSE, nor will any be kept at the PEA- jT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE UNION,") JOS. M. FEtiEK, Proprietor. 817 & 810 ARCH BTHEET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.60 Per Day. 1'HIS HOTEL being centrally located, and hav Ing been entirely will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can be desired w EST STREET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 43, 43 & 44 West St., NEW YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. ROOMS 50 and 75 cents nnrrlnv. rhnriro.r. MODEBATE. The best meats and vettli in the market. BEST BEDS In the City. :i71yH B.T. BABBITT, Proprietor. AUCTIONEERS. AS. P. LATCHF0RD, " AUCTIONEER, Would resoectfullv Inform the niiblln that h will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive prompt attention. DONNALLx S MILLS, FERRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services tn the nltlrena nf Parn an Cumberland counties. Post ollice address, Biiermansuaie, ferry co., Fa. w. D. HENRY, AUCTIONEER. Blaln, Perry count; Pa. a-Terms Moderate and every exertion made to render satisfaction. 6tf Auctioneer. The undersigned gives notice that he will cry sales at any point in Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited aud proinptattentlon wlllbe given. K. D. WELLH, New Buffalo Perry eo P a D AVID M'COY, a a Auctioneer ChArires vnrv low. lwt. neiva aa Ma Ickesburg Penn'a- 8t B.HARNISH, ATJC TIOM2ER, Dnl villa pAfnr PA T j a m satlejfttctiou guaranteed. 6 tf H 0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT I I would respectively Inform my friends that I In tend calliug upon tbvni with a supply of good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of OASSIMER8, OASSINETB, FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd) CARPETS, &c toexchangefor woo or sellfor cash. J.M.BIXLF.R. CENTHIWOOLEM FACTOR!. ,lT,4m . , Oh t nr4 W tit. miKmimJ mV ' .f SIMl k Ct U IX tn UC1- rHUruritl UMK. in hrfmrrV U, CMkt, InnUa t til mfakw J t Ik.kMMtfUlt.lwll.MrwMfli . C UM.tMM.i.i.S4IB . a- For Bale by F. Mobtisieb; New Bloomtleld re ry oouniy, ra. AT8AR. AirenWw.nted. Bnl neaalcfMtlmata. Partloulan free. KdimJ.WOllU a CO., Si.Lou. Ha. M ff PREMItTM WiTOII ANI V fit fro 4.B.UlordCo, eryoratir. iufr (.Ult-i-O.UU The Dutchman's Cheese. ' A Oermnn resident relates the follow ing thrilling adventure : " I goes to Utlca lafit week, tind I meets a frlnt, und we walks and we talks, bo we comes nilt a grocery shtore und iuy frlnt say he buy some llmburger, und so I buys some too, more ns a pound. Veil, I couies mlt the depot, und shumps on the car, und I can't find no seat all the while, und I sits myself mlt another feller. , " Dose car was very warm, und dot oderman he beghiB to Bnlff up mlt Ills nose, uud then lie raises tier window about an inch. Dot cheese, it sehmell big, und I kon't say nodings-. D1 dot oder feller he Bnlff his nose up to him self some more, and ho looks at me sorter queerlike, you know, und heglves dot window another hitch up. Den he got up und look all around dot seat, und In dot aisle, und pefore, und pehlnd, und I say nodlng. Den he look at me und I say : "My frlnt, you don't shmell nodings?" " Und I say No,' und I almost die mlt myself, so he hist dot window wide open und shtlck out his head und shware mlt himself like eferydlngs. Ven we got to Rome dot oder feller he foller me clear to the car door, und shtands on der platform und watch me so long as I am in sight. " Do you know I makes up my mind dot feller he don't got no llmburger where he llfs, ven he is at home mlt himself." O" Our friend Jones has been doing homage to a pair of bright eyes, and talking tender things by moonlight. A few evenings since, Jones resolved to " make bis destiny secure." Accordingly he fell upon his knees before the fair Dulcinea, and made his passion known. She refused him flat. Jumping to his feet, he informed her in choice terms that there were as good fish in the sea as ever were caught. Judge of the exasperation of our worthy swain when she coolly replied : " Yes ; but they don't bite at toads I" : Jones has learned a lesson. ' tj" A youngBter at the table the other night," writes a correspondent, "asked his mother if sausages were ripe yet, and was told that sausages did not grow. ' Yes they do,' said he stoutly, 'for I saw a whole branch of green ones in a fruit store to-day.' It was necessary to enlighten him with regard to the differ ence between bananas and sausages. The Dayton Democrat has Been a horse in that place eat meat. We have fre quently seen horses run for stakes here with a bit in their mouths. C3T The silver joke is as follows : " Hallo," remarks one man, going up to a friend, " how do you like the new silver pieces, three to a dollar V at the same time jingling the silver in his pocket. Of course the friend says there are no silver pieces three to the dollar, when the first produces them, two quarters and a half, and the couple go across the Btreet. Lady L., who knows nothing about housekeeping, especially in the country, and who Intends to give a series of strawberry-and-cream garden parties at her country seat, thus writes to the man in charge of the place : " Tell the gardener to begin growing strawberries Immediately, and mind and don't have the cows milked till we come down." 63" A physician was called upon to attend a seamstress who folt indisposed. He inquired as to her health, .and she responded very appropriately, " Well it's about sew sew, doctor, but seams worse to-day, and 'I have frequent stitches in the side." The doctor hemmed as he felt her pulse, and said she would mend soon, and left a prescrip tion. -t tjy San Francisco has a lover of the true, old-fashioned sort. Being heavily fined by the police court for kissing his betrothed against her will, Instead of breaking the engagement, he wrote: " Dearest, you will have to wait now, until I can borrow enough money to pay the minister." . " I want five cents' worth of starch V" said a little girl to a grocer's clerk. The clerk wishing to tease the child, asked : " What do you want five cents' worth of starch for?" "Why, for five cents, of course," she answered, and the clerk concluded to attend to his own business. ST At a recent revlvlal meeting held at Bad Ax, Mich., a young man con cluded a fervent address by saying, " I wish to be a friend to. the friendless, a father to the fatherless, and a wldoW to the widowless."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers