VkteMfMftKaOMI THE TIMES, NEW BL00MF1ELT), PA., MAY tt 1877. THE TIMES. Kew Jiloomflctd, May 1, 1S77. NOTIUK TO A1VKHT1SKU. Hn Cnl or Stereotype wllllie Inserted In this paper vnirwK iim-ih iace aim im nieti um. . WTwenty per rwnt. in ecw of rnilar rut, will D. onarireu tor suveruapmeiita setm vuuiueuuiuiuu. NUTIC'R TO HI Ilrtt'KIBEItt. I. h fill Hi: thrt flinitnw nn thft ImIidI nf vniil tfitifla - Thn(ttvtirn tll vmi lie time In wbfnu you mil it nt-lnilnn lm nnlrf. Wtthtn S w-tkit aittr inonev in 6tit. If the Ut i ebftiured. Nu utlier receipt it BecoHiarjr. OUR CIRCULATION. For tlie Information of advertisers and others who may be Interested In know luff, we will state that the preBent clrcu latlon of The Times Is between eighteen hundred and iiineteeii hundred copies each week. Parson Hkowni.ow died at his resl- deuce In Knoxvllle, Tenu., on Sunday. ... At A pihk In Montreal on Hunduy morning nine Ureinen were killed and a number of others wounded by falling walls. - -W'au has been declared between Kus tia and Turkey, and the 11 wt battle has Iteen fought. The Turks claim to be victorious in this ekirmiHli. The pres ent indications are that England and Austria will be drawn Into the war, and erhBps other European nations. At any rate all are making preparations for the worst and the consequence is that thousands of producers will bo turned Into consumers, thereby causing a mar ket for the supplies of the United Htates. IjAst week a company of scientific gentlemen called on the President, and after much preliminary conversation on general and scientific toplcs,they brooch ed the subject of appointments and urged the merits, enlarging upon the qualifications of their candidate for the office of Commissioner of Agriculture. The President heard them through and then mildly Inquired If they could In form him when Commissioner Watts (the present Commissioner of Agricul ture) intended to resign. No, they could not, they had no information on that subject. "When you hear of his resigna tion" said the President, "come over and see me again." Exit savants, bow ing solemnly, with mysterious looks of enlightenment among themselves. TriKliKADIXO KAILltOAD COMPANY is making ft gallant fight with the Urotherhood of Engineers, and so far the Indications are that the company will be successful. We could never see the propriety of any secret organization trying to dictate to the owners of the capital which furnishes the employ ment as to who should and who should not be in their service. , If any person does not like the wages he gets or the rules of the compauy, it is his privilege to seek other employ ment, but he has no right to interfere with those who wish to take his place. The strike of hands on a railroad is an interference with the public who use the road, and who are entitled to an as surance that the published schedule of a road will bo faithfully adhered to. Tho Heading company aro trying to protect the public from the dangers of such an outrage as has - been inflicted upon those dependent upon several other roads In the year past, and for so doing will ' receive the thanks of the railroad travelers every where. Ouu "Washington Correspondent says : There is much distress in Wash ington just now, because of the whole sale discharge of employees In the Treasury which took place the 18th ult. Over three hundred were dismissed and there are further removals yet to be made. This process of weeding out the unnecessary employees of an over crowded Department, is always painful iu Washington, it is unusually so be cause It throws so many out of employ ment who are poor and needy, have no other means of support, and find them selves in a city which has really none but government business to speak of, and nothing to take the place of the reg ular pay they have received from the government. These political situations are really undesirable if one can only look at them. In a true light. To licglu with there is never a surety of retaining them. One Is liable at any time to be re moved. Then the pay is small ( for the labor is light. It is certainly true that there is nothing that pays half so poorly and Is so uncertain as politics, and the most impolitic thing a man or woman who tun earn an honest living by other means can do Is to accept a government ofllce. - - - The European War and Our Graiii A New York letter says : Business men are greatly excited here over the prosect of war in Europe, and hope is largely centered on' the impetus that will be given to trade. Among grain and produce dealers a slight diil'erenco of wntlmciit was found. All agreed that a European war, If it became general, would stimulate trade ; but some insisted that if war should he confined to Russia and Turkey, and should be fought out in a year, there was enough grain and provisions in each country to supply tho demand. Both couutrles are exporters of wheat. One prominent dealer said that war would not have as much influ ence on the price of grain as the drouth iu California this winter, which pre vents a successful crop next summer. In the produce exchange, however, the feeling was very buoyant. Where Wheat Comes From. At the present time It will be particu larly interesting to know from which sources aro drawn the supply of wheat. From the following statement showing the Imports of wheat into the United Kingdom during the fifteen months ended March 31, which is furnished by the bureau of statistics It will bo seen that near ly mlf of the wheat imported into Great Britain is from this country. From the United States, cwta, 24.2flf,lu3 From Russia, " 10,11'J,444 From British India, ' 8,1)80,250 From Germany, 2,1)28,01!! From France, " 571,RR7 From Eitypt, ' 2,452,070 From Turkey and vicinity " 1,441, 18ij From British North Amei lea " 2,482,051) From Chill, " 1X14,61 U From other countries " 8,088,01)1 Total, cwts 62,051,353. Crops In Sacramento Valley. Wheat Is heading out In tho Haera mento valley, California, but all crops," except on low lands, are su (Poring for rain. It Is beginning to be feared that there Is not moisture enough to mature the crops, and without considerable rain, soon not more than half a crop can be expected. Another Insurance Swindle. The appointment a receiver has been asked for by the American Popular Life Insurance Company of New York, and it is believed that steps will be taken for the criminal prosecution of the ofllccrs, who are charged by the Insurance Su perintendent with deliberate fraud and perjury. The company has been under Investigation by the department for some time past, and on Friday a report was prepared and submitted to the Attorney General. Not even the history of the Security or of the Continental presents a darker picture than is hero exhibited. For tunately the number of sufferers will be smaller than by the collapse of the other companies, as tho business of the Amer ican Popular was organized In 1800 with a paid up capital of $100,000, which was afterward increased to $300,000. In 1808 Thomas 8. Lambert, M. D.,was made president, which position be has held everslnce. , The company lias differed from other life companies in the manner of estab lishing its rates of insurance, which have been fixed in each individual case, and the amount charged made to depend upon the probable or supposed indica tions of longevity of tho applicant. In this way very healthy persons have been insured at low rates as compared with the fixed charges of other com panies, and impaired risks have been taken at higher rates, that would have been rejected by other companies. Strange Sequel to a Drowning. The Baltimore Xews has the follow ing : Early this morning Officer Stew art found the body of a man floating iu the water at Illeman's wharf, near the drawbridge. The body was secured and Coroner Ireland summoned. The man was about forty years old, five feet seven Inches high, and of stout build. The corpse had apparently been in the water about three weeks, and was dressed in white flannel undershirt, blue flannel overshirt, dark blue cloth coat, black ribbed trousers and light soled Iwots. In the pockets were found a buff envelope directed to Michael , No. 4,304 , the rest of the superscription having been erased by the action of the water. A jury, of inquest was empanelled, and several witnesses sworn, all of whom identified the remains as those of James W. Drury, a boatman. Mr. Thomas Finn, one of the Jurymen, thinking the Inquest at an end went away, and tho coroner was necessitated to summon an other juryman to act in his place.when , mirable dlctu, the very Mr. Drury who hod been Identified as the drowned man, was tho man summoned to fill the va cancy on tho Jury. The witnesses had erred and Mr. Drury acted as juryman. Omaha, Neb., April 27. The storui of the season is reported raging west of the Vorth Platte. Snow and sleet are fulling heavily and a violent gale is blowing. The railroads are blocked, and traffic partially suspended. Punishment of a Cattle Thief. Not long since a negro was caught stealing a cow1 in Pike county, Miss. The parties who caught him cut the cow opeu and placed him inside of her, took u grass rope and sewed him in securely, leavlag only his head out. In this man ner he remained for four days, when be he was discovered, nearly dead. He said that it was all he could do to keep the buzuirds from picking his eyes out. IDr, It. II. Urcen, of Hooslck, N. Y., was thought to be (lead, and his body was placed in a vault about two weeks since. As he narrowly escaped burial while in a trance several years ago, his wife was requested to visit his body un til no doubt of death existed. It Is now stated that last Saturday signs of life were noticed, and the body was removed from the vault. Attending physicians pronounce It a case of suspended animation. Miscellaneous News Items. "A Faih KxoiiawikIs No Hoiiiikht." As William llallet, Hr., of Athena, Ohio, came out of the Ohio State Penitentiary, his son, William Hal lot, Jr., walked In. tWTwo woodclmppors' cabins In the mountains above White Haven were wash ed down the mountain side by the Hood on Saturday week and sit laborers drowned. It is feared much damage is done and others are lost. IW A boy named Daerv.il z, while stand ing in the doorway of his parents' rosidenoe, on Ohio street, Allegheny, Was struck on the eye by a stone, but from whonce thrown no one appears to know, lie has entirely lost the sight of the eye. 13" Fiita Dane and William Harrison, two of the principal accomplices in the recent $20,000 diamond robbery at Nash ville, Tenn., were arrested at Dayton, O., on Monday a week. About half tbe plunder was found on them. tSFOii Saturday morning a week at Merry Hill, Bortie county, N. C, two negroes entered James B. Nichols' store and (hiding John Webb, the clerk, alono, murdered him with hatchets and robbed the store. They lied, but one known as "Lucifer" Williams was captured. tar The Union Paciflo train fmm the west which was due at Omaha, Nub., at 3.45 P. M. Tuesday will not arrive until Thursday. It was snowbound at Granite canon in consequence of a heavy enow storm that was raging ou Tuesday in the hills. IW Six burglars, while attempting to enter Win. Hickman's clothing store, at Bethlehem, Pa., a few mornings since, were surprised by an oflloer, who shot two nf them. W ilium Mack, of Philipsburg, N. J., was instantly killed. The rest, including the wounded man escaped. tW Tuesday a dispute arose at Dead wood, D, T., iu which several persons were engaged, concerning tbe title to a town lot in South Deadwood. After some harsh language all bands drew revolvers and commenced llriug. D. O. Brodovitch, of Eureka, Nov., was killed; Stephen Conrich, of tho same place, mortally shot and A. Millich, slightly injured. CSrA Frenchman has been endeavoring to negotiate with the property owners along Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, tor a lease of the old railroad tunnel now unused, which was vacated by the Long Island Railroad Company when f 123,000 was paid to get steam oil' tbe avenue He desires to use the tunnel to cultivate mushrooms for tho New York market. He says that in a dark place like the tunnel bo can grow mush rooms of an immense size. Anybody who has been in Tennessee knows what a peculiar State it is, and will therefore readily believe the Jonesboro, Journal when it says that "On Monday last, uear this place, while the sun was shining brightly, a single ehunk of snow fell to the earth weighing 150 pounds, and still re mains intact and unmelted, and can be seen by any who are disposed to doubt this statement." C3F" A woman known as Mrs. Finegan, a soap peddler, was found dead by the roadside near West Chester, Pa., on Satur day a week, ller face and head were cut and bruised as if she bad been beaten with a club. A man who claims to be her husband, and who was soon beating her in the after noon, has been arrested, charged with mur dering her. He is now iu jail. tW Harris Hubbard, who lives with his father near Richland, Pulaski county Mo., was suspected of horse stealing, and ou Saturday a week a wan-ant for his arrest was placed in the hands of a constable, who proceeded with a posse of men to tbe Hubbard residence, and demanded tbe surrender of Harris. The ofticers were resisted by the family ; whereupon the con stable and his aids returned the lire, killing old roan Hubbard and severely wounding two children. A young lady was shot iu the hand and Shoulder. 1ST On Tuesday night a week twoyouug ladies from Indianapolis, Ind., stopped at tbe Farmers' Hotel in Cincinnati, where they registered as Sarah and Ida May Dill, and requested to be called at 11 o'clock. When the boy called them be received no response, but hearing some one in the room groaning as if in great agony, bo not i lied the clerk, who procured assistance and entered tbe room, when it was discovered tl.at both occupants bad attempted suicide aud were in a dying oondition. One has since died, aud uo hopes are entertained of of the recovery of the other. No cause Is known for tbe act. tW The disadvantages of weaiiug false hair were painfully illustrated at Millers ville, Pa., the other day. A boat, in which two young ladies and two young men were passengers, capsized suddenly, and one of the ladies sank out of sight. As she re appeared one of the men grasped her hat, which came off. Tbe lady sauk, and ou her second appearance fared no better, for this time tbe frightened youth caught her by her hair, which, being falo, came off In bis bands, and down she weut again. At last, however, she was caught by tier real hah and dragged a bond tbe boat, after baviDg had what may properly be called a hairbreadth escape. tW One day last week as Mr. Howard Smitb.of Middletown township, Bucks Co., was going out to tbe field with two teams to plow, Mr. Smith's team being ahead, aud the hired man's behind, with a span of fractious horses that he allowed to pass the front team, whioh was too near tbe fenoe to admit of a clear passage, one of the horses In Mr. Smith's team trod in side of the traces of tbe passing team, which caused him to rear so high that he fell backward on the beam of tbe plow and was Instantly killed. The other borne was also thrown back on tep of the dead horse, and Mr. Smith sprang on his head and held blm down until the harness was out loose, when hejumped up uninjured, but there lay his eomrade, not a muscle moving, and death must have ensued the instant he struok the plow. C3PA Bpringdold, Mass., young lady who tried to oure a sore throat recently by wrapping it in raw liver on going to bed, was awakened in tbe night by a huge rat that was lunohing from the liver, and she concluded that, of the two, she preforred soie throat. ANNUAL, HTATBM ENT of Supervisors' Account with Tuscarora township, Perry oouuty, Fa., for tliu year 1870. Hit. SAMUEL FRY, Supervisor. To amount of Duplicate assess ed (or 1H70, Hy amount brought from settle ment due township, 1875, r.Ji. Total amount of work done, t71 (7 Sspervisors' time, 118 60 Incidental Expense, 99 Percentage on outstanding money, 12 06 Exonerations, 29 !) Voucher Issued to A. Fry, sen. 14 39 ' do do to J. Campbell, 2D 50 ti.oi6 Amount due township from 8. Fry, l"6 02 GEOKGK KICK. Supervisor. DR. Amount of Duplicate for 1B7H, 1837 79 Balance per on outstanding money, 17 82 11,01)4 41 55 02 lusfii CIt. Total anion nt of work done, S81 28 Hupervlsnr'B time, 108 50 Kxonmatlons, 4 a Hy amount work dons by team and hands. 83 SI 11072 97 855 11 1855 11 Amount due Oeo.Klee from tp.1217 80 A. It. K lHH, Supervisor. DK. Amount of Duplicate for 1875, $343 45 CB. Amount nf work done not Inclu dlliK Supervisor'sttme, 122.1 80 Supervisor's own account el 60 Three days' auditing and Per centage. 7 80 Amount work done in 1875 and auditing accounts 24 48 1119 58 Amount due township from A.n. Kerr, DR. 123 87 t J. It BLACK, Supervisor. Amount of Duplicate for 1875, 1701 28 CB. Amount of work done, 1125 49 supervisor's time, 31 60 Paid for Hedges, &c, 3 l,i Error on Duplicate, 14 80 Exonerations, 11 01 Work done since day of last set tlement, 15 60 Three days' time meeting audi tors, 4 50 Percentage on Individual time, 1 05 Balance Percentage on money to collect for 1874, 119,1 Paid to A. Fry, sen., 25 do do do J ames Campbell, 6U 00 t.PI 45 Amount due township from J. B. Black, 1106 83 WE. the undersigned Auditors of Tnscarora township. Perry county. Pa., met at School House No. fi, auddid audit and adjust the foregoing ac counts of said township, being duly sworn ac cording to law, do certify that the above accounts are correct. WM. H. BWARTZ, GEO. 8. BUCHER, ROSS I1KNCH, Uunht Bakkb, Township Clerk. Auditors. May 1, 1877. CI IM 1 copy curious love letter, 1 pk. comic w 11 cards, 1 pack popping questions cards ;all for 10 cets., ft stamp. FuuCardCo, Mlddleboro, Mass. 18d4w. Best bargains In Amerlca.p A DMC J. F. Man Maps and Catalogue free Mn Hi O cnSi T)0ver, Delaware. 18d4w. FUN 1 Package comic Envelopes, pk. eomlo un Cards, pack scroll cards, 24 p. book of Fun ; all for 10 cents & and stump, Novelty Co., Mlddleboro, Mass. 18d4w. WANTFn An old established N. Y.. and 11 nil 1 Havana firm want a Oeneral Agent In Kloomneld or vicinity, to control the sales of their Cigars A permanent paying posi tion for an acceptable man. Must be energetic and reliable. Address, KAMON, LOPEZ & ISO., 147 Keade Street, New York. 18d4w. pilMl pack acquaintance cards. 1 pack hdkf. un flirtation. 1 pack sorool. all sorts, for only lOcents & stamp, Fun Card Coj, Mlddleboro, Mass. 18d4w. TIP Tho Tip Top PcHffi! I Ui lrm anil b,t,luiinut. READ AND SEE. la Bhaou Note Psinr 13 Suvtjtopaa. PncU, Po bolder, Ould- n Pan. Bat of K1KM Gold Bunm thylt Btone hung inlaid w rhu, -..... KS;ooll pll"wl.llnsRlD(!.B.tBbil Kr Drift T .1 uiivmtmi Mt tin ljulles' Fancy Hut Tlu ana PTOoa.UQUl PUMe'"'" -I ed Watch Chain and Hat ol ftPfl jOMk fQa Th rata n..M.rlatM1 HUH.. Tht tiriLt sntfost-fHtfif- BO mtt. RXTRAORDINAR Y bkidi. unnxon naoof now vvra TBIFLINO WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANOEBOI S. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedv for COUGHS, snd all diseases of the THKOAt, LUNGS, CllfcSX and MUCOIH MEMBRANE I'at Up Only In Bine Boxes. BOLD BY ALL DKUGGI8TK. 18d4w C. N. Ckittknton, 7 Sixth Avinib, Kew York. XII2AI T1IIH 1 1 A chance for all to make or save money .and get the KKRTGOOI) iu the market TEAS, COFFEES, &C, sold at lower prices than the same qualities can be bought at any otber bouse In this country. All goods guaranteed to bo satisfactory and as represented, or tbe money will be refunded on re turn of the goods, which may be done at our ex pense. Tbe repntatioe of our house forsellingstandard goods at Low prices, (for 36 years), bas given us a standing In New York City and vicinity, that is not enjoyed by any other nouse In tbe trade. After mature deliberation we have determined to offer our goods to housekeepers, at the JXWK8T WHOLESALE TKADK P1UCES, when a CLLBis formed large enough to make a small case. Tbe goods of each member of tbe elub will be put in separate packages, and marked wltb name and cont, so as to avoid confusion In distribution. Goods will be sent by Express to Collect on De livery. All wishing to save money by purchasing family supplies at New York Wholesaile Prices can talk the matter over among friends aud neighbors, and send to us for Club Circular, Price list, c. We give a present of either goods, or money to tbe person who gets op the ciuK to compensate for trouble, etc Samples ot TEA 4i COKPEEsent by mail. Send for Price-list, and Club Circular. 19d4w Stiner's New York & Ghina Tea Co., M. II. MO8E8 ft CO., Proprietors. 18dt 77,79,81,84 and 86 VBSJir Street, Sti nrk. Bargains in Carpets. 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. If yon want a pretty OAKPKT for only 86 Cents per yard, oomo and see what you can get at that price of F. MOKT1MKR. Thirty-Five Cents Istlie price of a pretty CAR PET at Mohtim Kit's. The same amount of money will also buy a good CALICO Dreis If you don't make It too large. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 -CENTS, LOTS OF OTHER BARGAINS. SPRING OPENING. SPRING HPHINU SPRING SPUING SPRING SPUING SPUING SPRING SPRING fiPlil.NO OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENING OPENING Spring Ims come, and we are ready for It, with the II nest assortment of Keady Made Clothing ever offered In Aukh-ica. Our goods represent the latest New York Styles, and our twenty five years' experience In man 11 f actur i u g Ci oth I n g Is sutllclent guarantee fur IU and workmanship. KLEOANT ELEGANT ELEGANT ELEGANT ELEGANT ELEGANT ELEGANT ELEGANT ELEGANT ELEGANT CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING A.C. A.C. A C. A.O. A. C. A. O. A. C. A. C. A.O. A. a YATES ft CO. YATH8 & CO. YATES & CO. YATES ft CO. YATES ft CO. YATES ft CO. YATES ft CO. YATES ft CO. YATES ft CO. YATES ft CO. Rnylngall our goods for Cash, and possessing great facilities for man ufacturing, enables us to sell so remarkably low. Every caller, whether Intending to buy or to merely look at our goods Is treated In the same polite and cordial manner. LEDGER LEDGER LEDGER LEDGER LEDGER LEDGER LEDGER LEDGER LEDGER LEDGER BUILDING.. Bl'ILDING. BUILDING. BUILDING. BUILDING. BUILDING. BUILDING. BUILDING . BUILDING. BUILDING . CHERTNUT St. CHESTNUT St. CHESTNUT St. CHESTNUT St. CHESTNUT St CHESTNUT r t CHEST NTT St. CHESTNUT St. CHESTNUT St. CHESTNUT St. Cor.Cth Cor. 6th Cor. 6lh Cor. 6th Cor. 6th Cor. 6th Cor. fit h Cor. 6th Cor. 6th 'Cor. 6th Our Children's Depart ment, with a special en trance on Sixth Street for Ladies, Is stocked' with a rich assortment of fresh and elegant goods at prices lower than the lowest. A. C. YATES & COMPANY. RflfW See this. Only fl.R0 capital required to DUUIXto start canvassing for MARK TWAIN'S NEW SCRAP-BOOK. Apply, with stamp, to John K. Hallowell.iaVEastp AMU A CQC RC Eight St., New York. l4tw' wMOOtlli CAG'TS WANTED FOB HISTOBYiyT ENTEN'L EXHIBITION it contains nearly 400 line engravings of buildings nd scenes in the ttreat Exhibition and Is the bnlyauthentio and oomplete history published. It treats of the grand buildings, wonderful ex hibits, curiosities, great events, etc. Very cheap and sells at slgStt. ue Agent sold 48 copies in one day. Sena for our extra terms to Agents and a full description of the work. Address Nation al Pi'Bi.isnmn q Philadelphia, Pa. P A I IT I ft M Unreliable and worthless books lHU I IUN. on the Exhibition are being cir culated. Do not be deceived. See that the book you buy containes 918 pages and nearly 400 line engravings. 164w. BANlI7rt Is permanently located at It the ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Pittsburgh, Pa. Diseases and Deformities of the Spine, Clterine Displacement, Dyspepsia, Hernia and Piles suc cessfully treated by the BANNING SYSTEM of Mechanical Supports. Call or send for descrip tive pamphlet, ' Tho House You Live In." Mail ed Free. 17 lm EVERY SOLDIER nent disease In service, ran get a pension by writ ing to John Kl rkpatrlck, Cambridge, Ohio. 17 lm ' Nf) We will start yen In a business you U can make fr'O a week without capital ; MflNCVisy "d respectable for either sex. 1)1 U I1C I m. A. Youno, 261 Bowery, N. Y . 17 3m NEW KINDS OF SEED POTATOES. I am prepared to ship to planter the following new varieties of excellent seed potatoes, viz: Producers (Large, oblong, wnlte) eyes 00 top. Snow Flake (beautiful, eyos 011 top). ICarly Vermont (large, round, yellow) very early. White Rock (large, round imported). Skerry Blue (Early large round imported). lacksn White (large white). Any of the above good potatoes will be boxed and delivered at freight or express office at the rale of 14 per bushel, money to accompany the order. D. K. BEKDEK. N. W. Corner 13th ft Oxford street Philada, April 10 17. 4 PWW Is not easily earned In these times, bnt O f f It can be made in three months by f" " any one of eiihersex. la any part of the country wko Is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. ! a week In your dwn town. You need not be far away from home over nigh. You can give your whole time to tbe work, er only your spare moment. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and M Oultlt tree. Address at once, 11. Baixctt ft Co.. Port land, Uaine. U !' N OT1CE. Nntlco l horrhv eiTn that the Million of RoW) mon Bighara, Atttiguee of George Milchett and wife, has been Bled In the Court of Common. Pleas of Perry county, praying for an order of tale to sell the Real Kttale of said Assignees, sit uate in Miller township. Perry county fa., and that the Court bas Hied TUtSDAY, the 12th el June, 187. at 10 o'clock a. tu., for the hearing of saia petition, when the same will be granted, un less cause tie show to the contrary. . U MiCJkKV, Prothoootary. April 17, 1877. 6 New plecessheet musie.retallsfor 11.75 sent for lo cts ft stamp, Cbeap liuaieL'o.lltldleUror Mass. ladtw. OK ELECANT. CARDSHl My" J uauie, 10 et-'uts. pont paid. J. B. Hukted. Nassau, Ken. Co., N. Y. 18dsw. 1 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers