THE TIMES, ! NEW BLOOMFIELD; PA.',' APRIL 3, 1877J THE TIMES. I40&I l)cpkitiTcit. PENNSYLVANIA B. E. MIDDLE DIVISION. Oa ind sfter Hovwnlicr l?th, Trains run follow i WESTWARD. War Mail Am.'i l'nixrtPAt, PamTr'n Tr'n Stations. EASTWARD. riiiiMnAii'. Miri. Ex. Tr'n Kx. Auc. A. M. V JI. P. M. H.1HI 1 ." 6 3(1 S.lj l.W t to 8.21 1.47 I U 8.:W 04 8.1 H.IW I N t ill S.tH 1.88 6.6 9 2D l.Aoi 7.1" : 8.IK 7.3(1 9.4H 8. IS 7.48 t.M 8. S3' ) U 1(1 111 8.) 8.00 r.M.'v.M. 'P.M. 1 M 8.18 11. (i Harrlsbniv, Uockville. Jlarysvllle, Dnneannou, Unlly'n, , Newport, Millers town, Thompaont'n, Mexlrn 8..18 8.20 8.11 7.68 f.8S 7.18 7.07 8 64 8.37 8.83 8.28 1.17 7.6 I no! T.M) 19. M! 7.80 10. vim. 12.32 Ul 10.03 11.57! -W' 11.41! 8.16 ii m. it in' Port K yal.... Mitllin, ll.nj . .15 10.41 8.(4 11.14 4.M 11.40 4.47; 1S.30 t.2li- 1.18 M 1.K 7.111. f Anderson's,.., McVeytowu,., N. Hamilton, . . HuntiuKdnn,., ( Tyrone ! Altouuu Lewlftn iwn J., 11.(14 6.40 0.01 10.84 8.09 8.37 . Ill 1(1 4 47: ,; 4.1' 7.; B.f.0 8.2S 8.31 . 8. IS t.M U5 V.M.Il-.M.l ' ' A.M. P.M. P.M "Plttabmv F.xrres leaves Harrtsbnnr t p.m. Dnnotimioii 11.:tt (fW; Newport 11.57 (Has) ami ar rives at I'iltHburK al H.15 A. m. Philadelphia Express lonves Altoona at 10 00 p. m., Tyrone at In. SI i. m., Minitlmd.m II 18 p. in., lewis town J., 12. mi a. in., Mifflin 12. 61a.m.., Public Sales. Those liming wile bills printed at this office will have tlie no tice of the sale In this list without, extra charge until lny of gale. April 17th Moses lless, Administrator nf tlio estate of Mary McCllntock, dee'd., will sell a farm in Carroll twp. See advertisement. V The water has been let Into the canal , and boating has already commenced. March departed with a cold sleety rain, and, now let us have spring. On Bunday the 10th, Mrs. Ellen Buope died quite suddenly at Ickesburg. s There are to lie thirty four application for liquor license presented to the April Court. The Juniata and Susquehanna rivers are quite high, from the late rains, and has caused the residents along the latter river some uneasiness. ' James Hell, a freight brakeman on Conductor Hackett's "train, was struck on the head by a stone thrown by some vilain, cutting an ugly gash,while pass ing Terdix station, west of Marysvillc, on Saturday evening a week. Considerable complaint is made re garding the manner in which one of the Carroll twp., teachers corrects his scholars. If the charges are true there is reason for complaint, and the directors should take tile matter in hand. XThe four-horse team belonging to Mr. Anthony Fuhrman ran away on' Mon day of last week from the front of Smith's Btore in Newport and at the railroad crossing a train caused them to turn short around breaking the wagon tongue, when the arrival of the driver prevented further damage. Appointments. We notice the following, among the appointments made by the M. E. Conference held at Williamsport last week : New Bloomfleld, Rov. J. W. Cleaver ; Blain, Rev. M. C. Piper ; Newport, Rev. J. W. Buck ley i Duneannon, Rev. W. II. Keith; Liver pool, Rev. B H. Crever; Fairvicwand Marys vllle, Rev. J. B... Shannon; Three Springs, Rev. G. W. Dnnlap ; Concord, Revs. E. White and J. H. 8. Clark; Ray's Hill, Revs. 8. A. Crevellnn and W. II. Bowden ; Altoona, Rev. M. K. Foster ; Thompsontown, Rev. L. F. Smith; Birmingham, Rev. A. W. Decker; Penn's Valley, Rev. 6. W. Bonse. Presiding Elder Juniata District, Rev. E. T. Mitchell. Horse and Buggy Stolen. On Friday night last, a dapple grey horse and a good top buggy was stolen from the resi dence of Zeno Fees, adjoining the bor ough of Lewlstown , Mifflin county. A A reward of $50 is offered for the recov ery of the horse, and $25 for the arrest of the thief. The supposed thief, driving the horse and buggy .crossed the river bridge on his way up Tuscarora Valley, at Mifflin early on Saturday morning. SherilT'8 Sales. On last Friday Sheriff Williamson sold the following Ileal Estate : . A tract of timber land In Centre twp., con taining '240 acres, the property of Gotleib Light to AlexanderCathcart for $250. A tract of land in Watts twp., containing 50 acres, and having thereon elected a two story loir bonse, lot; barn, &c., the property of James Wright to W. A. Sponsler for f 50. A tract of land in Oliver twp. .containing S3, abont 15 cleared, having tbureon erected a one and a half story stone bouse, frame stable, Ac, the property of David P. Clouser to F. B. Clouser for 9247. The balance of the properties adver tised to be sold were held over, the new tay Law interfering with the sale of them. Petty Thieving. On Thursday night, some person picked the look on the smoke-house belonging to Mr. J. W. tSoule in Centre township, and carried off several pieces of meat.. On the game night, the chicken coop of Cornelius Clouser was visited by some thief, and some poultry was carried away. The smoke-houses of Mr. 1). Holmes and Mr. Andrew Comp were also visit ed the same night, but they had previ ously removed their meat. The person who stole the meat at Mr.' Soule'a was tracked to this town, by a peculiarty of the boots, the track plain ly showing until iMey had passed be yond Mr. Nickel's shop. It was the name track too, that was around the other two smoke-houses mentioned. A search warrant was obtained and two places in town were searched, but no clue to the thief was obtained. Assignee List. The following assign ments have been made since our former rcjiort. IJ. W. Barrack & and wife to Emanu el Smith. William Myers & and wlfo to William Donnally. John C. Leonard & wife to E. B. Wise. David Secrlst & wife to Daniel Zelgler. David Fry & wife to Jacob Long. Oeorge It. Miller & wife to Lewis Pot ter. William M'Coy fe wife to Joseph Smith. James P. Donley & wife to John 8. Itlchey. Isaac Simmers & wife to George Jacobs. The March Weather. B. McIntlre,Esq., hands us the following report of the weather for the mouth of March, 1877. Average of thermometer at 8 o'clock A. M., 31 - and 40' of the barometer 30 inches minus seven tenths, average of the greatest degree of heat 40 and 2V of the lowest degree of cold 25 J and 15'. There fell 4 inches and 6 tenths of rain, and 1(1 inches of snow. The coldest day was Sunday the lKth, the thermom eter sinking to 4 3 below Zero, and Sat urday the 10th was the vnrmcst day the thermometer running up to Q'i3 above Zero. The month averaged withhi a degree and a half as cold as February. -.B How the Mall is Distributed. If you have any letters that have " turned up missing" perhaps the following may ac count for it. It also shows what a splendid thing our fast mail Is. The Harrishurg Patriot says : There was a lively dislribution of the mail the other day by the day express on the Penn sylvania railroad a short distance East of Huntingdon. The agent in charge of the mail car had his lever set to pick up a mail bag. By some means the lever missed its mark, and the pouch was thrown under the train. It was found between the brake shoe and the wheel, where, if allowed to remain much longer, would have thrown the car from the track. It was a fortunate es cape for the train, but there are many people by this time, wondering why they don't receive replies to their let ters. The track was strewn with mis sives for at least fives mile, but the train was saved. The Result of a Neglect of Duty. The borough auditors of Chester Springs, Cambiia county, have got themselves into a peck of trouble, through their own negligence. It seems, says the Johnstown Tribune, that their failure to comply with the law requiring them to publish the annual statement of the re ceipts and expenditures of that district either by hand bill or in the two papers having the largest circulation, has induc ed some of the taxpayers to enter suit against them, and the -chances are thnt the fine which attaches to neglect of this nature will be imposed. It Is rather rough on the auditors, but they should understand their duty properly, and then there will be no risk of this kind. There are several districts in this county where the law has been heretofore a nul lity as far making annual statements public Is concerned, and it behooves those interested to attend to this matter, or they may likewise suffer alike ordeals Sudden Death at Baldwin. On Saturday the 24th ult., In Lower Baldwin, a man known as Johnny Bengal, died suddenly while sitting on a chair at the residence of Mr. J. Cross. He was singing " The little log cabin in the lane," and suddenly fell back and al most instantly expired ; it is presumed fVom heart disease. The funeral took place on Monday. Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week. Last Wednesday J oseph Williams was helping to dig a well on the Yoder farm, one mile cast of this place, in Fermanagh township, and while thus engaged a stone loosened from the side of the well at a point about twenty feet above where Williams worked. The weight of the stone is about twenty-five pounds. In its fall it struck Williams in the left sido of the head, cutting through a thick cap and making a gash of about two inches in length in the bead clean to the skull bone, and tticnce downward, inflicting a stunning blow on the ribs that so pros trated Williams that Dr. Elder was speedily summoned to minister to him. The injured man is Improving as rapidly as can tie expected under his load of allllctions. Sentinel. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland county pajiers of last week : On Friday afternoon officer Byers, of Newville, arrested James Hannou, of Shippensburg, one of the parties charged by the men now awaiting trial with oe ing implicated in the Shippensburg arson cases, llannon was arrested in the neighborhood of Doubling Oap and was brought to Carlisle and lodged in jail to await trial at the approaching Quarter Sessions. This makes the sixteenth per. son awaiting trial and the sixth for arson. ilitror. On Saturday morning the lifeless body of John B. Noble better known tin " Beefy" was found in the stable at. tauhed to the Thudium hotel. For a. long time past he had been Indulging to excess In drink and dissipation and doubtless laid down In the stable in an Intoxicated state. Coroner Binlth held on Inquest and the Jury returned a ver dict of died from "long continued dissi pation." , Two of Plnkerton's detectives visited Oakvllle on Friday a week, having "shadowed" a man whom they supposed was a car robber. The detectives first got sight of their man at Patterson, Ju niata county, and followed him up until he left the cars at Oakvllle. 1 1 was then the detectives learned that he was not the man wanted, he being a law-abiding citizen. The detectives left Oakvllle on the evening train east, and spent Friday night in Carlisle. Church Notices. Presbyterian Church Preaching at 11 A. M., on Sunday next. Prayer meet on Wednesday evening at 7t o'clock. Bloomfleld Academy. New term open April Dth. ltev. J. Edgar, Principal. - --B- ....... "Above All N'vy Tobacco." Cau tion. Every 5c. and 10c. plug of this Celebrated Tobacco is labelled "Wnrdle's Above All." None is genuine without. Si(l Mother to Father: Do you enow )? dear u'here Our new married daughter Ma; bin the best ware ? Said Daughter to Mother: There are all kinds of wares Just sueh as I want, 7?irhf cheap, down at JlLAIlfS, Two more Crates of White Ware just received. Also a full supply of Jicst Groceries, Tubs, Jluekcfs, Churns, Soaps, Jiaskets, Glass Ware and other Family Supplies, and offered all the time Cheap for the Cash, or in F.rehanqe. for Good Country Produce. 1 1 'M. P. LA IP, mar I:.' 4t South Fnd, Carlisle. Take Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the undersigned, that a dissolution of partnership is to take place on April 1st. All .aecounts must ue settled by note or otherwise be fore that date, and accounts not settled in accordance with this notice will be put In the hands of a Justice for col lection. The business will after that date be carried on by H. W. Smith. Smith & Mc Buidh. New Bloomfleld, Jan. 2,'t, 1877. tf Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Window Shades, Mutts, Bugs, Hassocks, &c.,nt the Carpet Store in Carlisle. Yes, That's Just It. You need a new outfit, and the place to get It whole or In part and at prices that can't be under sold by any liouse in the county Is at Isidou Swaktz's. .1. B., Newport, is intro ducing a new brand of Touacco, "Above Alll," which is destined to tuke the lead. Try it. Notice. All persons Indebted to the subscriber by note will please make pay ment before or during April Court, as after that date no further time will bo given. J. B. Hackkt. Bloomfleld, March 20, 1877. The Eagle Hotel. Mrs. Sarah Derrick would notify the public that she has taken possession of the above named Hotel in Bloomfleld, and would be pleased to have all her old friends favor lier with their patronage, and as many new ones as feci weel disposed towards her. 12 4t. . . - - 4-- - Purchasers of Carpets, Wall Papers, Shades, Oil Cloths and general house iuruishlng goods of this kind should see the large spring stock at the Carlisle Carpet House, 21, East Main Street. Carpets, Carpets. Beautiful Brussels. 3 plysand Ingrain, with 30 patterns in Homemade Carpets, Hemps, Halls and Stairs at the Carlisle Carpet House, 21, East Main St., Carlisle. Ask your merchants for "Above All'V Chewing Tobacco. " The Above All," Is a new brand of chewing tobacco, and Is without a peer for excellence and sweetness. For sale, wholesale and retail, by S.B. Hautzkli. In Clantt's Building. i Only a Flp. I have received another lot of good colors of the Hi- cent prints, JiOts of other NEW GOODS are also in Store and for .sale at a bargain. Call and see them. F. MoitTI-MEK. VERDANT GREEN'S ADVENTURES. We have Just received this Irresistibly funny book, by Cuthheut Bede, and If "every laugh pulls a nail from one's coflln," the readors of this book will have no need of the undertaker for many a long year. Verdant has the hap py faculty of meeting with more " adventures" and more oniuaing ones, than ever before fell to the lot of mortal man. And the story Is made additionally attractive by 150 humorous engravings. It Is sold by all Newsdealers at 20 cents, or scut postpaid for 25 cents, by Donnellev, Lovd ifc Co., Publishers, Chicago, III, SPECIAL NOTICES. ERRORS OF YOUTH. ACHNTI.KMAN wlio suffered for years from Nervous Debility, J'rnmatiire Decay, and all the eflecU of youthful Indiscretion will, fur the sake of sullering humanity, send free to all who need It, the incipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Winterers wwiiiijrto urotltT by the advertiser's experience cau do so byaddressinii In perfect ciiniiiloni e. .IOHN li. IXiDliN, 42 Cedar ht.,fcew York. 10ar2 6iiios. PIMPLES. I will mail the recipe for preparlim a simple ViiETHi.R lUi.M that will leinuvn Tan, FUKOKL.tX I'lMPLKS and ltixjTtiihM, leaving tiie skin soft, clear and bmiiitllul; also Inst rue. lions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair ou a bald head or smooth luce. Address, eu-clim-ng 111 cents, HEN. VANDKI.K & 0(1., Ilox 5U!1, No. 5 Woosler St., New York. H'a02 Oinos. TO C0NSUMTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently eured of thntdrend disease, (.'onsuniption, by a simple remedy, Is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the inesnsof cure. To all who desire It, lie will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will tlnd a Hure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, llronchltls, (to. Parties wishing the prescription will please address, Hev. E. A. WILSON, 2a0nios 194 l'enn fit., Wllliainsbiirgh.New York A Certain Headache Cure. A harmless vegetable preparation, and the discovery of a ph9lcian. the Victor Headache l'owder has been proven a positively sure cure for the most distressing cases of 8lck or Nervous Headache, Morning slrkness nnd Neuralgia, a single powder actually curing In ten minutes when all other means full. We have had a won. derfnl experience with It, and the ten cent trial pack can be had by addressing the proprietors, .1. It. HICIBLHY t CO., Hnlem N. J., who will cheerfully mall them postpaid, and of Druggists everywhere and It is with well merited confidence thev are offered as a thorough cure for all dis tresses of the head. 3 ly tW White, smooth and toft any lady's hands, arms pr neck may become, who uses Glenn's Sulphur Soap, Pimples or other dls flgnrmcnts of a complexions! nature, are surely obliterated by this healthful promoter of beauty. Depot, Crlttenton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. Hill's hair .c Whisker Dye, black or brown, OOcts. 14.4w fJ'HlAL LIST, FOH AI'ItlL TEltM, 1877. J'eople's Freight Hallway Co., . Andrew Low Same, vs. Kdward Hull. Same vs. same. Same, vs. Dr. B. P. llooke. Kllas Snyder, vs. School District of Madison twp. J. Hvnard's use, vs. 11. F. Drawbaugh, with no tice, e.. People's Freight Hallway Co., vs. tleorge Hoo baugh. Same, vs. Win. Shoemaker. Jacob Comp. vs. Samuel Smith. Joseph Keiler's use, vs Oeo. W. I.ebklchei-. 1'eonle's Freight Hallway Co., vs. W. W. McCluie. ! Same vs. Anthony Furhnmn. '. Same, vs. Henry Itinesmith. ! Same vs. D. II. Shnibley. - Same, vs. David Kerr. Same, vs. fieorge Kern. W. Scott Dunbar, vs. James Elder. Ellen Hire's use, vs. William It. S. Cook. O. C. Tharp Adin'r of (I. Bnyuer. dee'd, vs. II. Snyder & Co. Same, vs. Henry Snvder. M. IV Spahr, vs. Barbara E. P-akeret vlr. Jacob 11. Heeder, vs. J. D. Cree er, al. Mollle Keey's use, vs. Cha. Vamlerau's Ex'rs. Francis English, vs. Oeo. Markers Adm'rs. James Blain. vs. J. W. Williamson. ' Andrew J. Bure, vs. Pennsylvania Canal Co. Jt. H. Mcriure's use. vs James Emory. Henry H. Fisher, vs. Theodore Feim etux. Jos. II. Hursh Assignee, vs. Anthony Fulir- man. Adam Karstetter, vs. Clias. Wright et al. Anna M. Klllr.1t vs. Dr. W. it. Clsna Schwartz i Rlnnsbauch. vs. Amos Kobluson et al. Weaver Ik Miller, vs. John Jones, (ieo. Wright, vs. W. It. B. Cook. Benj. C. llheem, vs. Lewis McNeal. "i hand j dry, fok april term, 1877. It Newport, B. F. Miller, fore, Win. Hortlng. Buffalo Geo. W. Blattenbcrger. Centre Chas. R. Power. Carroll Jamei A. Hall, Joshua Hess, Joseph Stair. - , Jackson John D. Sliuman, John Kiallcr, Wm. B. 8tambaugh, James Crownovcr. Landlsburg J. M- Kennedy, John M. Wilson. Madison Jacob Gutshall. Oliver Aaron Shrelller. rlaville John Wallet. Tuscarora Wm. 8etzler, Samuel Fry. Tyrone Jno. Neeley, Columbus Mluleh, Henry 8heafTer. ' Liverpool Michael Lebklcher. WattB Daniel Livingston. Wheatneld James D. Willis. rjIRAVERSE JURORS, for April Term, 1877. liloomflcld Daniel Garlln. Buflalo Jacob Buck. Carroll Alfred Zelgler, Win. Sheaffor, Sr. Centre Edward Clark, Samuel Fravel, Henry Sbeaffcr. Duncannon Jesse Berkstresser, Abncr Van- fossen, Jesse White Greenwood Joseph Wert, Samuel L. Beaver. Howe Alfred Wright. Jackson D. A. Hollcnbnugh. Juniata ThomaB Sullen berger, Martin Sdilth. Landlsburg Jesse Meaddath. Liverpool Samuel Derr. Madisou George W. Stambaugh, John Rouse, Samuel Hartuian, Edward Hull, Samuel Sanderson, Honry Bear, Sr., Samuel Moose. Marysvile Chauncy Wise, James Valentine, J. W. Flickinger. Miller George W. Cook. New Buffalo John Basking. Oliver Solomon Brown. Rye E. C. Gault, Levi Meyers, Henry Baylor. Newport Thos. H. MUUgan, John Patterson. Savllle Jeremiah Trostle, Henry Flickinger. kSprlng John W. Koll, James Cleland, Jacob Shelbley. Tuscarora Adam Rico, John LeBh, Honry Baker, David Leonard. Toboyne Wm. Bnydor, Wm. Wilhlde. Whcatlleld Honry Leppcrd. Philadelphia Produce and Stock Report. I'liH.ADEi.rniA, March 81st. The week has been a dull one. There Is a slight advance lu wheat mid corn, and a little more demand Present quotations are: Wheat. HHiil70; Corn, 67; Kye, 7iii Oats, 4lci'4ti; Cloverseed, 1:1S15. Stock quotations are: Penn'a. K. K., 42 Read ing, Wi: Nor. Central. 20: I'htl'a. and Erie, n-i; Lehigh Xav., 22. Cold, 104. County Trice Current. BLOOMF1ELD, April 2, 1877. Flax-Seed 1 ii Potatoes, 75 Butter VI pound, (fresh roll) is Packed Butter V pound, lu Eggs V dozen 12 Dried Apples V pound 3!. cts" Dried Feache a 12ols.yit Cherries 0 00 ots. " " Pitted 00 00 cts.' Blackberries OQOots. " NEWPORT MAKKKT8. t Corrected Weekly by Kough Brother. ) DBAXEUS IN OllVIINi At PHODUCE. NlWPOKT, March .11. IS77. Flour, Extra, Id 25 " Super. 4 SO Whit Wheat V bu 1 S7 a 1 .".7 Red Wheat ; " 1 3201 32 Kye doeoo Corn 4042 Oats V 32 pouuds UOOtt: Clover Seed , 9 259 2" Timothy Seed,.'. , 1 W Flax Seed 1 CO Potatoes, 80 O Su Bacon , 10 O 14 Dressed Hogs, S'lJcts. Ground Aluinu Bait, 1 50i31 M . Llmeburuer's Coal, 2 2 Stove Coal, ...i 4 00 O ft o Pea Coal , 2 73 Gordon's Food per Back 12 00 F1HII, SALT, I.IMK AND COAL Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the Lowest Market Hates. r Five per ceut oft lor Cash. CARLISLE PHODUCK MARKET. oonnRrrrBn wkhklt. . . ' i WOODWARD BOBB. Carlisle, March 30, 1877. Family Flour, 16.25 Superfine Rye Flour , 3.50 White Wheat, new.,...,,,...) 180 Red 1..10 Rye Bo Corn, (new) 43 Oats 30 Cloverseed 9.00 a 9.m Tlmnthyseed Jcnkin Wilms On March 2ft It. 1876, at the residence of the bride's parents, ny Rev. John Edgar J. E. Jiinkln, Ksq.,to Miss Lillle . Willis, both nf this place. MicKF.T Sloiioii. On March 2"th, 177, by Rev. John Edgar. Mr. J. Edward Mickey to Miss Ella Blough, nil of Blnomlleld. DnoM(iou Wkiiilet Onthe22nd n1t.,M!ie Reformed Parsonage In Blain. by the Rev. F. B. Lindinan, Mr. W. B. Dromgold to Miss Ida M. Welbley, both of Buflalo, Saville township this countv. Rkihingbr Bitnek. On the 25th ult., at the residence of the bride's parents In Ickesbui g, by Rev. J. Frazler, Mr, George itelslnger, to Miss Annie Bitner. Death notices not mommIIhk 8 lines Inserted without ehiirKo. Hut 8 cents per Hue will ItivHrlnMy r cliHWd lor Tributes or Krapect, Poetry, or uihrr remarks. GitKF.N. On the 11th tilt.. In Tenn township. Mr. huerales Green, aiied 47 vears. Potteii. On the IRth till., in Buffalo twp., Emma C. Potter, aged 12 years, 4 mouths, and lu davs. Fin'tos. On the 12th nit.. Mrs. Mary F.. Fin ton ,nged 21 veins, 7 months nnd 2 days. Snof'K. On the 19lh ult.. Mrs. Ellen Khope. In Bulliilo, Saville twp., Fn y county aged 3U years, 1 month and Id days. Bakuki.u On the 18Ih ult., Mother M sry Bar dell, of Jackson twp., this county, aged Sajears, 1 month and KMlavs. Scott. On the 24 ult., at his residence In Mil Tord Mr. Wm. Scott, aged 07 years, 7 months and "days. . $10 TO $25 DAT ! MADE by Agents In cities and coun try towns, only necessary to show samples to make sales snd inoiiey.foi' any one out of employment and dlspos ed to work. Used dully bv all business men. Bend Stamp for circular, with, prices to agents. Address " SPECIAL AGENCY," Kendall Building, Chicago-. POPY YOUR LETTERQ U USE u Excelsior Copying Book, MADE OK CHEMICAL PAPER. Quickly copies any writing WITHOUT Water, PI! ESS, or Brush, used at home, library or olllce. For ladles wish lug to retain copies of letters, every business man. clergymen, correspondents, travels it is invalua ble sells at sight. Send iM and we will send a 3(i0page Book, letter size, BY MAIL paid to any address. We refer to any Commercial Agency. Send stamp for Agents' Circular. EXCELSIOR MNF'G. CO., 110 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ills, fined AGENTS WAMED. 14 6m. DIVORCES Legally and quietly obtained In every State and Territory, for ISfOMi'ATimi.iTY and other causes, no matter where the party resides. 13 years' ex perience. Fee after decree. All letters confiden tial. Address A. .1. DKXTKIt, Att'y. Rooms 8 and 9, 112 Dearborn, St., CHICAGO, ILL. Un questionable references given. Correspondence with the legal profession Invited. 14 6m N 0W IS THE TIME TO PLANT. IT PAYS To plant FRUIT TREES and Git APE VINES. They will yield 50 per cent, more profit ture than ordinary crops, and pay for themselves the first year they bear. . IT DON'T PAY To plant poor, drled-out stock, brought from a long distance and sold by an Irresponsible agent, whose only Interest is to buy as cheap as he can. regardless of quality or condition. You can GUT Tim BUST GUARANTEED STOCK, at bottom prices, fresh and vigorous, by sending or coming direct to iiivnitsini: xviiseries, HARRISBl R, FA. 9 Circulars Free. GEO. F.McFAREAND, Proprietor. ,14 (&r,r'W Is not easily earned In these times, but fj I " ean be made In three mouths bv any one of ell her sex. In anv part o'r the country who Is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish, tut a week in your own town. You need not be far away from home over nigh. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and o Outfit free. Address at once, II. Hau-ett & Co., Port land, Maine. , 14 ly. B RIDGE 1 LETTING. THE Commissioners of Perry countv will meet at the site of the bridge across bherman's creek, at Bridgeport, In Spring township, ON FRIDAY, APRIL 27th, 1877. at 10 o'clock A. M., and let by outcry, to the low est and best bidder, the building of a NEW COV ERED WOODEN BRIDGE acr-ss said creek, upon the site of the old bridge. The said new bridge to be built according to a bill of specifica tions prepared, and which may be seen and ex amined in I lie Commissioner's Olllce, in Bloom Held, or a copy will be sent to any one upon ap plication by mall. A bond for the faithful pei formance of contract, approved by the Commis sioners, will be required of the contractor immediately upon the awarding of the contract., and the Commissioners also reserve the right to reject any bid that is not satisfactory. .1. W. OANTT, ) Solomon Bowkk. Coiiiniiiiis'rs. Gkoiuie Campiiki.l. Nkilsom, Clerk. BlooinBeld, March 20, 1877. QRPHANS' COURT SALE OF OF VALUABLE "' REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court ol Ferry county. Pa., the undersigned Administra tor with the will annexed of Mrs. Mary McCliii toek. late of Carroll township. Ferry county. Pa., deceased, will sell by publle out cry, on the prem ises, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 17th. 1S77. at 11 o'clock A. M., the following described valua ble real estate, to wit: A TRACT OF LAND, situate In Carroll township, on Sherman's Creek, one mile west of Dellville, containing 102 Acres and 75 Perches, more or less, bounded on the North by Sherman's Creek, East by land of Samuel Grler, and West by land of Samuel Mutlack. About 75 Acres or said tract are cleared and in a good state of cul tivation, while the balance Is good timlier land. The improvements thereon are a LOG jam. WEATHER-BOARDED HOUSE AND LOG BAHN. Frame Stable. Frame Hog f itjH Pen. and other out buildings. There are Lj'iJL ORCHARDS of choice bearing Apple andlvicli Trees, good water near the house, and Its general surroundings make It a desirable property for purchasers. ' TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of the pur chase money to lie paid when the proiwrty is stricken down. Five hundred dollars at the time, otconilrmatloiioi sale, out. half the balance on Ihe 1st of April, 1S7H, and Urn remainder on the 1st dayof April, 1H7H, Possession will he given and deed delivered when Hie tw) are i.lil ami the balance to be secured with judgment bonds, bearing luteiest from date. , MOSE8 HKSS. March 27, 1S77. t Administrator.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers