THIS 'TIMES NEW BLOOM FIELD, l'A,, FE13UUAIIY 27,1877. (5 ljc lotimfidb imcs. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. partlUffllt. Hcnlthy Poultry. Tlio ltrU of air iiw wwr lt'k ; thry 1W rllhor or old nto or nntiiral wik ntiltU. T!ny oliooM'tlulr foml tuvonl iwg to tin' hokkoh niul tltolr nctual wants. Poultry nl Initio upon , furm nrerutpprm t'd to Iihvp nt wmnmnil nil tlicy need for health nml tuwlmtw, (the InmlnesR of imMludiiR t'ltK-) lUitthln l not often really Uio onw, very few fiu itis lielng uhln to wjpily tlio many tiling needful. Mine, uravcl, snml, good water at will, and a full variety of both hard and noft feed, groin and lnteots, worms, &o., are seldom ftwnd on any one farm. When they are, and the shelter from extremes of heat and cold (trees In summer and warm housing in winter) are ample, there is no cholera, eroup, pip, or other diseases killing them. When a man knows what his farm lacks for his poultry, It is generally easily supplied ; but few persons can tell exactly what Is lacking. There is one thing, however, which Is very import ant, which nature does not supply, and which civilization makes necessary, and that is charcoal to keep the stomach sweet, to prevent lndirrestlon and to maintain a constant good appetite. Charcoal made of wood does not an swer the purpose ; It has no taste of food is not attractive to the fowl and Is sel dom eaten. But if any one will put an ear of ripe com into the fire till the grains are well charred and then shell off the corn and throw it to his flock, he will see an eagerness developed and a healthy condition brought about which will make a decided improvement. All pale combs will become a bright red, that busy song which -precedes laying will be heard, and the average yield of eggs will be greatly Increased. Feeding Soft Corn. Feed the soft ears of corn to milch cows. A grain In the flow of milch follows. Now stop feeding these soft ears, and give them the big ears, set with hard kernels and it will at once be seen how much more good the soft corn does them. If the cows are over fed, or perhaps should they have but little of the hard corn, the kernel will le found in the manure,unutilizedby the animals. In feeding a herd of cows on hard corn, some cows will be always found not digesting completely the kernels. It is also observed that when corn is sent to mill before it is sufficiently dry to grind fine with the cob, it is an unsatisfactory food. It does the cows Ichb good than we should expect, thus clearly betraying the fact that at this time the meal is less nutritious, in itself is less digestible than meal made from old corn. Jcffcr xonian. Tree Planting in New York. A law of New York State runs as follows: Any inhabitant liable to high way tax who shall transplant by the nide of the public highway any forest shade-trees or fruit-trees of suitable size, shall be allowed by the overseers of highways, in the abatement of his high way tax, one dollar for every four trees set out; but no row of elms shall bo placed nearer than 70 ft., no row of maples or other forest trees .nearer than r0 ft., except locust, which may be set .'50 ft., apart, and no allowance as before mentioned shall bo made unless such trees shall have been set out the year pre vious to the demand for said abatement of tax, and are living and well protected ' from animals at the time of such de mand. The Farmer's Grindstone. There is no tool as essential on the farm as a good grindstone ; it is there fore necessary that every farmer should have one and know how to take proper c&re of it. A grindstone should always be kept uuder cover, as exposure to the sun's rays hardens the grit and injures the frame. The stone should not stand in water when not in use, as this causes soft places. The water should be allowed to drip from some vessel placed above the stone,and the drip should be stopped when the stone is not in uwe. AH greasy or rusty tools should be cleansed before sharpened, as grease or rust chokes up the grit. The stone should be kept perfectly round. For Cleaning Jewelry. There is Dothing better than ammonia and water. If very dull or dirty, rub a little soap on a soft brush, and brush them in this wash, rinse in cold water, dry first in an old silk handkerchief, and then rub with buck or chamois skia. Their frechness ami brilliancy when thus cleaned cannot be surpassed by any compound used by Jewelers. . , MIE SUX. 177. NEW YORK. 1877. Tim different editions of Tin Hex during the next yenr will bo tliesaino nsilurliig the er that lilt lint iwil. The dully edition will on week ihiys lie i (licet of four paii'S, and on Htiiidnxs a sheet of eight imge. or ntt broad ooliiiiins while tlie weekly edition will be a sheet of eight pnires nl Hie suiue dimension and diameter Unit are already familiar to our friends. Tim Hi m will unntlniin to be the strenuous ad vncatn nf reform and retrenchment, and ot the siih'tlttitlon of statesmanship, wisdom and In. tegrlty for hollow prnleiife. Imbecility, and fraud In the administration of public affairs. It will contend for the government of the people by the people and for Hie people, at opposed to sovnrn inenl In the ballot box and In the cmimlng ot votes, enforced by military violence. It will en. deavor to supply Its realers a body now not far from a million of souls with the moat careful, complete, and trustworthy accounts of current events, and will employ for this purpose a numer ous and carefully selected stall of reporters and correspondents. Its reports frem Washington, espeolall, will be full, accurate and fearless ; and It will doubtless eontlriue to deserve the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by Usui pin); what tne law does not give tfiein, while it will endeavor to merit the eonlldenee of the Dublin by defending the rights of the people agaiuHt the encroachments of iinjustllled power. The price of the dally MUSI will be fift cents a month or HJ a year, post paid, er with the Hun day edition 17.70 a year. The Miniiay edition alone, eight pages, 81.20 a year. The Wkeki.tHi), eight pages of BO broad coir limns, will be furiilsheiTdurlng 1877 at the rate of t) a year, post. paid. The benertnf this tore reduction from the previous rate for Tub WBuki.v caH be enjoyed by Individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs. At the name time, If any of our friends choose to aid In extending circulation we shall be grateful to lliem. and every such per. son who sends ten or more subscribers from one place will be entitled to one copy of the paeJ for himself without charge. Alone dollar a year, postage paid, the expenses of paper and printing are hardly repaid ; and, considering the size of the sheet and the ouallty or Its contents, we are confident the people will consider Trr Week it Hun the cheapest newspaper published In the world, and we trust also one of the very best. 6UCt Address, THE SUN, few York City, N. Y. 637 flliATCHLEY'8 Improved CUCUMBER WOOD I'll, MP, Tasteless, Durable, Kt lie lent and Cheap. The best Pump for the least money. At tention Is especially Invited to Hlatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump or disturbing the Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never eracksor scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Hand for Catalogue and Price-List. CHAR. U. IlLATCm.EY, Manufacturer, ly WKJ Commerce St., Vnlhipelphla, Fa. J 3 S M a "4 S BOOTS Do you want BOOTS of any kind T If so, rail and see the r,AIt10 HTOOK NOW OFFEItEll ST F . M O It X I M K K . New Pension Laiv. UNDHlt an act ot Congress approved March 3, 1873, widows of otllcers who were killed, or died of liisuase contracted In the service, are now entitled to 82.00 per month for each of their chil dren. Tim guardian of a minor child of a soldier who heretofore mi ly received JS.00 per month pension is now entitled to flu. per moth. Holdiers who receive Invalid pensions can now have their pensions increased to any sum or rate between 18. and 118. per mouth. (soldiers who have lost their discharges can now obtain duplicates. Fathers anil mothers who lost, sons in the serv ice upon whom aey were dependent tor support, can also obtain pensions. The undersigned having had over 10 years ex perience In the Claim agency business will attend prompt ly to claims under the above act. Call on or address LEWIS POTTElt, Attorney for Claimants, New BleomHeld, 2ntf. . PerryCo.,Fa Daily Express and Freight Line BETWEEN ETLOOMFIELD& NEWPORT! rpilKsubscrlbei wishes to notify theoltlzeasot JL Blooiutleld and Newport that lie Is running a Dally Line between these two places, and will haul Fretghtof any kind, or promptlydellverpackages or messages entrusted to his care. SfsVOrdersmay belett for him at the stores of F. Mortimer & Co.. New Bloomfleld, or MllllganS Musser, Newport. i"a. .1. S. WHITMORE. Bloomlleld.January2R,ltl7u. YT-ILI.IAM M. SUTtn, Justice ot the Peace, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, New Bloomfleld, Parry County, Penn'a Special attention paid to Collections of all kinds. Deeds, Bonda.Mortgages and Agreements neatly executed. 7 ltitt Xotiee to Trespassers. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons not to trespass on mv grounds by picking berries, fishing, hunting, or ollierwlsetrespasslng, as they will be dealt with according to law. W. H HERMAN. Greenwood twp., Aug. 10, 1875. tf THKHPA8H 7SOTICK.-A11 persona are forbid to trespass on my laud In Havllle biwnjdiin for anv uurnose whatever, and a reward of So will be paid for tesMmouy that will couvlct any (h-isuu of such trespass. May 0, 1870 tf ANDREW LOY. LANNEL8 A splendid! assortment of Flan neia, jusi openeu oy f. mom nainit $12 a day at home. Agents wanted- Outfit and terms free. TRUE & CO,, Augusta, Maine. lOrly. STEWART'S ADJUSTABLE TREADLE FOR OPEHAf INO SEWING MACHINES WITHOUT FATIGUE OK INJURY. The most complete method of propelling the sew ing machihe. It saves four-fifths the labor and entirely avoids the cause of physical Injury t en dorsed by the medical fraternity. It can be at tached to any ordinary sewing machine without removing the machine from the house. Ho sew. Ing machine should be used without this Im portant attacliTMtnt Hend for our circulars, which explains the principles. Address, NEW YORK. TKKADLE MFU. ( 0., -Itv. 64 OorUandt Street. N. J'. NOTICE Tbe undersigned hereby gives no tlce to all persons indebted to him. that their account! must tie settled on or before the Brut ot March. After that no further Indulience will be ranted. CHRISTIAN HIOUFFEK Bberminsdale. Jan. , 1877. pd Philadelphia Advertisements. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINWItlGHT & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, Hurt h Rast Corner ot 2nd and Arcb Street, Philadelphia Perm's, QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLKHALK DEALER IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 218 NORTH WIIAIIVES, Philadelphia, Pa. D AVID. J, HOAR & CO., Bucceesors to HOAB MoCONRKT k OO., WHOLB8ALB BOOT AND SHOE WAUKHOUSE, Ulil MAItKKT (STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM &C0., Wholisalb Dialbhi IK TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4. NOKTH FIFTH BTItEET, PIIILADKLPIHA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers I u Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, .Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a flue assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No.l'je Market atreet, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. nOLR AND ONIV M AN U FACTUM KHS OF TUK IMPERIAL FRENCH, AMD PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Pure White Lead and Color MA NUFA CTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, -On Hiob 8tbhkt. East or Cabusxs St., 'cw Bloomfleld, Peaa'a. TUB subscriber his hull t a lare and com ran dious Bhop on HIkb fit.. East of Carlisle Street new tuflomneid. fa., where n is prepared to ma a ufaoture to order Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of eTery Style, bullttoorder, and finished In the most artietieand durable niauner. A- Having superior workmen, ha la prepared to furnish work that win compare favorably with the best City Work, and much inure durable, and at much more reasonable rate. : -KBPAIRINO of allklndsneatlyandpromp lydone A eall Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH ltf J OH PRINTING of every deserlptlon neatly executed on short notice aid at reasonable rates at this office. Philadelphia AdvertlsementB. jQ D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURED Booksellers and Stationers, - And Dealeia In WINDOW CURTAINS WALL PAPJEH, ETC, No. 4.10 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA Pa. EIGLER&SWEARINGEN' Successors to BIIAFFNER, ZIKGLER CO.. Importers and Dealers la Hosiery, Olovem, lllbbonn, Suripeudera, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS,, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA , PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combs, gowER, pons & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealer In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BLANK BOOKS Alwayi on hand, and made to Order. Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO Publishers of Banders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of tbe United States, Felton'sOutllne Maps, to. gARCROFT & CO.. Importer and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linena, White Good, &o., Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth.North Side,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW. T. M0UL, REPRESENTING Weimer, Wriffht & Watkin, Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes "JVo. 302 Market Street, K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS IMFOBTIBS AMD JOMBXS 0 Olii ii a, Olnss AND QUEENSWARE, . 923 Market Street, PIIIlJA.lOErLPIIIA. Philadelphia Advcrtlsmicnls. W. H. KENNEDY, WITH TBIMBLK, BRITTON Co WHOLESALE GROCERS, NO. 006 MARKET STREET, FBILADXWBIA. T 10 David Masters. I. A. Detwller. W. M. B. Ball. RASTERS, DETWILER & CO., Manufacturers of and WHOLBXALB DBALKR& ty CLOTHING, 32S MARKET STREET. , PHILADELPHIA. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHQLKHALM HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a. gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THK UNION,") JOS. M. FEOEH, Preprletor- 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, a.60PerDy. 'I 'HIS HOTEL being centrally located, and hav 1 Ing been entirely rmittbd. It will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can he desired JINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED ! Giving Douhle the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL ! Everybody who sees them are delighted. J Thc Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER, Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN, Attorney -t-Law, New Klooratield, Perry. eo., la. M-ODloe Next door to the residence oljudre Junkln. , 46tf AM. MARKEL, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomfleld, I'erry county, Pa. yf Office directly opposite tbe Foat-OfBce, and adjoining tbe Mansion House. TEWI8 POTTER, ATTOBNKY AT UW, NEW BLOOMFLELD, PERRY CO..PA. "Clalms promptly secured and collected Writings and all legal business carefully attend edto. 82 yl JAMES H. FERQliSON, Attorney at-Law, NEWPORT, PA. -Offlce Market Street, near the Square. 86 J HARLE8 H. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomfleld, Perry Go. Pa. r Office with O. A. Barnett, Esq., on Hlgb. Street, north side, nearly opposite tbe Presbyto riaa Church. . Angnst 20, U12. JBAILY, Attorney at Law,' New Bloomneld,PerryCo.,Pa W Office opposite the Mansion House and neitf door to tbe Post-Ofnce. Refers to B. Mclntire, Esq. June 27, 1871. TTTM. A. 8PONRLEE. Attorney-at-Law, TV Oftlce edjolalng his residence, on East Main street. New Bloomfleld. Perry eo., Pa. S 8 ly JOHN 0. 8HATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bloomfleld, Perry eo.. Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done In tbe best manner, and at reasonable prices. sVOfflce at his residence one door East of tbe Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. bponsler's Law office. 8 21y "IITM. N. HEIBKRT. Attorney-at-Law, YY New Bloomfleld, Perry eo.. Pa. Bloomfleld, 383 lr. XTTM. M. 8TJTCH, W ATTOKNET-AT-LAW, New Bloomfleld, Perry eo.. Pa. JVOfflce Two doors West ol P. Mortimer 8tore 871y LEWIS POTTER. WOT ait Pcauc, New Bloom fleld. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and leases earefnlly Prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take deposluona to be ret d In any court in tbe United States. , . 7101y fyOAS. J. T, McINTTRK, Attorney-at-Law, V New Bloomfleld, Perry eo.. Pa. W All professional business promptly andfait h fully attended ta- 8 1 y. M. A. MORKI80W. JTTATICK OK TH K PK AC, aad flENER AL COLLECTOR. NlwfiitSMiova. Perrveo-Pa. 4urRemltUnceawUlbe soade promptly fxrall Collections made. Tit CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bieomiield. Perry eo.. Pa. -S. Office on high street. North aide, nearly op posite the Presbyterian Church. . , 3 81y RICHARD L.MACEE,., . JUBTICE OP THE PEACE, n Office at his residence. In CENTB E TOWN SHIP. Perry Ceunty, Penn'a., one mile South ef New Bloomfleld. MJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers