THE TIMES', NEW JILOOMEIEIA), 1A., l EllltUAUY ?27. 1877. 7 REDUCTION IN PRICE 1 Cheapest and Best! the HAimisBUno Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1877. To !1 new tiibrrlHor m. to ill prtwent iutcrMMr ii'uewiuirtktir Bubricriittiuiin TIM DAILY . PATRIOT Will be sent at tha followlna: rto : I oopy, t year, piHHaire prepaid Sooplea, llu club), ; j jjj in ".'!!!"!'!!''!'.mhmi 1 copy durlns- the session of the I-eHlslstur H ull I oopy. I J cur, ml I ropy, I yw. r either II At. vku'ii Month LturllAHi-ui' lUr.AH, postage paid od both TiA' irA'?A-.' PATRIOT Will Iw ae n at tha followiiwr rataa i ' J copy, 1 year, postaiou prepaid sjaiKi copies, " ' m to " " " lo.uo l4 nil 1 copy tos-ettcr-nporeliib 1S.0U 3. copies, 1 year postaa prepaid, and 1 copy to iretter.tip of club 83.110 I copy, one year, and one copy, ona year, of either lunr-aa'a Momtiu.y or IIauckii's Ha- r.AR, pfmtiiirn pr-epaid on both (4.10 The sulwcrtptiou price of Hunter's Monthly ami Hariwr's la 4 .00 each, thus sceurlnir a subscri ber a copv of the Wkkkiy Pathiot for M contain ad dition to what he would have to pay for either of liar IHT'e publication. . . .... All ordcra must be accompanied by the canh, either liy check or sMt-ofllr.e order. , Now la the time to sulswrllie. (let all the news and the teat readiliK matter at less coat than anywhere else by aendinir yonr Btibs.)ripttoua to the Daily and WEKKI.Y 1'ATntoT. Address, patriot pvnr.rsirrsn CO., 1 :tt MAHKlHUUltO, l'A. LIITINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OF Popular Literature and Sclrncr. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877 Th number for .Immnry 1iprl ttic n1ntoiith vol Minnof lliiH Miumziiic, Him while it nrt Pi'cot il will, it iK bniHMl, lHdet'ipil ft milttcient K""i'"tt'P of tntutv nr'lViH'P, Jin fllortfl will Im mmred to divermtfy its ititraottoim rih. to -providH nn ItuTCHHcil of Jopular ReatUny in the Itert awl Mont Emphatic JSewte Th frrrat obloct nm cnnntnnt aim of the pnndnotnm will b to fiirnUh thcpH'Hlc with literature Knh rtulu mt'iit of a Heliiird huJ Vrtrird ClmrfV'trT, iih wrll hh In ftnwmt in a ifmphio ami HtrikiliK manurr thf nmt re rnt iuformnliiHi and Mnnmli-nt view mi Hiii-.ti'i'tH of (vonoral i.tcrcwt, til a word, to reinler, Mfvraziuo alrikiUKly iliM-iuctlve iu Those feature thnt art Most Attractive in Mta aziiic Literature. In addition to the (tpnerAl Attractions of Tiippin cntt'R MaifHliie thr Pnbliahertt would imfta attniuion in a new aerial Mtory, l(Tlte Marqulu or LoknIo," l.y Opotv MrTonald author of ' Mnleohi," "Alice 1'orhpn," ' Robert Falcone!'," ete. ' Tl:HM8.earIy Hulmorlptioii, (4 ; HinK minilwr, lift ceutn. NOTICE. Thp- November and Nimiltpn, -fntainiiiK th earlier chaiitem of " Tti Maninin of lwle,' will be preneuted to.all uow auuual auLmerite.'a lor IH77. SPKtJIMEN NUMBKR mailed poUif paid, to any addreaa, on receipt of 20 ceuta. J. D. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publisher, 715and717iliirfce St., Philadelphia. B ALL SCALES. LB. MA.RYANKRTH, 1). W. DERR and e J AM KB 11. GK1KR known as " The Ball Scale Company," have now on hand a large supply ol Iluov'a Tatnit COUNTER SCALE, the Simplest, Cheap eat and best Counter Scale In the market. " For Hcalea, or Agenclea In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad dress "The Ball Hcale Company," Volts vllle, Sehuylklllcounty, Ta. . For Scales or Asenclp lu this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they can lie seen and examined any time. J I.EIRY & BRO., Newport, Kerry co., Fa. FRANK MORTIMER. New Bloomflold, Perryco.,r. 1'OU FLOUIDA. FOR THROUGH TICKETS to FERNANDIXA, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, HanCnrd, Enter prise, and Intermediate landing on 8t. John's Klver and Interior points tn FLORIDA, by Hteam Ooat to SAVANNAH, and thence by railroad or steamboat, apply to VM, 1.. JAMES, General Aeent, Philadelphia atxd Southern Stall K 8. Co.. 416 South Delaware Avenue, I'hlladelplila. 49c3in A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will tend a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inham, motion D, BiNe Home, Sew York City. 16b ly GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A Sterling Remedy For Diseases and Irjuriks of thk Bkin ; A IIealtufcl v bkautifibr of tim! complexion; a itk XjIABLB Mkaj8 of Prbventiso and Ke- LISVIKO RnEOMATieit AND OOCT, AND AN TJNKQCALF.D Dl9INFKtrTAKT, DkoDoHIZHK AND COCSTEB-IltKlTANT. , Olen' Sulphur Sotj,esAiis wadl catirig local dUtascs of llto 6kio, liniitaht-o lelecis of the complexion and imparts tn it gratifying cleurntsi and amootlmoBK. Sulphur Hath are cdnlimied for mi Ting eruptions and tthT OiacKSfS of the skin. s we!l ui Rheumatism and Gout. Gle-nn'it .Sulphur Soap produces the same etfortH t a meet trifling expense. This admirabtu -specific also SeeiUly honls rrt, bruwat, tcaltU, burnt, tpraitii and rtfi. It rrmovea -dandruff and prevents tlie hair from fulling -out and turning gray. Clothing and linen used in thn islck room is diaiafected, and diseast s cominunintblc Viy contact with the person, prevented liy it. The Medical Fraternity sanction its use. Fbicu. 25 A YD 60 Cknts rF.R Cakb, Piik Box, (S Cakes,) (iOc and (1.3. S.M. Bay Uu large eakee and ttorebr eceaenaae. I4 by all Urtifilata. HIirs Hair and WhUkerlrye," Black r Brown, Me. WEED III g CD mm CENTENNIAL," for lYttuilj IVork. "GENERAL FAVORITE" for Manafactur SUPERIOR TO AM. IN Simplicity, Efficiency, Durability, Strength and Lightness. SEXD FOR CIRCULARS AA'J) PRICKS. WEED SEWING MACHINE MACHINE COMPANY, i:iy ChoHlmit Htroot, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 11 7 lit Newport Advertisements. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, llrlck Warehouse, Front St., above Market. Newport, Perry County, Pa. wtc would resnee.tfiillv Invite the trntrontise of the farmers, and th public generally, as the IIKJHKKT l'UICUS the market will altord, will be paid lor all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUR, riiODUCU. SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH. SALT. 1'LASTER, CEMENT, COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, &C. &'C. FOR SALE AT THK LOWEST RATES. B- Orders promptly Oiled, Newiwrt. July 20, 1S75 tf JEWPORT DRUG STORE. If aviiiff ou hand ft complete aorttant of the fol lowintf urticleH, tho Mubacrilier akn a ttharrof your patrnnae. lruy and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. e Alaitafull stock of Concentrated Remedies, ESSENTIAL OILS, Brushes, Perfumery IlAIlt OIL, AND FANCY' ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL anil SACRAMENTAL l'URPOSES q- q physicians on ntms Varff&lljf and Promptly FllhA B . M . ED Y, Newport, Penn'a. JB". HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, XKHrIORT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos. Country Merchants supplied with Goods at Fhlladfllphia prices. 4V Your orders are solioiled. 9 44 w. . S. COOK & CO., Acre to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for I.F.Srt MONEY than any other dealers in this county. Vie will also take good Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, ac. We use Clearneld Fine and Hem lock only. W. R. S. COOK CO., Seviport,iPerry Co., P. October 10. 1976. IM COHTANT NOTH.K flubscriber Ule of the firm o( Rhoadea Smith, would respeetfully inform the citizens of BLAIN and vicinity, that he has opened a WAIiON MAKEK SliOP, and la prepared to uiake new wagons and repair old ones at short notice, aud at from TEN to TWKNTY percent, cheaper than the old nrm. "UlvemeacalI. (Satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB SMITH. . Blaln, Augusts. 1867. ' t 'r7"-'n-ri.y hiff. Aint'i-ienii nml Foreign I'aieniM. (1 K SIICCI'SSOIH 111 t llll iMAI, J HOSMER & CO., Holli ltois. I'atonls pin fined Mi nil countries. NO FEES IN ADVANci". No chai'ue unless the patent la Mi atited. No tees for making piolliulintry cxaniliiallons, No Addi tional feus for obtaining mid eoiiMili'tltiu a rn heailug. liy a ii'cent ileclslon of the nnnini. sloner, A LI. rejected applications may lie revived. Special allentton given o luiei feieuco (Msch bo. lore I he I'nleiit tilllce, Kxieiiilons before Con giess, liililngeiiieiit Hiillslu illlleicnt Slates and all llllgalloii apprrt lining to Inventions or I'al euls. Send Slump to (liiiuore iii Co., for pamph let of Hixtv pages. LAND C.iHM. LAND WAItltANTS ; SCHIl'. Contested Land 'ases proseeiiled before the II. S, (ieneial Land' Ollleo and Depiitineut of lle Intmlor. 1'rivate Laud Claims, MINIM) and 1'Kli EMI'I ION Chunn. aud IU l.MES I HA 1 eases Kttended to. Land Scrip In 40, Ko. any inn acre pieces lor sale. '1 his Scrip Is ussluiiable. and can be located lu the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject lo private entry, at ill per acre. Ills of cuai value with I toll lit y Land Warrants, send Stamp to Gilmorn &. Co.. for paniph't of Instruction, a it it ears of cay and iiocnty. OFFICEKS, SOI.DIKliS and SAILORS of the late war. or their heirs, are In any casesentltled to money from the iloveruiiient ol which 1 1 icy bnve no knowledge. Write lull history of service, and stale amount of pav and bouiitv received. Enclose stump lo CILMOltK & CO.. and a lull re ply, alter examination, wtll lie given you free., l-KNHIII S r. All OFFICERS, SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruiitureM, or liiuied In the l.-ilo war. however slight, eau obtain a penson by addressing G1LMORK&CO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORR It CO, before the Suprenie Court of the United States, the Court ol Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department or our business Is conducted In aseparate bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties, emhloved by lite old linn. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to i;iLMOIIE&CO.,lsthiisHecured. We desire to win success by deserving It. Address: GILMOItE &CO., KB F. Street, Washington, I). C. M AN HOOD: HOW LOST HOW RESTORED Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay on I lie radical cure (with out, medicine) of Speumatokiiiiika or Seminal Weakness. Involuntatv Seminal Losses. Imiioteii- ey, Mental and Physical Incapacity, impediments to marriage, etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Ills, induced by setl-iudulgeuce or sexual ex- iravugaiiee, inc. tlr I'rlce. In a sealed envelope, nnlv six cents. The celebrated author. In this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty veals' siiccens- fill practice, that the alarming consequences of sell-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the appli cation of Hie knife: pointing out a modo of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what hla condl. tion may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Sent nuclei- seal. In a Plain envelobe. tn unv ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the publishers.'ly THE CL'l.VERWKLL MEDICAL CO. 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Office Uox,4.W,. HE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD Peterson's Magazine I GREAT REDUCTION TO CLUBS - POSTAGE i nc. raiu iu mau. si nscKlUhliS. PETERSON'S MAGAZIN E has the best Oriel mil Stones of any ol the lady's books, the best Colored Fashion Plates, t lie best Receipts, the best nieei engravings, ex., mo. r.vcry lamuy ought to have It, It. gives more for the money than any lu the world. It will contain, next year, in Its twelve uumoers Om) Thoumnd Page fourteen flWcnrffrt Sfoel j-inienTuyive Mxnrra livrun pattern SfioWiti Mammoth OJoiwf hXtrhltiru Sine Hunched Wooil CtitTuii-ty-bour Page a) ituttc ! It will also ulvo Five Original Convrlcht Novel ettes. by Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens, Frank ie Bene diet, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett. Marietta Holley, and Lucy H. Hooper. Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories. All Original, by the best auinora oi America, its auperu . Muruiiiotli Colored Fimhlon Platen are ahead ol all others. These plates are eu- graveu on sieet, twice ino usual size. TEltaW (Always iu Advance) i 4 YKAK. Two Conies for M.tto S CoDies (or Sl.fto. with a copy of the premium picture OHx'A)) "Cornwallls' Surrender," a Five Dollar Engraving, lo the per son getting up the Club. '. Four Copies for 10. 811 6 Copies for (8.00. with an extra copy of the Magazine for 1S77. as a premi um, to the ierson celling up the Club. Six Copies for (t.60 7 Copies for 111.00 fl Copies fortl-t.AU. with both an extra copy of the Maga zine fur 177, and the premium picture, a Five Dollar engiavlng, to the person getting up the Club. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 0 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Specimen sent gratis, it wrltleu for. 44 I MP0RTANT TO HUCKSTERS. Tile tinderalened. Heslrlnirto return tn theeiiv. offers for sale, the ooni wil l, to a good marketing route lu Perry Co., with two hoksu team aud fixtures all complete, with all uecessary instruc tions to purchaser. This Is an old established route aud a rare chance. For particulars, eall ou or address, ... J. M. I.BNNEV, Mecliauicsblirg, SI 3m. CnmberlandCo.,Pa. ' vicTk'iS 1 Hunt ru tod Triced Ctttuloitue . Fifty pages 30U Illustrallons.wllh Deserlptlons of the thousands of the best Flowers and Veg etables in the world, and the wav to grow them all (or a Two Cent postage stamp, printed iu German and English. Vtck's Floral Guide. Quarterly, tftcflut a vear. ' Vlck's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 60 ceuts Id naiier; in elegant cloth covers, SI. 00. Address, JAMK3 VK'K, Rochester, N. Y. " UnqmntlonnHy the leA tnittnlnrrt work o tht kind in the. World." Itarper's Mafazinc. ILLUSTRATED, , WOTHHSOr THK PHESS. The tfaantint has attained in Its one quarter enntur and more of existence lo that point wlioru It may be aald of It, In tho words of Dr. Johnson, " It Is vain to blame and useless to praise." The lustre of its Itiig-ago-attalned reputation has Increased as tho years have fmaecd, and Its future seems as bright If not irlghter than at any time since the golden hue of proaperlty settled around Its later aud best years. Jtrookljn KayU, JJarptr't Monthly Is tnarkeil by the same ehiiructerlatlcs which gave It circulation from the first with the better class of renders. It combines reading mutter with Illustrations In a way to make clear and' vivid the facts pre. sentcd. Pictures merely designed to catch the eye of Mio Ignorant are never inserted. Chicago Journal, TERMS! Postage free to all autism II era In the United States. lUiti'Ru's Magazine, one year It 00 M (JO Includes prepayment of U. S. imataie by the publishers. Subscriptions to H Aitritu's Maoaieink, Whhk T and Bazah, to one address for one vcar. 10 OOi or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address lor one year, t7 OOi postage free. ah extra copy or cither the Mauazikb, Wbrki.v or Sazau will bo annulled gratis for every club of FlVB SuhroiUbkiib at f I 00 each, in one rnmiiiiiiicei or, six copies tor f .0 00, without extra copyi postage tree. Hack Numbers can be supplied at any time. Thn Volumes of the Matiaiine commence with the Numbers for June and December ot each year. Subscriptions may commenco with any number, vt hen no time Is spuclllcd, It will lie understood that tho subscriber wishes to begin with the 11 ret number of tho current volume. and back numbers will bo sent accordingly. a i.otnpicin pel ni uarptr t JUagazmt, now comprising 58 Volumes, n neat cloth binding, will be sunt by express, freight at expense of puiclinu r, for 9'! fi per volume. Single vol umes, by mall, postpaid, f.t 00. Cloth cases, for binding, fi8 cents, by mall, postpaid. A Complete Analytical Index to tho first Filly Volumes of Harpir't itayatint bus Just been published, rendering available for refer ence the vast and varied wealth of information which constitutes this periodical u pcrfVct Il lustrated literary cyclopedia. 8vo, cloth, 'J 00j Half calf, 95 '!.j. Bunt postage prepaid. Newspapers nro tm to copy this advertise ment withuut the express order of lUiU'Btt & UmiTiiFits. Address HAMPER BROTHERS. Now Turk. '1 'fimpli'tn I'iitorial llbtory of tha Time" ' The lH.fl, vheaptrt, and mom ntccenrul J-im. ily Ptjier in the Union." Harper's Weekly.. ILLUSTRATED. KOTlt'KS OF TH SPURS. JJarptr't Wttkly should be in every family throughout the land, as a pnrer, more Interest ing, higher-toned, better-illustrated pnpen Is not published In this or any other conntry. Vomtnnretal llulMin, Boston. 'I be M'etkly is tho only Illustrated paper of the uny that in Its essential characteristics Is recoguized as a natioual . paper. Brooklyn Kanli. The lending articles In Uarptr't Weekly on political topics are models of hlgh-loned dls cuseion, and Its pictorial Illustrations are often corroborative argument of no small force. Kramintr and Chronicle, N. T. The Weekly has to a still larger degree dis tanced all competitors as an illustrated news- paier. Its editorials are among tho most able of their kind, and Its other reading matter Is ut once learned, brilliant and smuBlng. lis Illus trations ure abundant and of rare excellence. (.'ArWinn Advocat; N. Y. TERMS: Postage free toall subscriber in the United States. Haiu'Eh's Wbkklt, one year (4 00 f4 00 Includes prepayment of U. 8. postage oy mo puunsners. Subscriptions to Harper's Maoakins. Week ly and Bazak. to one address for one vear. ftO 00) or, two of Harper's Periodical, to one address lor one year, f 7 00: postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine. Weekly or Bazau will be supplied gratis for every ti.t.n or ave subscriber at 54 00 each, In oiio rcmlltunco; or, Six copies for $30 00, with out extra copy; postage free. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Volume of the Weekly commence with the year. When uo time I mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the number next after the re ceipt of his order. . The Annual Volumes of Ifarper'i Wukly,a neat eioiu running, win do sent by express, free of express, for 97 00 each. A complete set, comprising Twenty Volnnie. sent on re ceipt of cash at the rate of f5 IM per yolomc, ireignt at expense oi purchaser. Cloth cuses for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt of stamp.. Newpapers are not to copy this advertisement without me express order of Uabpbr A BltOTHERR. Address HARPER A BROTHER8, NewTork. feFAIRBAW.KS'1 The Standard or'The Wamx) Ovuif SCGf MorJificntions - YlWi KffllffiiSDJTS OF EVBifEOIESS 7JRBAHKS & mmGt. STMUTST.KIIULIPHIA, JJOME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! I would respectively Inform myfrlendstbst I la ten calling upon them w ith a supply of good of my OWN MANUFACTURE. . Consistlugof CA8S1MERS, OA8SINBT8. FLANNELS, (Plalnand bar") CAUPETB, co.t toexchangetor woo orsellfor cash. J.M.BIXLFK. Cintbb Wools Factomi. ,l7,4fli .: I.'jl. t"A Kt'iitucky liiu-kwootlHiiiiiu re cently a wagon for tho first time, an J lie wntHied it clost-ly, HiippoHlng tliut liif-vititltly the lilnil wheel wouM over- tuke the amiillt'r fore wlieeln nntl "fmituli up tlie hull dui iii'd rlggln'." . ff-y A nrwuther In Arnblu, havlnir for his text a iMii tlon of the Korajt "J huvo fnlletl Notth, nftor twice repeating his text, ituulo n long tmuHe, when un Arab present, thinking that he wan waiting for an answer, exclaimed : "If Jfaoh will not come, cull on aomehoily else." - fjgrHtiine time ngo a pupil in a ilenf ami dumb nnylum In New l-'nglniid read a portion of tho lunik of Job; when ufki'd to write out his underHtundlng of Job's Kuncring, he wrote ns follows: "The litird hulled Job seven duys." C3T A little hoy In Hprlngfleld, Miisst., after his e,untoniiiry evening prayer, a few night ngo, continued, "mid bless lniiiiiiiiu and Jenny and Uncle Benny," adding, nfter a moment's panne, the ex- plunutory remark, "his name Is Hon kins." ' C"" lie fore we were married,' suid he to a friend, "flie used tt say 'bye byo' so sweetly when 1 went down the steps." 'A ml now what does, she say l"? asked the friend. "Oh, Just the same," ex cliilnied tbt! limn 'if.y fvii' " "Ah, I see,' said the other,, she only exercises a little different lsell, over you." A iiost-otllce clerk whs recently floored by the following direction ou n lelter: "Wood John Mash." It was explained ufter ward to mean "John Underwood, Andnver, Mass." . . . U-f A gentleman riding, came to the edge of a moruss which he considered unsafe. Seeing a pleasant lad, he asked him w hether the bog was hard nt the bottom. "O yes, quite hard," replied the youth. The gentleman rod on, but the horse began to sink. "You rascal, did you not say It was hard at tho liot tom," shouted he. "Holt is" rejoined the lad, "but you are not half way to it yet." .... - . . . . ffJT A village doctor went to yisit a patient in a neighboring hamlet, anil took with him his gun, thnt he might wing any gume he encountered in cross ing the fields. A peasant meeting him on the way, asked whither he was going. "To see a patient," was the answer. "What, then," said the peasant, "do you really fear to miss him in the ordi nary way, thnt you take your gun with . you '"' Painting a Bull. When Farmer Uudge,' in the upper end, rend that a bull painted by Kosa Bonheur sold for five thousand dollars he remarked to his wife that ho didn't nee how a coat of paint could so greatly enhance the value of the animal, hut if Rosa didn't charge more then ten dollars he would get her to paint his bull in thespriug. Ami his economical wife replied that she thought he might paint it himself and save his ten dollars. The Indications now are that the bull will lie. painted. . . , A Puzzled Clergyman. Bill Clin k, a colored in Georgia, visited a brother's hen-roost, fell and broke his neek. The pastor of his church was terribly bothered to get his funeral sermon in proper shape so that brother Clark's character would not sutler. He went at the Job In this man ner: "There are circumstances connect ed with liU death that are perplexing. If, after he fell and lfore he stmck the ground, he repented 4f his sins, there can lav liofjuestion but that he i now iu glory; but there wan mighty little time for him to think about it." A Scared Dutchman. A Dutchman liaving moved to the fur West, was told that the bears were plenty aud to look out for them, ami he thus relules his first iluy's cxcrluiice on his new place : Veil I vos blowing to dcr woods, unt vo (linking upout i-ears, veil all at von st, I seen a pig plat-k pear making for me like tunder. Vos I sc-art if 1 vas I eau't help it, you'd be tscart neider,, veil I vos not mooch seart too, put I run like ter tuyfel, pecause I did not vant der plaek rascal to get too glose to me, tint I never looked pock till I got over der venee, tint deu I got kinder mad like, and der ur vw running like tun. der and ktiUen der oder way, and - it vant nopodlea pear too, only mynheer'a Bin Wit 'a plaek tog, uut no t vent pork t blowing tint didn't" see- nov pear Cyef since.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers