(MM THE? TIMES,' ' NEW'lBlOO'MFliti) lAf.? IBltVAllY VbP'ieW Anecdotes of Judge Davis. At Indianapolis, which Is , within lils circuit, a lawyer unmed Ketohuni was ready when hla can wan callod, but his opponent was absent , and be 'sent won) that bo couldn't arrive for air hour or two. Ketetiiitn inslstod upon proceeding' l(tt once. Tho Judge remonstrated in favor of the Rbsrmt lawyer, but to no purpose. "Well," nald he, finally, "If you insist upon going ou, Mr. Ketcliuro, you have, of course the technical right to do to, but if I were you I wouldn't urge the matter, Over at 8rlngflold, the other day, there was Just such a case and the lawyer would insist upon going on with the triul ; and so I bad to look after the Interests of the other party mysolf and, do you know, curiously enough, Mr. Ketubum, wo beat binil" It is needless to add that Mr. Ketohum concluded to wnlt. A well-to-do farmer, who had fallen into bad company nnd bad courses, was convicted before him of having counterfeit United States notes In his possession with the intention of passing them. Tho judge callod him up, and before sentencing him askod if bo bad arranged his affairs in anticipation of his enforced absence. The culprit replied that conviction was a surprise to him, and, nothing was in order, but that he could nettle bis business in about ten days. As the criminal could find no one to go on his ball bond, the Judge allowed him to depart on his own recognizance, much to the .amusomeiit of tho lawyers iu the court, who laughed at the Idea of the man being fool enough to come back again, but Mr. Davis insisted that the follow bad not "taken to tho tall timber." His kuowlodge of human nature was justified, for at the appointed time the farmer returned, like Kegulus, and the judge sentenced him to the penitentiary. Frequently the penal ties attached to violation of tho revenue taws are too severe, considering tho fact that they may be ignoraully and innoconU ly broken! Iu such a case, when the least term of impiisontncut allowable by statute was one year in the penitentiary, Judge Davis sent the prisoner thirty days to the couutyjail, with tho remark that nobody would mind whether he neglected the law except the prisoner, nnd t hat ho would hardly venture to complain about it. Iu a case where a loyal Virginian after the war began suit for a review of the pro cedure couliscaling $100,000 worth of state bonds, Seuator McDonald argued that, as tho confiscation act made the procedure in the nature of an admiralty seizure, there could be uo tevtow. "Well," said the judge, "there may be no precedent, as you nay, McDonald, for a review in an admiral ty caso; but when such a thing as this can happen, it is time there was a precedent, and I am going to make one." Pioneer PfCSH, v . .. Decided by Instinct. Mr. F. Senu, the bird fancier at 118 Wort Broadway, N. Y., lost avaluabloskye terrier six weeks ngo. Ho traced it to a bouse in Hester tttreet, and demanded it back. The man who had the dog claimed -it (is liis own, and said that he had pur chased it for Ave dollars of an Italian. "I am willing," Bald the man to Sergt. McCullough, "to surrender the dog if it will go to Mr. Kenn after you put it in the middle of the floor, and give us a chance." The Sergeant put tho dog where requested, and Mr. Senn and the man stood at the opposi te Bides of the room.' Mr. Senn and the Huliiin whistled. The intelligent little animal gave a look of contempt at the man from Hester street, and sprang into Mr. Benn's arms. Freckle Lotion Kills a Bride. A telegram from Aledo, Illinois, says : A sad and very sudden death occurred in our neighboring village of Viola on the 30th ult. A young couple were engaged to be married, and the happy event was to have transpired yesterday. On the morning of the 80th the bride expectant went to the drug store and procured some drug or lotion with which she expected to remove pimples or freckles from her face, and, returning to her home, applied it, or took it, we know not which. About noon she complained of feeling unwell, but no attention was paid to the matter until it was too late. She grew rapidly worse, in spite of all that could be done, and by 4 o'clock P. M. was a corpse. Important to all Invalids. Iron in the Blood. The Pr.iU'YJAN Byrup, a protected solu tion of the protoxide of iron, strikes at the root of disease, by supplying the blood with its vital principle, or the element Iron. .. This is the secretof the wonderful success of this remedy in curing PyspepHia, Liver Complaint, l)i'opsy,Cbrouio Diarrhoea, .((oils; Nervous Aflootions, Chill and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidueys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by debility or a low state of the system. Captain Eads Gets His Money. ,, Washington, February 13. The requi sition of the war department in favor of . Captain Eads for a million dollars worth of bonds on aocount of bis work in .tho Mississippi river has been honored at the treasury department, ! ' ' SPECIAL NOTICES. ERRORS OF 0uYh7 AfJKNTI.F.MAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. I'rematuie Derny and all the efforts nf youthful liHllseietlou will, fur i lie sake nf suffering humanity, snml free to all who need II. the i ivlne nnd direction fur making the simple remedy liy which lie was mired. Hullerers wiHnglo pi-nut by the advertiser's exiierienoe can uo so oy undressing in pnriecc eonntieiicn. .IOIIN II. UUDKN, 42 Cedar bt,, Now York. 10ar.2 (linos. PIMPLES. win man rreej me rreipe lor preparing a simple VmiBTAni.R H4I.M that will lemove Tan. FKKCKI.KS. 1'IMI'I.KH nnd Hurrrinu. leaving tlon for pnxhiclnn ft luxuriant growth of Imir on ft Imltl lipntl nr month fm-n. Artilr iirisi VANIKl,K&CO.,Box 6121, No, 6 Wormier Ht., nun, Jinn nmos. TO C0NSUMTIVES. The adverlmer. having heen permanently cured of that (I rend disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, Is anxious to nmlta known to bis fellow sullerersthe mennsnf ciiie To nil who desire It, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the direction for preparing nnd using the same, which they will find a Hure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Hrnnchltls, Kn. Parties wishing the nrescilptiun will please address, Iley. K. A. WILHON, HaOmos 191 l'enn St., Williiunsburgh.New York A Certain Headache Cure. A harmless vegetable preparation, nnd the discovery of a pbslcliin. the Victor Headache Powder hns been proven a positively sure cine for the most distressing cases of Hick or Nervous Headache, Morning sickness and Nem alula, a single powder actually curing In ten nilnut.es when all other means fall. We have had a won derful experience with It, and the ten cent, trial pack can he had by addressing the proprietors, J. K 1IKIMLKY & CO., Halom N. J., who will cheerfully mall them postpaid, and of Druggists everywhere and It Is with well merited contldence they are offered as a thorough cure lor all dis tresses of the bead. if ly TAKK NOTICE. INSURANCE MEN I AGENT WANTED FOR THE New End nd Mutual Life Ins. Co. The oldest mutual In the country. Chartered 1HJ5. IjIMKKAI. IKItMO H1V1!. MAKSTON WAKKUN (leneral Agents. 8d4t 1.13 South Kourth Street, Philadelphia. KST Milton (I o I d f " ewelryCoinbliiatlou f ,I 1 out. Consisting of ele 10 HjkSpunt watch chill n. brooch. t ear drops, pair elegant gold i stone sleeve nuitons 1 set spiral Ntuds.collur , a billion, heavy plain wedding ring, and gents. Parisian diamond Din. The above articles sent, post paid, for Ml cents, have been retailed MM'fi.. nuiiar pi siock ami must lie sold. Huiid Milton (told Watches. l each, for speculative 1 imposes, good timers, equal In appearance to a rilHI genuine gold. " ills reputation for honesty. fn'r dealing nun liberality Is unequaled by any advertiser Is tblscliv." W. Y. Ihiy Hook, Dec. Hi. 1S76. POSTAtiKHTAMPHTAKKN AHCAHII 8 d4t V. STOCKMAN, 27 BOND ST, New York. OtZ FANCY CARPS 11 stvles with name, Wets. Postpaid. J. B. Hubteii, Nassau, Hens. Co. N. Y. 8d4w lii.nsi mm m r m flfJFFJTQ 12KI.KOANT OH. CHKOMOS. beautt. Sell at sight. fully flamed, sent by mall for 81. Nat. Cmto.MO Co., Pulla. Cd4w HEADACHE. Oil. C. W HKNSON H CKUCHY AND CIIAMOMll.K riM.B are prepared expressly to cure Sick Headache, Nervous llendache, liysneptle Headache Neu ralgia, Nervousness. Sleeplessness, and will cure any case, uuice, iuu norm r.uiaw mreei. Bultl more, Md. Price 50 cents, postage free. Hold by nil fll'lllrirlsts nnd country stores. lteference,v Howard liank, Ualtimore, Md. 6d4w T It I F L I N O WITH A COU) IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for (JoUti US. and all disease of the TIIKOAT IAJNU8, CHKST and MUCOUS MKMBHANE I'ut Up Only in Blue Boxes. SOU) BY AIJ.DKUCGISTS. fid4w C. N. Ciuttenton, 7 biXTU Avknue, New York. A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. W We want 500 more first-class Sewing Ma chine Agents, BOO men of energy and ability to leal u the business of Selling hewing Machines. Compensation Liberal, but varying according to Abllity.Chnractorand Quahtlcalious of the Agent. For Particulars, Address A7ilenn Qaunnrr Manrilna Pa Phiporrn IT H'll WIjVIHIC. IIIUIJIIIIIV UV1 III1jUC,U 827 & 8m) Broadway, New York, or New Orleans, Wonderful Sticcfss! 25,000 of the CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DKSCU1BED AND ILLU8TBATED. Bold In 60 davs. It being the only complete low priced work (700 pages only 12.60.) treating of the entire history, grand buildings, woiHlei fuf exhib its, curiosities, great days. etc. ; illustrated, and II cheaper than any other: everybody wants It Cne new agent cleared KIV) In 4 weeks. ' 8 000 agents wanted. Send quickly for proof ot above opinions of olllclals. clergy, and press, sample pages, I .ill description, and our extra terms. HUBBAKD HltOS., Publishers. 6d4w 7 '3 Sansoin 8t, Philadelphia. PAUTinM Beware of falsely claimed odlclat UMU I IUI1 u(i worthless books. Send for proof. , "The Christian at Work." Evangelical, Non-Sectarian, Independent Wide-Awako, S'piey and Entertaining. ItEV. WM. M. TAYLOR D D., Editor In Chief. M. II. BHIUHT, Managing Editor. TEKMSj 13 A YEAR? POSTAGE PAID. In sect-rlnn the services of Rev. AVtlllam M. Taylor, D, I)., as Editor In Chief, , ' . The v Christian - at Work Takes a decided step In advance. Inflexible In its allegiance to Scrinmre authority, it will combine the dignity of the scholar, the oourtesy of the gentleman and tho lover ol the Christian. It will not be a personal organ, nor will it be subject to imnulse nor poverued by caprice. Believing that Christian triHh should be declared with simplici ty and earnestness, It will be direct without, being dull, and versatile without belugtrlvial. A paper for all. and one that all should take because they i-nuuui iiui u w uo wiuiout ll. Send for sample copy. J. N. Il ALLOCK. Publisher. 102 ChanibersSireet, N. V. THEMANSlONHofrsE; New Bloomfleld, Penn'a., D. M. 1UNESMITH, .j f , , Froprlstor. This well-known hotel kas lately been enlarged, re-painted and re-titted. Best accommodations aftoi dtsi. - Careful hostlers always in attend ance. - - ami I ABIES AND CDILDREN will find a J splendid assortment of shoes'' at the one price store ofF. Mortimer, . ... ... JOB PRINTING of every description neatly executed on short notice and t reMonttblfl rstesst this otllce. ii Will go n good trny just now n wo linve inndc ANOTHER GREAT REDUCTION L"n?w!'iJ to.',1'1! n tn,f Winter fttotsk, nnd mnko room for our lnw ftl'ttlNO HIOCK which Is now bflng manufactured,' . CLOTHING, CARPETS, &c. Men's Clothing Very Cheap. Men's Clothing Very Cheap. Youth's Clothing Very Cheap. Youth's Clothing Very Cheap. Boys' Clothing Very Cheap. Boys' Clothing Very Cheap. Children's Clothing Very Cheap. Children's Clothing Very Cheap. Oood Itooin Ciipet Very Cheap. Oood Room Carpet Very Cheap. Common Room Carpet very Cheap. Common Boom Caruet Very Cheap, Stair Carpet Very (,'hcnp. Floor Oil Cloth Very Cheap. Stair Oil Cloth Very Cheap. Table Oll-Cloih Very Cheap. Trunks Very Cheap. Valises Very Cheap. Satchels Very Cheap. Oum Coats V erv Cheap, (lum lliunke s Veiy ( heap. Horse Hlankets Very Cheap. neci rnanseis veryuneap. LADIES' and tiENT'8' i'URNlBHINQ GOODS, &0. ' Shawls Very Cheap. Brf Very Cheap. Towels Very Cheap. Table Covers Very Cheap. . Corsets Very Cheap. ' Collars Very Cheap. Cuffs Very Cheap. Jewelry Very Cheap. Pocket Hooks Very Cheap. Skirts Very Cheap' , Nuhins Vert Cheap, i. Furs Very Cheap. Underwear Very Cheap. Ties Very Cheap. ' Shirts Very Cheap. Overalls Very Cheap. Overshirts Very Cheap. . Stockings Very Cheap, i Handkerchiefs Very Cheap. mi ouirnuii veryuneap. Men's Hats Very Cheap Itiiv'a Hula Vurv f'tiaaii ..j iipoi .iiu ciivciupra veryv;neap. 63" And many other goods besides the above, will be sold very LOW forget to give us a call. llnlr Switches Very ( heap. i iiiimciihs very uncap. Bhlrt Bosoms V ery Chiap. A ... ir .1 1 1 1 1 . n U.r. lit. - Paper and Envelopes very Cheap. Don't I SID OR SCHWARTZ Wright's Building,, NEWPORT, PENN'A. Winter 187G. 1877 Winter. CHEAP CIIEAP CHEAP CHEAP CIIEAP CHEAP CIIEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CIIEAP CHEAP CnEAP CHEAP CHEAP CIIEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CnEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CAEAP CIIEAP CIIEAP CnEAP CHEAP FUR CASH FOB CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CABn FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CA8II FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CA8n FOR CA8II FOR CASH FOR CASII FOR CASn FOR CASH FOR CASII FOR CASH FOR CASII FOR CASII FOR CASH FOR CA8II FOR CA8I1 FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH FOR CASH The subscriber lias now In store A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS SUITED TO THE SEASON. Many of these goods were ! ought before the Advance in Price AND WILL THEREFORE BE SOLD AT GREAT BARGAINS ! EVERY PERSON WHO WANTS MUSLINS AND 1TJNTS AT OLD PRICES, C0TT0NADES & CASSIMERES At Prices which are' astonishing, WINTER BOOTS OF SUPERIOR gUALITY, Loner than ever before Offered, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS OK BEAUTIFUL STYLES, And at Pleasing Prices, WALL PAPERS & BORDERS IN GREAT VARIETY, TAINTH, OILS and HARDWARE, Or any other (joods at LOW KATES, should ex amine the Stock now offered by F. MOBTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE OSE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY THE NEW "DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD lOCK-STITCH MACHINE. av -tfcsK' fs-.'.;. il it" IT RETAINS all the virtues of the Ylght-llunnlng" DOMtSTIC," Including the Automatic Tension, which was and is the boat in use. U I'leati notice our PATKNT liAKDKNED CONICAL BEARINGS on both the Maoiue add Stand. ...... Our new and old idoas, worked out with brand new Machinery and Tools at our own new works, in th busy city of Newark, New Jersey lmve given us a standard ol MECHANICAL HX CKLLKNCK, Minimum ot Krlction. Maximum of Durability, and range ol work, never heretofore reavhtd In the Sewing Mahlueworid. . .. TO T1HJ 8TATEMKNT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF O" We invite the attention of all, especially those having high mechanical nklll or observation. N. II. All Machine fully warranted. r . lOMJieXlC) hkwinu MACHIN E CO., . New York and Chicago. LADIES, VSE M lMMKniC FAf H TAmiOHH, ; i Tho Bloomfiold Timcsi STEAM JOB OFFICE IS THE PLACE TO GET Plain and Fancy SALE HILLS, PAMPHLETS, LETTEIUIEADS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, CARDS,, INVITATIONS, TICKETS, BILLHEADS, &c, &c, &c, &C. At the Shortest Notice AND MOST REASONABLE RATES. jyjUSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Wow offer the public A HAKE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OK DRESS GOODS Consisting si all shades suitable for the- season.- BLACK ALAPCCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, . AT VAKIOUH I-RICES. AN END LESS fiELfCCTION OF miNT&r We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine Needles and oil for all make of Machines. . , To be convinced tiat our goods are CIIEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, 18 TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. Mir No trouble to show goods. Don't target the CENTRAL, STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. pEABODY HOUSE, CORNER or LOCUST AM) NINTH 8T3., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convealent to ail places of amusement and ear lines in the oliy. No changes to and from the Centennial grounds. Col. Watson, proprietor of the Henrt Hoitsb, Cincinnati for the past twenty years, and present proprietor, has leaded the bouse for a term of rears, and has newly furnished and fitted it hroughout. He will keep a strictly Brat-class house, and has accommodation for 300 guests. Terms S.I per day. W-No bar has ever been kept In the HENRY HOUSE, nor will any be kept at the PKA I10DV. - , 102a IS TAKEN INTERNALLY, AND POSITIVELY CUKES RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA AND LUMBAGO. SOLO BY DilUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. SEND FOR Uft- HElfpHENSTINE & BENTLEY. DilUGGISTS, WASHINGTON, O.C. t. For sale by wholesale Druggists In Pitts burg and I'luladclphia. . . 35 ly f ENTENNIAL HOTEL, J (Formerly the Sireger House,) ' MAIN STREET, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO.. PA. J08. a SMITH, - ' ' - ' Proprietor. Haying good accommodations for regular or transient boarders, bre tit BabUO patrons bsoUoited, WU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers