THE -TIMES, NEW ISLOOMFIELD, VA., ; FEMtUAKY 20, 18774 1 7. REDUCTION IN PRICE 1 Cheapost and Best ! thk iiAimisnuua Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1877. To all ww ubPcrUw,vw ami to nil present utibufrll-Prt tnwliiK tUt'tr nulmorlptlonn THE DAILY PATRIOT Will be sent at the fnllnwlnir rates : 1 copy, 1 year, postaKC prtjpatu.... 1 copies, flu club), " JJ (-.DO .IS w S7.IW 1(1 " MMHI I copy during the session of the Lrifl-lHUire u.iki 1 copy, I year, anil I copy, I m(, "I ellher IIab- paid ou both PKIt H nvb'H MIIMTII .Vlir IMHI'K IH UAKAlIi nIHMr V THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be uMit At h frtllowinir rut t ' t copy, 1 year, tHwtiiKiJirti-aUl,..,, .f20 4 curio, ' "0 lo " " " u ami 1 pnpy toHTttpr-tipnf ohili 15.00 DHuniitw, 1 ytar inwttwre pn-imld, aiiu 1 copy to frrltor.iif club 92.1)0 1 copy, oiip yar, anl on copy, one year, of vlthcr HAnpnit Monthly or Hahi'kh'k 11a- 7. ah, iwwtrVKe pr-ppnid on both ,. f4. SO The auoHnripMitii price of Harper' Monthly ami Harper' ltaxar tn i.m each, Hnia hmuHiik a uHlmcr, lMra copy of tlic,y Tatkiot for fio ccntn tn ntl tmonto what ho would havo to pay for cither of IUr Mir'a pnllicatloiin. All onlcra tmittt he accom pa tiled by the cam, either toy check or poMt-ottW order. . . Now lathe time to HiilwriUe. Get all the iiewaanA the bct rcadlnir mult. rut ccat tliiiu anywhere elm by arndltiK your miltH.triptloua to the 1)aily and Wrkkly 1'ATnior. AdilrenK. PA TRIOT PURLTfiMNO CO.. ! lit UAUlilNMUtU, 1'A. IIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OK Popular Literature atul Science. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877 The immtier for January beuins the nineteenth vol. Inneof tilts Mavaxlne, ami while Ite past record will. It 1. hoped, be ilc eniert a suineleut Kuaruntee of future excellence, no ctlorts will be .pored to diversify II. attraction. Hud to provide an increased supply of Popular Reading in the Jlett and Moat Emphatic &ene The (rreat ohiect and constant Him of tho conductors will be to furnihh the public with Letcniture Entertain inent of a Hetlued and Varied Character, a. well a. to present In a Kl'aphie and etriklUK manner the most ra rent lufonnation anil Roundest view, on subjects of ttenernl Iutpreet, ill a word, tn render Liilucntt's Mwazlue atrikluKly distinctive in Mature that art Mont Attractive In Mag azine Literature. In addition to the General Attractions of T.lppln eott's Mavaziue the Publishers would Invite attrullnu to a uew Herial story, 4 The Marquis of Lossic," ly(Jeorre McDonald author of "Malcoln,' Forbes " " Hobort Falcon nr." etc. Alice TERMS. Yearly HubHcrtptlon, 4 ; Wntrle number, 35 ccntH. NOTU'K. The November and Pcccniler Niiniborn, cnntaluhii the earlier clmplccM of "The Marquis of 1OflHie," will le nrcHuuted to.all new ounuuJ uiibmirilKTM lor 1S77. HPKOIMEN NTTMIIKR mailed iHwtatre iaid. to any addreafo, ou recelit of 20 cent. J. B. LIPPISCOTT & CO., riihlishcr, 715 and 717 Market St., l-Mladelphta. B ALL SCALES. LB. MARYANEUTir, . W. DEltR and . JAMES H. GM1KK known as ' The Ball Scale Company," have now on hand a laree snnplyof liuoy's Patent COUNTER 80ALE, the Himnlost, Cheap est and bestConnter Hcaloln the market. r For Scales, or Agencies In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad drtss "The Ball Scale Company," Votlsvllle, Hehnylklllcoiinty. Pa. Kor Scales or Aneneles In this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they can be seen and examined auy time. J LEI BY & BHO., Newport, Perry co Pa. FRANK MORTIMER, 9tf NewBlooinBeld,Perryco.,Pa. Toil FLORIDA, FOR THROUGH TICKETS to KKRNANWNA, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Sanford, Enter prise, and Intermediate landings on St. John's Kiver and interior points in FLORIDA, by steam boat to SAVANNAH, and thence by railroad or steamboat, apply to WM. L. JAMES, (iencral Agent, Philadelphia and Aouthern Mall ft.ti.(X., Ilti South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. i'Jcim A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OK CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Josurii T. Inman, Station D, BiNe route, iVcw Tor City. 16b ly GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A Btkrlino Remedy Fon Diseases akd iNJinUES OF TUB SKI5 j A IlEALTtlFrJI, Beautifier of tii Complexios; A Ue liable Means op Pbevkntiko and Kh liky1mq blikumatism and godt, and as Ureqcaled Dibixfkctant, Dehduiiizilr AND CoiINTEn-lRHITANT. Glenn' Sulphur Soap,besa eradi cating local discuses of tliu skin, banishes ilctecu of the complexion and imparts to it gratifying clenrncsj and smootlinets. Sulphur Jiaths are celebrated for cu rinc eruptions and other diseases of lliehkiii, as well as UhcuraatUm and Gout. Glen n't Sulphur Soap produces tho same effects at a most trilling expense. This admiruli'e enccific also speedily liejdn tore, bruhet. tealdt, liuriit, iprain and cuts. It removes dandruff and prevents the hair from fulling out and turning gray. Clothlnjr and linen used in the sick room is disinfected, and diseases communirablc by contact with tlie person, pieveutca by it. Tho Medical Fraternity sanction its use Trices, 25 akd 50 Cexts rcn Cake, Per lloxSCAKKaOOcttmi N. B. Buy tlx lanr. ndcrc and thereby econamiw. Bvld !J all ItrugsinU. . i i 'MIlU's Hair and Whisker lyc," Black or itrown, ouc. CB.CEinEMONJro.'r.HijthkSJ. ': W E " CENTENNIAL" for Mindly Work. "GENERAL FAVORITE" for Mannfacturhw SUrEHIOR TO ALL IN Simplicity, Efficiency, Durability, Strength and Lightness. SEND VOli CIRCULARS AND PRICKS. WEED SEWING MACHINE PHILADELPHIA, PA. 11 7 lt Newport Advertisements. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Hon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brlok Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WK would respeotfully Invite the patronage of tho farmers, and tho public generally, as the I1IO H EST PRICKS the market will afford, will be paid for all klnus oi GRAIN. F1.0UR, PRODUCE. " SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, FISH, SALT, , TLASTER, CEMENT, COAL. IRON, STEEL. JIORSE SHOES, &c, &c. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. . Orders promptly filled, Newport, July28, 1875 tf jJEWPORT DRUG STORE. IlavlnK ou baud a complete a.mirtment of thefol- lowlnK articles, the subscriber ask. a .bare of your patronaa-e. Drugs and McfUcincn, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Als a full ntoi'k of Concentrated Homedies, ESSENTIAL OILS, Hruslios, rerfnmery 1IAIK OIL, and FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carrf&lly and Promptly Filial B. M . EB Y , Newport, Penn'a. J B. HARTZELL, 7 T Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, NEWPORT, IA. Sole Agent for Lorilard's Superior Tobaocos. Country Merchants supplied with Goods at Philadelphia prices. ar Your orders are solicited. 9 U it. s. cook & co., Agree to sell all k!rl of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers in this county. We will also take good Timber on the stump or delivered at our Milt In exchange for Lumber, 4c, We use Clearheld l'lue and Hem lock only. - W. B. & COOK & CO., NewportjlPfiTj Co., l'a. October 10, 1178. ' IMPORTANT NOTICB. The subscriber late of the tlrro of Rhoades Smith, would respectfully inform the citizens of RLA1N and viaiultv, that he has opened a WAOON MAKER-SHOP, and Is prepared to make new wagons and repair old ones at short notloe, and at from TEN to TWKNTV per cent, cheaper than the old rirm. , W-Uiveineacall. Batlsfactlon guaranteed, i JACOB SMITH. , Blaln, August I, JBtiT. it i- i ; ., , -u - TL X) MACHINE COMPANY, AiiH'iiciui mid roreimi Pnlcnis. () ILMOKK & CO., HuocHssnrs to CHIPMAN, T IIOSMEIt & CO., Solicitors. Patents pro. omed III nil countries. NO KKKH IN ADVANCF. No charge unless the patent l granted. No fees for milking prellmlmiry examliinihiiis. No nilill tlnuiil fees for obtaining and conducting a re hearing, lly a recent deelihin of the (.'inuniis. sinner, ALL rejected applications mav be revived. Special attention given to Inlni Terence. Cases lie fine the Patent office, Exieuslutis before Cnih gress, Infringement Suits In dlflurcnt Slates mid all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Put cuts. Send Stamp to (iilniure Hi Co., for pamph let of stxtv pages. LAND CASKS, LAND WARRANTS & SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted lieforn the II, S. (leucral Land Office and Department of the Interior. Private Land Claims, MINIMI and PRE EMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip In 4n, Ho. any I'Jt acre pieces for sale. This Scrip Is assignable, and can lie located In the inline of t lie purchaser uiion any (lovernment land subject to private entry, at. 81.2") per acre. Ills of eipial valnn with bounty Land Warrants. Send Htiinip to Ollinoro & Co., for pamphlet of Instruction. ARREARS OK FAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war, or their heirs, are In many casesentltled to money from the Ooverumeut nf which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount nf pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp to HI 1,M( ill li & CO., and a lull re ply, after examination, will lie given you free, f K N H I I) N B. All OFFICERS. SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or injured In the lute war, however slight, can obtain a pensouby iKlUiessiug GILMORKttCO. Case prosecuted by (1ILMORK& CO, before the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is conducted In aseparate bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties, emliloved by I he old firm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to i I I.Moli Hid CO., Is thus seemed. Wo desire to win success by deserving It. Address: U1LMDKE&CO.. toil V. Street, Washington, D. C. M AN HOOD: HOW LOST HOW RESTORED Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay ontlie radical cure (with out medicine) of S'FI(matoiihii1!a or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoien. cy. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to marriage, etc. ; also. Consumption, Epilepsy and llts, induced by self-indulgenceor sexual ex travagance, &e. Price, In a scaled envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author. In till, admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success, fill practice, that the alarming consequences of sell abuse, may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or I lie appll calionof thnkulfe; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means nf which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Sent under seal, tn a plain envelnbe. to auv ad dress, post-paid, ou receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the publishers. BxKply TllK CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO. 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Ollluo lto.4rw'. E CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD Peterson's Magazine J1 GREAT REDUCTION TO CLUBS POSTAGE PRE PAID TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE has the best Orlgl nal Stotles of anv nf the ladv's books, the liest Colored Fashion Plates. t lie best hecelyts, the liest Steel Engravings, &c, sc. Every family ought to have It. It gives more for the money than any la the world. It will contain, next year, in Its twelve numoers One Thoutand Pages Fourteen Splendid Steel j'tttieit Tuwire unorea iierun niuern Tuxh Mammoth Otnred fiti iiinn A'fne Hundred Wood VutaTieen-ty-tour Payet oj Miuit ! It will also give Five Original Copyright Novel ettes, by Mrs. Anil tt. Stephens, Frank Ie Bene dict, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burselt, Marietta Holley, and Lucy H. Hooper. Also, nearly a hundred shorter atories. All Original, by the best auinors oi America, us sunem Mammoth. Colored anhi Hates are ahead of all others. These- plates are en graved ou steel, twice the usual size. TERMS (Alnajg In AdVanct-) $2 A YEAH. Two Copies for S3.60 8 Copies for $4.80, with a copy of the premium picture (UIx2U) "Cornwallls Surrender," a Five Dollar Engraving, to the per son getting up the Club. Fuur Copies for Ki.80 5 Copies for S8.00. with an extra copy of the Magazine fur 1X77. as a premi um, to the person getting up the Cluh. ' Six Copies lor t9.60 7 Copies for $11.009 Copies for SUM), with both an extra copy of the Maga zine for 1XT7, and the premium picture, a Five Dollar engraving, to the person getting tap the Club. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, aotj Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. f Specimens seat gratis, if written lor. 14 I MPORTANT TO HUCKSTERS. The undersigned, deslrlngto return to thecltv. offers for sale, the good wil l, to a good marketing route in Perry Co.. with two houb team aud fixtures all complete, with all necessary instruc tions to purchaser. This is an old established route and a rare ohauce. For particulars, call on or address, J. M. I.BTsrNET, Mechanlesbiirg, ill 3in. ' Cumberland Co.. l'a. via res Illutitrated Priced Catalogue - Fifty pages 3UU lllustratlons.wlth Inscriptions of the thousands of the best Flower mid Veg etables in the world, and the way to grow them alt No-a Two Cknt postage stamp. . Printed In German and Engllan. Vlck's Floral Guide. Quarterly. 25 cents a vear. Vlek's Flower aud Vegetable Garden, 60 iieut ta paperi In elegant cloth covers, tl.ou. . . Addiess, JAMES YK'K, It ui' better, N, Y. " fh7iefinntMy IA beat nmtatntd work tf tht kind tn the WoHd." Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. woiiiias or Tit n pmnss. The Maaartnt has nltnlued In lis one Quarter century and more of existence to that point wiiero it mav Ho said of It. In the words nf Dr. Johnson, " It It vnln to blame and useless to praise." T he lustre nf Its Inng-ago-attalncd reputation has Increased as the years have passed, and Its ruluro seems as bright If not lirlghtor than at any tlnto since the golden hue or prosperity pcttled around Its later and best years, llrottklyn h'aglt. jiartMr-t Monthly Is marked bv tho same characteristics which gave it circulation from tho tint with tho better class of readers. It combines reading matter with Illustrations In a way to make clear and vivid the facts pre sented. Pictures merely designed to 'catch the eye of the ignorant are never Inserted. Vhieago Journal. TKRMBi Postage free to all subsorllersln the United States. HAHraa's Maoaxissk, one year 00 14 00 Includes prepayment oft). B. Hostage by the publishers. SulmcrlptloiiB to iiahfbh's Magasine. Wbek- t.r and Hazah, to one uddress for one vear. 110 00 or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to ono address for one year, 17 OOi ixislage free. An extra copy of either the Mauassink, WnEKt.r or BA!!A will bo supplied gratis for every club of FivsBunscmirsitiiB at f I 00 each, in one roiiiltiancvi or, six copies lor s-'U 00, without extra copyi postage free, , Hack Numbers can be supplied nt any time. Tho Volumes of the jlunnzltm commence with the Numbers for Jnne and December nf. each year. Subscriptions muy commence with any number. When no time is spcclllcd. It will be undsrttood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the first number ol the current volume, and back numbers will be sent accordingly. A Complete Set of Harntr't Maaatlnt. now comprising 5!i Volumes, In neat cloth binding, will nu sent ny express, freight at expense ol purchaser, for 'i 'iXi par volume. Single vol umes, by mull, postpaid, Id 00. Cloth cases, for binding, 58 cetits, by mall, postpaid. A Complete. Analytical Index to tho llrst Fifty Volumes of Jfarpur't Mayailnt bus lust been published, rendering available for refer ence the vast and varied wealth of Information which constitutes this periodical a perfect Il lustrated literary cyclopedia. Svo, cloth, f'l 00 Half calf, f5 !. Bent postage prepaid. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of IIahfeh At UiioTiiriis. Address IIARPKlt A BIIOT1IEH3, Now York. .1 I'nmplfte 'Mortal HUtnrp of the Timet" ' The butt,, ami mon tueeetrful Midi Uu pajier in Vie Union." Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICKSOrTilBKHESS. Jlarnnr't Weekly should be lu every family throughout the laud, as a purer, more Interest ing, higher-toned, better-Illustrated paper Is not published In this or any other country. vvtnmereiai jiuumn, nostou. The ri'W Is the only Illustrated paper of the day that in Us essential characteristics Is recognized as a national paper. Urooklyn Knnle. The leading articles In Rarptr't Wttkly on political topics are models of high-toned dis cussion, and its pictorial illustrations are often corroborative argument of no small force. Urotuimr and Chronicle, N. Y. The Weekly has to a still larger degroo dis tanced all competitors as an illustrated news paper. Its editorials are among the most able of their kind, and its other reading matter Is at nucu learned, brilliant and amusing. Its Illus trations are abundant and of rare excellence. L'hrMian Advoeatt, N. Y. TERMS: Postage free In nil subscribers In the United State.. Hahi'Eii's VfTKi,r, one year 4 00 $4 00 Includes prepayment of U. S. postage by thu publishers. (Subscriptions to HAnpRttB M aoazinb, Week ly and liAZAit, to one address for one year, 810 OOj or, two of Harper's Periodical, to one address for one year, 7 00: postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazau will bo supplied gratis for overy ci.uii of live Subscribers Btf4 00 eacl, In one remittance; or, Six copies for (20 00, with out extra copy; postage free. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Volume of tho ll'efJtfp commence with the rear. When no time Is mentioned, It will lie understood that tho subscriber wishes to commence with the number next after the re ceipt of bis order. Tho Annual Volumes of Jfarptr't Wukly, In neat cloth binding, will bu sent by express, free of express, for 7 00 each. A complete set, comprising Twenty Volumes, sent on re ceipt' of cueh at the rata of $5 25 per volume, freight at expense of parchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, snitable ft binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of 91 00 each. Indexes to each vol Jine sent gratis on receipt of stamp. Newpopers are not to copy this advertlseraant without the express order of IIahfkb A Bhotiiehu. Address HARPElt & BROTHERS New Yodh The Stand arp of The World ' Over 300 Moditicalions. TO THE EECUISLVOTS Cf EE0f BICIESS FAIRBANKS & EYJLUG. 715 CHESTNUT St. PHILRDELPHIA. H OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! . T would resuectlvelv Inform mvfrleadstbst Iln i. tend calling upon theai wltk a supply of (ooa of my OWN MANUFACTURE. - Consisting of OAS8IMER8, - CAB8INET8, FLANNELS, (rialnaudhar'4) toexehangetor woo orsellfor sash. J.M.BIXLKS fe FAIRBANKS! V.a.Sha. i ,JS Wanted It In the Family. An amusing story toltl of tlieJSuron X., a member t f one of the oldest twitl liroudcfttrumlllraln Frnnce,wliohiitl4,a- ranged ft r him" a nmn lune with fin Kng llHhlndy of immense wcaltii. A few weeks liefore dttte appointed for the Wedding the lover found out that hln betrothed, ' liistouil of being of a good fiitnlly, n lmil been reported to blm, wits thf dnughter of aqttuek diMttor, her golden gul nous having been derived from the 1 s:ilo of patent tilllH. He broke olf the match, whereat his father, Count X who chuneed to be a widower, was norely i tllnlreaned. "Ho tntuiy millions and all , lost to the futility. , Jtntlier tliatt that , dltould occur, he would marry the ludy , himself." Which he did forthwith. , , ........ f&V A young man fresh from, college, (Killing on- a lady, ami' Itcing tusked by the Hcrvimt what name h1i nhnultil give her nalMtrenB, replied : 'Amli'ti,r (which Ih tke Lut1i for ' ft lend'.) The girt heritnted a rHomeiiti, imi t'Keiii Mild : " Whnt kimd of ft cum, Kir 1 " The young student then gave hin- name, iindinoncludcd tHtlck to Kngllnlt. thereitftev; A promlHlng youth of only xcveti' HummtTH, who hud bi-eninetitmed' of not alwuys telling the truths erons examined1 lils futlicr. "Futher, (iid you tine' to lie when you- were a boy V" "No, my win,"' , Hnid the putcmul, whoavidently did nob recall the past with any diHtiiiftiieMH.. "Nor mother, either?"' perlHted the' young lawyer. "No; but why V" "Oh' hecuune I don't nee how two people who. never told a lie could have a boy. thai, tells, tm many us I do.'' Ify ' 1 stty' Hambo, where does Huirf reters live?" naked a traveler, of n, boy. who eat balancing hinmolf ou a rail. "Turn up dat street,den patmdatpondt. den turn to de right, dun left, dun atriko ofT from lde ob old Warm Hhed's hotipe,. an' keep agwinn whar ye see a gal In. do-corn-fleldj and ye onn't' help a-raisfili-' it." iJ-jT A man huvlnciuarrelled with. Ills wife and locked her in her room, mint bis aon up with a lionet Tho boy going to. the door eaid: "ILrre lis a bone fattier Base you may pick." The gentle nioUier replied: "Take it back and tell him, I Hay that he U not your father, and there' a bone for him to pink. (y'Dar'n gwlne to be wall,." remark ed a colored eiiizen, "an' ulli yo niggahtt mount Jes'it well gi! ready for active business." "Which side shall wt take ?" asked one of his heanurs. " Youi algguliH can ta'.ia jea-'wat sidyer please-;; I'se gwlne to take de Canadaiside." fc-JT "Jo. my son, don't stand thera- scratching your head; stir-yourself, orr you will m rule no progrs- in Iifeu ' "Why father," replied tho-young hp full' "I've often heard youisay that- fiie only way to-get along in Uiis world1,, is. to scratoli abvad, and I'tradninglU'" 3T The-following can ie raid, sob make good sense If you cute OLuugla to do it. 1 thee rend see thr mei love l! will I'U have But that and yoiv have you'll One and down aid you if. g?"A Young ludy once aotiil 'he weari&g of moustacbsv is one- of)' the things. I put my face-against.."' Well if she was pretty, theite are but few wen who would object So her pubting? her face against their moustacUa she desljed to. C3T A Miss Joy waa preseba at a party recently, when swue one ubtdi the iuo- tuiion: "A thinj of lieaut ie-a Jy for ever," when she exclaimed: "-.I'm s gkul that I'm'rKt a beauty, fun 1 should Kiot like to be a Joy forev.' fg" Jolinnley on Mng remonstrated with for coasting on the skle walk and making It dangerous to pedestrians, wild "Tis no worse for 'folks.' than for the boys; they have to walk up with their sleds, doaHtUey?" A geutleman th other inoruiwrf: was acWMstwl by a bootblack In tys, manners- "Shine, sury" "No!""SI'.aie 'em up quick, sur. Do it in three d'JTer. ent languapcs, 'publican, dimcratic and greenback." He got the Job. (yAn Irish agricultural journal, advertises anew wasbinguiachlne untWf the heading, "Kvery mau bis ow washerwoman," and, in its culiuary de partment says that "potatoes kmW always be boiled In cold water.'1 . fy "Woman g a delustou !" excJuim ed a crusty bachelor lo a witty young lady. "And men are always liugsflpg some icluioll,', wn thf iwk nM,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers