mill TIMES NEW BL00MI1EL1), 'PA., FEIttiUAHY 20, 1877. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Wft Invito oommnulostlmii friitn ll persons who ire IntftrnntniHu umlters properly bHloimlug to this de pigment. The Blue Glass Cure. A New York corrwpn(k'nt 'f the ( 'litonKO Tribune writes tin follows of test he litis mude of (lononil Pleamton lil ue giunn cure: "A liuly of my family, about hIx WM'ks ngo, liiul a violent hemorrhage of the lungK, and for ten tlnya rained more or less blood dully. Bhe was very much weakened by the loos of blood, and con slderably frightened withal. I obtained some blue glues and placed it in the window where she was In the hnblt of Bitting, the blue glass constituting one linlf of the lower buhIi of tho window. The lady sat dally In the associated lights, allowing the blue rays especially to fall upon the nerves of the buck of the neck for about an hour a day. The second day the sun's rays being unusual ly strong, she got 'too much blue glass,' and at night felt n peculiar sensation In the back of the neck among the nerves and an unpleasant fullness In the head. The sensation wore off next day, and since then she has not remained so long at a lime under the blue glass. "But from the first she began to grow stronger, her face soon gained its natural fullness, and in a week she was, to all appearances, as well as ever. Of course she was not cured of the trouble in her lungs in so short a time, but the soreness in her chest has passed away, and she beings to feel well again. After sitting in the associated light for a week a large number of red pimples came out on her neck and shoulders, an indication that the treatment was bringing out to the surface the humors of the blood. Ju a letter to me General Plcasantou says: 'I am satisfied that If this treatment shall be continued through the winter and spring any tuberculous development that may exist in the lungs will be ar rested, its pus absorbed into the circula tion, and then thrown off from the blood in the excretions (as lifts occurred already in the spots on the body,) the wounds of the tubercles will le cicatrized and the lady restored to a condition of good health.' "In the same let terOeneral Pleasunton relates an agrecabli incident which oc curred to him but a few weeks wincei A lady and her daughter culled to see him, and announced that they had come from Corning, N. Y., to Philadelphia for the express purK)so of thanking him for saving the daughter's life. Four years ago she was afflicted with a violent at- tack of spinal meningitis. Her suffer ings were indescribable but continuous. Kvcry conceivable remedy had been resorted to during these four years, but the patient .received no benellt. Her nervous system at last became so dis ordered that the slightest sound or the most gentle agitation of the air threw her into the most agonizing suffering. She was wasted away in flesh, she could not sleep at night, hud no appetite, and her life was despaired of. Hearing of General l'leasan ton's discovery in asso ciated lights, her parents determined to try it. A bay window was fitted with alternate plates of blue and plain glass, and the young lady sat daily in the light which streamed through them. Her physicians, of course, laughed ut the idea, pronounced the wlioiething a hum bug, etc., as is the habit of professional gentlemen wheuever any new idea is broached. The physician was dismissed, and the young lady replied entirely upon the blue glass treatment for her restora tion to health. The lady nays that upon entering the room thus lighted tho tains from which she was mifleiing almost Immediately ceased, then would return in a modified form on leaving the room, hut grew less from day to day. Very soon her condition began to improve, her appetite returned, and with it her strength. Klie began to gain tlesh, her sleeplessness disappeared, and, in short, she was speedily restored to health. v'A singular feature of this young lady 'scAse, was that her hair came out and she became as bald as an egg. Her physician examined the scalp with a mifrosoojH!, and declare! that there -Were no roots of hair remaining, and that,' consequently, she would never again have a natural head of hair. Under the blue glass treatment, however, tho hair did begin to grow, the young lady discarded her wig, and when she called upon General lMeasuuton she showed him a luxuriant growth of hair, which any young lady might envy." Cure for Chilblains. The following treatment has given general satisfaction : Melt together in a suitable vessel it ox, beeswax, 3 o. Venice turpentine, 8 osta. lard, und 1 pint sweet oil. Stir these well together and raise the temperature till the mixture simmers; then allow to oool. This nhould be applied to the feet ou u piece fit ciolh whrn going to bed. J1IE SUN, 1S7T. NEW YORK. 1S7tT The different edition of Tint Rim durln; the nut year will ba the nanus asditrltiK tho year that ha Just nsssed. The dally edition will on week dnys be aslieet (it four pane, and on Huuday u sheet of eliilit Iuikm, or All broad column while the Weekly edition will he a sheet of eight pages of tne mine dimensions and character that are already familiar lo our friend. TliKHtiN will anntliuie to be the strenuous ad. TORiitn of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom and In. fetidly for hollow nretenoe, Imbecility, and fraud In the administration of puhlin affair. It will contend for the Kovnrntneut of the people by the people and for I he. people, a opposed to mentltt the ballot box and In the counting of yotes, enforced by military violence. It will en. deavor to supply It reader a body now not far from a million of mini with the most careful, complete, and trustworthy account of current event, and will employ for thl purpose a numer ous and carefully selected stall of reporter and correspondent. It report from Washington, especlall, will be full, accurate and fearless : and It will doubtless continue to deserve the hatred of those who thrive bv pltinderlnit the Treasury or by usurpliiR what tin) law does uotKlve them, while It will endeavor to merit the coulldenee of the public by defending the rigid of the people against the encroachment of unjustified power. The price ol the dally Hun will be fiS cent a month or '-M a year, post paid, or with the Him day edition I7.7H a year. The Sunuat edition alone., eight pages, 11.20 a year. The, eight page of Wl bremd col umns, will be furnished during 1877 at the late of II a year, post paid. The newt' t of this bug reduction from the previous rule for Tub Wruki.T caH be enjovedbv Individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs. At the name time, If any of our ft lends choose to aid III extending circulation we shall be grateful to I hem. and every such per son who sends ten or mole subscribers from one Place will lie entitled to one copy of the pape.i forhlniself without chat ge. Atone dollar a year, postage ti.tld, the expenses of paper and printing tire haidly repaid t and, considering the size of the sheet and the nualltv of Its contents, we are confident the people will consider Tub Wrick ir Mil the cheapest newspaper published In the world, and we trust also one of the very best. fXHSt Address.THKSUN.New York City, N. Y. It LATCH L EY'8 Improved CUCUMBER WOOD I'UMP, Tasteless, Durable, HI. llcieut and Cheap. The best Pump for the least money. At tention Is especially Invited to Blatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without reniovlnir the Puiiid or disturbing the Joints, Also, the Copper Chamber, which never nracksor scales, and will outlast any other. Porsaleby Dealers everywhere. Send fnrCatalogtia aim Price-List. . ni.ATCllI.F.Y. Manufacturer. CI1AH. 6371y 51)6 Commerce hit,, l'nlliipelphla, Pa. BOOTS Do you want BOOTS of any kind T It so, call and see the lAltCJlO HTOCK NOW OFKKtlEn ST M ) It T 1 M K It . K New Pension Law. UN Mill an net ol Congress approved March 8, 1873, willows of olllcf is wiio were killed, or died of liiSKiise uoiitrHcied III the service, are now entitled to per month for each of their chil dren. The guardian of a minor child of a soldier who heretofore oniy received 8S.W per mouth pension Is now ent itled to (HI. per mot h. Moldiers who receive Invalid pensions can now have their pension Increased to any sum or rate between IS. and 118. per month. , Soldiers n lin have Inst I heir discharges can now obtain duplicates. Fathers anil ni'ithm s who lost sons In the serv ice unon wliniii ,viey were dependent for support, can also obtain pension. The undersigned having had over 10 years ex perience In the Claim agency business will attend promptly I" claims under the above act. Call on or address LKWI8 POTTElt, Attorney for Claimants, New Bleomlleld, 2titr. Perry Co., Pa Daily Express mid Freight Line HRTWKKN PLOOMFIELD NEWPORT! rpHEsubscrlber wishes to notify theoltlzensof L Bloomtleld and Newport that lie I running a Dally Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptlydellverpaekages or messages entrusted to his care, V Orders may belolt for him at the stores of F. Mortimer A Co., New Blooratleld.or Mllligan Musser. Newport, fa. .F. S. WUITMORB. Bloomtleld. .Iamiary25, 1870. ILMA.M M. 8UTCH, Justice of the leare, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, New Bloomtleld, Perry County, Penn'a W Special attention paid to Collections of all kinds. Deeds, Bonds. Mortgages and Agreements neatly execute. 71HW Notice to Trespassers. N1 OTICE Is hereby given to all person not to trespass on inv erounds by nicking berries. II slil ii ii. Im in hit. or ntherwisetresnassliiir. as thev will be dealt with accordlngtolaw. W. H HERMAN. Greenwood Iwp.. Ang. 10. 1H7'. tf TRKHASH NOTICE. All persons are forbid to trespass on my land In Havllle township for any pin nose whatever, and a reward of A will he paid tor testimony that will convict any person of Mich trespass, ANDREW I.OY. May 9. 187rt tf LANNELS A splendid-assortment of Flan neis. jiisiopenea uy . K. MOKT1MKK ma day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terms free. TRUE St CO,, Augusta, Maine. . lOiiy. STEWART'S ADJUSTABLE TREADLE FOR OPERATING SEWING MACHINES WITHOUT FATIGUE OR INJURY. I The mn-t comnlete method of nronnlllnir the sew Inn niMchlhe. It saves fourflfths the labor and enrlrelv avoids the cause of phvsical lnnry t en do"sed by the meilicnl fraternity. It can lie at lached to any ordinary sewing machine without re mo vlnu the machine from the boitse. No sew ing machine hnuM be used without this tin iMi'tant atlach'iieut Send for our circulars, will" expbi'iis the nrliic'nle. Address, NKH YORK TKKADLE SfFO. CO.. il lyr. tv Cortlitwlt Street, JV. r. ft 2 W4 U. NltTICK. The undersigned hereby gives no tice to all persons Indented to him. thattheir account must he settled on or before the first, of March. After that no further indulgence will be granted. CHHISTIAN STOl FKKK. . blienuuniHittle, Jan. 0, 1877. . , . pd rhlladelphla AdTertlKCtnents. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE. GROCERS, No. 183 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINWBIGIXT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North Kat Corner of 2nd and Arch Htreat, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S.JONES, WIIOLKSAI.K DKAl.KK IN B'ish, Cheeso and Provisions, ' 21fl NORTH WHAIIVES, Philadelphia, Pa. JJAVID. J, HOAR & CO., Successors to HOsIl MnOUKKET CO.. WHOLHSil.B HOOT A N D S II O E W AUKII0USK. IU MARKET HTRKKT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNN1NGHAM.GLEIM&C0., VVHOLBBALa Ulll.lKII IK TOBACCO, CIOAltS &c NO. 4. NOKTH FIFTH HTMKKT, PIIILATJELPIITA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Healers in . Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shade. BroomB, Carpet Chum, Wadding, s Batting. Twines, &c. And a (Idc assortment of WO()Lii.l WILLOW VVAKK. No. tL'n Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS &. CO. Rlll.K AND ONI A' MANUt'AOTimUHS 1 OF TUB IMP2HIAL FREWCII, AND PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pyra White Lead and Color MANUFACTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St.. Philadelphia. gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On High Htriet. Kist or Cabuble 8t.. Xew Bloom Odd, Penn'ft. THK subscriber has built a large and commo dious Hhop on II Inn St., Kast of Carlisle Htreet New BloomHeld. Pa., wkere be la prepared to maa ufaoture to order Of every descrlptlonrout of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built toorder, and Bulslied In the most artist Icand durable manner. Uavtiiu superior workmen, he is prepared to furnish work that win compare favorably with the best City Work, and mnnh more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. r REPAIRING of allklndJneatlyandpromp lydone A call la solicited. SAMUEL SMITH ltf JOB I'ftlNTINU of every description neatTy executed on abort notice and at reasonable rules at tula ofllce. Philadelphia AdTcrllsementg. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURHD8 Booksellers and Stationers, And Dealers la WINDOW 0UKTAINS WALL l'APKK, ETC, No. 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. EIGLER&SWEARINGEN Successors to SHAFFNEK, ZIKOLER ft CO.. Importers and Dealers In IIolery, 4loTei, lllbbon), Nuaipenderii, THREADS, COMBS, and ever; variety ol TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. $6, North Fourth Street, 'II ILA DHL PJJIA , PENN'A . Agent$for Lancaster Comb. gOWER, POTTS &C0., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. It LAX It ItOOKB Always oa hand, and made to Order. Nos. Mdtlarket and 623 Minor Streets ' PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO . Publishers of Sanders'New Headers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Hubert's Ifistoryol the United States, Felton'sOutllne Maps, lie. jgARCROFT & CO., Irsporteii and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, Ac, Nos. 405 aid 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Bide,) PHILADELPHIA. EW. T. MOUL, REPBESENTINO Wtimer, Wright & Watkin, Mannfactarer Ac Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes No. 302 Market Street, K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Impobtiuis AMD Joaaias or AND QUEENSWARE, 92$ Market Street, l?HIIA.rEX,l?IIIA. W. H. KENNEDY, wrr TRIMBLE, BRITTON Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 605 MARKET 8TREIT, PHILADELPHIA. 7 It Philadelphia Adrertlscments. Datld Masters. I. A. Detwller. W. IS. B. Ball. RASTERS, DETWILER & CO., Manufacturer of and WHOLESALE DEALERS iy CLOTHING, m MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. lot JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WH0LB8ALB HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penii'a. gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE UNION,") JOS. Mi FEUEE, Proprietor 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terma, - . Ca.SOPer Dy. 'HIS HOTEL heinit centrally located, aid nan A Ing been entirely RFrirrRD, It will be fonmt as pleasant a stopping place as can he desired JINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED r Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL! Everybody who sees them are delighted. The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F.MORTIMER, Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN. Attorney-at-lJiw, New Bloomtleld, Ferry CO., ta. f Office Next door to the residence of Judge Jnnkln. 45if AM. MARKEL. Attorney, New Bloomtleld, Ferry county, Pa. -tf Office directly opposite the Post-Office, and adjoining the Mansion House. JEWIS POTTKB. ATTORNEY AT UW, NEW BLOOMFIELD, FERRY CO., FA. , Claims promptly secured and collected Writings and all legal business carefully attend ed to. gj y) JAMES U. FEROIjSON, Attorney-atLaw. NKWFOKT, FA. 49-0ffice Market Street, near the Square. 85 HAELESU. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomtleld, Ferry Co. 7a. Office with O. A. Barnett, Esq., on High Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyte rian Church. August 20, 1872. JBAILY, Attorney at Law, New BloomnId,PerryCo.,Pa Office opposite the Mansion House and next door to the Post-Ornce. Refers to B. Mclntlre, Esq. June 77, 171. "TITM. A. 8PON9IER, Attomey-at-Law, IV Office adjoining bis residence, on East Main street, New BloomHeld, Ferry o.. Pa. S 1 ly TOHN Q. BHATTO, Snrgeon Dentist. tf New Bloomtleld, Ferry Co., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable prices. wsVOfflce at tils residence ene door East of tho Robinson House, and opposite Wa, A. Sponaler'e Law office. iilj . TTrM. KE1BF.RT, Attorney at-Law, New BloomHeld, Perry CO.. Fa. Bloom0eld,S331y. "TTTM. M. 8UTCH. ' i VV ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Bloomtteld, Perry eo.. Pa. W Office Two doors West of F. Mortiaier Store 37 ly , , T EWIS POTTER, kotaxt ruBuc, New Bloom AJ arid. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Beads, Mortgaea and Leases carefully Prepared and acknowledgewents takea. AU indsof Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take deposluous to be retd In any court In the United states. T 10 ly TtHAS. J. T, McINTTRR, Attorney-at-Law, New BloomHeld, Perry eo. , Pa. WA11 profef sional business prom dUi aadiaith fully attended to. 3 2 ly. TTTM. A. MOBRISOW, VV. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR. NbwCmmhtowv, Perryeo., Pa. " KmitUnoeawUl bo mad promptly tor all Collection vade. 744 IHAB. A. BARNETT. Attornev-at-Law. V New Bloomceld. Ferry Co.. Pa. fj.Ofnee on high street. North side, aearly oaC Mite tho Presbyterian Church. j f lj poai RICHARD L MAGEE, JU8TICE OP THE PEACE, fiifS0 ,h, '"Wence. In CKN 1 R B TOWW-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers