% Page 4—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN DONEGAL SCHOOL PAGE Juan Carlos Jiminez comes to D.H.S. from Costa Rica by Carole Gibason A young man from Costa Rica is coming to live in our community and attend Don- egal High School. His name is Juan Carlos Jiminez. He will be staying with Steve Hassinger. ‘‘Juanqui’’ will be here from Thursday, December 11 to Saturday, February 28. He is seven- teen years old and is in the eleventh grade. He lives in San Jose and has a sister, Marianella, and two bro- thers, Rafael and Jorge. A five-year English stu- dent, Juanqui has also studied French for three ‘The thrill of the race!”’ by Barb Landis The thrill of the race! The crowd is tense await- ing the performance. As the meeting progres- ses, the athletes become in- creasingly nervous, each preparing for his psycholog- ical confrontationw An unconscious jerk of the head, the nerves twitch at the sound of the first call. At the second summons, the head swims with thoughts of an impending victory. Repressed dreams of set- ting fantastic records flash through the mind. The final call; the hours of preparation, of torturous fatigue and pain are soon to be put to the test. The stomach becomes nauseous seemingly filled to overflowing with millions of butterflies struggling for freedom. The referee mouths the instructions. Oblivious to his words, the contestants concentrate on the strategy of the race. The commands are given. Each nerve ending is stretched to the point of snapping. : Like giant rubber bands, the muscles spring into action at the firing of the gun. The race has begun. The pace is incredible. The adrenalin flows and the heart beats at twice its normal pace. The only thought is to catch the leader eliminating the stagger. CORRECTION The names of Michael Zeller, 9th grade, and Lance Wilson, 12th grade, were inadvertently omitted from the Donegal High School “B”” Honor Roll in last week’s paper. As thoughts of pain and anguish enter, the mind rejects them fearing the loss of peak mental attitude. The halfway mark, the most difficult portion of the race. The stagger is gone and a victory seems secure. The final stretch and the curse of the runner, mus- cular fatigue. The leg cramps, the feet turn to lead weights, and the fear of exhaustion enters the mind. Suddenly, the opposition is close behind. The rest is a footrace of pure determination and pride. The more courageous is to be the victor, the other to be the conquered. The tears come steadily as both mind and body suc- cumb to defeat consumed by pain. The race is lost; the heart severed in two. The coach approaches, his head bowed in silence. The consoling tone of his voice is comforting to the battered soul. The ears hear his words of congratulations and relate the message to the heart. The realization that the hard work was not in vain hits home. The opponent who, just moments ago, had delivered the mortal blow is trans- formed into a friend who has aided in the setting of a per- sonal record. The lightened feet amble across the track to the winner and the thankful heart congratulates him. The new found friend smiles with understanding. A new friendship is formed and with it, a mutual respect. The battle is over, both are victors. years. His favorite subjects are mathematics and social studies. Juanqui will have a regular program drawn up for him. He will be attending school as an auditor (rather than for credit). Juanqui enjoys playing tennis, bike riding, and playing piano and guitar. He traveled to Panama three years ago. During his last vacation, he went to his family’s farm. Juanqui likes to meet new people and learn their customs. He thinks the most important trouble in Costa Rica is inflation. Sounds familiar! Mr. Glenn Hess hopes that everyone will treat Juanqui with the same courtesy that we have shown in the past so that his visit to Donegal High School-U.S. A.-will be a pleasant and memorable experience. Basketball Booster club by Emil Swift The coaching staff of Donegal invites you to come to our organizational meet- ing of the Basketball Boos- ter Club after our first home game on November 25. This expanding booster club sup- ports the team and coaching staff. It is not an organization which rehashes games, dis- cusses starting lineups, philosophies, defense, or individual players. How- ever, it is a group of parents interested in showing pride in Donegal Basketball--in' raising funds for various projects...in having fellow- ship and fun...in watching team basketball...in watch- ing and cheering for the hustling green and white. We will be electing our new slate of officers at this meeting so be sure to have your list of nominees ready. One of our fund raising projects for this year is the sale of Dutch Haven Shoo Fly Pies. We will deliver the orders Saturday, November 1S at 9:00 a.m., with pie pickup at the Sarbaugh residence. Part of the pie profits will go directly to the players to help cover the cost of their new sneakers. So far, over S00 pies have been ordered. Help keep this enthusiam rolling and join us Tuesday, November 25. November 26, 1975 news, features, art, poetry composed by and for the students of Donegal schools. Eisenhauer, Beck 14 senior secretarial students complete second DHS project Fourteen senior secret- arial students recently com- pleted their second service project for Donegal High School. Their first job was finish- ed a few weeks ago when they compiled the results of 925 student club selection sheets; alphabetized club rosters; typed 42 duplicator masters; and ran off copies of these masters. The girls’ most recent contribution involved typing two report cards for each student in the junior high school and the senior high school. These totaled over 2,800 cards with information typed on both sides. Class time was used for the bulk of these jobs, but some of the girls worked during their study halls and also during tenth period. Some of the learning techniques of these jobs included typing properly on printed lines, correct eras- ing procedures, error cor- rection, alphabetizing, and proofreading. Each of these fourteen seniors is also receiving “‘on-the job’ training in the high school office. While working there, they observe and practice proper office etiquette, proper telephone usage, perform receptionist duties, type, file, and serve the students and staff of the school. Mrs. Barbara Bair, office manager, and Mrs. Kathy Koser, secretary, are cooperating with the busi- ness department in this area NOVEMBER‘S BLESSING by Nanette Pinto Thanksgiving is the time of year When winters cold sets in The once soft light of golden sun Turns to frosty, chilly wind But the reasons for Thanksgiving Are for families far and near To share the love that they do have To all that they hold dear. of learning and are a vital factor in helping these girls prepare for entry-level jobs. These students are to be commended for their unself- ish gift of time and service to their teachers and their school. SCHOOL NEWSPAPER STAFF MANAGER: Jody Bass FEATURE WRITERS: Melody Mumma, Jeanne Freed, Nanette Pinto : STAFF WRITERS: Lyndia Gestewitz, Hawn, Gail Hunter, Mary Kanoff TYPISTS: Deb Bender, Wayne Erdman, Deb Evans, Deb Predrick, Sue Williams PHOTOGRAPHY: Steve Hassinger, Jim Holly Baker, Dale Wendy ART: Tim Roaten ADVISOR: J. B. Siberski Spanish classes at F&M by Carole Gibason - On Sunday, November 2, 28 students from Mr. Hess's Spanish classes traveled to Hensel Hall at Franklin and Marshall College to see the film Nureyev’s Don Quixote starring Rudolph Nureyev and the Dancers of the Australian Ballet. , Mien con sow— v— — FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS EVERYTHING the Susquehanna Bulletin | I I | .....except a subscription to I We'll send a gift announcement at your request. Please send the Susquehanna Bulletin weekly [50 issues per year for: Lancaster County UJ 1 year—$4.00 [J2 years—$7.00 [J3 years—$9.00 Outside Lancaster County [1 year—$4.50 LU] 2 years—$8.00 03 years—$11.00 Outside USA—Inquire About Rates Mail to: Susquehanna Bulletin Box 75A, R.D. 1, Marietta, PA 17547 I request that a gift announcement be sent [J Send gift subscription to: INBITIE csv rrr ssrueesionssssssesmmessesiosnsoshnsoresn vam insaonsessesre St.&No. or R.D.No. ...... 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