Page 6—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN New Monthly Installment Savings Plan AVAILABLE DURING OCTOBER SHORTER MATURITIES NOW PAYING % PERANNUM Ask About Our Installment Way to Save MOUNT JOY BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. For Information, Call Ph 653-1421 TW. MAIN ST. - MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 4350 Our own CIDER, fresh and sweet Our cider is made from a blend of quality apples, is not filtered and has no preservatives added. All the natural goddness, quick chilled and bottled for ¥ your drinking enjoyment. ling ei we ereongithand Gal. $1.50 — In Your Jug $1.39 — 85¢ 1/2 gal. v APPLES : Stayman Winesap—Jonathan 4 Red & Yellow Delicious § Pumpkins 25c and up for Pies or decorating & faces Irish Cobbler Potatoes—Sweet Potatoes ORANGES—GRAPEFRUIT—BANANAS Pure New York Maple Syrup Dutch Gold Honey i 21bs $1.79 Slbs $4.25 121bs $9.75 FARM FRESH EGGS Our Own Shoo-fly Pies $1.15 ea. !' Pumpkin Pies baked in our kitchen ! CAULIFLOWER—TURNIPS Special on No. 2 1/2 cans Cohart Pears and Heart's Delight Fruit Cocktail — 2/$1.35 6/$3.99 Libby's Pumpkin Pie Mix No.21/2can 63c i SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues. , Thurs, - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fri.-8 a.m. to 9 p.m. — Wed. & Sat. -8a.m. to 6 p.m. | WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. % mile West of Mount Joy, along Route 230 Ph. 653-5661 SOE OO SEE ED OEEED OER OCR OE Battery power is better >& 20 % off on the * urchase of any odel until iovember 30, 1975 LECTRIC 7 TRACTORS ROM AVCO NEW IDEA ee it at: Donegal Springs Rd., R..D..1,.Mount Joy,.Ra.. . « + 4s PHONE 653-5795 sol LETTER TO EDITOR Dear Editor: Two weeks ago the Susque- hanna Bulletin mentioned in its report of the October Mt. Joy Borough Council Meeting that the proposal for a shopping center at the Cross- roads Church intersection did not pass for lack of a second to the motion. Residents of the area opposed the center for several very legitimate rea- sons. The purpose of this letter is not to debate the shopping center but rather to take exception to a statement made in last week’s Bulletin by a candidate for Mt. Joy Borough Council from the Florin Ward. This gentleman felt that “Council dealt unfairly with the firm—by requiring ex- pensive planning and sur- veys, without ever telling the developer that his plans may not be approved.’’ Are we to take from that line of reasoning that just because a developer spends a large sum of money for plans, Council is required to automatically rubber stamp its approval? A Council that is unfair? I would rather call it a Council doing what it is meant to do—represent all of its citizens. Although that candi- # date feels that Council dealt unfairly with the developer, I can guarantee you that many people in the South Angle Street, South Market Avenue, Donegal Springs Road area have gained a new apprecia- tion for the work of the Mount Joy Borough Council. The many residents who took a night out to show Council their feelings deserve quite a bit of credit. However, without a Council willing to listen, the special interests of a few would have been served rather than the concerns of the many citizens who would have been most affected. The October meeting of the Mount Joy Borough Council was the best example in which I have ever participated of democracy in action. Resi- dents and Council are to be congratulated for ‘‘making it happen’’. To put it simply— this is democracy. This is what it’s all about. Sincerely, Mrs. Kenneth Depoe Central Hotel 102 N. Market St. M1. Joy Phone 653-2056 Lunches Dinners te2 Mon.-Thurs. Fri-Sat. Sted Sto 10 "Tours of A. Bube's Brewery and Cata- combs by special re- servation until May 1, 1975.” SUNDAY DINNERS Served in First Floor Dining Room 11AM.t07 P.M. The New Colonial Inn (formerly Sansone’s) MENU FEATURES Evening Special Steamed Clams $2.95 Luncheon Special $1.10- $1.50 HAPPY HOURS 5-7 ! OPEN 11:30 a.m. | For Res. Call 426-1109 ENTERTAINMENT Thurs., Fri. & Sat. GLENN GARBER " TAKE A DRIVE IN THE COUNTRY AND SAVE SOME MONEY! ’71 TOYOTA Corolla, auto $1695 71 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 dr., HT $1795 Low mileage - Like brand new. 70 OPEL, 4 cyl., 4 speed $1295 Extra clean, new inspection 70 FORD Galaxie, 2 dr. HT Sale Price only $1095 56,000 miles - Real Nice ’69 CORVAIR, auto, like new $1295 '69 CHEVY Caprice, 4 dr., HT $1195 '69 CHEVY Impala, 2 dr., HT $1395 '69 PONTIAC LeMans, 2 dr., HT $1395 Loaded, sharp car! ’69 FORD LTD Squire Wagon,V8, auto, AC $1295 ’67 CHEVY, V8, auto, 4 dr. $795 {No MONEY DOWN TO QUALIFIED BUYERS "REICH’S AUTO SALES’ Open Every Nite till 8:30 2 mi. N. of Marietta on Rt. 441 GRMN IRG ISIE) YOUNDT’S MEAT MARKET 119 E. Market St., Marietta — 426-1245 Open Daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. OE OER EOE OSTEO JRE OER Phone 426-3411 October 29, 1975 RET ET “Since 1915” BLAME MEL & GERRY HEISTAND, PROPS. APPLIANCE DEMAND A MODERN «WATER SYSTEM nr : DESIGNED FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE NEEDS. OUR FINEST! SUBMERSIBLE / PUMP BY EEE oy BINKLEY’S SEWING MACHINES — FABRICS > CUSTOM DRAPERIES HF SINGER — WHITE — PFAFF Sewing Machines — Sales and Service McCALLS & SIMPLICITY PATTERNS , “Everything For the Lady Who Sews’’ 111 N. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN FREE PARKING IN FRONT OF STORE SHARP’S DISTRIBUTORS Beer & Ale Porter & Soft Drinks 10 Decatur St., Marietta — 426-3918 GREATER THAN ; CITY WATER PRESSURES ANOTHER FAMOUS "PRODUCT ® R.V.RICHARD & SONS “Call us to do your work” 426-1836 Use Your « « MASTERCHARG. « « « BANKAMERICARD Sm or
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