Page 4—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN DONEGAL SCHOOL PAGE 3 1 % Brenda and Bonnie Photo by Steve Hassinger Behind the Scenes by Melody Mumma An unusual duo is featur- ed in this week’s article. Good friends since Kinder- garten, Brenda Mackison and Bonnie Baker have participated in virtually the same activities all through- out high school. The daughter of Dorothy Macki- son, 113 Columbia Avenue, Mount Joy, Brenda has served as co-manager of the football team for the past two years. Bonnie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Baker of 29 South Market Street, Mount Joy and she is Brenda’s other half - also co-manager of the football team. The girls’ duties as managers include fixing equipment and mak- ing Gatorade for the play- ers. ¢ ; (, ae POEM ss/ HALLOWEEN NIGHT by Nanette Pinto A dark black stormy night Whispers Halloween. With pumpkin faces, skeletons, and witches who are mean, Haunted houses come alive for it’s their time of year, £ To get the neighbors frightened * and dare them to come near. » 3 Witches fly on big black brooms $x * through the darkened sky, Back and forth around the world until they fall and die. Jack-O-Lanterns come alive when the pumpkin pie is done. Trick-or-Treaters knock Both girls are on the business staff of the year- book, the Senior Class Executive Committee and the publicity committee for the senior class play. During the wrestling sea- son, they also serve as co-captains of the Indian- ettes. In ninth and tenth grade, both girls were members of the Booster club and the track team. Bonnie is presently the treasurer of FFA, of which Brenda is also a member. Incidentally, they both study floriculture at Vo-Tech and plan to pursue careers in that field. Could twins be more alike? We don’t think : x & wx October 29, 1975 news, features, art, poetry composed by and for the students of Donegal schools. Eisenhauer, Beck SCHOOL NEWSPAPER STAFF MANAGER: Jody Bass FEATURE WRITERS: Melody Mumma, Jeanne Freed, Nanette Pinto STAFF WRITERS: Lyndia Gestewitz, Hawn, Gail Hunter, Mary Kanoff TYPISTS: Deb Bender, Wayne Erdman, Deb Evans, Deb Predrick, Sue Williams PHOTOGRAPHY: Steve Hassinger, Jim Holly Baker, Dale Wendy ART: Tim Roaten ADVISOR: J. B. Siberski Future Business Leaders active at Donegal by Wendy Golden Club meetings are held once every two weeks during one period in the school day. Our meeting consists of reports from the officers and a business meeting where we discuss events that we will be participating in during the year, what fund raising activities we will hold and what activities that we would like to do inside our club. All club members must pay club dues of $2.50. Out of this $2.50, $1.00 goes to Cafeteria Humor by Will—He—Eat—It A girl finished her lunch and said, ‘‘So much for the appetizer. When are they bringing on the main course?’’ * * * You can say one thing for the cafeteria cheeseburgers, the cheese has gotten bigger. You don’t need a magnifying glass to find it anymore! * * * A boy looked at his dessert and asked his friend, ‘‘What is it?"’ His friend replied, ‘‘It’s yellow, soft and is covered with graham cracker crumbs. wouldn't eat it if | were you!”’ * * * One cafeteria lady! “Why do the kids always knock our meals?’ Second cafeteria lady! ‘‘Because it’s the perma- nent ‘in’ thing. Besides, have you tried the meals?”’ @ the State Chapter and $1.50 goes to the National Chap- ter. Our club for this school year consists of 14 regular members and 2 associate members. The officers for the 75-76 school year are as follows: Heidi Mummau, President; Sue Hamilton, Vice-Presi- dent; Lisa Gibble, Secret- ary; Dava Barrett, Treasur- er; Nancy Heinaman, Re- porter; Wendy Golden, Ways and Means Chairman; and Mrs. Ruth Peters, Chapter Advisor. The officers for this year were nominated and elected by last years members. Every school year there are two workshops called regionals, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. The Fall Regional was held on October 21, 1975, at Garden Spot High School. The Regional consisted of re- freshments and registration, a business meeting and a speaker on the ‘‘Bicenten- nial’ supper and then records were played in the cafeteria and a lot of people danced and played ping- pong and volleyball in the gym. The Donegal Chapter went to Garden Spot with Columbia on their bus. Nine of our members and Mrs. Ruth Peters and Miss Durci attended this regional. We left right after ninth period and returned around 9:30. Our club will be selling taffy apples at the Marietta Parade on Wednesday, Oct- ober 29, 1975. Come on out and support the Donegal Chapter of F.B.L.A. on Wednesday. IN ONE EAR by Tim Roaten a— the tin Sic : — — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — = on doors - they have lots of fun. Ghosts come up behind you Advisor’s Note giving you a scare, Last week the ‘‘Behind You wonder where they came X£ the Scenes’ article was A from - well look right over there. x not written by Melody It is getting darker now - wg Mumma. Sorry Melody! ) the darkest I have seen: * The Donegal Dectetive * Because there's nothing like will try to find out who A the dark, dark night A wrote it. AND OUT THE OTHER That Whispers Halloween. -— gh Sy p= re awn. Fra ads £44 - RI a.
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