Pow ms a x « E 4 « « « « * x “ « Fe x x J « x x x x « x x #« x #« x # & x x x x « * & « x x x « x « # & x & « « « » October 22, 1975 rom left to right; Richard Umbenhauer, Lions’ secret ry; Robert V. Cresswell, Lions’ president; J. Edward Charles, chairman of the board at Columbia Hospital; and Russell Stepanchak, president of Columbia Hospital. Marietta Lions give $1000 from Horse Show to hospital by Hazel Baker Robert V. Cresswell, president of the Marietta Lion’s Club presented a check for $1,000 to J. Edw. Charles, chairman of the directors of the Columbia Hospital. The presentation represented profits from the annual horse show sponsor- ed by the Marietta Lion’s Club, and was made at the regular monthly directors’ meeting, to be contributed toward the hospital building fund. Attorney Paul Mueller, Lancaster, was guest speak- er for the dinner meeting of the Lion’s Club at Mr. Lacy’s Lounge, Marietta. He explained the judicial AK AKA Kk kk hk kk % THEATRE STATE THEATRE Columbia 684-2273 MOOSE THEATRE Elizabethtown 367-1351 Thurs. & Sun. - 7 Fri. & Sat. -7&9 Moose & State 9% nowon XN winter schedule OPEN » »* * * * * » * 3 * » * * * * * * * * * * * * * BOBBY * * * * * * * * » * * * * »* »* x * * * * * * * Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. & Sun. * CREE PIT EPEY RET system, answering ques- tions from members. The club will sponsor Ladies Night, Thursday, December 11, when a dinner-theatre party will be held at the Host Corral. Play for the night is ‘“Who Killed Santa Claus’. The annual ‘‘White Cane Sale’’ will be held the week of October 25 when solicita- tions will be made at Farmers First Bank and the Union National Bank of Mount Joy, Maytown Branch, and are open to the public. MYO dance On October 25th, the Maytown Youth Orgaization and the East Donegal Jaycees will sponser a Halloween dance at the Legion in Maytown. Music will be provided by a ‘‘swinging’’band, The Best of Friends. Refreshments will be available, and a good time can be had by all ages, sponors stated. Everyone is welcome. There will be a donation at the door. Also, the next MYO meeting will be November 24, at 7:30 in Maytown. MJ Planning Commission Agenda The proposed agenda for the Mount Joy Borough Planning Commission meet- ing to be held Thursday, October 23, 1975, at 7:30 p.m., in the Borough Offices Building is as follows: 1. Receive the final plan for the subdivision ot David G. Heisey for lots on Donegal Springs Road. 2. Received the final plan for the subdivision of Breneman Electric Co., Inc. for a lot on Square Street. 3. Any other general » business presented. $s TOW EP BD Thursday, October 2, Friendship Fire Co. No. 1 answered an alarm at 5:23 P.M. at the Water Works on Sportsman Road in Mount Joy Township. A trash fire was located approximately 30 feet from a frame building that was being demolished. A passer by noticed high winds blowing embers against the build- ing. To avert a major fire the department was called to extinguish the hot em- bers. The company was in service 22 minutes. SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN—Page 3 Friendship Fire has a busy week A car accident on Mount Joy street required the services of the fire depart- ment Saturday, October 4 at S P.M. The police depart- ment needed the street washed down. Mount Joy firemen extin- guished another trash fire on Lefever Road, Monday, October 6 at 10:47 P.M. The department was out 20 minutes with 20 men. One truck from Mount Joy was dispatched to Manheim with 7 men to cover fire calls on Wednesday, October 7 at 12:48 P.M. Manheim, along with other companies fought a raging barn fire outside of Penryn. Friendship stood by for 3 hours and 35 minutes. DID YOU HEAR..... Danny and Zelda Heisey, 639 Church Street, Mount Joy, celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary Satur- day. THE UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA A Company of United Telecommunications, Inc.
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