975 October 22, 1975 - 5 AUDITORS’ REPORT . OF DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE TO No collection FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1975 MARIETTA RESIDENT for J aycees ne j : NOTICE - Just moved to our area? Recently engaged? We, the undersigned auditors, appointed by the Board of It has been the custom the - Had a baby? To have the most famous basket in the world Directors of the Donegal School District, have examined the of the Marietta Sewer i at your doorstep, please call - Barbara Banks, 653-4478 or accounts and records of said District for the school year | f§ Department to send Cherie Dillow, 653-1609 (Mount Joy area), or Hazel Baker, 1 ended June 30, 1975. delinquent notices to all ame 426-3643 (Marietta & Maytown area) WELCOME WAGON In compliance with Section 2432 of the Public School Code | Jf customers who had not The Marietta Jaycees at get FOR RENT +3 rooms & bath. $120. 684-5813. of 1949, as amended, we hereby give notice that a copy of }. paid their sewer : and their meeting of October 15, of JUST ARRIVED—New fall merchandise. Red Farm All the auditors’ report, for said District, for the school year trash bill by the ‘Due voted to inform all area {aw Occasion Cards—Pewter Coated Tin ware—Indian Styled ended June 30, 1975, was filed on or before October 31, After Date’. : news media to inform the ber Turquoise Jewelry. Mari-Go-Round Gift Shop, 122 E. Main 1975, in the office of the Protonotary of the Court of Notice is hereby given public that our membership re St., Mount Joy. 653-2340. ; Common Pleas of Lancaster County, and said report will be that 15 days after the has not been nor are LADIES - Earn $$$ or gifts! Money - for clubs, churches, | confirmed absolutely unless an appeal is taken threréfrom Due After Date’ all lf presently soliciting or col- organizations! Gifts for running a party in your home! Try within thirty days after the filing thereof. accounts fot paid will be lecting for any Christmas Fhe it! It’s fun! Call collect today 1(203)673-3455, or write The following is a concise financial statement, of said autamatieally turned Voy ie Protest for 19ienled : Santa’s Parties, Dept. B, Avon, Conn. 06001. District, for the school year ended June 30, 1975. over for prosecution or handicapped children. orin ’ ’ : . : ATTENTION - Vacuum cleaners, new & used & rebuilt. without further notice. We thank you n advance oo Free pick-up & delivery of bags, parts & service. Now see GENERAL FUND MARIETTA BOROUGH for your cooperation in this be our Fall Special. East Penn Vacuums, 210 E. Main St., RN S SN ER MENT matter. fh Mount Joy, 653-4439 cal Sources 1,700,800 did Ys ake ATTENTION: Save money on 30 year guaranteed aluminum State Sources 1,788,744 fact siding that has been copied from famous brand name Federal Sources 41,181 HD 00 00E000000v000000000000000000000000000000000060000000¢ sidings. Free estimates. 426-1571. Total Revenue 3,530,725 : : ES FOR SALE—Farm Fresh Eggs—Nest Run 65¢—B-Grade EXPENDITURES . : - san 3Sc—Hershey Bros., Donegal Springs Road. Call Administration 136,475 : ROBER IS SPOR | NG 600 0 g: : : I i . : . JUST ARRIVED—Large shipment of Regency Scanners, 4, Po Foon uy Services 190001 . - 6, 8 channel. 4 Free crystal with each unit. Sale ends Health Services 45.470 : ; - i ° ETRE . October 25. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. ; Pupil Transportation Services 116,860 : GUNS REPAIRED : 5 EARN EXTRA MONEY in your spare time. Sell Operation and Maintenance of Plant 433,845 : USED GUNS BOUGHT & SOLD : E i subscriptions for the Susquehanna Bulletin to your friends Fixed Charges 237.022 : 578 EAST FRONT SCOPES MOUNTED . i and neighbors. Call 426-2212 or 426-1707. Food Serv "200 . . For Sall— Sniisgheld Model 67, 12 guage pump shotgun. vty wo Ao +MARIETTA, PA. SLUNG 3 ED . "i a pecia .95. Sale ends October 2S. Columbia Hardware, Community Servi : PH J : 2 : . y Service 8,107 : ONE 426-1332 EEE ETE 4 i a i) Chevy as is. $75. 426-3159, evenings. SE Ounay ol Patisncnasnsesnstussasessontisissnsitrinatatrsisisionst 1 2 FOR SALE—Storm window kits. 4 plastic sheets, each 36’ x Intersystem Payments 163.024 | : Le apecial 99¢c. Supply limited. Columbia Hardware, Total Expenditures 3,698,567 WHOLESALE—Columbia Tobacco Co., Inc. 684-2710— Excess of Expenditures over Revenue ( 167,842) COUNTY WIDE Party Supplies, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy, Paper # i S i MN E S S D Goods—438 Locust St., Columbia, PA. ADD: General Fund Balance, July 1, 1974 433,198 IREC TORY NOTICE—Complete line of stovepipe available. 3” to 10”. NOTICE—AII Fishing Tackle Reduced 40 per cent. Buy now June 20, ; One of these reputable firms may be able fo be of assistance for Xmas presents. Sale ends October 25. Columbia g | \ Hardware, Marietta. : : : DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT ARNOLD HOLLINGER 4 NOTICE—Shipment of Atlantic Coast iron stoves, starting GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET PONTIAC-OLDSMOBILE OIL SERVICE q at $79.95. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. June 30. 1975 New & Used Car MOUNT JOY 653-4484 3d {OE 150 CS 0 SOE B00 0 A EES BP ER ED 0 50 0A FD OO IRR 4 Sales & Service ATLANTIC PETROLEUM & CLASSIFIED ADS PRODUCTS : Al classified ads are 10 cents per word Minimum $1. [ASSETS S700, MAYTOWN, PENNA. 0; Bummer Sales & Service ! Please mail your ad with money or check to ‘Classifieds’, Pots Yo n ’ 265 a Susquehanna Bulletin, Box 75A, R.D. 1, Marietta. Pa ' LESTER P. : Card of Thanks 83 : Investments 240,000 ESHELMAN p CARRIGER { PLEASE DO NOT PHONE CLASSIFIED ADS Delinquent Taxes Receivable 48,371 MASONRY NN eh PAINT & BODY SHOP £ 50 0 EC (D0 0 0 £550 00 0 0 0 SU 0 4 A 0 0 BL SAL Inventory of Material and Supplies 10,000 CE Er oo Cars painted 1 : CONTRACTORS P i NOTICE - We need your head to run our business. Call June Brick-Block-S Wrecks rebuilt £ Whalen’s Beauty Salon 653-4381. TOTAL ASSETS $323,727 ee : pr -Stone Yeu FOR SALE - AKC cute Schnauzer puppies. Call after 2:30. ma Bau Wheel Alignment Service 3 653-2781. FUND EQUITIES ole prop ng RHEEMS 367-6450 i YARD SALE - October 25th, 9 till ?, 525 East Market Street, Delinquent Taxes Receivable 48,371 ] Marietta. Many goodies! Invested in Materials and Supplies 10,000 FOR SALE - Black & White Television Set. 19’’ - portable General Fund Balance 265,356 MYER PRINTING SERVICE We Offer with stand, not a year old. $75 or best offer. 426-1162. OFFSET PRINTING LOW COST, EFFECTIVE TOTAL FUND EQUITIES $323,727 LOW PRICES Advertising 323. Market Street Susquehanna Bulletin Elizabethtown, Pa. —PRICE CORRECTION— D al School District ’ JUST ARRIVED—Donegal Jackets—Kasma Lining, 100 per NE EMASON Phone 367-6169 426-3217 cent nylon—all sizes. $12.99. Columbia Hardware, Marietta Year ended June 30, 1975 List Your Business In This Directory LIABILITIES and DEBTS - payable in future years FOR ONLY $25.00 FOR 10 WEEKS : Authority rentals-last maturity date YARD SALE—October 25th, 9til ?, 525 East Market Street, 12/15/91 $3,967,800 EE — Marietta. Many goodies! NOTICE—Locally made children’s furniture: chairs, sinks, GENERAL FIXED ASSETS stoves, refrigerators, cradles, playboxes. All priced right. Land and land improvements $ 347.574 Please send me the Susquel Bulletin weekly Also gun cabinets or other items made. 821 Centerville Buildings 8,125,175 [SV issus per year] for: Road, Lancaster. 898-2877 or 442-4751. : Furniture and equipment 1,228,841 Lancaster County WANTED TO BUY—Toy Electric Trains, Lionel, American [J 1 year - $4.00 Flyer. Any amount or condition. Call 898-0332. TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSESTS $9,701,590 [1 2 years - $7.00 [J 3 years - $9.00 -~ | OTHER FUNDS Balance Expen- Balance [Outside Lancaster County] ’ 7/1/74 Revenues ditures 6/30/75 [1 1year- $4.50 | B | N K I; E Y S Cafeteria $23,695 $ 235,811 $ 212,317 $47,189 [] 2 years - $8.00 : Activities 48,362 143,504 146,006 45,860 [J 3 years -$11.00 SEWING MACHINES - FABRICS 7 Payroll -0- 2,273,497 2,273,497 -0- 4 Petty Cash 438 3,040 3,024 463 Outside USA - Inquire About Rates CUSTOM DRAPERIES © Sinking Funds 16,487 1.077 7.265 10,299 Mail to: Susquehanna Bulletin SINGER — WHITE — PFAFF ; Box 75A, R. D. 1, Marietta, PA. 17547 Sewing Machines — Sales and Service ¥ ASSESSED VALUATION of the DISTRICT $14,630,470 NIE sad io Be cts dan ennai | McCALLS & SIMPLICITY PATTERNS 5° _ | | MILLS LEVIED - 75 St. & No. or R.D. No. “Everything For the Lady Who Sews"’ Lo ) OL CRO WHITE > : 111 N. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN Fh ero C3 Probie Ac oun at City or Town ..... FREE PARKING IN FRONT OF STORE Nr State PRIS nT he :
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