1975 21 at ho- at for at 34 September 17, 1975 PTG to hold open house at Grandview, Mon. P. Philip Bollenbacher, Principal, and Kenneth C. Depoe, PTG President, have announced that Grandview Elementary School PTG will have Open House on Mon- day, September 22, at 7 P.M. All parents will have an opportunity to visit their child’s teacher for a half hour session. In each session the teacher will discuss the educational pro- gram offered to the stu- DHS Band to by Hazel Baker Members of the Donegal Band will conduct a sale of Heath Chocolate this season including a variety of candy bars. The sale profits will be contributed toward ex- penses for a possible trip to Winchester, Va. Although definite plans are incom- plete, the event would take place April 30-May 2. Earl Brightbill, president, conducted the business ses- sion in the band room for Band Parents and officers, when Mrs. Paul Hay was appointed telephone chair- person; Mrs. James Loraw will assist Mrs. Brightbill in a Colgate products label dents. Classroom visitation will be followed by a PTG meeting in the all purpose room. PTG membership is avail- able to all. The cost is SO¢ per adult or $1.00 per family. The help and support of all the parents invited is to make a success of a projected on-site out- door laboratory. sell chocolate campaign. Area residents will be asked to save certain Colgate labels which can be redeemed for cash. Mrs. Mary K. Eberly was appointed chairperson of the uniform committee, Mrs. Marian Lilly, refreshment committee chairperson, and Mrs. Theresa Newcomer was appointed a Director from Mount Joy. Elwood Mateer, is membership chairman. The October meeting will be held on the sixth in the band room. The band will appear in the Ephrata parade and compete in the Harrisburg parade of bands in November. Penn Laurel Girl Scouts news The Penn Laurel Girl Scout Council will present the opera ‘‘Daisy’’, in cooperation with the Lancas- GET PROFESSIONAL ‘carpet cleaning results! (As do-it yoursaif prices) RENT OUR RINSE N VAC—the new portable, easy-to-use hot water extraction carpet cleaning machine that gently . . . « rinses carpet fibers with hot water and cleaning solution « loosens and lifts all dirt, grime and residues to the carpet surface where they are immediately vacuumed up « leaves your carpets CLEAN, FRESH and ODOR-FREE! Ww RSE mE _* Rent for only ees Tei cueanch Loncen S1200 3 day STEHMAN'S LAUNDROMAT ORANGE ST. MOUNT JOY PHONE 653-2440 © 197% Lor Gruss Company. bac Printed a U § ter Opera Workshop, as its Bicentennial celebration in 1976. “*Daisy’’ is a contemporary opera based on the life of Juliette Gordon Low, founder of Girl Scouts of the United States, and is sung entirely in English. It will be presented at the Fulton Opera House in Lancaster, April 27, 1976 through May 8, 1976. There will be three separate Girl Scout Choruses of S0 girls each, 12 years of age and over, who will take part in the opera. One chorus will be girls of Lebanon County. Each chorus will sing in at least three performances. Auditions for the Lancas- ter County Chorus will be on Saturday, September 20 from 10 A.M. to 12 Noon and on Sunday, September 21, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Lancaster Opera Workshop. Mrs. Verna Lefever of Lancaster will be the direc- tor. Any Lancaster County Cadette or Senior Girl Scout is invited to attend either audition, and is asked to bring music that is easy and familiar for her to sing. There will be several rehearsals for the selected chorus plus rehearsals for the total cast and chorus at the Lancaster Opera Work- shop. All rehearsals will be Saturday or Sunday after- noons at 2:30 P.M. SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN—Page 5 » COST LESS * BUNT FASTER * LOWER UTILITY BILLS r mc connell [5 | steel Refreshements will be efresh * NO OBLIGATION available in the all purpose NEAL B00 TALS ASCH by HP H * BUDGET ESTIMATES room throughout the eve- Li ing * PRE-PLANNING ning. There will be some SYLTEMS * ENGINEERING items that may be pur- * PLANS & chased from Goad 6 i AUTHORIZED BUILDER SPECIFICATIONS dents for their trip to ... CALL ED LOCKARD ... “Over 27 Yrs. Williamsburg. 252-3611 Of Experience” Since the PTG program is combined with Open House, there will be no meeting on October 6 as scheduled in the school calendar. 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