Page 2 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Does your car have 40 to 50 thousand miles on it? If so, were the automatic - transmission fluid and filter ever changed? Call us now and make an appointment to have this important service for your car. MILLER’S Mobil" SERVICE 271 WEST MARKET STREET, MARIETTA 426-3430 PAGE CORPORATION 430 Locust St., Columbia * Kitchens & Bathrooms * Patios & Driveways * Sandblasting & Pointing * Accoustic Ceilings * Garages & Room Additions a PHONE 684-6981 285-4575 * Roofing & Spouting * Aluminum Siding * Storm Windows & Doors * Flooring & Carpeting * Paneling * FHA Loans available to Home Owners for Remodeling. * We will help you plan and give you a complete estimate at no cost or obligation. The DODGE BOYS DISCOUNTING $200 to $1,000 OFF NEW CARS & TRUCKS IN STOCK i"75 DART SPECIAL fenwauaS tt ennesil PETTICOFFER DODGE, INC. Route 230 East, Next to Shopping Center Elizabethtown, Pa. ® Job Printing Phone ® Publications 336 Locust St. Mifflin Press, Jn. OFFSET — LETTERPRESS Wedding Hrnnouncements ® Bulletins ® Programs - ® Custom Labels ® Perfect Binding Columbia, Pa. 684-2253 House at Manheim and Barbara Streets, being considered for museum for Mount Joy Area Historical Society Mount Joy acts on museum Council voted to lease the house it owns on the edge of the park at Manheim and Barbara Streets to the (Continued from page 1) Mount Joy Area Historial Society. The Society would be expected to improve the property and restore the building which is nearly a hundred years old, and use it as a museum. Bicentennial walk to Chiques postponed by Hazel Baker Members of the Susque- hanna Bicentennial Commit- tee met in the Marietta Community House, Thurs- day night. The group postponed the Chiques Rock walk until spring. Dennis Shumaker, presi- dent conducted the session. Plans for the Bicentennial Ball were formulated. Committee chairpersons for Christian Women hear by Hazel Crankshaw A Mt. Joy man, embark- ing on a unique Christian ministry, was featured in music and message at last week’s Christian Women’s Club. David Brubaker’s beautiful vocal numbers and . clear gospel message high- lighted a splendid meeting attended by 309 women, at Myer Dining Hall, Eliza- bethtown College. Hummelstown Mfg. Co., with an outlet store in Elizabethtown, presented a fashion show of fall clothing for children. Mrs. Carmella Barr presented the showing and children of CWC members modeled. Those charmers were: Lisa Hoffman, Mindy Nentwig, Corey Enck, David Ober, Hetty and Bronda Byers, Anthony Sottesanti, and Tom Mann. Prizes, given by the store, were won by the event which will be held in April will be Food- Mrs. Robert Spangler; Tickets- Mrs. Ralph Youtz; Costumes-Patrick Abel and Mike Cohan; and Decora- tions-Mrs. Mike Abel. Instructors will teach dance steps of the Colonial era and possibly a King and Queen Contest will be featured. Suggestion boxes will be Margie Hertzler, Ethel Barker, and Odette Stone. Evelyn Hershey and Hazel Crankshaw presented a skit to encourage women to plan to attend the Area Conference to be held October 17 to 19 at Pocono Manor Inn. Next meeting is sche- duled for September 3 at Hostetter’s in Mount Joy. Dr. Richard Ulrich, Surgeon from Harrisburg, will speak. Mary Kanoff, Maytown, will be the soloist, and the special feature, ‘““When in Hawaii”’ will be presented by Anne Hinkel, Asst. Home Econo- mist of Lancaster County. Members will be called for reservations. Others wishing to attend may call Verna Hostetter, 653-5155, or Hilma Mumma. 367-2612 before August 29. Nursery New students should register The Donegal School Dis- trict is encouraging all students planning to enter district schools for the first time on September 3, 1975 to register in their assigned building as soon as possible and before August 26, 1975. Each building office is open daily, and registrations will help in proper pupil assign- ment at the beginning of the school year. It will also be appreciated if any students not planning to return to school this year would arrange withdrawal before August 26, 1975. placed with merchants in the area for the residents to bring their thoughts to the organization and for volun- teers to offer their services. The September 4th meet- ing will be in Maytown and the October session at the Donegal Church. Each person attending these ses- sions is requested to bring another interested person. Dave Brubaker will be provided at the Mount Joy Mennonite Church. The club’s monthly Prayer Coffee will be held August 26 at 9:30 a.m. at te August 26 at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Frances Greiner, 251 Park Ave., Mount Joy. Members are urged to attend. EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS Saturday Afternoon and Sunday Norlanco Health Center (Mount Joy Area Only) Friendship Fire news Friendship Fire Company was called to an apartment house at 241 Marietta Avenue, Mount Joy for a gas leak on Sunday, August 3. The leak was reported by Mount Joy Police at 4:20 P.M. The gas was coming from an overheated liquid pressurized tank which had vented. There was no fire. The department was in service 25 minutes. Friendship Fire Co. No. 1, Mount Joy, PA. announced that it has retained the services of the Hockenbury System, Inc. of Harrisburg, PA., to conduct a feasibility study for the Fire Company. Frank Good, Jr. Chief, said, “the feasibility study will allow us to determine how we can best develop and finance a new facility to adequately meet the needs of the Fire Company so that we can continue to expand our services to the community.”’ East Donegal zoning laws A Zoning Ordinance, to implement the Comprehen- sive Plan adopted last summer, has been drawn up by the Planning Commission of East Donegal Township. The new ordinance will be available for public inspec- tion at the township shed in Maytown on Friday, August 15. On Tuesday, August 26, members of the Commission will be at the Maytown Elementary School to an- swer questions any citizens On Tuesday, August 26, at 8 p.m., members of the Commission will be at the Maytown Elementary School to answer questions citizens may have about the new ordinance. A public hearing on the ordinance is being planned for Tuesday, September 9 at 8 p.m. at Donegal High School. Residents can legally pe- tition concerning the ordi- nance prior to the public hearing. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Available Day & Night COLUMBIA HOSPITAL 7th & Poplar (Emergency Entrance) SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Box 75A, R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa. 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday except 4th of July and Christmas week (50 issues per year) Publisher - Nancy H. Bromer, 426-2212 or 426-1707 Advertising Mgr. News Editor Circulation Mgr. Nancy Bromer, 426-2212 Hazel Baker, 426-3643 Judy Swab, 426-3159 Advertising Rates Upon Request Entered at the post office in Marietta, Pa., as second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rate: $4 per year Vol. 75 No. 31 August 6,
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