75 te SWAIN RR a Red RY Hi August 6, 1975 CLAS S/f/ED NOTICE - Remodeling, building, and electrical work. Also, picnic tables, gun cabinets, hutches, desks, & children’s furniture, made to order. 898-2877 or 442-4060. 821 Centerville Rd., lancaster, 17601. ATTENTION* DEMONSTRATORS —Toys & gifts. Work now thru Dec. Free sample kit. No experience needed. Call or write Santa’s Parties, Avon, Conn., 06001. Phone: 1-203-673-3455. NOTICE - Just moved to our area? Recently engaged? Had a baby? To have the most famous basket in the world at your doorstep, please call - Barbara Banks, 653-4478 or Cherie Dillow, 653-1609 (Mount Joy area), or Hazel Baker, 426-3643 (Marietta & Maytown area) WELCOME WAGON FOR SALE - Aluminum & vinyl siding. Choice of color & Free estimates. Call style. Experienced installers. 426-1571. (3/19-10p) lh Bt i i A i Ae A a, kz ASA CLASSIFIED ADS All classified ads are 10 cents per word.Minimum $1. Please mail your ad with money or check to ‘Classifieds’, Susquehanna Bulletin. Box 75A, R.D. 1, Marietta. Pa, Card of Thanks -$2 PLEASE DO NOT PHONE CLASSIFIED ADS NOTICE: Fight Inflation With Extra Income. Limited Number of Openings In This Area For Home Operated Business. No Selling. Rush Self-addressed, Long Stamped Envelope For Free Information. Newman Products Compnay, 6103 Perry Street, Landover, Md. 20785. ATTENTION HOMEMAKERS - Friendly Toy Parties is expanding and looking for managers in your area - Party Plan experience preferred. Call collect to Carol Day - 518-489-4571 or write Friendly Home Parties, 20 Railroad Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12205 FOR RENT — 2 apartments in nice, quiet building. Fur- nished or unfurnished. $100 to $120. 285-5500. FOR SALE - IBM Selectric fonts, PR-9-M and EN-11-BC, hardly used. Half price. 426-2212. NOTICE - Roto Tillers reduced to our costs! Columbia Hardware, Marietta. SPECIAL - 9 x i2 linoleum rugs - only $12.95. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. FREE - passes to Hershey Park free with purchase of any Hoover Appliance in sale. Two weeks offer only. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. FOUND - One black and white kitten. De-clawed. Needs love and a good home. Call 653-2347. FEEDING CALVES? - 24 Suckle bottles with clip-on pen holders. Used, good condition. Cheap. 426-1707. NOTICE- 3 day half-price sale on lots of gift shop items. Merchandise at half price displayed in dining room area of home August 7, 8, 9. MYERS GIFT SHOP. One quarter mile west of Mount Joy along Route 230. Phone 653-5080. Register for FREE 66°’ rododendron white flowering plant ($36.95 value). No purchase necessary. BARN SALE every Sat. & Sun., 10 to 5S, something - old, new - for everyone. SURDICH BARN. Route 441, 2 mi. S. of Columbia in Washington Borough. COUNTY WIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED HELP? OR SERVICE? One of these reputable firms may be able to be of assistance AUTO SALES OILSERVICE ARNOLD HOLLINGER PONTIAC - OLDSMOBILE OILSERVICE New & Used Car MOUNT JOY 653-4484 Sales & Service ATLANTIC PETROLEUM MAYTOWN, PENNA. PRODUCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service MASONRY PAINT & BODY WORK LESTER P. ESHELMAN CARRIGER SONRY PAINT & BODY SHOP CONTRACTORGS Cars painted Wrecks rebuilt Brick - Block - St Wheel Alignment Service Silicone Masonry Waterproofing RHEEMS 367-6450 Call 653-5325 or 393-6732 PRINTING ADVERTISERS MYER PRINTING SERVICE KLINE'S STORE 54 W. Main St. OFFSET PRINTING Mount Joy : Low PRICES Leave ast - Efficient - Friendly Service 52 S. Market St., Elizabethtown Sita Phone 367-6169 material here LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following is Para- graph THIRD of the last will and testament of Elizabeth Eppley, Deceased, who re- sided at 23S West Market Street, Marietta, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and all persons having rendered services to the decedent as defined in Paragraph THIRD of the Will of the decedent and wishing to file a claim against the estate as a beneficiary shall notify the Executor, Roy Smith, c/o Nikolaus & Hohenadel, Attorneys, One North Waterford Avenue, Mari- etta, Pennsylvania, 17547, or by filing a claim with the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster County, c/o Lancaster County Court House, King and Duke Streets, Lancaster, Pennsyl- vania, no later than August 28, 1975: “THIRD: If the said Anna E. Nagle shall predecease me, 1 give, devise and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real and person- al, to such persons or person who shall take care of me and nurse me, and look after my comfort during my last sickness, illness or any incapacity, and who sees or see to it that I am properly nursed, cared for, and given proper medical attention during such last sickness, illness or incapacity, and that 1 am given a decent burial after my decease. If more than one person qualifies hereunder, then such persons who qualify hereunder shall share in the residue of my estate equally.” This notice by publication is given pursuant to an Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, Orphans’ Court Division. Roy Smith, Executor Nikolaus & Hohenadel, Attorneys LEGAL NOTICE The following subjects make up the proposed agenda for the Mount Joy Borough Council meeting of August 11th. The public is invited to attend this meet- ing and discuss these items. 1. Receive the report of the Public Works Commit- tee concerning tht Mount Joy Merchants Association proposed parking lot. 2. Continue the discussion of the possibility of renting the Borough Park House to the Mount Joy Historical Society. 3. Present the Shade Tree Ordinance for discussion and the first reading in revised form. 4. Consider the rate increase request of Warner Cable TV. S. Consider recommenda- tions of the Public Safety Committee concerning speeding on Church Street. NOTICE The Donegal School Board is soliciting bids for 7 Electric Typewriters for the Donegal High School. Specifications may- be se- cured from the Business Office, 366 South Market Avenue, Mount Joy, PA, 17552. Phone 653-1447. Bids are due August 18, 1975. LEGAL NOTICE The Donegal School Board is soliciting bids for Major Medical Hospitaliza- tion and Life Insurance, covering all full-time em- ployees of the Donegal School District. Specifica- tions may be secured from the Business Office, 366 South Market Ave, Mount Joy, PA 17552. Phone 653-1447. (Bids due August 18, 1975) CARD OF THANKS The family would like to extend their heartfelt grati- tude to all the friends, neighbors and relatives for the many thoughtful ex- pressions of sympathy and kindness shown to them during the loss of their loved one, and for the many contributions of food and sympathy cards received. Family of John A. Haines Maytown ‘Since 1875’ WHOLESALE RETAIL 13 North Market Street Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone: [717] 367-1246 I HA SSR ARS TS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING cutting wrapping freezing CUSTOM CURING FOR THE FREEZER i Hind Quarters Front Quarters Sides of Beef cut-wrapped-frozen HOMEMADE BOLOGNA * STATE THEATRE Columbia 684-2273 ¥ MOOSE * THEATRE Elizabethtown 367-1351 FOUR MUSKETEERS One Show Nitely at 7 Fri. & Sat.-7&9 COMING Starts Next Week “BENJI” S000 0eB0O Ree Sve ccvsneee WRARRRAX: ...- HERTRE..... 0000000000000 0000O0ROROOOLOS 0000000000000 SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 19 RETIRED OR SEMI-RETIRED COUPLE Inside and Outside Light Duties Live In - Private Furnished Apartment Mount Joy Area - References Write Box #7 Susquehanna Bulletin Box 75A RD#1 Marietta, PA 17547 Reader ¥ CHILDREN’S THEATER AT MIDDLETOWN The Penn State-Capitol Campus Players will present a children’s play ‘‘Animagi- nation’’ on Tuesday, August 12, at 1:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the school’s main building in Middle- town. According to Lynn Papa, one of the students who will perform in the play, ‘‘Ani- magination’’ is a gathering of three short plays: ‘‘A Bug of Some Importance’’, “Small Pig’’, and ‘‘Good Neighbors’’. The play is part of a course in children’s drama taught by Robert Miller. Miller is director of the Children’s Theatre of York. Admission is free, open to the public and is for children of all ages. MANHEIM FIRE CO. The Manheim Fire Com- pany will hold its annual carnival on August 1S and 16. Entertainment on Friday will be The Al Slade Show and on Saturday it will be The John Enck Show. There will gate prizes, games, prizes, rides for adults and children, and plenty of good food. Admission will donation. The fire company de- scribes the event as ‘‘two be by . } <i ~ {sa : RA She will read your cards and your palm like an open book. She will tell you about love, marriage, business, health, personal problems. She has 30 years experience in this kind of work. She has helped many; why not you? Every reading guaranteed to satisfy you. Palm, cards, pow-wow, tea leaf readings. Cal] for an appointment or come in in person. DAILY Palm reading- $5 576 E. Cumberland St., Lebanon With this ad- $4 Call 273-4673 MRS. MAY Advisor 000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 B0000000000000000000000000000000000 990000 SOBDOACGOOOIOOSIOOO News boxes for S. Bulletin Different people have mentioned to the Bulletin at various times - that it would be convenient for them to have a placc to drop off news for us, both in Mount Joy and in Marietta. Well, this weck there will be places in both towns where people can drop off news, without having to mail it. In Mount Joy news may be put in the Susquehanna Bulletin Box at Kline's Store at S4 West Main Street. In Marictta news items may be put in the Bulletin box at Edgar Appley’s News Agency at 110 West Market Strect. To be sure of publication in the paper that comes out the following Wednesday. news should be placed in the boxes by the preceding Saturday. Renew your subscription The Bulletin has mailed subscription renewal notices to readers whose subscrip- tions have expired. Most readers whom we notified have renewed their subscriptions, but a few have not. We urge readers whom we have notified to renew , their subscriptions promptly , so that they will not miss great days of fun and receiving future issues of entertainment.” the Bulletin. Please send me The Susquehanna Bulletin weekly (50 issues per year) for one year. $4.00 enclosed, Mail to: SUSQUEHANNA BILLETIN Box T5A, R,D, 1, Marietta, FA, 17547 Name : ..coge nce... Bl ie SLENo.OTRD. No. ..5u dlivtre conv caries CRYOITOWE «sv. corners svmsiseonnivnni State 4 6 0.0 © © » 290 292 2 4 —- es ¢ @ Zip . 5 se»
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