“ mh HE 0» July 30, 1975 CLASSIFIED NOTICE - Remodeling, building, and electrical work. Also, picnic tables, gun cabinets, hutches, desks, & children’s furniture, made to order. 898-2877 or 442-4060. 821 Centerville Rd., lancaster, 17601. ATTENTION* DEMONSTRATORS—Toys & gifts. Work now thru Dec. Free sample kit. No experience needed. Call or write Santa’s Parties, Avon, Conn., 06001. Phone: 1-203-673-3455. NOTICE - Just moved to our area? Recently engaged? Had a baby? To have the most famous basket in the world at your doorstep, please call - Barbara Banks, 653-4478 or Cherie Dillow, 653-1609 (Mount Joy area), or Hazel Baker, 426-3643 (Marietta & Maytown area) WELCOME WAGON NEED - grass cut? Lawn work done? Call 426-3663. FOR SALE - Premium asphalt & aluminum roofing. Ex- perienced installers. Free estimates. Call 426-1571. FAMILY PORTRAITS— commercial photography, 8 X 10 Studio, David Blake. Call 426-1435. : CLASSIFIED ADS All classified ads are 10 cents per word.Minimum $1. Please mail your ad with money or check to ‘Classifieds’, Susquehanna Bulletin, Box 75A, R.D. 1, Marietta. Pa, Card of Thanks -$2 PLEASE DO NOT PHONE CLASSIFIED ADS NOTICE: F ight Inflation With Extra Income. Limited Number of Openings In This Area For Home Operated Business. No Selling. Rush Self-addressed, Long Stamped Envelope For Free Information. Newman Products Compnay, 6103 Perry Street, Landover, Md. 2078S. ATTENTION HOMEMAKERS - Friendly Toy Parties is expanding and looking for managers in your area - Party Plan experience preferred. Call collect to Carol Day - 518-489-4571 or write Friendly Home Parties, 20 Railroad Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12205 FOR RENT — 2 apartments in nice, quiet building. Fur- nished or unfurnished. $100 to $120. 285-5300. WANTED—Nikon F-2. Call 426-2212. BARN SALE every Sat. & Sun., 10 to 5, something - old, new - for everyone, Surdich barn, Route 441, 2 mi. S. of Columbia in Wash. Boro. COUNTY WIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEEDHELP? OR SERVICE? ween One of these reputable firms may be able to be of assistance AUTO SALES "OIL SERVICE ARNOLD HOLLINGER PONTIAC - OLDSMOBILE OIL SERVICE New & Used Car MOUNT JOY 653-4484 Sales & Service ATLANTIC PETROLEUM MAYTOWN, PENNA. PRODUCTS Oil Burner Sales & Service MASONRY PAINT & BODY WORK LESTER P. ESHELMAN CARRIGER MASONRY Jia} PAINT & BODY SHOP NA - PRE Cars painted Wrecks rebuilt CK - - Jifone , 9 Silicone Masonry Wheel Alignment Service Waterproofing RHEEMS 367-6450 Call 653-5325 or 393-6732 PRINTING ADVERTISERS MYE We Offer SRARINTIN GSERVICE | oy cOST, EFFECTIVE SET PRINTING Advertising LOW PRICES PR Fast - Efficient - Friendly Service 52 S. Market St., Elizabethtown Phone 367-6169 Susquehanna Times & Bulletin 426-2212 Please send me The Susquehanna Bulletin weekly (50 issues per year) for one year. $4.00 enclosed. Mail to: SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Box 75A, RD, 1, Marietta, PA, 17547 Name ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Myrtle M. Truitt, late of Marietta Borough, Lancaster County, Pa. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted hereto are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. Farmers First National Bank now Farmers First Bank Marietta, Penna. 17547 Henry F. Gingrich Attorney LEGAL NOTICE DONEGAL SCHOOL BOARD; NOTICE OF MEETINGS; 1975-76. Regular meetings of the Donegal School Board will be held the third Thursday of each month (except the month of December) at 8:00 p.m. All meetings are held at the Donegal High School, R. D. 1, Mount Joy, PA. Meeting dates: July 17, 1975; August 21, 1975; September 18, 1975; Octo- - ber 16, 1975; November 20, 1975; December 4, 1975S; January 15, 1976; February 19, 1976; March 18, 1976; April 15, 1976; May 20, 1976; June 17, 1976. NOTICE The Donegal School Board is soliciting bids for 7 Electric Typewriters for the Donegal High School. Specifications may - be se- cured from the Business Office, 366 South Market Avenue, Mount Joy, PA, 17852. Phone 653-1447. Bids are due August 18, 1975. SHaSak forthe years tocome Elegant home furnishings for the bath. Beautiful. Decorative. Lastingly functional. Eljer bath lavatories. Round, oblong, rectangular and space-saving triangular corner shapes. In Eljer decorator colors plus white. ELJER WisliacelSurray nent ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Pauline E. Hess, late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, Pa. Letters testamentary on said esfate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted hereto are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. James R. Hess 101 New Haven St. Mount Joy, Pa. and Jay W. Hess R.D. #2 Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Morgan, Hallgren & Heinly Attorney LEGAL NOTICE The Donegal School Board is soliciting bids for Major Medical Hospitaliza- tion and Life Insurance, covering all full-time em- . ployees of the Donegal School District. tions may be secured from the Business Office, 366 South Market Ave, Mount Joy, PA . 17552. Phone 653-1447. (Bids due August 18, 1975) ‘Since 1875’ WHOLESALE : RETAIL 13 North Market Street Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone: [717] 367-1246 Ce ————— CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING cutting wrapping freezing CUSTOM CURING SRC CNRS, FOR THE FREEZER Hind Quarters Front Quarters Sides of Beef cut-wrapped-frozen RR EI HOMEMADE BOLOGNA Specifica- il SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN-Page 15 YOUNDT’S MEAT MARKET 119 E. Market St., Marietta — 426-1245 OPEN Mon. Friday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. DAILY Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. GET YOUR SANDWICHES AT YOUNDT’S TURKEY SUBS HAM ON ROLLS ITALIAN SUBS FOR YOUR DECK OR PATIO PITTSBURGH PRINTS REZ STAIN SAVE %2% On Interior - Exterior Wood Stain Reg. $9.97 $747 NOW SALE ENDS AUGUST 2nd v» Check These Specials ,~ White Aluminum ; GUTTER SPOUTING - 10 ft. $3.95 3” ORANGEBURG PIPE (solid) 8-0 $1.95 3" Black PLASTIC PIPE ’ solid or perforated - 10 ft. $3.69 4" Black PLASTIC PIPE solid or perforated - 10 ft. $3.69 American Made AMES SHOVELS .Reg. $4.70 Now $3.42 Cash — Carry ATTIC INSULATION $2.29 Bag Bank Americard Master Charge B & G LUMBER CO. 212 W. High St., Elizabethtown Phone 367-1690 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING ACTUAL USE REPORT ® ccc mvm—— GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PROVIDES FEDERAL FUNDS DIRECTLY TO LOCAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS YOUR GOVERNMENT MUST PUBLISH THIS REPORT ADVISING YOU HOW THESE FUNDS HAVE BEEN USED OR OBLIGATED DURING THE YEAR FROM JULY 1. 1974. THRU JUNE 30. 1978 THIS IS TO INFORM YOU OF YOUR GOVERNMENT'S PRIORITIES AND TO ENCOURAGE YOUR PARTICIPATION IN DECISIONS ON HOW FUTURE FUNDS SHOULD BE SPENT NOTE: ANY COMPLAINTS OF DISCRIMINATION IN THE USE OF THESE FUNDS MAY BE SENT TO THE OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20226. ACTUAL EXPENDITURES THE GOVERNMENT : 3 - WoATEGomEs | @ camar | © OPERATING oc {RIcYYA forouah has received General Revenu: Shanng 1 PUBLIC SAFETY $ ik $ payments totaling $17. 515 2 ENVIRONMENTAL during the penod from July 1. 1374 thiy June 30 1975 PROTECTION % S$ ty Be RE Br po — sv’ ACCOUNT NO SY 2 U56 Ue TMANSPORTATION |§ $ MAR IETTH BOROUGH 976 4 HEALTH $ $ BOFQUOH ZECRETHRY PT MuUHICIP=L BLDG % $ MARIETTA FA 17547 ® LIBRARIES $ $ 7 SOCIAL SERVICES FORAGEDOR POOR | $ $ 5 8 Oia TION S$ $ i ATH v ETT Labbe lllss lo AL dill ssssdd os dibosdea 9 MULTIPURPOSE AND 3 ARS GENERAL GOVT $ 5.644 ay o ’ (D) TRUST FUND REPORT (refer to instruction D) 10 EDUCATION + $ ! Balance as of June 30. 1974 $ 12,658 11 SOCIAL 2 Revenue Shating Funds > DEVELOPMENT S$ = Received from July 1. 1974 thru June 30. 1975 § 17,515 12 HOUSING & COM- RRS 3 Interest Receive: MUNITY DEVELOPMENT| § AR or Credited (July 1 1974 thr June 30.1976) S199 3 NM ENT $ RR 4 Funds Released from Obiigations ie ——————— 14 OTHER (Specify) 5 Sumofines 1 2 3.4 SA. 7 NRT Int. on Loag$ 1,190 6 Funds Returned to ORS Se — 1s totais Acq. s 20, s 7 Total Funds A. ailabie $ 8 Total Amount Exrended D ATION I{REMENTS HAVE BEEN MET (E) CERTIFICATION | certify that | am the Chief Executive with respect 10 the antitiement funds reported hereon. | certify that they u h the priority ou sed 1p wiolatwon of 3) he _ “Bernard R. McDevitt, Mavor Name and Title {Sum of line 15. column B and column C) So 3006 expenditure 9 Balance as of June 30. 1975 $ ition (Section IF)" THE NEWS MEDIA HAVE BEEN ADVISED THAT A COMPLETE COPY OF THIS REPORT HAS BEEN PUBLISHED IN A LOCAL NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCU- LATION | HAVE A COPY OF THIS REPORT AND RECORDS DOCUMENTING THE CONTENTS THEY ARE OPEN FOR PUBLIC SCRUTINY AT Borough Office, 101 E, Marie St.. Marietta a Pa. cer and
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers