Page 4 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Auxiliary swims, lunches, plays cards today The Landisville-Salunga Auxiliary of the United Auxiliaries to the Lancaster General Hospital will host their annual Swim. Luncheon. and Card Party on Wednesday. July 23. from 10 a.m. to 3 The party will take place at the Honeysuckle Pool, on Nisslev Road, Golden Acres. between the Marietta and Harrisburg Pikes in Lancaster. The event is open to the public at a donation p.m. of $2.75 per person. Reservations are available Mrs. Chris Groff at 898-0492, or Mrs. Audrey contact: through Smith at 898-0762. wishing to play cards are requested to provide their own decks. Proceeds from the event are directed to the United Auxiliaries, whose members provide the Hospital with funds to defray the cost of new equipment. Rain date for the Pool Party will be the following day, Thursday, July 24. For Additonal Those Information: please Mary Beth Ryan, Director of Public Relations; Ext. 484 33 from Donegal High School off to Mexico Last Sunday night, 33 Donegal students and chap- erones enbussed at the school for Cincinnati, Ohio - first leg of their one-week trip to Mexico. They took a plane in Cincinnati for Mexico. Students making the trip were: Tammy Portner, Debra wm ob a a» SARRERRRIEN GOOD THRU 7-26-75 farge 0B WATERMELONS GOOD FOR ONE WATERMELON $150 Mumma, Cindy Erb, Rose Livelsburger, Karen Grei- der, Kerry Coover, Jayne Greiner , Sonya Smith, Odessa Mull, Rebecca Ger- mer, Frances Eno, Tammy Newcomer; Debra Pedrick, Betsy Heisey, Debra Hay, Brian Lesher, Steven Hassinger, Gary Graybill, Keith Smith, AULT § {/ [) oY I 9 TA = COLD fegular £2.50 ; with coupon Timothy Howell, Kirk Wol- gemuth, Scott Brightbill, Michael Reidy, Tony Swei- gart, and Greg Sload. Adults were: Martha Clark, Verna Graham, Dor- othy Hay, Sarah Mull, Catherin G. Zeller, Julia Suid, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hess as chaperones. 7 1.50 HOME GROWN PEACHES WASHINGTON BORO TOMATOES HOME GROWN WHITE SWEET CORN FIRST OF THE SEASON (Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only) WHITE AMERICAN CHEESE «i510 $1.09 CHOPPED HAM HERRS PHONE: 426-1805 Intersection of 441 & 143 Open 8 AM.-1l P.M. Daily & Sunday $1.39 reg. $1.59 Kids organize benefit carnival to fight muscular dystrophy Four elementary school children in Marietta - Blaine Garber, Tom McKain, Michael Nagle, and Donna Tilly - staged a benefit carnival last Saturday in Nagle’s backyard, to raise money to fight muscular dystrophy. Set up around the yard were roulette wheels, penny and nickel throws, baseball throws, a store, and old book sale, etc. They netted $20.80. Prizes and items for the store were contributed by Columbia Hardware, the Bus trip to Wildwood A bus trip to Wildwood, New Jersey, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Pioneer Fire Company, Marietta, will leave the former Fire House on August 30 at 6 a.m. The return trip will leave from Wildwood at 8 p.m. Tickets are available by calling the chairperson, Mrs. Linda Flowers at 426-3839. 31 SCHMIDT PLUMBING & HEATING Repairs - Alterations - Sewers - Water Heaters Baths HEATING SYSTEMS INSTALLED & SERVICED. EAST PETERSBURG, PA. 569-5989 Marietta S & 10, McFar- land’s Grocery, and Bill- meyer’s Jewelry. For their efforts in the fight against muscular dys- trophy, the four sponsors will receive free tickets to a Phillies-Expos game in Sep- tember. Owner Transferred, CHARMING COLONIAL EE ST SINS ol Which Has Just Been Tastefully Redecorated July 23, 1975 Philip Good, drum major by Hazel Baker Philip Good, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Good, R. D. #1, Mount Joy, new drum major for the Donegal High School Band, has just returned from a week at drum major camp at Kutz- town State College. Phil received intensive training and instruction while at- tending Kutztown from Mr. A. R. Casavant, a well known authority in the area on drum majoring. The Donegal High School Junior is also a member of the Chorus and participated in the production, ‘‘Came- lot’. He is a member of Dramatics Club; stage band, in which he plays trumpet; and the soccer team. Good is also a member of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, Mount Joy. Good will assume the leadership of the musicians when the Donegal Band attends a week of camp -at Gettysburg College from August 18 through August 23. Guest conductors, baton instructions, and show rou- tines will be among the activities offered to prepare for the coming school year. Glen Leib is director of the program. Hates to Leave This Modern kitchen, living rm., dining rm., 3 bedrooms and bath Oil Hot Air Heat ET ECR New wall to wall carpeting, Curtains and drapes are included in this ‘sell fast’’ price ‘25,500 NEAR MARIETTA ARMSTRONG PLANTS ad IA RIE Bg gl dial J
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