Page 2 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN STATE INSPECTION NO.4 IS DUE DON'T BE LATE AND CRY THE BLUES MILLER’S Mobil SERVICE 271 WEST MARKET STREET, MARIETTA 426-3480 Low Cost Tree Removal Brerr Regen 299.4037 Phone: vd 5204 : = Village HOUSE OF BEAUTY For Your Summer Hair - Rheems, Pa. 17570 "Total Look in Hair Fashion FOR RENT MAYTOWN TOWNHOUSE 2 bedrooms, complete bath, powder room, living room, dining room w/sliding glass doors to patio. Beautiful kitchen by G.E., hookup for washer- dryer, dishwasher, w/ to w/ shag carpet, air con- ditioned, Cable TV, playground, tennis court, | Only 1 79% A month THE VILLAGER TOWNHOUSES PHONE 426-3411 CHOICE BITS To exercise your soul, spend five minutes evey morning thinking of some good you can do to help someone else- and then do it. Experienced sympathetic service, with- in the means of every family. How may we be of service to you? Richard D. Smedley FUNERAL HOM 29 NORTH GAY STREET, MARIETTA 426-3614 The Summer Theatre Arts . Workshop of Donegal High School will stage an Open House this Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. in the High School Auditorium. The Open House will be a demonstration of skills that have been developing for the past 5S weeks - in pantomime, improvization, magic, tap and interpretive dancing, dramatic mono- logues, and comedy sketches. Admission to the demon- stration is free. The public is invited. Informal attire is encouraged. The workshop has been in session three nights a week D.H.S. theatre group to perform Fri. nite since June 18. Mr. Glenn Hess, Mrs. Ro Ann Lau, Mrs. Linda Mylin, andMary- Margaret Peraro have been directing the workshop. More than 20 students, from 9th grade to gradu- ates have been participa- ting, with a wide range in dramatic experience. The more experienced taught the less experienced. Student instructors in dance were: Ted Hershey, Kathleen Jones, and Cyn- thia Charles. The students teaching drama were: Jane Youtz, Brian Lesher, and Michael Kohler. Music coordinator - was Steve Hassinger. Fires in Mount Joy by Bill Martin An oil burner malfunc- tioned causing smoke to spread through a house at 31 New Haven St., Mount Joy on July 2. Bobbie Jo Bender, who lives in the house, discovered the - smoke and Cindy Pearson called the fire department at 12:08 P.M. Friendship responded to the call with 18 men, who ejected the smoke with fans. The house is owned hy Suie Dietrich of East Petersburg. There was no damage. The depart- ment was out 30 minutes. On July 7, Friendship was called out to an overheated air conditioner in the Educa- tional Building of Mount Joy Church of God. After seeing smoke coming from the air conditioner, David Morris reported the fire at 4:55 p.m. Friendship responded at 4:56 p.m. to the call with 25 men. The electricity was shut off and the fire was out when firemen arrived on the scene. The department was in service 15S minutes. Friendship was sum- moned again on July 9 at 12:59 p.m. to stand by in Manheim’s fire station. Manheim was assisting other area fire companies in fighting a rash of lightening fires. The department was in service 2 hours. Columbia Hosp. trains ambulance personnel The ambulance personnel of Elizabethtown’s Friend- ship Fire Engine and Hose Company No. 1 have recent- lv attended a series of classes at Columbia Hospi- tal on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and airway management. Mr. Allen Connolly, Chief Respiratory Therapist at Columbia Hos- pital, was the instructor. In addition to completion of the classes, the ambu- lance personnel is scheduled for volunteer duty at the hospital during the summer months to observe definite skills and procedures in the Emergency Room, Medical- Surgical floors and any other areas relating to their ambulance duties. The ambulance personnel of the fire company, consis- ting of thirthy-five men and women, is sponsored by Dr. Miles G. Newman of Eliza- bethtown. MRS. MAY Reader & Advisor » <{:) ~ She will read your cards and your palm like an open book. She will tell you about love, marriage, business, health, personal problems. She has 30 years experience in this kind of work. you? Every reading guaranteed to satisfy you. Palm, cards, pow-wow, tea Call for an appointment or come in in person. Palm reading- $5 With this ad- $4 July 16, 1975 She has helped many; why not leaf readings. DAILY 576 E. Cumberland St., Lebanon Call 273-4673 $OR000e0rer00rses0s000recccrssscscrssncnne €000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"% COUNTY 1am. to8 BANQUET FACILITIES LANCASTER FARM DINER SMORGASBORD p.m. Phone 717-367-6956 Rt. 230-1 Mile East of Elizabethtown, Pa. J STEHMAN’S LAUNDROMAT “vbnea's Moot Unusual Center’ ORANGE ST. MOUNT JOY, PA. Newly Remodeled Hours 7-11, 7 Days a Week Air Conditioned . Antiques China and Glassware THE PARLOR 328 E. Market St. Marietta, Penna. 426-1270 SHARP'S DISTRIBUTORS Beer & Ale SCHMIDT PLUMBING & HEATING Repairs - Alterations - Sewers - Water Heaters Baths HEATING SYSTEMS INSTALLED & SERVICED. EAST PETERSBURG, PA. 569-5989 Porter & Soft Drinks 10 Decatur St., Marietta — 426-3918 EMERCENCY MEDICAL CALLS SATURDAY AFTERNOON and SUNDAY NORLANCO (Mount Joy Area Only) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Available Day & Night COLUMBIA HOSPITAL 7th & Poplar Box 75A, R. Published weekly on Advertising Mgr. News Editor Circulation Mgr. Entered at Vol. 715 SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Susquehanna Times Christmas week (50 issues per year) Publisher - Nancy H. . Judy Swab, 426-3159 Advertising Rates Upon Request the post office in Marietta, Pa., as second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rate: $4 per year 4 (Emergency Entrance) & The Mount Joy Bulletin D. 1, Marietta, Pa. 17547 Wednesday except 4th of July and Bromer, 426-2212 qr 426-1707 Nancy Bromer, 426-2212 Hazel Baker, 426-3643 No, 27 July 16, 1975
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