July 2, 1975 Jul Page 8 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN GHEWAHTOK ; and Al WANHULTA : The Legend of Chiques Rock Wi by Chester Wittell An ® Wi Illustrations by Ramona Sell So Su wi No Al Wi All Ur Fo Th An Where Susquehanna'’s tranquil tide Its Quickens its current slow and wide, Mc And, narrowing, bends around the joint To Of that long finger, called the *‘Point;"’ An A precipice abrupt and sheer The In solemn grandeur rises. Here He: The wanderer in awe may stand An To view a scene sublime and grand, : Letting his gaze in rapture fall Tin Upon the plains of Donegal, Gre Where smiling fields of wheat and corn As With verdant hue the land adorn; The Or, looking downward to the left, The See how the swirling rapids cleft Anc A bouldered passage, dark and deep. Anc Between the ridges high and steep Tol Then, if of courage stout he be, He may step to its edge to see One And scan the perpendicular Acn Of the dreadful and appalling scaur Wh Whose base to reach must plummet drop He . Three hundred feet ere brought to stop: He : So looms that cliff, named *‘Chiques Rock,"’ But Whose walls of stone the secret lock For In silence that forbears to tell Was What here unwitnesses once befell. Re i ——te But In days of yore agone ’tis said At I: When by the lure of conquest led, Ghe The white man came with ruthless hand Whil To pilfer and possess the land, And An Indian brave, Ghewahtok named, The | Looked on the scene with eye inflamed By such undying hate that he Ther Swore vengeance on the enemy, ; Vain, And to that end, or soon to late, “Bel Vowed he would lurk and lie in wait. Here Now in the tribe there dwelt a maid,- Wan ~ Dark, lithe, with raven hair abraid, - A de Whom did Ghewahtok love: but she- For t As lissom as a bird and free- And His love with such indifference met She As youth and coyness oft beget. With And Try as he would, he could not gain With The secret vails that love sustain, Nor win by wooing’s tender art . Thou, The warm requital of her heart: As th Though half in pity, half in pride, Yet k Some slight regard did she divide, Of mi Which, given parcel, heartened him For w And made him vassal to her whim. Has h But maugre all the charms of love, But d Such dole distrust could not remove, Doub] Nor could her casual smile dispel And s The doubt that made his life seem hell; She fc And oft as sank the evening sun, And s When day its wonted course had run, Her h Aad ‘round the campfire, stern and squat, As on n converse grave the tribesmen sat, Dumb Drawing by Ramona Sell His dark oye glared with I So.in: : Upon her as she went and came. Hence
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers