Page 2 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN DON’T MISS OUR SUMMER SPECIAL to a. SEP Mobil SERVICE 271 WEST MARKET STREET, MARIETTA 1426-3430 add ae ed ad a a RB A WEN srg gga nd gn Py £ TOM McCOY is CUSTOM BUTCHERING MILTON GROVE R.D.3 Elizabethtown 653-5335 Complete Butchering Service on Beef, Pork, & Sheep Slaughtering, Cut, Wrap, Freezing Sugar Cure Hams & Bacon ° \d e ® » ® ® ® ® ® ® ! @ ie " ® ® ® ® Q ® ® * ° » <« | CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF ’75 Lester P. Eshelman ...JHEATRE... One Week Engagement P0000000000000000s0000000 s Maytown Reformed Church is 210 years old Elizabethtown Starts Wednesday DR.ZHIVAGO One Show Nitely at 7 only MASONRY CONTRACTOR R.D. 1 MOUNT Joy i] 2 CARPET FOR HOME & CAR RE 1660 S. MARKET ST. foi LIZA BETHTOWN, PENNA. A Open 9 to 5:30 Mon., Thurs., Fri.9to09 > ) i 17022 TE Creative } Carpetry EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS (Mount Joy Only) ~ SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND SUNDAY DR. EPHRAIM AWAD Susquehanna Times Advertising Mgr. News Editor Circulation Mgr. Vol, 75 No, 21 SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN & The Mount Joy Bulletin Box 75A, R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa. 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday except 4th of July and Christmas week (50 issues per year) Publisher - Nancy H. Bromer, 426-2212 or 426-1707 Nancy Bromer, 426-2212 Hazel Baker, 426-3643 Judy Swab, 426-3159 Advertising Rates Upon Request Entered at the post office in Marietta, Pa., as second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscriptiof’ Rate: $4 per year May 28, 1975 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Available Day & Night COLUMBIA HOSPITAL 7th & Poplar _(Emergency Entrance) Cheri Gerber, Maytown May Queen Cheri Gerber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. ‘Gerber, 9 S. River St., Maytown, was winner of the May Queen contest, spon- sored by Cub Scout Pack 53 of Maytown. First runner-up was Pat Mann, second runner-up, Angie Fry, third, Tammy Mohr, and fourth, Michele Smith. Fourteen third and fourth The queen and her court grade girls entered the contest: Cheri Johnson, Jill Kerschner, Angie Fry, Cheri Gerber, Jennifer Wil- son, Laura Heagy, Michele Smith, Kim Keck. Suzy Smoker, Wendy Riley, Tammy Mohr, Patty Mann, Stephanie Barnitz, and Gretchen Leonard. Voting, at a penny a vote, was carried out at Houseal’s and Shank’s stores in Main door, Reformed Church by Rev. Paul Marsteller Maytown Reformed I Church on Sunday morning, | June 1, will celebrate 210 years of life and service to i .God, His Church, and the | community. Guest preacher for the morning worship service at 10:45 will be the Reverend W. Miller Price, minister emeritus of Christ i Reformed Church, Annville, who has selected as sermon title, “Living up to our Heritage’’. The Reverend Price is an outstanding preacher who continues being busy in retirement with the writing of poetry and presentation of poetry and music programs with his wife (an accomplished pianist) along with frequent supplying of vacant pulpits. Founded by early German and Swiss settlers, the Maytown. The Queen received a $10 prize. She and her court were escorted on a float in the Maytown parade by: Michael Gibble, Eugene Wagner, Jerry Embley, Mike O’Donald, and Mike Ferguson. The Cub Scouts have expressed their thanks to all participants and voters in the contest, and to the stores which cooperated. church dates officially from 1763, for on July 13 of that year the first recorded event took place: the baptism of George ‘Alinger (born May 23, 1765S). Since then, almost complete records exist. The first minister was the Reverend John Conrad Bucher, a Swiss-born circuit rider who at one time served as high as 35 congregations. In 1769 the church people instructed their trustees to purchase land upon which to erect a church building-- which was done: a log building and the first church inMaytown This served until 1805, when plans were begun for a new church “‘because the old log church was delapidated.”” The con- gregation was small and unable to raise the needed amount; therefore, Henry Hained, a member of the congregation and also a member of the state legisla- ture, had an act passed authorizing a lottery ‘for building a German Reform- ed Church in Maytown.” The prize of $1,000 was won by John Graybill, who promptly donated the entire amount to the church. On August 21, 1808, the new building (and the present one save for a hallway and belfry) was dedicated, having cost a grand total of $2,292.76, including an organ and two bells. It consisted of one floor plus a gallery at the May 28, 1975 Letters to Editor Dear Editor: As a former subscriber of The Mount Joy Bulletin, | want to say I like the new format very much. However, I have a com. plaint. Could your proof. readers please learn to spell correctly? In your May 14, 1975 issue on page 11 was ap item on Mrs. Baley’s (not Bailey) kindergarten class, At the end of the write-up there is a Donna with no last name-which should be PEKAREK. Then on page 12 there is an item-Elementary Spring Concert, May 20. In the last column under cornets is a name reading TOM PEKA- RO. Since this is not the first time this has happened, I think he would like to see his name correctly spelled! That is PEKAREK. Thank you Ruth E. Pekarek west end reached by two flights of steps; and in the center of the south wall was a wren’s-nest pulpit six feet above the floor approached by two circular narrow banistered stairs. Overhead was a top-shaped sounding board and in front a baptismal font. In the center: the stove. In 1859 the church was remodeled The west gallery was made into a second floor, the main floor becom- ing the Sunday School room. In 1893, the old white spire was removed and a brick tower and hallway were added to the original build- ing. The church was dam- aged by fire in 1916, and during repairs the brick tower was replaced by the present steeple. In recent years, the present membership have repainted the interior of the church themselves, repairs have been made to the steeple and the - Gabriel weathervane that dates from 1807, and several needed items have been presented as memorials. anniversary service on Sun- day a memorial handcrafted by Ross Trego of Elizabethtown, will be dedicated. During the case, Former members and all friends are invited to rejoice with the congregation of Maytown Reformed Church this Sunday at both morning services and the luncheon immediately following.
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