75 nl] April 30, 1975 a ip og a HQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 5 ¢ | Shirk bui ; irk built own house H . ow r o Chief of Police in East evaluation, during which Aa) e, Donegal Township, George Chief Shirk was put through ecure ry R. Shirk, has just returned tests in survival both alone CEN BA from an intensive study pro- and in a group with others. ’ gram in drug law enforce- Leadership traits were re- is your r ment conducted by the State vealed by the tests. car insurance t Department of Justice in Shirk said that all parti- coverage? 2, Altoona, Pa. cipants in the program a- ge: id Chief Shirk stayed with greed it ‘“‘was most worth- Your present policy may ri 85 other policemen, includ- while. Nobody said it was a contain dangerous gaps, - ing state police and under- waste of time.” overlaps or loose ends. > cover agents, at the Holiday Chief Shirk of East Done- Let your Nationwide Agent 4 Inn in Altoona where they gal Township has been at help review your coverage. t lived and studied from 8:30 work building his own house r in the morning until 5 in for his family - wife Esther § Call: ) the afternoon every day. daughters Joann and Barb, JACK TYNDALL 3 Among the courses stud- and twins Jennifer and : A ied by Chief Shirk were the Jamie - ever since 1968. LL a Bs i in w| 805 Church Street Drug Control Law (Act 64), The Shitics moved gradi: # % SR 3 oy wi oy i 2 a Gan Pi # is M ount J oy, P a. chemistry of drugs, techni- ally from a trailer into thef a. » 053- ques of survelliance, meth- ils developing house. Grandview-Seiler band rehearsing under baton of H, Morrell Shields PHONE 353.5970 p ods of search and seizure, During the summer and fall NATIONWIDE i drawing up affidavits for of 1973 Chief Shirk turned INSURANCE y Moan techniques of in- he Saupe inp 2 Bp REP. BRANDT’'S MOBILE SHARP’S DISTRIBUTORS forehand fon : erviewing. with a spacious ston a a One part of the training fireplace and wall. OE ak ig LITER Rl + vo sav dg Company Be i | Rep. Kennsihi E. Brandt, Porter & Soft Drinks 10 Decatur St., Marietta — 426-3918 R-Lancaster, has announced that his “mobile office’ will . be in Bainbridge on Satur- ~ day morning, May 3, from 9 to 12 at the request of © the American legion Auxili- ary, Bainbridge, Post 197. He explained that he will Hostetter Dining Servic, One. . be able to help his consti- PLANNING A BANQUET? tuents with: applications for os Senior Citizen tax and rent We offer the finest facilities for banquets, receptions, parties _ relief; information on pend- and business meetings ing legislation; motor vehicle Accommodations for 325 people license problems; birth and death certificates; applica- Mount Joy Phone 653-5911 tions: for higher education grants; official Pennsylvania road maps; welfare and un- Tle employment compensation ! The Shirk 's fireplace problems. SAVE ul Es scamnt pons | (BINKLEY'S & HEATING SEWING MACHINES — FABRICS 5 Repairs - Alterations - CUSTOM DRAPERIES &2 Leann” Sewers - Water Heaters l Baths SINGER — WHITE — PFAFF i ER | i R Sewing Machines — Sales and Service HEATING SYSTEMS 5 INSTALLED & McCALLS & SIMPLICITY PATTERNS > SERVICED. , “Everything For the Lady Who Sews" < GIVE YOUR HOME A SERRA EAST PETERSBURG, PA. 111 N. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN Ken Re 31 AN | 1%: | 569-5989 f FREE PARKING IN FRONT OF STORE FRESH, rn ft, F 3 STK Pie ili ihe Red Barn NEW LOOK Y 0 Furniture Stripping] | SAMUEL G. ZUCH Sess basen up 501 NEW YORK LIFE : bright and crisp, ready for the new season. When Spring 16 E. MARKET ST., MARIETTA, PA. . cleaning, remember your LIFE, HEALTH. GROUP INS., PENSIONS, ANNUITIES . We have } t life i DRAPES and Pe. e have low-cost life insurance BEDSPREADS - 4 Located 4 miles West of Eliza i i ’ i Er esl for housewives and working women so they'll be fresh & new For further information call Marietta 426-1613 or like your home. CALL 367-2959 426-3862 or write to the above address , CONVENIENT | LOCATIONS To Serve You Better tONEBRIDGE FARpy | [ | ! HIGHLANDER CLEANERS | ) ry iS Visit our New Retail Store | | i | 5 SOUTH BARBARA STREET 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Daily Friday till 6 p.m. HORSES BOARDED 1% mi. S. of Mount Joy on Pinkerton Rd MOUNT JOY, PA. riday till 6 p.m RIDING INSTRUCTIONS Where we feature our own PHONE 653-2379 Saturday till 3 p.m. private & Group Rates | | LOCAL BEEF, PORK, VEAL & LAMB; CLEANED, 35 WEST HIGH STREET Mon. & Tues. 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m Western & Hunter Seat TC wp PRESSED § Wed. 7: | \nbooR & ouTnooR | Conic bits % fangel Fons ¥ + RK, and Pt ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Tis 750mm to 7 pom | RING | ull Line of SEAFOOD ITEMS / «SRA PHONE 367-4665 Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. _ 367-2539 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Ee; Y J) Sat. 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fairview Farm & Stables Mon. - Thur 85:30 — Fri. 8-8 —Sat., 8-5 \ if x A a om RD. 4 Box 214 |__ PHONE 653-4087 _John H. Brubaker HURRY! Special Expires May 3, 1975 Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022:
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