SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 9 Selective Service information April 16, 1975 Welcome BCR CR ells Cg Tet by Wendy Gentile The Mount Joy Welcome Wagon held its April Board meeting in the home of Teresa Rissmiller. Tickets for the Royal Wild West Circus are now available at most stores in town. Children can win free tickets by entering the “Co- lor the Clown” contest which is appearing in the local papers. The Circus is slated for May 7, at Kunkle Field with performances at 4 and 8 p.m. Rain date, May 8. Pro- ceeds will benefit the Mount Joy Library and Playgrond. The April dinner meeting will be held the 23rd, 6:30 p.m., at the Mount Joy Legion. The menu will in- clude orange juice, stuffed pork chops or stuffed floun- der, baked potato, lima beans, and a surprise des- sert. Ms. Doris Thomas of the PA Extension Office will present a program en- titled “Household and Ener- gy Savers.” Don’t forget, elections are this month! Anyone interested in go- ing to Mt. Gretna, June 18, should pay Teresa Riss- miller by May 21. Cost is $8.00 per person, which in- cludes a buffet style dinner and reserved seats at the Playhouse for “The Moon is Blue.” A car caravan will leave from the Weis Market parking lot at promptly 5:45 p.m. The next board meeting will be held at Denise Brady’s, May 14th, at 8 p.m. with Barb Shirer assisting. Denise lives in the trailer park, lot No. 87. If you have just moved ‘to the Mount Joy area and would like to receive a Wel- come Wagon call, please contact Bea Bossler, 367- 2740. Bea is the only Wel- come Wagon Hostess in the Mount Joy area qualified to Wagon make newcomer, bridal, or baby calls. Please beware of strangers bearing gifts who claim to represent the Mount Joy Welcome Wagon. They are not affiliated with the club and should not be allowed to enter your home undersuch pretenses. Thank you for your cooperation. BIKE ‘N HIKE PLANNED FOR BENEFIT Beahm Junior High Stu- dent Council and the Done- gal Education Association are sponsoring a Bike ‘n Hike on Sunday, April 20, starting at 1 p.m. in the afternoon. The project will be for the benefit of PARC, the Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Citizens, and LARC, the Lancaster chap- ter of the same organization. Florin and East Donegal Fire Police will block off traffic in Wivell’s lane (be- tween Long Lane and Rt. 743) and the Mount Joy Sportsmen’s lane (near the Mount Joy Vo-Tech) for bike riders. Hikers are to start at the Marietta play- ground, Fire Police there will give the route. Hikers and bikers from 5th grade on up to any age are invited to participate. AUXILIARY TO LANC. CO. FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION TO MEET The monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lancaster Co. Firemen’s As- sociation will hold its mon- thly meeting on Wednesday April 16, at 7:30 p.m. at the Leacock Fire Hall. All members are urged to at- tend. Ee Where Health and Beauty Meet . .. Ko meiics? We carry an extensive line of non- allergenic beauty products . . Consult Us! . made from pure natural ingredients for your protection. Ask about them. SLOAN’S PHARMACY 61 E. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653-4001 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING President Ford signed Proclamation 4360 dated March 29, 1975, which changes the method by which young men, both citi- zens and aliens, fulfill their obligation to register under the provisions of the Mili- tary Selective Service Act. The termination of exist- ing registration procedures became effective April 1, 1975. Byron V. Pepitone,| Director of Selective Ser- vice, said planning is under way for a new registration procedure. The requirement to re- gister is still in full force and effect, and only the method of registration will be chan- ged. The Director explained that planning centered a- round the once-a-year re- gistration period of a few days in which young men born in a given year would be required to present them- selves for registration. He indicated that several plans were under discussion and when it is determined what method of registration will be utilized the public an- nouncement of procedures will be made by proclama- tion as prescribed in the Military Selective Service Act. The public announce- ment of these new registra- tion procedures will pro- bably be made toward the end of 1975. Mr. Pepitone stressed that the change in regis- tration procedures is a part of the on-going studies to reduce the cost of maintain- ing the Selective Service System and support of all volunteer military establish- ments. He said our present system of continuous re- gistrations has been highly successful. In fact, during the calendar year 1974 Se- lective Service continued to register more men than the number established by the U. S. Bureau of Census for the current year birth group. QUESTION ANSWER Pennsylvania Power & Light Company's | Consumer & Community Services, vice president Herb Nash, answers another question from the utility's consumers. fos We installed electric heating because we were convinced it was inexpensive. With electric rates increasing why shouldn’t we feel we've been had? Electric Rates are rising along with all other goods and services. We regret that we could not foresee or forestall the inflation that has made a shambles of prices, including the cost of electricity. Owners of other types of heating systems — oil, gas and coal — have seen their heat- ing costs mounting rapidly, too. Interest in electric heat grew because of such benefits as lower installation costs, lower maintenance costs, cleanliness and safety. Since 1970 spiralling costs of everything we buy, led by the cost of fuel, have made electric heat more expensive. Until the total economy is straightened out, we're afraid the cost of heating, be it coal, oil, gas or electricity, will remain a sizable part of the family budget.
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