Page 4 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Circus day in Mt. Joy by Teresa Rissmiller The star-studded 1975 edition of the Royal Wild West Circus is coming to town on May 7th it was an- nounced by Cherie Dillow, president of the Mount Joy Welcome Wagon Club. The organization is bring- ing a wild west circus here to enable the children of the Mount Joy area to enjoy this traditionally wholesome form of entertainment, uni- que in America. Profits de- rived from sponsoring the circus will go toward the organizations Library and Playground Funds. The club will benefit the greatest from the sale of advance tickets by the club members. They’ll receive up to 50% of the proceeds from these tickets. In addi- tion, patrons purchasing tic¢ kets in advance of Circus Day will save up to 50¢ on each ticket. We are certain that the people of the Mount Joy area will back us 100% ——p—— 1/2 Ham Slices Chicken Roll in the organizations project. The Royal Wild West Circus combines all the dash and excitement of the old Wild West shows with the glamour and sparkle of the traditional circus. Among the many features of the hour and a half program will be an elephant act, horses, military pony drill. perform- ing poodles, clowns, aerial- ists, acrobats and rope spin- ners: Advance reduced-rate tic- kets may be purchased from any Welcome Wagon Club member and from these local merchants: Darrenkamp’s Candy Store, Eicherly’s Mens Store, Greer’s Jewei- ry Store, Hostetter Hard- ware and Jack Horner Shoes. Also J. B. Hostetter, “Inc., Koser’s Jewelry Store, Mari-Go-Round, Martin’s 5 & 10, and Mummau’s Firestone. Also G. C. Murphy Co., Sipling’s Pet Shop, Sloan’s ’harmacy and Western Au- 0. © 0 /® A re Reg. $1.65 Sloe pl—=——S lo — le (Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only) Longhorn Cheese HER RS Intersection PHONE: 426-1805 Open 8 AM.-1l P.M. Daily & Sunday Ww Tf ES 1 CORE RR , FOR SE JA i 3 ast Call For ONION SETS While They Last 2 DKS. - regularly 99¢ per pkg. IE ERE EEE AL. ICE CREAM Special $1.39 reg. $1.79 Ib. $1.49 reg. $1.49 Ib. $1.29 Lions celebrate 18th anniversary Charter members from left to right: George Longenecker, District Governor, District 14-D; Maurice N. Bailey, Arthur D. Sprecher, Robert F. Schroll, Morrell Shields, Jay Barnhart, William D. Batzel, and Charles Hershey, Club President. Not shown on the picture - Lloyd Myers. by Maurice N. Bailey The 30th Anniversary of the Mount Joy Lions Club was held April 1st at Hos- tetter’s Banquet Hall, Mount Joy, Pa., wiht 164 present. 91.00 reg. $1.99 Ib. $l. 4% of 441 & 143 Picture taken by Henry Zerphey The following Lions Clubs in District 14-D were represented: Elizabethtown, which was the sponsoring club of the Mount Joy Club; Ephrata; [andisville; Colum- bia, Reinholds; Manor Ridge; North Lebanon Twp; South Lebanon Twp; Myerstown; Marietta; Heidelburg; Quen- tin Roosevelt; East Hemp- Power use up Pennsylvania Power & Light Company reports that residential electricity use in- creased by 8.9% in Febru- ary 1975 over February a year ago. The amount of kilowatt hours going to com- mercial customers rose 12.3% while industrial us- age for the month gained 3.7% compared to a year ago. The figures indicate a re- turn to significant electricity growth levels, said Herbert D. Nash, PP&L’s vice presi- dent of Consumer and Com- munity Service. “Even though notable decreases in electricity use were regis- tered last year following the oil embargo and a concert- ed energy conservation ef- fort, further electricity sav- ings have been slowly flat- tening out. It’s not that our customers aren’t still try- ing to reduce their usage. . . it’s because new growth fac- tors have emerged,” said Nash. Work will be stopped on certain portions of the Sus- quehanna nuclear plant un- til newly identified safety design considerations have been resolved, Pennsylvania Power & Light Company announced. DID YOU HEAR... The Susquehanna Bullet- in travels to Saudi Arabia every week to Dan Hess, of Marietta, who is stationed there. Dan’s mother, Mrs. Charles Hess, mails it to him. field: and Mountville. Thir- ty-two members of the Dis- trict Governor’s Cabinet were present as well as eight guests of the Mount Joy Club. Dr. J. Calvin Wenger, President of the Toastmas- ter’s Speaker Bureau, Lan- caster was the guest speaker. His topic was “From Where April 16, 1975 I Stand.” Past District Gov- ernor, George Kunder pre- sented Chevron Awards to the qualified members of the Mount Joy Club. The Mount Joy Club had 100% attendance at the meeting with their Ladies. The Charter Members are: Maurice Bailey; Jay Barn- hart, William Batzel; Lloyd Myers, Robert Schroll; Mor- rell Shields; and Arthur Sprecher. Reuben Good- ling and Benjamin Staley were Charter Members of the Florin Club which was consolidated withthe Mount Joy Club a number of years ago. The entertainment con- sisted of “The Gibson Girls” all of whom are members of the Mount Joy B.P.W. They sang songs of the Roaring Twenties. Mr. George Gric- kis, a member of the Eliza- bethtown Club served as organist. The Club has 45 mem- bers. Mr. Charles Hershey is President. The following served as the 30th Charter Anniversary Committee; Jay Barnhart, Chairman; Mau- rice Bailey; Benjamin Staley; Arthur Sprecher and James Hollinger. MOUNT JOY HISTORICAL SOCIETY TO MEET Sally Roberts will be guest speaker at the Mount Joy Area Historical Society meeting on Monday, April 21st. Mrs. Roberts, who is highly qualified to discuss local history, will talk about Old Donegal and Mount Joy from 1718 to 1850. The meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. in the former Nissley warehouse at the corner of Wood Street and South Market Avenue (near Wolgemuth’s Feeds) in Mount Joy. Ben Heisey, president of the organization, invites the public to attend the meet- ing. Marcia Aungst wins contest The winners of the Americanism Essay Contest sponsored by the Maytown American Legion Auxiliary Unit 809 for high school seniorshave been announced as first place winner, Marcia Aungst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aungst, R. D. 1. Marietta; Patricia Peifer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peifer, 705 Bruce Ave., Mount Joy and Brian Lesher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lesher, 202 Fred- erick St., Mount Joy. The first place essay will now be entered in the County contest. Serving as judges were the Rev. Paul N. Marsteller, Mrs. May R. Hicks and Miss Ruth L. McConnell. SYNCHRONIZED SWIM CLUB SHOW AT ELIZABETHTOWN Elizabethtown College’s Synchronized Swim Club is presenting its annual bene fit show “Rockin’ thru the Past,” on Thursday and Fri day, April 17 and 19. Cur tain time each night is 8:3( p.m. in the Baugher Student Center Pool. The show will benefit the Elizabethtown Hospital for Children and Youth. There is no admission charge, but donations will be accepted at the door. Routines are based on musical selections typical of seven decades of American history, from World War I to the present. Among some of the songs are “Charlestown,” “Let It Be,” “If Ever I Would Leave “You,” “Mrs. Robinson,” “Over There,” and “Zippe- dedodah.”
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers