975 rive uer, 1elp call ) to 0 \S iza- the unt wn, of rch at ing est rist ext ari- ne. ind ing ‘as- ind tes the ac- the on re- Ing ld 1d ull nd be n’s al th April 9, 1975 MOOSE ... THEATRE... Elizabethtown Starts Thursday THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD Walt Disney Productions Thurs. & Sun. - 7 only Fri. & Sat. - 7 &9 Sat. Afternoon Matinee 1:30 IY i 42 E. FRONT ST., 7] GSR: =~ E DRINKS a i SANDWICHES Eo Br, RRO f TOM McCOY 0 CUSTOM BUTCHERING MILTON GROVE R.D.3 Elizabethtown 653-5335 Complete Butchering Service on Beef, Pork, & Sheep Slaughtering, Cut, Wrap, Freezing Sugar Cure Hams & Bacon) LUNCHES 11:30 - 1:00 SHORT ORDERS 9:00 - 12:00 P.M. FULL SERVICE OIL COMPANY REASONABLE PRICES AUTOMATIC DEGREE DAY DELIVERIES 24 HOUR SERVICE BUDGET PLANS SERVICE CONTRACTS EXPERIENCED STAFF ABEL OIL CO. 430 Locust St., Columbia Phone 684-4686 gagging. ul uk Wh Re Fd Fo 9000000000003 000000000C0C0C000CROOROOOOIS pag gn shih gn gaara ar ae EE ed edd edi NYY SES Selissa Stauffer S. Sta uffer wins ribbon Selisa Stauffer won a blue ribbon for a replica of an antique chest at the County competition of the Federation of Women’s Clubs held Friday. Spon- sored by the Towne Club, Selisa had placed first in that group’s competition last week. She is the daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. John Stauffer, of Mount Joy. Mrs. Bruce Greiner, Mount Joy won ‘Best of Show” for her quilled wedd- ing invitation which also won first place in paper crafts. MEN WANTED FOR FATHERLESS BOYS IN OUR AREA by Hans A. Wirsching Executive Director - Big Brothers of Lancaster County, Inc. Did you know that in your area there are father- less boys who have to grow up without the friendship and relationship of a father? Did you know that you could solve their problems and make them happy boys? If you have the time to go on a fishing trip, hiking, on a bike ride or a picnic, or if you like to go for a walk, talk for five minutes on the telephone, then you can be a Big Brother!! To a boy without a fa- ther taking him on a fishing trip or talking to him on the phone means the world. It might mean the differ- ence between a wasted life or a useful life. Did you know that there are over 2000 fatherless boys in the Lancaster Coun- ty area? Did you know that these boys are the most underprivileged kids in the world because they do not have a father? Did you know that over 57% of all juvenile delinquents that come to the attention of the court are fatherless? If you would like to find out more about our unique program, please call us at 397-7567 and we will give you more information on how you can help and become a Big Brother to one of the boys who are waiting for your friendship. Remember if you’re not part of the solution you may be part of the problem. Boy and Girl of Month Girl and Boy of the Month for Donegal High School are Marlene Hess, daughrer of Mr. and Mrs. - Paul Hess, R. D. 1, Mount Joy and Dean Buchenauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchenauer, 121 New Haven - Street, Mount Joy. Marlene, as a senior, has participated in the following activities during her high school years: hockey 9, 10, 11, 12; Booster Club, 9; Future Nurses Club 9, 10, 11, 12 (Pres.); Junior Class Play 11; Junior Executive Committee 11; Senior Exe- cutive Committee 12; Stu- dent Council 9, 11, 12;and National Honor Society 12. She is a member of the Mount Joy Mennonite Church where she is active in the youth group and Marlene Hess plans to enter Eastern Men- nonite College, Harrison- burg, Va., to major in nurs- ing. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Clarion State College an- nounces Lesser Scholarships available to students of out- standing ability in creative writing, symphonic instru- mentation, inter-collegiate athletics and/or the social sciences. For particulars and applications write to: Director of Financial Aid, Clarion State College, Clar- ion, PA 16214. The Easter Seal Society announces a unique oppor- tunity for young people age 15 and over to learn about careers in health and re- habilitation. The program is held at an Easter Seal Camp for children and adults with handicaps. Meals, board and laundry for ten days are provided at a cost of $75.00. If you are interested in knowing more about this program, see Mrs. Grimm for details. Roger Williams College has established eight $500 scholarships for female stu- dents. For eligibility re- quirements and application procedures, see Mrs. Grimm in the guidance office. Pennsylvania Institute of Technology announces ex- aminations for tuition paid scholarships will be held Sat- urday, April 19, 1975 be- ginning at 8:45 a.m. Appli- cations to take these exams are availablein the guidance office. Lafayette College will hold annual “Junior Visit- ing Day” for high school juniors on Saturday, April 26, 1975. Students inter- ested in attending Lafayette should plan to attend this program. Details of the program and registration forms avdilable from Mrs. Grimm in the office. Birmingham-Southern College announces the Mer- vyn Hayden Sterne Scho- larships available to an out- standing student who lives outside of the Southeast. For other qualifications see Mrs. Grimm in the guidance office. Messiah College announces a “Spring Preview” to be held Saturday, April 19, 1975. High school juniors, seniors, parents, counselors, youth directors and Pastors are cordially invited to at- tend. For program details and registration forms, see Mrs. Grimm. William Penn College an nounces a special academic scholarhisp which is award- ed to high school students whose rank is in the upper quarter of their class at any- “time following their junior year in high school. These students are eligible to re- ceive $500 per year, or $2000 over the four year period. See your counselor for details. The Lancaster County Farm and Home Scholar- ships are offered to students entering the fields of Home Economics, Agriculture or Nursing. Each scholarship is in the amount of $400 payable to the institution of your choice at the be- ginning of your college year. Applications are a- vailable from Mrs. Grimm in the guidance office. CHICKEN BAR-B-QUE AT IRONVILLE The Ladies Auxiliary of the Ironville Fire Company will hold a Chicken Bar-B- Que on the Fire Company Grounds, Saturday, April 12th from 4 p.m. until ? The Bar-B-Que will be held rain or shine. Carry outs will be available. SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 9 As a senior in the aca- demic course at Donegal, Dean’s school activities in- clude: Swimming 9 - 12; Soccer 10; Ecology Club 9, 10; Science Fair Project Club - President - 11, 12; Science Fair 2nd Place Gen- eral Chemistry 9, 3rd Place Biology in County 10; Com- mencement organist 11; Na- tional Honor Society 11, 12. His out of school activi- ties are Lancaster Aquatic Club, Mount Joy Swim Team, 50m County Breast- stroke record; Ass. church organist at St. Mary’s Ro- man Catholic Church, Mount Joy; Eagle Scout, Ass. scout- master, Order of the Arrow, Keystone Boy’s State Rep. He serves as a lifeguard at the Mount Joy Lions Club Swimming Pool and is coach CROWL-KELLER WEDDING Miss Peggy Keller and Samuel E. Crowl, both of Mount Joy, were united in Holy Matrimony by the Rev- erend Richard Kohler at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, Mount Joy, at 6 p.m. on April Sth. Miss Keller is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harolc Keller, 268 Marietta, Avenue Mount Joy. She is a gradu- ate of Donegal High School, Class of ‘72 and is employ- ed by Triangle Realty, Inc., Lancaster, as a secretary. Mr. Crowl, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Crowl, 716 Water Street, Mount Joy, also graduated from Donegal High School in 1970 and is employed by Rohrer’s Quarry, Inc., R.D. 3, Lititz, Pa. He has served three years in the United States Army. Given in marriage by her father, the birde wore a floor length gown of Crepe Charmette and white fur trimmed in lace and white seed pearls. Mrs. Crowl Mrs, Samuel E, Crowl Dean Buchenauer of the Mount Joy swim team. Buchenauer Plans to ma- jor in one of the science and her attendants gowns were made by the bride’s mother, Mrs. Harold Keller. Miss Patsy Keller was maid of honor for her sis- ter and bridesmaids were Miss Judy Keller, sister of the bride, Miss Vicki Range, Maytown; Miss Beverly A. Baum, Elizabethtown; and Miss Judy A. Klugh, Mount Joy. Junior bridesmaids were Miss Joette S. Keller and Miss Amy Keller, sisters of the bride, Mount Joy. Mr. Kevin Lehman, nephew of the groom, Manheim, was ringbearer. Mr. Donald Snyder, Eli- zabethtown, was best man and ushers were Mr. Don Zielke, Mr. Robert E. Hof- fer and Mr. Craig Gainer, Mount Joy, Mr. David Ros- ser I11, Elizabethtown, while Junior ushers were Mr. Tim Keller and Mr. Benji A. Kel- ler, brothers of the bride, Mount Joy. The reception was held at Carpenter's Inn, Eliza- bethtown. The couple will reside at 47 Lefever Road, Mount Joy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers