Page 10 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Jaycee officers William Bower and Sarah Heckert Saturday evening, April 5, Evans’ Restaurent in Manheim, was the scene of the annual installation and awards banquet of the Mount Joy Jaycees and Joy- cee-ettes. Installed as president of the Jaycees was William Bower. Mr. Bower, his wife Kathy and son Doug- las live at 15 Donegal Springs Road, Mount Joy. Other members of the Jaycees’ board taking the oath of office were: first vice presi- dent - Robert Behling; se- cond vice president - Ronald Wagner; secretary - Jack Blace; treasurer - James Wetzel; Director - Jere Hoff- master, Sharaz Sugarwala, and Douglas Witman; State director - Gerald Nolt. Jeff- MOUNT JOY JOYCEE-ETTES MEET by Wendy Gentile The Mount Joy Joycee- ettes held their monthly meeting March 4th, at the borough hall. President Crystal Fackler presided. The Joycee-ettes held a swimming party for the child swimming party for the children of the Messiah rey - Brown will serve the board as past president. “Exhausted” from active Jaycee membership were Ronald Hawthorne, Andrew Reymer and David Stonesi- fer. Mrs. Sarah Heckert took the oath of office as presi- dent of the Mount Joy Joy- cee-ettes. Mrs. Heckert, her husband Joseph, and child- ren Michelle and Joey, live at 116 Delta Street, Mount Joy. The new officers of the Joycee-ettes will assume their duties in September and include: vice president - Diana Blace; secretary - Lois Getty; treasurer - Nancy Kretzing; editor - Sandra Meckley; director - Vicki Brown and past president - Crystal Fackler. Mr. Brown presented a- wards to Robert Behling - Outstanding Jaycee, William Bower - Outstanding Com- mittee Chairman, and Ro- bert Behling - Spark Plug Award. Awards were presented by Mrs. Fackler to: LaVon Harnish - Outstanding Joy- cee-ette, Lois Getty - Ser- vice to the Club, Sue Gantz - Special Recognition, San- dra Gingrich - Outstanding Board Member, Sharon Funk - Outstanding New Member, Donna Wetzel - Outstanding Chairperson. Joan Moore and Nancy Rey- mer were honored as “Ex- hausted Hens.” Catholic The National Council of Catholic Women of St. Mary’s Church, Mount Joy, met in the home of Mrs. James Beck, South Market Street, Mount Joy, on Mar- ch 17. Mass was celebrated by Father Joseph Kofchoch prior to the meeting. A donut sale will be held during the month of April - date to be announced later. Women Delegates were chosen to attend the Diocesean Con- vention of the NCCW to be held in Harrisburg on April 14. Mrs. Edward Sweigart and Mrs. Harold Zimmer- man, Jr., will be attending. Mrs. Leo Frank is an alter- nate. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gerald Sheetz on April 21. Columbia Aux. Members of the Marietta Branch Auxiliary to the Columbia Hospital will meet at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, Arpil 14, at the home of Mrs. Joseph Carroll, 299 W. Market Street, Marietta, and then proceed to the Colum- bia Hospital where they will have lunch in the cafeteria and a business meeting will follow. Schenck resigns Robert D, Schenck, Jr. Robert D. Schenck, Jr., who has been on the staff of the Mount Joy Library since its founding, has re- signed, and will be moving to Florida with his parents in the near future. Mr. Schenck says he will miss the juvenile patrons of the library the most. A second grader made a special trip to the library to say goodby to him when she heard he would be leaving. Not only will he be miss- ing the children, but also Mrs. James Heilig, who was in charge of the story hours for the children. Schenck said he owes a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Alice Heilman, who taught him a great deal about li- brary work, even taking him to the Millersville State Coll-- ege library as part of his April 9, 1975 training. Mrs. Heilman is librarian at the Manheim Township schools. The Bulletin visited Mr. Schenck at his home. His room is filled with books, many of them on the pre- Civil War history of the United States. He is especi- ally fond of works on the philosophy of history, on which he has some ideas of his own. He hopes one day to get some of his ideas down on paper. He is grateful to all the people of Mount Joy who helped him. He enjoyed working with the staff, and said it was a pleasure to- serve the people of Mount Joy. He feels that perhaps his largest contribution was to show that a handicapped person can be useful and to help other people under- stand handicapped people. Lower Auto Loan Rates? SEES St RR Cts as 5 ha Bi amma Cala FN pe ail deb da. tba ™ OES AN Peal yee oN pe TPAC | -_ << =~ Home March 15 at F&M That's right! Union National Mount Joy Bank has lowered the rates on new car College. loans, and late model used cars. Have you been thinking of a new car? Maybe } there has never been a better time. . . .new models offer less maintenance and better gas mileage. Check and compare, but first see the folks at Union National The Fashion Show-Card Party held March 10, was very successful. A special thank you to the public, the merchants who donated door prizes, Pat Lesher of Orange Owl, and the local newspapers. Annual . Amount 36 Monthly Total Total of Percentage One hundred doliars was Financed Payments Interest Loan Rate donated to the Donegal $2,000.00 $63.88 $299.68 $2,299.69 9.31% District Playground. 2,500.00 79.86 374.96 2,874.96 9.31% 3,000.00 95.83 449.88 3,449.88 9.31% : (The above schedules are for 36 month contracts, with approved down payment. + Also a sizeable donation Credit life and accident & health insurance available at additional cost.) was sent to the Ed and Jean Forry fund. Preceding adjournment elections were held. The following will take office in September: Sarah Heckert, President; Dianna Blace, Vice President; Lois Getty, Secretary; Nancy Kretzing, Treasurer; Vicki Brown, Di- rector; Sandy Meckley, Edi- tor; Donna Wetzel, Histor- ian; Sharon Funk Messiah Home Chairman. Bank! Check and Compare -----Rates on 1975 Models FS «VS FEY % di seis JIAAS AAAs d sidan b espa on Va AL a = aia ‘ + edie dss $428 THE alo Eel I RT UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK MAYTOWN, PA. MOUNT JOY, PA. 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