Page 8 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Ed Eshleman’s survey The following announcement has come from Congressman Ed Eshleman.. ASKING YOUR OPINION This year | found that it was going to cost me too much to send individual questionnaires into every home in my district. Rather, | am going back to my former method of polling my constituentsby including the questionnaire in my newsletter and also asking the newspaperss in the district to publish it so that everyone has an op- portunity to participate. | encourage you to use this means of letting me know your views on some importnat national issues. You're invited to participate by filling out the poll and mailing it back to me. “The address for returns is: Congressman Ed Eshle- man, 2244 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515. QUESTIONNAIRE 1. To conserve petroleum do you favor: (Choose one) A. Mandatory rationing B. Raising the tax on gasoline only C. Raising the import tax so that all petroleum pro- ducts go up in price. 2. If rationing was imposed, could you get by on the predicted al- lotment of nine gallons per week? Yes No 3. To encourage the manufacture and use of smaller, more econo- mical automobiles, would you favor a tax on new automobiles based on the number of miles-per-gallon the vehicle is capable of traveling? (1.E. automobiles that travel the fewest miles-per-gal- lon would be taxed the most; automobiles with better gas mile- age would not be taxed) Yes No 4. Which of the following two economic programs most closely re- have the owner’s name or Old paintings sought Mrs. Henry M. Libhart of Marietta, director of the Community Gallery of Lan- caster County, is organizing| a drive to record all paint- ings in Lancaster County] done before 1914. The drive is part of a' nation-wide Bicentennial program sponsored by the Smithsonion Institution i Washington,.D. C. April 12 at the Mennonite Information Center on Lin coln Highway East. Volun painting brought in. It is not necessary tof ddress recorded. If the owner of a pre- 1914 painting cannot make e April 12th date, he or he may contact the Com | unity Gallery (393-3621) heeled LL LL LE LL LL LD GRAND SQUARE CLUB TO HOLD WORKSHOP The Grand Square Club of Lancaster will hold a workshop at the Mount Joy Vo-Tech School on Thurs- day, March 6 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Paul Andrews will be the Caller. MARCH 6 & 7 MARCH 13 & 14 PLUS Production from more than fifteen other factories — TODDLERS & GIRLS DRESSES Featuring our own nylon tricot ladies nitewear March 5, 1975 AARP TO PUT ON EXHIBIT Among the many exhibits at the Administrative Man- agement Society Business Show and Seminar will be an exhibit by the American FARARARRAAANAAAAAAAAAARARARARARARARARARARARAAARARARS AA PENN-ELM APPAREL, INC. OUTLET STORE Assn. of Retired Persons at The Host Farms on March 12 and 13. This exhibit will be manned by members of the Lancaster Chapter No. 530. Red Barn Located 4 miles West of Eliza bethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 flects your idea of what the nation needs: (Choose one) A. Try to hold the line on federal deficits, no new spending programs, broad-based tax cuts, fuel tax — SLEEP & LOUNGEWEAR — HOSIERY LUNCHES 11:30 - 1:00§ S(O] RIOT 0] Ff increases, incentives to business to increase produc- tion and cash payments to low income people. B. Major new federal spending programs, tax reduc- tions aimed at lower income groups, fuel rationing, increased public service jobs, government financed aid to depressed industries and lower interest rates. 5. Legally, we have generally agreed that a person's life stops when the heart stops beating. Therefore, it is my feeling that life should be considered started, for purpose of law, when the heart starts beating. This occurs apporximately 6 - 8 weeks into preg- nancy, so would you agreethat the legal limit on abortion should be only that period of time before the heart starts beating except in those cases where the life of the mother is endangered? ! Yes No 6. A national health insurance Program: A. Is not needed B. Should be operated and controlled completely by the federal government (approximate new cost to the government - $60-billion) C. Should allow private insurance companies to con- tinue to furnish policies but require the policies to meet federal guidelines. There would be govern- ment aid for the poor. (Approximate new cost to the government - $9.3-billion) D. Should require employers to furnish all employees with a health insurance policy that meets federal guidelines with a government administered policy for the self-employed, employees of small business- es and the poor. (Approximate new cost to govern- ment - $6.5-billion) E. Should provide a plan to pay the costs of catastro- phic illnesses only. (Approximate new cost to government - $4.4 billion) 7. Do you favor President Ford's proposed 5-percent limit on Social Security benefit increases? Yes No 8. There is widespread agreement that the Social Security system is facing future financial difficulties which will require more money. In order to raise that money do you favor: A. Higher Social Security withholding taxes B. Dipping into general tax revenues to supplement revenues from Social Security taxes (This would probably mean higher income taxes) C. Financing the Social Security program completely from general tax revenues (This means no Social Security tax but much higher income taxes) 9. Would you favor cutting back federal spending for domestic pro- grams even if popular programs like Social Security, aid to edu- cation, housing, etc., might be adversely affected? yes No . 10. Should we continue indefinitely the 55-MHP national speed limit? Yes No 11. In your opinion, should national anti-trust laws be expanded to cover labor unions? Yes No Do you think the revenue sharing program which returns federal tax revenues to state and local governments for use in locally planned projects should be continued? Yes No As one way of meeting future energy needs, do you favor buila- ing more nuclear power paints? New No Last year Congress cut $300-million from previously authorized | aid to South Vietnam. Because of recent North Vietnamese and Viet Cong military activities, President Ford has now asked Con- gress to provide $300-million in financial assistance and military supplies. Do you believe the aid should be given? Yes No 12. 13. 14. MOUNT JOY LIBRARY OPENS FUND DRIVE Once again its Library und Drive time. Letters re in the mail. The Leisure|} ub has folded and stuffed he envelopes. Contribu- ions should be sent to Will-§ am Eby, Treasurer or dropp- [f d off at one of the local anks. MOUNT JOY LEISURE CLUB TO MEET The Mount Joy Leisure Club will hold its next meet- ing Monday, March 10 i: the Florin Fire Hall beginn ing at 12 noon with a cover ed dish dinner. The program will be In- ternal Revenue Agent Harry Constein from the Lancas- ter Office of the Internal Revenue Service. Mr. Con- stein will speak briefly on filing your income tax and then open the meeting for questions members may have concerning their in- come tax. AARP TO MEET | The next meeting of the Lancaster Chapter No. 530) of the American Assn. of Retired Persons will be held on March 14, at the Hellenic Orthodox Church, 64 Her- shey Avenue, starting at 1 p.m. Glenn Eshelman will present an audio-visual pre- sentation “Where the Moun- tains Meet the Sky.” Guests are invited. DID YOU HEAR... Evelyn Miller, Lumber Street, Mount Joy, reported our first robins — four of them at her back door on Thursday, February 27th. Evelyn thought they were old friends from last year who come around regularly for hand-outs of Sweitzer cheese, their favorite snack. Her robins are very pamper- | ed birds, and refuse all other brands! — MEN'S & BOY'S SHIRTS — INFANT & TODDLER LINES — GIRLS JEANS — KNIT TOPS — FABRIC REMNANTS & TRIMMINGS Newport & Elm Roads, ELM, PA. From Manheim 1% miles east on East High St. and Doe Run Road North on Elm Road 2 miles AAA ARAL A A A rr er er rr rr TT hmmm Imm Ne REMEMBER THIS NAME AND NUMBER... HOLLINGER OIL SERVICE — MT. JOY 653-4484 and forget about your oil burner! We're ready — and able — to take full responsibility for your oil burner. . .to keep it operating at maxi- mum efficiency at all times. We provide day and night service, make prompt delivery of ARCO famous heating oil. You get clean, modern, economical heat. Get ready now for a winter without worry. Re- member us and you can forget about your oil burner! Now is the time, too, to think about a new heat- ing system if your old one is no longer satisfactory. Call us for free consultation and free estimates. MEMBER OF MODERN HEAT COUNCIL HOLLINGER RS @ $ hE Oil Service rewor FLORIN, PA. Call Mt. Joy 653-4484 J 9:00 - 12:00 P.M. Bolens tillers take the back breaking work out of ground breaking. Powered by 5 or 3%2 hp engines, they slice through the ground. An ad- justable depth bar lets you regulate tilling down to 6” deep. Till a narrow 9” row or as wide as 46%” (with tine extensions). Wide handles keep tiller in line. All con- trols conveniently mounted on console. Bolens. A good yard ahead. Consumer FMC i BRANDT’ S | MOWER [SHOP =o Dcnegal Springs Rd., R. D. 1, Mount Joy, Pa.
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