Page 6 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIM BETTY MARTIN ENGAGED TO ROBERT LEHMAN Rev. and Mrs. J. Earl Martin, Jr., R. D. 2, Mount Joy, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Betty L., to Robert S. Leh- man, Jr., R. D. 2, Mechanics- burg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lehman, Sr., R. D. 1, Dillsburg. Miss Martin is a 1970 graduate of Donegal High School and a 1974 gradu- ate of Messiah College and is employed by the Eliza- bethtown Hospital for Youth and Children. Her fiance, a 1968 gradu- ate of Northern High School, Dillsburg, is employed by Keefer’s IGA, Grantham. A May wedding is plann- ed. Betty Martin and Robert Lehman WEDDING Judith Ann Longenecker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Longenekcer, R. D. 1, Marietta, became the bride of James Orie Widders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac S. Widders, R. D. 2, Lititz. The marriage took place Saturday at the Florin Church of the Brethren. BILL SAYS Kevin Miller jumps hig] , Dave Schlosser on lett, as Indians lose in playoffs to Yor AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the Jif mn ti ! MONDAY - 9 a.m. - Fat Hogs 10 a.m. - Horse Sale 11 a.m. - Hay & Straw 2:30 p.m. - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon - Hay & Straw 12:30 p.m. - Dairy Sale THURSDAY - 12 Noon - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach; Manager Phone (717) 354-4341 Indians lose to Irish Seminars at Farmers First Farmers First is sponsoring four Consumer Awareness Seminars as part of their continuing program of consumer services. The first seminar, Money Manage- ment, is scheduled during the week of March 10th. The other three seminars; Purchasing Hints and Con- sumer Protection, How to Establish Credit and Use it Wisely, and Long-Range Fin- ancial Planning, will be held in subsequent months. To register for any or all of the seminars; call Farmers First Bank, 626-4721, ext. 248. wy wy Photo by Jim Gerberich Catholic . Mount Joy, at St. Joseph’s | ml El) 5 DEATHS \y oq Hospital, Feb. 22. : jer rances D. Reinhold, 74, ves I a formerly of 701 E. Market Christian L. Zook, 76, of riangle : ’ 9A-N Market Street, Mount St., Marietta, at St. Joseph's Yov at his hone. February Hospital, Fen 2d: 28. All the angles Walter B. Wile, 64, formerly going for you. of 385 Essex St.. Marietta. Harold J. Brobet, 68, for- at Columbia Hospital, Feb. merly of 507 E. Market St., The Eljer Triangle. Fits 24. Marietta, at St. Joseph’sHos- | neatly in any corner of Mrs. Fred France, 90, for- pital, Feb. 21. fils ath, Mis hs Ble ot merly of Front St., Marietta, CE Gerberich, Jr., 56, te shape. In at St. Anne’s Home, Colum- formerly of 737 Bruce Ave., Eljer decorator colors bia, R. D. 2, Feb. 22. Mount Joy, at Lancaster plus white. Mrs. Gurn Bradfield, 72, General Hospital, Feb. 26. formerly of 364 Chocolate Ave., our, Joy, at St. BIRTHS R.V. RICHARDS Joseph's Hospital, Feb. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Dale -Wolge- Martin J. Metzler, 65, for- muth, (Lois White) 611 Wa- § 50 NS merly of 102 Columbia Ave., ter St., Mount Joy, a son at . o General Hospital, Feb. 24. Call us to do your work Mr. and Mrs. J. Elvin Kray- 128-1838 =a bill, (Ester Graber), R. D. 2, a “h Mount Joy, a son at General Hospital, Feb. 27. FEL JER Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pott, WallacaMurray (Donna Brumbach) May- town, a daughter at General Hospital, Feb. 26. SUCCESSFUL LIVING Find your own particular talent. Be big. Be honest. Live with enthusiasm. Don’t let your possessions possess you. Don’t worry about your problems. » ! Look up to people when you can - down to no one. Don’t cling to the C m @ 4 3 past. Assume your full share of re- I sponsibility in the world. Pray con- INSPECTION sistently and confidently. QUALITY USED CARS SALES & SERVICE How May We Be Of Service To You? TUNE-UP Richard D. Smedley GILBERT _MOTORS FUNERAL HOME : 29 NORTH GAY STREET, MARIETTA Maytown, Pa. TEXACO, Phone 426-3604 | 426-3614 March 5, 1975 Rar rrr WE HAVE TILLERS IN STOCK They Won't Last Long WESTERN AUTO wou so, = PIs ddd dddirZr 77 77222, rririlnrizzzzii ata labl L L L L L L T T TRADE & SAVE MOUNT JOY $ $ $ $ LEGION ( i. E. . We Want Your 2m to oy pif A. Old Refrigerator! Buy a 1974 SAT. MARCH 8th Kelvinator Refrigerator STANDARDS at 1974 Prices! Sunday Dinners 12 NOON to 9 P.M. Reservation Ph. 898-8451 ‘i A ITI IIIT III TIT Lester E. Roberts & Son 47 East Main Street L Mount Joy painalaaladalahalad ale Lda al LL LL LL LL TT Tr Edda Add LL LL I I Tr TT I I Tr I TIT ARNOLD MAYTOWN, PA. 1972 OLDSMOBILE 98, Sdn. 1972 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 dr., H-top 1972 PONTIAC LeMans Sdn., 6 cyl. 1971 JAVALIN coupe, SST 360 1970 PONTIAC LeMans Coupe 1970 MG 1969 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon 1969 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme Coupe 1968 PONTIAC Catalina 4 dr., H-top 1957 FORD Pick-Up PONTIAC 4 OLDSMOBILE EE NNR RENEE R RRR RRR E ETNA ERROR ERNE RR NER RNR R RRR on America’s best selling lawn food Scotts TURF BUILDER, the fertilizer that helps grass multiply. itself. Provides a pro- longed feeding which makes thin lawns thick again. Spread Turf Builder in early spring to enjoy a thicker, greener lawn this year. 2: Save $4 15,000 sq ft (58% Ibs) 2395 19.95 a Save $3 10,000 sq ft (39 Ibs) 16-95 13.95 Save $1 5,000 sq ft (19% lbs) 8.95 7.95 Save ¥2°° on crabgrass preventer You can stop crabgrass before it ever gets started by spreading Scctts HALTs®* PLUS For Established Lawns. 1. lies in wait and knocks off the ugly stuff as it sprouts. Halts Plus provides a long-lasting Scotts feeding for your good grass too. Result? A thicker, greener lawn this year, without ugly crab- grass. 5.000 5q ft (22% Ibs) 20.95 18.45 Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - Thurs. - Sat. — 9:00 - 5:30 Fri. — 9:00 - 9:00 COLUMBIA HARDWARE 12 W. Market St. Marietta 426-1525 a a eC a Ee 2 a a a a ok am Ho aa i ll oS mls il oF Gl ai A pd oT i sy
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