February 26, 1975 ‘Gohn heads boat club Officers were elected for the East Donegal Boat Club at the regular February meeting at the Maytown Fire House. Assuming the current term of office will be John Gohn, president; John Leas, vice-president; Jim Shank, Leos describes Edward Leos, a professor from Penn State, was guest speaker for the Marietta Re- storation Associates at the Millersville State College Student Memorial Center. With the use of slides Mr. Leos showed scenes taken in Marietta and the sur- rounding area during the late 19th century by Horace Engle, a native of Marietta, secretary; and Melvin Welcomer, treasurer. Members are urged to at- tend the March 9 meeting of the organization. Dues are payable until April 30. Ap- plications for membership are available on request from any officer. Engle pictures who used a buttonhole cam- era. Engle’s foresight in the art of photography was far ahead of his time. Engle died in 1949; his photographic works were discovered by a student at- tending Penn State who used them for her thesis. FOUNDED 1889 DONEGAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY MARIETTA, PENNA. LOSSES PAID Donna B. Geltmacher. RETTEW - GELTMACHER ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Geltmacher, 117 Essex St., Marietta, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Donna B. Geltmacher to Richard Rettew, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Rettew, 440 E. Market St., Marietta. Miss Geltmacherisa 1974 graduate of Donegal High School. Her fiance also graduated from Donegal High School in 1971 and from Computer Programm- ing Institute. He is employ- ed as a computer operator for the Department of Pub- lic Welfare. Your Local Insurance Company Supporting a Local Effort Donegal Mutual Insurance Company ROUTE no. 441 BY-PASS MARIETTA, PENNSYLVANIA 17547 Aud Ant Ant Ju Marietta Autique $ 2 WELT BMARKET na, 3 avai rem rn mn Pride 3. Lily Nieman Antiques 7. “The Parlor” Antiques and Gifts 17 W. MARKET — 426-1472 328 E. MARKET — 426-1270 5. The 8. Henry & Jane Schlosser 6. White Swan Tavern 234 E. MARKET - 426-2201 Dolls, Toys, Antiques & Studio 18 E. FRONT — 426-2189 Clocks, Furniture and Accompaniments = CR 3 —1 ® - ol Se—l LAC nwa 4 Collectibles By Emme C. Reynolds BIDDLE ST. — 426-3927 Antiques and Primitives 104 E. FRONT — 426-3796 : Fine Antiques, Crystal and China Oliver House Antiques KIRCHNER - REUTER ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reus ter, 6 Joy Avenue, Mount Joy, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Connie Ann, to Thomas C. Kirchner, son of Mrs. Isabel Kirchner and the late Merhl Kirchner, 351 S. Third St., Columbia. Miss Reuter is a 1974 graduate of Donegal High School and is attending Eli- zabethtown College in the Medical Secretarial program. Her fiance is a 1973 grad- uate of Columbia High School and is employed by Sico Company, Mount Joy. A fall 1976 wedding is planned. Third & Locust Sts., We serve these surrounding areas: CENTERVILLE IRONVILLE RHEEMS LANDISVILLE MARIETTA BAINBRIDGE MAYTOWN SILVER SPRINGS MOUNTVILLE PHONE 684-2551 Gary Graybill at choral fest Gary Graybill was one of the top high school musi- cians from Donegal who participated in the 1975 Southern Choral Festival Feb. 20 - 22 at Big Springs. Cumberland Co. FREE DELIVERY — A Full Time Service Let us fill your next prescription Columbia SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 5 JC ham shoots, dance in Mar. The East Donegal Jay- cees will stage a Ham Shoot on March 23 and also on March 29 from 1 to 3 p.m. on the grounds of the Legion Hall in Maytown. On March 22 they will sponsor a square dance at 8 p.m. in the barn of the Lewis Bixler farm just out- side Maytown on the Bain- bridge Road. The public is invited to both the ham shoots and the square dance. Admiss- ion to the square dance is $1.50 per person or $3 per couple. N 9) FLAT HERRS PHONE: 426-1805 58 FRUTE STAID XR 0 us " INS p Xp J Be Hprps j hd gf No y Dw hJ (Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only) ® ; Sq a4 § r t in 28 oz. non-returnable bottles reg. 55¢ NOW 3 For 9 i ® 0 0 50. .... POtatoes Shop Herr’s For The Best Buys In Produce. Baked Ham.....«s. s21s.... 91.89 Ib. Ring Bologna..... $12s..... 99 Intersection of 441 & T43 Open 8 AM.-1l P.M. Daily & Sunday A , TE _— EP. 00.0.0 5.0 0070 0%"
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