975 1Ce he February 12, 1975 George and Yvonne; students of month Yvonne Shank Yvonne Shank and Geor- ge Armold have been named students of the month at Riverview Ele. School. Yvonne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shank, W. Front Street, Marietta. School sources state: “Her presence is felt in our room and school by her very quietness and dedication. Her work is always com- pleted, and her loyality to room and school is un- swerving. I have never known her to say or do any unkind thing but have seen her help others many times. Coming from a large family she knows the true meaning of the word share. She isa fine example of a thought- ful and conscientious girl. She is currently a clarinet student. Glen Shank, Sr., is her grandfather. at Riverview Vitentine DINNER DANCE Saturday, February 15 George Armold The school statement a- bout George was: “George is cheerful and agreeable with a fine sense of humor. He is a good worker with a lively interest in school ac- tivities. He is ever ready to help his peers, especially with math. His work is ex- ceptionally neat. He regu- larly attends church and Sunday School - in fact has a perfect attendance record. He is a member of the wrestling, football andsbase- ball teams, and does home chores such as mowing the grass and shoveling snow for a neighbor. George is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKain and Mrs. Mary Armold, and the great-grandson of Aaron Sharp, all of Marietta. Serving Prime Rib Dinner Dinner Served 6 to 10 p.m. Bring Your Valentine and Dance to ZIMMY SCHMIDT'S GERMAN BAND and BOB GIVENS at the organ $7.25 per person By Reservation Only Call 367-2432 The Carpenter's Inn 26-32 S. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN, FA. Parking in Fear Dear Editor: on eta han showing a reduction of tax- by Jovan. wrote a letter to the Editor © yor >on eB The Understatement of the Year. several weeks ago about the Donegal School Board. and tax payer for many years. Board raised School Taxes last year before the State Subsidy came through. When it came through, did Donegal do as many of the other Lancaster County School Districts did? Re- duce the School taxes? Even though some of the tax bills had already been sent out, they rescinded those QUEEN TO BE CROWNED King and Queen of 1975 3 o will be crowned this Satur- uary 25, a piano recital was 0 : : ns Jovan Musk Oil Cologne Spray Mist. a.m. at the Borough Hall on Mrs. Carole Bubacz. East Main Street in Mount Joy. Registration of Con- ca Ruhl, Tammy Duke, Su- testants will be held from san Miller, Jeff Duke, Jon 10:15 until 10:30 a.m. when Ruhl, Mary Ruhl, Alan Bu- the new royalty will be an- bacz, John Gibble, Lisa nounced. SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 5 Letters bills, and sent out new ones, New Musk Oil Cologne Spray Mist They keep every cent they get, and look for more. Now because the Bor- oughs are getting another %4% of the Wage Tax, which they are entitled to, the Donegal School Board is going to raise taxes again. If they would ‘tighten I their belts,” and cut out a lati.of “unnecessary frills,” and use that invested sub- sidy money they got last year, they would have plenty of money to run the schools, and no need to prey on the taxpayers again. (Which could be the most A Marietta Tax Payer eH powerful way of all.) ten Try this new fragrarice li h understatement by Jovan. Musk Hi ih Oil Cologne Spray Mist. a le Because it isn't what you say. | | It's how you say it. | Jovan has just created another | way to wear musk oil. Musk Oil Cologne Spray Mist. As you might expect, it comes on soft and subtle. But don't be fooled. | It's powerful, provocative and oitkiittnan lingering just like Jovan Musk Oil Perfume. The cologne says the very same things about you the | perfume does. That you're | i I am a Marietta resident usk (SRE cologne liovaN | | | As that letter stated, the sensuous. Womanly. And warm. But says it a little more lightly. SWEETHEART KING & i il Ah PIANO RECITAL I ll On the afternoon of Jan- Mount Joy’s Sweetheart $5.00 Size (2 oz.) Introductory price $4.00 SLOAN’S PHARMACY 61 E. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653-4001 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING FRUIT STAND Participating were Rebec- Ruhl, and Susan Brandt. THE _ “Peggy Marley \ RESTAURANTS SON ew cx ” A : 2 3 F : Z-¢ ood “Home Style” Cooking Homemade Soups DAILY SPECIALS Terrific Sandwiches Hours: Mon. thru Thurs. 6a.m.-6:30 p.m. Friday - 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday - 7a.m. - 2 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS 44 W. Market St., Marietta Phone 426-1812 6 pack of reg. $1.99 A-Treat Quarts $1.99 (plus deposit) reg. 79¢ Martins’ Potato Chips 59 Extra Sweet & Juicy Tangerines FULL SERVICE OIL COMPANY REASONABLE PRICES AUTOMATIC DEGREE " DAY DELIVERIES 24 HOUR SERVICE Salami res.51.20 89¢ in. BUDGET PLANS Minced Bologna reg.51.19 89¢ i. SERVICE CONTRACTS EXPERIENCED STAFF Intersection of 441 & 143 HERRS PHONE: 426-1805 Open 8 AM.-1l P.M. ABEL OIL CO. Daily & Sunday 430 Locust St., Columbia Phone 684-4686 Pog a EE I IE IE ERE ere CAA E EE RPO PRN asa ap
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