Page 4 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Jr. class presents “Time out for out Ginger” by Catharine G. Zeller Karen Thompson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Thompson, Milton Grove, will play the title role in the three-act comedy, “Time Out For Ginger,” to be pro- duced by the junior class of Donegal High School on Fri- day and Saturday nights, February 21 and 22, in the high school auditorium. First saw for home use, second for professional woodcutting. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Other members of the cast are Jean Bixler, David Presto, Tammy Newcomer Susan Williams, Susan Ben- der, Steven Zerphey, Jeffrey Boulton, Ted Hershey and James Byrd. The play tells the story of a fourteen-year-old girl who decides to try out for the school football team. Her father, who always wanted to be on the team when he was in high school, sees himself in her. Since he has always wanted a son but has produced only three daughters, she becomes his “son.” Through his antics he makes a fool of himself and almost loses his job. Eventually, Ginger realizes the folly of her desire. Emerging from ‘growing pains,’ she decides she wants to be a girl and enjoy the usual pursuits of a young woman. Written in terse lines, the comedy not only is relevant to modern-day ideas but also provides many laughs. Miss Catharine Zeller, English teacher, is the facul- ty director. Anita Tignan- elli is student director, and Vickie Lilly is stage mana- ger. In charge of lights is Steven Shope, while David Crankshaw supervises sound effects. Prompters are Laurie Martin, Peggy Shenk, Judy Stoltzfus and Jill Wil- son. Committee chairmen are as follows: properties, Cher- yl Felty and Claudia Brandt; publicity, Jeffrey Boulton: tickets, Karen Smith; set painting, Scott Brightbill; make-up, Barbara Balt; and ushers, Jane Youtz. February 12, 1975 WATTO - RYBACKI ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James Wat- to, Marietta R1, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Cristy Ann Watto, to Steven Ross Ry- backi. The bride-elect was grad- uated from Donegal High School and the Barbizon School of Modeling, Phila- delphia. She is employed by Armstrong Cork Co. in the billing department. Mr. Rybacki is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rybacki of Ferguson, Mo. He was graduated from Purdue University with 2 B.S. in industrial manage- ment. He is employed by Armstrong Cork Co. as an analyst-programmer. Happiness is a long distance ca A a Ta TT Zi Cums. gia Sn FN a ew bpm CA bet eet bel MN OY ee KA ry ety ety EN fo A Light enough for girls and housewives to handle, and just powerful and sturdy enough for more-than-casual, professional cutting jobs. on Valentine's Day A long distance call to a loved one on Valentine's Day is an act of true thoughtfulness. It's worth its weight rodol ESO in love. And Remember . . Dial Direct and Save. ECHO CHAIN SAW . : THE UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA A Company of United Telecommunicetions, Inc. BRANDIS MOWER SHOP Donegal Springs Rd., R. D. 1, Mount Joy, Pa. PHONE 653-5795 ————————
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