. rar January 22, 1975 Miller, pres. athletic assn. William Miller was install- ed as president of the Mari- etta Youth Athletic Asso- ciation. Gordon Yohe is vice president, Winnie Bensing- er, secretary, Emma Penwell, treasurer, and Mervin Gut- shall, equipment manager. Three girl softball teams have been planned for this ‘summer. Lucie Brady will manage the team of girls 8 to 12 years old, Frances Cranford, the 13 to 15 year old, and Mrs. Bensinger, the 16 to 21 year olds, who will play in the York league. Marietta Borough Coun- cil has granted permission to the Association to spon- sor organized leagues for both boys and girls. The season will run from April 4 to August 31. The boys’ baseball pro- gram will include four Mid- get-Midget teams, that play all games at home, one D. Shope wins patrol honor by Hazel Baker Dean Shope, a sixth grad- er at Riverview Elementary School, has been honored as outstanding patrol mem- ber of the week. Dean qualified for the award for being on time each session, wearing a clean belt, polish- ed badge, setting an example by following safety rules and showing examplary be- havior while in the class- room, cafeteria, halls and playground. traveling Midget-Midget Sh aeffer heads team for ages 8 to 11, a Junior Midget team for the 12 to 14 year olds and a Midget team for boys 14 to 16. There are some managerial spots still open for the boys’ teams. Any- one interested in becoming a manager or just a helper, in any capacity, notify any member of the Association. Sign-up campaign for both boys and girls will be at the Community House April Sth, 10 am. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and April 12th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. If your child is registering with us for the first time it will be necess- ary to bring along their Birth Certificate. Any area adult resident who is interested in helping our organization help your child- ren, is urged to attend. "VVYVY 578 EAST FRONT MARIETTA, PA. PHONE 426-1332 ROBERTS SPORTING GOODS USED GUNS BOUGHT & SOLD DRILLING & TAPPING SLINGS & SWIVELS MOUNTED IT RR RS SIs, Leisure Club Joe Shaeffer was install ed as president of the Lei- sure Club by George Groff at the January 13 meeting taking over the gavel from Eva Groff. Clark R. Shel- don was installed as vice- president, ass’t. vice presi- dent, Floy Gilbert, secre- tary, Nedra Brandt, ass’t. secretary, Anna Zerphey, treasurer, Kathryn Zink, ass’t. treasurer, John Rrown, recording secretary, Clinton Eby, and ass’t. recording secretary, Maude Frey. The meeting at the Florin Fire Hall was attended by 104 people. One new member, Thel- ma Taylor, joined the group. Guests were Cyrus Geib, Mary Nissley, and Paul Good. RIT GUNS REPAIRED SCOPES MOUNTED NANNY PS, Air. 1970 Maverick 2 dr., . GILBERT Maytown, Pa. Bill says: OLDIES ARE GOODIES! 1972 Buick Skvlark, 4 dr. sdn., V-8, auto., R&H, PS. 1972 Cadillac, 4 dr. with all acc. 1971 Cadillac, 4 dr. with all acc. 1971 Chevy Impala, 2 dr., H-top, V-8, auto., R&H, 1970 Chev. Impala 4 dr. sdn., V-8, auto., R&H, PS, PB. 6 cyl., 1969 Rambler Station Wagon, 6 cyl., auto., R&H, PS. 1967 Dodge Dart 2 dr., 6 cyl., auto., R&H 1966 Chev. Impala 4 dr., sdn., V-8, auto., R&H, PS, PB. NAA auto., R&H Rd a dl a a MOTORS Phone 426-3604 ny PINS NN NS { plays Jan.22 The Brass Ensembles of Elizabethtown College and Messiah College will present a joint concert on Wednes- day, January 22, at 7:30 p.m., in Elizabeéthtown’s Alumni Auditorium. Each ensemble will per- form several works alone and then combine for three others, “Toccata” by Bon- elli, “Providebam” by Lasso, and “Sonata XIX” by Gabri- eli, according to Dr. Darrell R. Douglas, associate pro- fessor of music and conduc- tor of the Elizabethtown group. Richard Hiler is conduc- tor of the Messiah ensemble. The Concert is open to the public without charge. Elizabethtown College’s Brass Ensemble will partici- pate in the Evensong service at the Washington Cathedral on Sunday, January 26, at 4 p.m., at the invitation of Cathedral officials. Among the members of the Ensemble is a local stu- dent, Arthur C. Baughman, trombone, 228 N. Barbara St., Mount Joy. State jobs available Civil Service Jobs are available in boiler inspec- tion, computer operation, and corrections trainee posi- tions with the State. Applications and further information can be obtain- ed from the Civil Service Commission in Harrisburg or the State Employment Office in Lancaster. Red Barn Located 4 miles West of Eliza bethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 FULL SERVICE OIL COMPANY REASONABLE PRICES AUTOMATIC DEGREE Fd dH IT AMT dP Al A l™ DAY DELIVERIES 24 HOUR SERVICE BUDGET PLANS { SERVICE CONTRACTS EXPERIENCED STAFF {ABEL OIL CO. 430 Locust St., Columbia Phone 684-4686 Brass ensemble by Wendy Gentile The Mount Joy Welcome Wagon held a White Ele- phant Sale Wednesday, Janu- ary 15, at the Rheems Fire Hall. Leftover bazaar items and candles were’ auction- ed off. Don’t forget your house- hold hints for Lee Bickford! Also, anyone interested in card club Thursday after- noons should contact Lee. We wish to congratulate all the women of Welcome Wagon who contributed of their time and efforts to selling the Little Darling Candles. What a fabulous job! 424 candles were sold altogether. Lena Parker was our super seller with 49 candles. Others were Susan Back, 38, and Linda Hoo- ver, 37. Thank you girls, and thank you Thelma Ran- kin for organizing and carry- out this terrific project. Crafts will meet at 8 p.m., January 23, at Sharon Oldfather’s. Macrame’ owls will be made again for the benefit of those who missed Jast Thursdays meeting. Welcome Wa SUSQUEHANNA TIMES & MOUNT JOY BULLETIN — Page 9 9 An informal “Wine and Cheese’ Party is scheduled for January 25 at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria/conference room of the Agway Build- ing, Route 230 W, Elizabeth- town. Gray Sellers will be the host. $1.00 per person deposit will be required at this week’s meeting. Call Betty Byrd for directions if needed. Bring your friends. Interested in being ba- zaar chairman for 1975. Call Cherie Dillow. Plans are being made to visit the Rheems and Schock’s Nursing Homes on February 9 at 3 p.m. Bring a quarter to this weeks meet- ing to help buy a gift. The next board meeting will be held at Betty Byrd’s home, Mt. Pleasant Rd.,Feb- ruary 5 at 8 p.m. We wish to thank our sponsors who have faithfully supported our club these past few years. Through their generous contributions, we may continue to serve the people of our commun- ity and al newcomers to the APAAAA AAPA PS gon coming events area. We appreciate their efforts and hope they will remain with us in the years to come. Again, we thank you. Anyone who recently moved to the area and is interested in receiving a Wel- come Wagon call from a hos- tess, please contact Bea Boss- ler, 367-2740. Chosen Joseph P. Nolt, Siegrist Road, Mount Joy, vice presi- dent of Engle-Hambright & Davies Inc., has been elected president of the Keystone chapter, Associated Build- ers and Contractors. Nolt is a 1955 graduate of McCaskey High School. and a 1959 graduate of Franklin and Marshall Coll- ege. He received a master's degree at Eastern New Mexi- co University and attended Dickinson Law School for one year. Captain in the Air Force from 1959 to 1962, he join- ed Engle-Hambright & Dav- ies in 1971. January nn B42 AIA Lucky Leaf Shurfine li Tri Our Salad, 7 Pears Bou 59¢ NPN Kunzler Country Style BH ing ) Sr apeiiuit Sections 16 oz. can I $1.00 ly Wege Pret Bologna coarse cut Ib. 98¢ BENDER'S SPECIALS ly Ra wi Very Fine 17 oz. size Banquet Frozen Cookin Bags 4.$1.00 5 oz. pkg. La a a ao NN = 5% LL 382 Poe Cherry Pie filling 59¢ Shurfine Fruit Cochtail McIntosh Apple Sauce | 3.91.00 els i poy : 49¢.. 8 oz. bag | Mon. & Tues. . OPEN il 7 p.m. aa wy Fri. OPEN Hi 9 p.m. - Wed. a 1 A AATAAAT 22 oz. can Arner AA arnt Anh non 39E ) y ) » Arar ATA AA Arrant, Beef Turkey Chipped Beef etc. pr & Sat. OPEN iil 6 pm. Po. dd
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