EE ———————— ARE. WW = KIDS! enter our Rexall BOYS & GIRLS / : iain A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. CO NTEST TO DAY wry. Nicholas Jurejecie, of James Charles, Neffsville Sto r D g eo Ellis H, Heisey, 84, Man- h - PRIZES - heim CUSTOM CALL HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN WIN BOYS PRIZES BICYCLE (26 “ TOSS ACROSS 3-SPEED) ELECTRIC FOOTBALL GAME GAME MICKEY MOUSE WRIST WATCH CONSTRUCTION SET GIRLS PRIZES VITAL STATISTICS DEATHS Martin H. Etnier, 69, Man- heim Lyman D. Hershey, 83, of Manheim Mrs. Paul A. Martin, 72, of Hanover formerly of Mt. Joy, EIRTHS A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Brown, Mt. Joy Rl A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Rohrer, East Peters- A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brody, Manheim R3 CORN DRYING ALSO BUY and SELL CORN Storage Available CALL M. & R. GRAINS 653-1674 31-4c 1972 —— FOR Moving OCTOBER 25, Charles E. Groff 653-1357 MOUNT JOY ERNE SINAN REA ENE SE HENNE ERERA HN SENEEEEREAde GEENENNRERAY a FRED Longenecker says; BUT A TREAT OF “NO TRICKS”, BICYCLE (26 “ 3-SPEED) GUITAR TEEN SLEEPING BAG G.E. PICTURE RADIO © 1 EA EI oe ALL SOFT CUDDLY DOLL Names Taken Thru Nov. 4th Voting Nov. 6 to Dec. 16th 31-2¢ -Ruhl’s T m) E exall D R U €& S b o R E (diagonal) ® AFC - AUTO. FINE TUNING 73S. ‘Main. 3 IEP SEI X ® SPECTRA - BRITE PICTURE TUBE Z ® UHF - SOLID STATE TUNING SELLE IN ® BRIGHT, SHARP COLOR ® BLACK WOOD - GRAIN FINISH On Aug. 2, 1934, German IDEALISM AN HONEST VALUE President Paul von Hinden- : 5 burg died; Chancellor Adolph Someone said, “We must $ Hitier assumed the presidency not teach people the way things should be, but the way GUN STOCK REFINISHING & REPAIR 100% HAND 1 RUBBED, All work fully guaranteed CLEANING & OILING REASONABLE PRICES CALL HOWARD S. ‘MANGAM Phone 653-2321 After 6 p.m. MOUNT JOY, PA, Member N.R.A. 29-tfe * what is things are.” Many of us start life with certain ideals and become disillusioned when we find that life does not live up to our ideals. The important question is, then, “What will become of us? What shall we do about it? Shall we give up our ideals and look only at called reality?” It seems to me that the strong- est person is the one who sees life as ‘it is—and then moves forward with the best that is in him to fulfill his idealism, | ii iM 6 fi All LO £ SALE ON Includes cycles neitide a timed setung : with cooldown specially for DUTCH BULBS Permanent Press Permanent Press; three heat TULIPS 95c per 10 selections; pcreciain-enamel were $1.25 lop and drum. 25 DAFFODILS Mixed $1.98 were $2.75 G. E. | “2. : ; PORTABLE 3%) 4 Clean Air Machines DISHWASHER a Select your shade trees Top Load EVERGREEN SALE now! Georgeous fall color. 3-Cycle Convex Leafed Holly, Glos- sy Abelia, Golden Arborvi- tae — priced up to $7.95 now $1. Male Hollies — "Sugar and October Glory Maple, Pin, Red and Scar- let Oak — Dogwood and many others. All sizes up to 10” caliper. Closed Sunday Located on Rit. 72—1 Mile N. nut hybrids — bear LAWN PRODUCTS VALUE & SERVICE. 18 inch COLOR TV QUALITY - * Roll Around Stand Optional spell great entertainment. Solid State AM-FM-FM Stereo Tuner, 4-speed changer with Dia- mond Stylus, 2-Speaker Cabinets, Tape & Head Phone Jacks. Walnut-grain finish. we F119 USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN NO - CHARGE Put them all together, they ? Stereo Components by General Electric Model No. C151 Contem- porary Styling Complete Fabric Care Washer With three automatic cycles to choose from... you can wash all mixed, heavy fabrics. 3 Automatic Cycles $169 wets $20 == Now 52.58 DWARF FRUI f e fect Includ . \RF_FRUIT brass soting tar sves emarent | Performances S & H GREEN STAMPS NUT TREES press clean, with a minimum of Tested CASH AND CARRY ONLY | , MN : To teks ours of hoes amen y av. £ on including English wal garments: Washus op + 48 103. of Commer cial » w ® B = ~ wm ~ " - ” - " o " i 0 n 0 a ul = " " n kd ® e » BE » = ® = m o ws = "” » mn a = ws = # = "= - ® 1 = = - " = m nm " n n » = % Bn ¥ i" i “ ® — @ " 5 = = " " = m" B = = » Bn 1 m ou a - : 7] - Heavy-duty construction. Two R x 5 - un - = = n " un un » = » w = i = B - un = = o 5 : those modern ‘synthetic fabrics to w w WW wn uN w " H " n ou 3 Hu w = = . ! DELIVERY = 5 Hu A ——— EANESRAENEERUENENEIANESDNRUENEEEERY of East Petersburg quickly, FREE PARKING Rl DRYE R Phone 898-0041 MUMS, 98¢ 9 $ FALL HOURS: were $1.29 Mon., Wed. & Thurs. to 6 p.m, 1 ler Fri. to 9 p.m, A % OFF on Saturday fo 5 p.m. LL SCOTTS FREE STORE HOURS: SARNENNREASONRNNENENE RRNONESNEDERANBNEENENS AENENE DAILY 8 TO 580 Members of The American Association of Nurserymen; SERVICE y “ Penna’s Nurserymen’s Assn. and 1937) THURS. & FRI. = “Helping folks to s0joy Jy Lawns & Gardens ® WARRANTY PHONE 665-2491 39-41 MARKET SQ. MANHEM TILL 9:00 A w
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