‘WENGER'S FLOWER & GIFT SHOP | R. D. 2, LITITZ, PA. Gift Suggestions For Mothers’ Day ® ARTIFICIAL FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS SCENTED CANDLES & CANDLE RINGS TERRY TABLECLOTHS (no iron) HAND-PAINTED TURKEY EGGS PILLOWS, APRONS, OTHER HANDCRAFTED ITEMS ss] Jee Open Daily 8:30 - 5:00; Friday 8:30 - 8:00 Phone Merv.n Wenger, Manheim Exchange For Evening Appointments r — fo DIRECTIONS: Take Fruitville Pike to Fairland School Follow Signs 6-4 | The Worry Clinic by Dr. Geo. W. Crane Dinah asks a question that shuuld intrigue the inter- est of our men’s service clubs, as well as all who have lost a loved one to the war or to the Grim Reaper here For the advancement of moral civilization is a “tag’’ a new at home. perennial game of “tag.” We adults need to group of youngsters with our idealism! CASEP-578: Dinah S., aged 26, is a teacher, “Dr. Crane,” she began, “my father died last week from cancer of the lung. “He was a wonderful man and always very unselfish. “So what could I do to let sod d memoralize - his life here on NEVET el any bouy persuate Earth? you to “Please omit flowers, for that is a pagan materialis- tic concept typical of Commu- nism. “Flowers” said Henry Ward “An elaborate tombstone in the cemetery doesn’t seem en ough.” DYNAMIC MEMORIALS Dynamic memorials are Beecher, “are the sweetest things God ever made and for- got to put a soul into.” So they belong in the cate- gory of very valuable short- range memorials, But long-range gifts are likewise needed, if you wish to carry on the constructive influences of your dead loved ones, Many kindly people of great wealth have thus donated buildings to universities and colleges. Andrew Carnegie, the steel tycoon, was really the father of our American public librar- ies. But our colleges nowadays chow rioting, sit-ins, the burn- ing of buildings and other evi- dences of adult vandalism, So we need to invest more heavily in the proper nature of kiddies way back in gram mar school, relying on the sound adage that “As the twig is bent, so will the tree be in clined.” Donate more prizes to Sun- day Schools and Scouts or Camp Fire Girls, plus the YM- CA. YWCA and CYO. Offer cash awards for the best orations or English theme on “Why this. is a Republic and not a Democracy,” so your teen-agers will really un- derstand our remarkable type of government. So send for my bookleton “How to Save Our Republic,” enclosing a long stamped, re- turn envelope, plus 25c. (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, en- closing a long stamped, ad- dressed envelope and 25c¢ to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one "of his booklets.) street rail- was England’s first way, drawn by horses, built by an American, — ARERR NRW STS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1972 el oe 7 (a Ok VA 8] She'll wear it with pride . .. cherish it always. Two bands of 14K gold signify husband and wife. They are joined by lustrous synthetic stones marking PAGE 12 RADIOEAR Hearing Aids Check your Yellow Pages for closest Service Center otfe a a a a a 4 YA a a atom nl rr ae eer a ES ee tt tsetse ~ ey et a ve — ——— Te — the birth month of each child. i Orders taken through Thursday, May 11th - i for Mother's Day delivery. iy Priced from $30.00 i 1) ) ) ! . KOSER’S JEWELRY =) 64 East Main St. pom Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Ho ee ea eat ea Pog ca a er etl ae sateen. those which continue to weave heipful influences in the lives of those left behind. A static memorial, like a mausoleum, renders very little good for mankind, except for the grieving .family. When Harvey Russell, a kindly Phoenix carpenter, re- cently passed away, this note was added to his obituary in the local newspaper: “In lieu of material remem- brances, the family suggest that friends take a small boy fishing.” Other dynamic memorials consist of helping pay for the summer church camp attend- ance of a:boy or girl from vour church By so doing, you help weave into the developing per- sonality of that teen-ager ad ditional moral fibers. A gift memorialship in the local YMCA or YWCA for a boy or girl could likewise be a splendid living memorial to a departed loved one. For when we can ‘“‘tag” a youngster with moral idealism and ‘help send his forth as a defender of the church and his country, we have erected a dynamic remembrance for the person whose generous lite was stopped by cancer or an auto wreck. Flowers at funerals are also a very inspiring influence on the family and friends of the deceased. But the flowers usually are [8 wilted and gone within a few RX they serve as only a 3 temporary colorful salute. Yet they are vital to an in- spiring funeral service! So days, The only way to get busi- ness 1s to go after it and keep going after it. NEWCOMER MOTORS PHONE 653-4821 69 Pontiac SPORTS CPE., AIR COND. ‘69 Olds 88 AIR CONDITION "69 Delta Royal SPORTS CPE. AIR COND. 67 Chevy 2-DR. HARDTOP, AIR COND. oR AEN oy eh Cn TRE AE La CJ \ & t SE AR ro Tod I RT aay be Ns 7 Ad Al = A nd | TER LI A ¥ Cr ane WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. It’s Fun to Edt ot tasteefree bP 2 CHICKEN DINNER Reg. $1.35 - 9 1 3 PCS. CHICKEN, FRENCH FRIES, SLAW CHICKEN SNACK Reg s9c- "df Oc 2 PCS. CHICKEN, FRENCH FRIES, SLAW FAMILY PACK rez 5235-1 (OO 9 PCS. CHICKEN (ONLY) Celebrate At TASTEE-FREEZ S B E C I A L ! oa DOUBLE rsarysae ITS Tastee-Freez 22nd IT’S Our LOOK WHAT YOU GET! ANNIVERSARY SUNDAE (ANY FLAVOR) 2nd (THESE PRICES GOOD THROUGH MAY 2) 454 WEST MAIN STREET OPEN 12 MONTHS A YEAR tasteefreez OF MOUNT JOY 653-2332 4 RR RT Bot HL
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