WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, Spring Musical At Centerville The Hempfield School Dis- trit’s elementary schools will present their 16th annual Spring music program at 8 p: m. in the auditorium of Cen- terville Jr. high school, 865 Centerville: Rd., Lancaster, on Friday, April 28. Grades four, five and six of all the elementary facilities have merged into the String Orchestra, directed by Miss Zoe Cummings, Cary’s ‘Little Yellow Suite” will introduce their portion of the program. Next, the orchestra turns nautical-minded with McKays’ “Sea Spray,” including the popular ‘“Tugboat Annie.” The traditional ‘Chopsticks’ and “Southwestern Suite” al- so will be featured by the or- chestra. Handel's “Bless Thou the ¥F.oapmmmarr mr ora Lord” will lead off the com- j A BESON® oct medly, “Ring the Ban A medly of Mexican Folk S37 Warrers arrangement paen: .. . 3 ”» lso on the pro. ; 0 a jo” and “Beautiful Dreamer.” Songs are a turing the trumpeters Ron Kauffman, Ed Hoehn and Bill Adams will close out this part of the program. Choral direc- tors include Helen Breneisen, Nancy Enders, Sue Garman and Geraldine Getz. Helen LePage will then di- rect the combined school band in its first selection, “March of the Irish Guard.” The band will then play a “Medieval Suite” with its fanfare, dance and celebra- tion movements. Reynolds’ arangement, ‘When Johnny Comes Marching Home” will be the band’s final number, Starting Thursday - Ends Saturday ettew’s S & H GREEN STAMPS CASH AND CARRY ONLY Located on Ri. 72—1 Mile N. of East Petersburg FREE PARKING Phone 898-0041 NEW SPRING HOURS: Mon., Wed. & Thurs. to 6 p.m, Tues. & Fri. to 9 p.m, Saturday to 5 p.m. Closed Sunday II i I WE p 33 I 3) | SH i Hit re Ah i Pa’s Nurserymen’s Assn, Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Jap. Andromedas Lots of Beautiful Buds! Insurance For Farm Workers Agricultural employers must provide Workman's Compensation coverage for their employees under provis- ion of a bill signed into law by Governor Shapp on Mar. 29. Previously, agricultural employers were free to decide whether or not they would carry Workman’s Compensa- tion coverage. The new law covers all ag- ricultural employers with an annual payroll of $150 or more, or who hire workers for 20 days or more. Under PICK UP A COUPON IN STOREFORA FR E E TREE TO BE PLANTED BY THE U. S. FOREST SERVICE ARBOR DAY 100TH ANNIVERSARY — FRIDAY. APRIL 28TH Lovely Roses — I Pick up your FREE White PLANT NOW! flowering Dogwood for Arbor | POTTED, as low as .Day — Through Saturday.. $2.59 Roses! 57 Varieties of 9 FULL DAYS This Annual Special Event Is Store Wide IN MANHEIM PP TP we - - : April 29th } } : } } } 4 } } } ‘ the new law, which becomes effective May 1, the only em- ployees for which coverage is not required are domestic household workers. Workman's Compensation insurance provides payment to employees involved in work related accidents to off- set loss of income and medic- al costs. © The insurance also provides for death and disa- bility payments. By providing Workman’s Compensation in- surance, employers are pro- fected from lawsuits that could result in heavy damages if an employee is injured. The insurance can be pro- cured from an insurance com- pany or from the State's Workman's Compensation Fund. Premium rates are uni- form regardless of the car- rier. Remove stains from ivory by rubbing with a cloth dip ped in alcohol, and follow by polishing with a dry soft cloth If this is not so effective as you'd like, sprinkle some ta- ble salt on the stains, then rub with the cut half of a lemon. Sponges used in the bath room may be kept soft and sweet if washed occasionally in warm water to which a few drops of lemon juice have been added. Limit 1 Per Family HARDY PERENNIALS 46 Varieties BRING THIS COUPON AND | only "7Qe | Ger a FREE MiNisEED | § i 8 HANGING BASKETS PACKAGE — VALUE 46c BEDDING PLANTS FREE USE OF SPREADER FOR ONE DAY! - Green GreenTM Grass Wipe Out . Crab Grass! bi i msn wirones messes sind Seed - - contains improved bluegrass varieties for vibrant- ly green, self-thick- ening, beautiful » lawns in sun or shade. NEW LOW PRICE ! NOW! ! 5 M. Sq. Ft. NEW LOW .PRICES $645 1 Ib. $139 3 |b. $399 ; True to Name - Dwarf Fruit Trees Nut Trees - WASHINGTON ASPARAGUS ROOTS STRAWBERRY PLANTS - CANADIAN RED RHUBARB green survival ~ itbegins with ou PICK UP FREE BOOKLET AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO! PLUMBING Seeds — Flower, Vegetable Perennial, Herb & Seed Strips, New Kys Pots & Planting Mixtures for Seeds PUMPS BOX 11 — EAST PETERSBURG, PENNA., 17520 CORNER OF ROOT ROAD & ROUTE 72 PHONE 888-7174 AIR CONDITIONING WATER CONDITIONING - HEATING
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