IN By R.A.R. A couple of interesting fig- ures popped up again at Don- egal School Board meeting last week. Fo Oo The monthly report of en- rollment indicated that be- tween Dec, 1, 1971 and Jan. 1, 197, the distict’s total en- ollment dropped 21 boys and girls. ® © ¢o The Jan, 1 figure of 2,933 is 44 below the Jan. 1, 1971, school enrollment. e © o ' But, of more significance is the enrollment drop from September of 1969 to January 1, 1972. ® oO o As school opened in the fall of 69, there were 3,022 boys and girls. At the first of this year there were 2.933. Thus, the school population in Don- egal district has dropped 88 boys and girls during the past 28 months. ® © eo A few words about Mount Joy's new borough truck— ® © o Supervisor Cletus Kaylor said Monday, after much crit- ical examination of the new vehicle, “It’s the best truck we've ever had.” ee © o And, that’s important. In the past, the borough trucks, for one reason or another, have not been exactly what is needed to do the total job. ® © o For instance — the new truck is a bit shorter than others. That makes it easier and more possible to get into and around corners of alleys throughout the borough. ®e © eo Another “for instance” — The snow plow controls are hydraulic rather than electri- cally controlled. Kaylor feels that this is much better. ® o eo One more example — The new “cinder” spreader (which actually spreads stone and salt) is controlled by the man operating the truck. The hopper is fed by a screw con- veyor, operated hydraulical- ly. It is not necessary for a man to ride the back of the truck, exposing himself to a very real hazard. Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper VOL. 71. NO, 35 Girl Scouts Meet On Friaay, san. 24, Girl Scout Troop 32 held a slum. ber party at Saint Mark’s church. Each girl was allowed to invite one guest and for awhile they worked on Dan- cer and ° Troop Dramatic badges. Saturday, Jan. 29, the troop held a roller skating party at Mt. Gretna from 1 to 4 p.m. Other troops, families and friends were invited to par- ticipate. It was a huge suc- cess and a good time was had by all. Leaders for Troop 32 are Mrs. Kenneth Good and Mrs. Merle Wilkinson. — Named Cfficers Two Mount Joy funeral di- rectors have been elected and installed officer positions with the Lancaster County Funeral Directors association. Andrew Reymer has been elected vice-president and James Heilig has been named a member of the board of di- rectors. Drop -In Party A drop-in party was held by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Witman, Walnut Tree Farm, R.D. 2, honoring their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Witman, on Saturday evening, Jan. 22. Mr, and Mrs. Wit- man were married Jan. 15 in Sharpsville, Pa, Mrs. Mary Sarver, aunt of the bride- groom, assisted the host and hostess. Elected President James R. Nissley, of May- town, has been elected chair- man of the Lancaster County Young Republican Committee j9sIoM JO jJuswuostrdwr 9J1[ Jo ured UO dABI 0} Syjyuowr 99ay} sjserxd 2dr[0yje) uewW -0Y [Ie 2A me] Auojo) s3})as -NYJBSSBJAl MOU B JO juawjde U9 3} ‘QOLI ‘LI {ung uQ ‘Of This and That’ t’s nice to be missed! Lack of time and lack of space have made it impossible for this column to appear the last few weeks. There were Bulletin readers kind and gracious enough to say that they missed it. Please accept our apologies and be assured we will try to more regularly! 7 dow It is hard to realize that February is here already. There has been so little snow! But - one cannot dispute the calendar, and it says Wednes- day was Groundhog Day! So, even if Mr. Woodchuck saw his shadow, there can, accor- ding to the legend, be only six more weeks of winter. And if he didn't — spring could come “busting” out all over” just any day now! We heard, all through the month of January, about for- sythia being in bloom, crocus- es popping through the soil only to be frozen by the sudden blast of winter about two weeks ago) and, wild ducks confusedly visiting the small lakes and ponds in our area because they thought winter was about over! But then came a few inch- es of snow, out came the by the editor's wife snow shovels, snow plows, skis, snowmobiles and other related items—and we realiz- ed that spring was really not just around the corner at all! * won Most of us have enjoyed the snowless winter. But there are quite a few hardy souls who have found it most disappointing! They are the skiing enthusiasts, the owners of new snowmobiles, and those to whom a nice, big snow is an exciting adventure. Maybe the next six weeks will give them their ‘inning.’ * * * Not long ago we had a de- lightiul surprise. A gracious lady walked into the Bulletin, set a package in the counter, and began to unwrap it. The contents turned out to be a beautiful little crystal wine glass, which she said she would like for us to have. She had noticed our small collection of wineglasses in a wall case at the Bulletin, and knew we would enjoy and appreciate it, not for any utilitarian purpose, but be- cause it was small, and dain- ty. and decorative. The gracious lady was Mrs. (Turn to page 16) Pinewood Winners Steven Marshall, member of Cub Pack 263, Mount Joy, has won the grand champion- ship of the Pinewood Derby, held recently. Other winners were David Hart, Den 3, James Perry, Den 4. Gary Eshleman, Den 1. Todd Marshall was second and David Geltmacher third for Den 1. Steven Davies was second and James Stoudt 3rd for Den 3. Mark Wagner was second and Mark Underwoff- ler third for Den 4 and Dar- ryl Shank was second and Da- vid Eichler third for the We- belos Den. James Perry and Steven Davies won prizes for derby racers judged on the most or- iginality and the most neat- ness, Jchn M. Boooth Talks ta Rotary John M. Booth, member of the Mount Joy Rotary club and one of the organization's perennially favorite speakers, gave the program Tuesday noon as clubmen met at Hos- tetters. ® Chairman of the Rotarians’ magazine committee, he talk- ed about contents of the in- ternational prublication ‘‘The Rotarian” and helped evalu- ate some of the articles and information. He was introduced by Dr. Robert Brackbill, program chairman. Jaycees Locking Toward Election After completion of the an- nual Jaycee week celebration activities held in the commu- nity from Jan. 16 through 22, the local chapter presently is preparing for its reorganiza- tion of the local board of di- rectors for next year. At the local headquarters this past Tuesday evening, Chairman James Gingrich an- nounced plans for the upcom- ing February nominations and March elections for the Mi. Joy club. Larry Gainer and Ron Wag- ner announced preparations for a Monte Carlo Night, to be held Saturday, Feb. 18 at 8 pm. in the Rheems Fire Hall building. Ten local Jaycees will at- tend the Pennsylvania Jaycee board meeting, to be held in Scranton on Feb. 4, 5, and 6. Forums for this convention will include the topics of Youth and Government, No Fault Insurance, and the Viet- nam conflict. ; Larry Gainer, Jeff Brown and Clair Snook attended the Region 22 meeting in Eliza- bethtown this past Monday evening. The next regular meeting is set for Tuesday, Feb. 8, be- ginning at 8 n.m. The Middle- town Jaycees will be visiting the Mount Joy group. Scout Troops Meet Together Girl Scout Troop 35 met on Tuesday, Jan. 25, at Saint Mark's United Methodist chuch. The girls has as their guests for fun and games the Scouts of Troop 21. ; Mrs. Elwood Young is lead- er of Troop 35 and Mrs. Rach- el Kline is in charge of Troop 21, , Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy MOUNT JOY, PENNA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1972 TEN CENTS Bora Accepts New Truck Holding a special meeting to handle timely routine mat- ters, Mount Joy Borough Council Monday night. Janu- ary 31, met in the Borough Building. A new dump truck was ac- certed, a loan need was ap- proved and a resolution dir- ected to the state legislature was passed. The new truck—a Ford — was accepted - after council was informed that it was de- livered Friday, Jan. 28, and has been completely checked and readied for service. It revlaces a 1962 truck which was traded in on the purchase. The new equipment is rea- dy for the borough's snow plow and is to be fitted with a new ‘“‘cinder” spreader for use on slick and snowy streets and highways. Council gave support to a “home rule” bill (HB. 1774) which is supported by the Borough’s Association, Coun- cil opposes a legal proposal (H.B. 1444) which tends to center more power in the county level of government. Council will hold its next public meeting on Monday ev- ening, Feb. 14 beginning at 7:30 p.m. Win Zone 7 Certificates Certificates of Attainment, from the Public Service Insti- tute of Pennsylvania, have been awarded to area firemen after successfully completing a 12-week state course in Fundamentals of Fire Fight- ing, sponsored by Zone 7. Instruction was given in fire department organization, Chemistry of Fire, Fire Streams, Hose Advancements, Self Contained Breathing Ap- paratus & Pump Operations. Completing the course from Florin and Ironville were: John Geltmacher, Bill Sand- ers, Wm. Kirkpatrick, Bary Leber, Bill Ober, Lloyd Nent- wig, John Farmer, Randy My- ers, R. Farmer, J. Conley and Dean Gantz. Instructors were Chas, Wel- come Jr., Clarence Long and Ernie Rojahn, ail from the Lancaster Fire Dept. Show Sweetheart Photos Voting began Thursday, Thursday, Jan. 27 for Sweet- heart King and Queen. The public may vote for their fa- vorite by a Penny-a-vote now through February 11. The boy and girl with the most votes will be crowned King and Queen on Saturday morning, Feb. 12 at the First Presbyterian church social hall. Registration will begin at 10 am. and the crowning ceremony at 10:30 am. All candidates should be present and the public is invited to attend. The contest is sponsored by the Mount Joy Joycee-ettes for the benefit of the Donegal Dental Clinic. Listed below are the busi- ness places and photos on dis- play at eoch: Union National Bank- )»an- dy Watts,, Cara Jane Zeisloft, Kyle Mark Earhart, Deborah Jean Getty. Hostetter’s (formerly New comer Hdw.) Philip Ray Nye, Amy Lynne Breault, Eric Jason Koser, Robin Lynn Koser. Hy-Lo Discount Store Sarah Harnish, Jason Lutz, Steven Paul Hoover, Michael Anderson.. Martin’s Apparel—Stephan- ie Anne Hager, Michelle Hec- kert, Bryan Kondras, Donald Steven Wagner, National Central — Denise Rene Steffen, Ashley Eliza- beth Bradley, James Jeffrey Brady, Steven E. Hoover. BPW Club Meets With the membership com- mittee in charge, the Mount Joy Business and Professional Women’s Club held its month- ly meeting at Hostetter’s Mt. Joy, on Monday evening, Jan. 24, The speaker for the even- ing was Mrs. George Albert, Mount Joy, whose topic, “Herbs In Our Gardens’, was most interesting and unusual. The musical entertainment was provided by Michael Koh- ler, Mount Joy, who played several selections on the pia- no. Miss Yvonne Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Robinson, Jr., 421 N. Plum street, Mount Joy, was introduced as Girl of the Month by Mrs. John Wealand. Mrs. Robinson was also a TRANSFERS TO CABRINI Jessica Sheetz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Sheetz, is enrolled this sem- ester at Cabrini college at Radnor, Pa., majoring in his- tory. Jessica attended Elizabeth- town college this past semes- ter. She is a 1969 graduate of Donegal high school and a junior at Cabrini. guest of the club. The business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Benpamin Horst, Jr., president; Commit- tee reports were given. Several members of the Mt. Joy B.P.W. Club, under the direction of Msis Dorothy Schock, will participate in the Parent-Student Talent Show to be held at Donegal H. S., Mount Joy, Feb. 26. Mrs. Raymond Gilbert, co- chairman of the finance com- mittee, announced plans for an auction-rummage sale to be held by the club on April 8 at the Mount Joy Fire house. The membership committee includes: Mrs. W. Richard Kohler, chairman; Mrs. John Booth, Mrs. John Stauffer, Mrs. Edna Guhl, Miss Anna Mae Eby and Miss Alice Mar- is Nissley. The next meeting will be Feb. 28 with the civic partici- pation committee in charge. REPORTS FOR DUTY Navy WAVE Seaman Ap- prentice Patricia J. Mcllvenna daughter of Mrs. Mary J. Mec- Ilvenna of 3 Brandt Blvd. Salunga, has reported for du- ty at the Naval Air Station, Memphis, Tenn. A 1970 graduate of Hemp- field high school, she joined the Navy in October 1971.
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