0 MARKET FARM FRESH EGGS DUTCH PRIDE FARM WEEK-END SPECIALS FRESH CHICKEN rl WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY. 2, 1972 LL) . - { A So TN ir APPLES — Golden Delicious 14-BUSHEL BASKET . - $1.25 WO SIZES STAYMANS - THREE SIZES DELICIOUS z NICE SELECTION OF CITRUS FRUITS LETTUCE — BLEACHED CELERY TTER COUNTY POTATOES (Weather Permitting) Po 50 LBS, - $2.10 CHOCOLATE BITS - 2 lbs, $1.05 - 5 lbs, $2.25 EGG SALE: Lg. 2 Doz, $1: 2 Doz, Not Classified 75¢ 3 Dozen Crax, 85¢ HOME MADE BROOMS - $1.95 AND $2.25 WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MARKET Open Daily 8 to 6; Except Friday, 8-9: Closed Sunday 1% MILE WEST OF FLORIN, PHONE 653-5661 IT, hh a a A i = refrigerator, you can store as is. But if the chicken is wrap- ped in paper, you should un- wrap it, place it on a platter, and then cover it for refrig- eration. Wrap and store gib- DAILY Ib. 39e THIGHS 1b. 48e¢ Ib. &0e HOW TO REFRIGERATE CHICKEN ) Before you put chicken in the refrigerator when you get home from shopping, in- 5 for $Y oo ! For Soft, Clean Carpets BLUE LUSTRE CARPET SHAMPOO Deep cleans and brightens colors. Re- § BLU] stores that soft plush feel to carpeting! LUSTRE Use in your carpet shampooer, Of y « « Sepp : RENT ELECTRIC SHAMPOOER, $1 PER DAY WITH PURCHASE OF BLUE LUSTRE GRAHAM'S VY ; T A L Mount Joy STATISTICS MANHEIM, PENNA. 20 MARKET SQUARE PHONE 665-5501 *® * BIRTHS Twins, a daughter and a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DEATHS Caley, Bainbridge Mrs. Harry G. Aston, 89, of A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Manheim Arthur Auker, Manheim R2 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Pott, Landisville A son to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Walter E. Jones, 171, formerly of Manheim Mrs. Edwin S. Smith, 68, of Bainbridge Mrs. Paul M. Obetz, 69, for- merly of Manheim Stella M. Winters, 65, Man- heim Mrs. Orpha C. Keck, 77, of HEISEY'S JEWELRY * Accutron Bulova CARAVELLE ju Southern Exposure : fy Glamorous style bares the YK - Bia arms and lays the side of the i skirt in pleats. No. 3202 comes in sizes 10 to 18. Size 12 (bust 34) takes 2% vards of 44-inch fabric. For each pattern, send 350 cents plus 15 cents for first-class mail and special handling to IRIS LANE, (care of this news- paper), Morris Plains, N.J. 07950, 5 N. Main St, Manheim, Pa. Phone 665-6575 JUMBO: =... or a ase EXTRA LARGE "............... 5lc LARGE BROWN ..............43c | WHOLE LARGE: Coos oo 7c | kas & MEDIOM:.... ........ 0. a. 42¢ BULLET = oot iia 37c | BREASTS CHEY 5. 35c, 3/$1.00 head 45¢c REGULAR 59c OPEN DAILY 8:00 A.M. TO 9:00 PM. — SATURDAY 8 AM. TO 5 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAY spect its prapping. Extension consumer specialists at Penn lets separately. PEPPERS 3 for 29¢ State say that since the trans- Seliseiomo— parent wrap used on prepack- The truth is Jouny [hen JUMBO TEXAS | CUCUMBERS = 3 for 29 § uot mols 4nd wt ™ “eran 3 Rose IT SNOW WHITE CALIFORNIA READER AND ADVISOR You've heard about her, now see her in person. She can ““ and will help you. She has helped others and will help you through the darkness and into the light. Do you have bad luck, are you evilly influenced, have you been to other i i to. Mrs. Readers with no avail? Is there no one left to turn to. Taylor will not make any promises she can not keep. Why wait for the things you want tomorrow when you can have ii - today. such as LOVE - - HEALTH - - MARRIAGE - - 4 BUSINESS? There is no pity for those who want help and of 1 do not seek it. So see this lady today and put your mind at ease. SPECIAL READING WITH THIS AD - - $1.00 —Mark Twain For More Infomation Come or Call 781-5760 -— CENTRALLY LOCATED CAMP HILL, PA. Advertising Doesn't Cogt — 2501 MARKET STREET 4.4 It Pays! #4 NFUNSEEIR SEES NERO ENED EEE ENOEEEP DF ENRAEEENEN PABUEREERURR DEER Make Your Dollar Work For You- SHOP and SAVE THE MURPHY WAY. By aw] SLANREF [~rr—rmmmmene oro, i 80% Polyester || WITH THIS COUPON Grief can take care self; but to get the full value of a joy you must have some- one to share it with, Ban I 20% Acrylic | YOU WILL RECEIVE 100% Nylon binging] i Oo % OFF : Machine Washable | EEE CEASE SAE UNE ROR ER RRP ON YOUR PURCHASE Reg. $2.99 FEBRUARY 3 to 5, 1972 NOW 1 orc oe a come te a mr int sos i mms si st sr, Aine Teng $00 UNBREAKABLE BANK Vaseline Intensive Care, \ $ Lotion & Cream”! Non-Toxic Colors i 97 er rnin 4 Styles ENT 2/99¢ BOV'S SNEAKERS 32.47 lor scric aceravia Be Own Brend Mares IL LASTIC ASSORTM ASPIRIN TABLETS cone 14e€ TALKIE HEARTS Ib. Sc Women's Leading Lady and Misses’ J b 1 : Washable umbo Roll WOMEN'S MITTENS IEEE ENN ENE NEL BREE NERNERAEL RENEGDEE ERNE BERANEESAERN PR. Winter-warm acrylic knits in the latest top tashion colors. 1412 to 241, Reg. 3 for $1.00 99 Our Low Price Children’s Chewable SHIFTS 162 - 1-Ply KNIT GLOVES Sizes 10 to 20 SHEETS reg. 8 aa © SAVE $1.21 af Reg. $4.98 NOW : $37 4 [$ 1 00 Our Own Brand Murcrest VITAMINS Ca, ie TEXAS- ® NY 12-HOUR WARE RELIEF | | New Stain Pro CUPS Service for 4 DELICIOUS SALTED Reg. $1.27 86 3344 5 CASHEW HALVES € Fresh k P Contac Cold Capsules $11.84 Brat oy; Party series LB. OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:00 - 9:00 G. C. Murphy Co. FIRST QUALITY ALWAYS Mili WE 14-16 W. Main St.,, MOUNT JOY, PA. ) AEE EAN ANE NNN ENE ERNE EAENENEREASRR ENE EEE AN EEO EES JUST SAY CTC AE AREEENREECARAERARRENNS ARNRBEEEEREN SEGUE REEER CAT-MURPHY S 5 ry _ Tr en i
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