be tab LLL LLL LULL LLL LULL LLL LULLED ELL LL LLL LLL LL LLL LLL INDOOR PAINTING If you're doing some indoor painting, specialists with the United States Department of Agriculture advise you to be sure the room is well-ventil- ated. Avoid prolonged expos- ure to paint fumes for a day or two after painting. And Priced as shown at Firestone Stores. Competitively priced at Firestone D REDUCTIONS! CHIP ENS ENNERENE NEVE NEERENW SUNAENEYALMT SRN ANORE NE SHYEJENENEERUENEEY CASH & CARRY TIRE CLEARANCE We're Going to Lower Our Winter & Summer Tire Inventory. Truck and Tractor Tires Included. Firestone Torre & WINTER TREADS 12-VGLT BATTERY Original #4 equipment quality! L-22F L-24 STORE-WIDE REDUCTION NOW ON EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE. SWEIGART 329 WEST HIGH STREET * MANHEIM, PENNA. PHONE 665-2258 keep pet birds out of are gone. Latest figures show there are more than 92,500 4-H Clubs in the United States & Puerto Rico. Led by over 500- ,000 volunteers (adult, junior STR FER JRSCR STE TR TST STR OR JR JO VER TR Re RRR SNE JT WR RR RA RA RAR RR GIVE HER KITCHENAID’ DISHWASHERS A 451 NOW REDUCED) Top-loading portable Model KDC-5 KITCHENAID FOOD WASTE DISPOSER Built better to grind finer, faster, quieter — and last longer. Cast stainless steel grind wheel and shredder ring. % hp capacitor start motor. KITCHENAID HOT-WATER DISPENSER Like having a built-in teakettle. Gives you steaming hot water at the turn of a knob. Makes instant foods and drinks instantly. Saves time in the kitchen. STOP IN AT GRAHAM'S APPLIANCES & PAINTS 20 MARKET SQUARE PHONE 665-5501 MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN WITH KITCHENAID APPLIANCES VISiT YOUR KITCHENAID VALUE CENTER NOW \ BEFORE YOU BUY MANHEIM 2A wnt OPEN UNTIL 9:00 EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS reammmue SERGSsEaNESY sasanaEReNNe ERY NBUR NERY amevUNeLAEYyNTARRNERINEREY the and teen) it is estimated that room until the paint fumes for every hour spent by prof- ¥ Extension workers _Z “57 "SHOP THE CLASSIFIED WAY essional on 4-H, volunteer spend five hours. 7 RA RR RRR RR A WR J ROR RR J WR JO Yh A FA Fo sh Tes Available” In Various Sizes Gift Baskets of Fruit or <fyer 7 ARRANGEMENTS DIETETIC Are Also Available AIENERRENERE EES EEEE SNP RN EEN EN EE ERE ENE ENE EER CERNE NEDESE NNENEREENAN Corner Mt. Joy MANHEIM, PA. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday — 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. pi runy. YiussaRy and a — 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. WE bo Road & Hossler Road Phone 665-5303 i ; i ¥ # B ; ; 0 ¥ % j i ; : Natural Foods i ; ! ; ; ; 5 ; 4 ; ; 0 iE y FREE PARKING ee 8 od | | : i : 4 i SITIES SD Santa Claus Will be at MURPHY'’S DECEMBER DECEMBER 20, 21, and 22 17, 18, ARR YB PA Sd LORIE AT. MURPHY OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:00 - VSR PATO A FA PO TR Ya ow 22 0d ns mm Chg G. C. Murphy Co. FIRST QUALITY ALWAYS 14-16 W. Main St., MOUNT JOY, PA. up =n ’ 9:00 ; Sizzler’s Fat Early : Danish Modern Track American i ROCKER BIG “O & Modern B RACE SET Style & Walnut Finished 2 Sizzler Cars Decorator Fat Track Curves Designed i Arms ; i Juice Machine & Sliding ir 15% : i $19.95 crass | [RN 0 | i % 1 3.88 DOORS Core el : Reg. $10.4 FI LP LT | 0 KNEE NOW 8a | ] SOCKS 1 4 TE i 0 Carole $ 44 ; I : Joanne i | 75% Hi-Bulk| pg; ack & WHITE Orlon ‘Eg MAGNUS : Aerie PO ELECTRIC Stretch 12” Diagonal CHORD ORGAN Bi Nylon Picture : i Stretch Weight 175 Ths. Ji T12Y 1481 music b to fit In sixty seconds i Sizes 9-11 : . | $73.18 $59.94 g SQ. ° . 0 B BATTERY Porcelain E SPERaTED CoLERs HAIR DRYER CLAIROL * Saucepan il : AIR BRUSH : F-14-A Ay 1 qt. * with Carry and STYLING f Chicken F Storage C DRYER . JET FIGHTER 10inch 2 ae oeveR TOMCAT Sapa eneral Electric wondérfel of $3 ©9 Diol Oven wir $12 SS in minutes ’ $12.88 | . . & i Wo #7 i i i : i i “St An AE RAE WA WANE ITS BX
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