2D 2 THE Er MOUNT 37 Joy a> $1 3 3 : LA Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy MOUNT JOY, PA.,, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1971 TEN CENTS °° Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper ~— VOL. 71 NO. 29 By R.A. R. The older folks know this, But some of the younger ones do not—and they should, eo © o It has not been too many years ago that anyone enter- ing or leaving Mount Joy was obliged to pay toll—if he was using one of the major roadways. ee © o At the east, there was a toll gate a short distance east Lancaster Leaf Asks Boro Council to Close Ice St. A request to have Ice street closed to provide additional space for a factory expansion was heard by Mount Joy Bor- ough Council Monday night, Dec. 13, as it held its Decem- ber meeting. Represented by George Thornton, Lancaster Leaf To- bacco company laid out a plan for expanding its facili- ties in Mount Joy to include Ice street. Presently, Lancaster Leaf owns sizable buildings on both sides of the street. The proposal is to use the space between the two for addition- al needed space. To be used as proposed, it would be necessary for the borough to vacate the street entirely, The company could then erect structures on that strip of land, connecting its two present buildings. Thornton said that one of two company installations in Lancaster, if building can be accomplished here, would be closed, causing a merger of manufacturing operations. The representative also said that if the expansion can be accomplished, some 50 or 60 (Turn to page 16) of the Little Chiques bridge. On the west, there was a gate on Main street just west of the old paper box plant, On the Marietta road there was one at the cemetery curve. On Plum street, about half way up the hill, there also was a toll house and pike, : ® © eo Resignation this week of Henry Zerphey from the office of mayor will leave an impor- tant vacancy in the borough administration. ® © © If we had one specific rec- ommendation for a successor, we'd say that the new major which will be appointed should be at least a middle aged man who not only lives in Mount Joy but works in Mount Joy. He should be fa- miliar with the problems of Mount Joy and should be readily available to the peo- Ele. ® © e We believe that the recent community survey failed in what should have been one of its most important objectives. ® © © Actually, it raised for thought only two specific questions — medical center and recreation center. © © © There must be a hundred others. ® © @ For instance—and you need not do anything except think about this—should Mount Joy provide sewage facilities for Donegal Heights until (when and if) the state forces such a move? + Should Donegal Heights be annexed to Mount Joy? ® © © We'll ask you another — “Would you favor the build- ing of a band shell in Memor- ial Park? With public money or private contributions?” School Holiday Begins Thursday, Dec. 23 Donegal school district will begin its holiday season On Thursday, Dec. 23. Elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. that day and junior high and high school at 1:05 p.m. ; There will be no cafeteria service that day. School will reconvene at the usual time on Monday, January 3, 1972, THE BULLETIN'S Cheer Club Listed below is the name of a shut-in, an elderly person, or some other member of our community to whom a card or a message of any kind would mean much. Your thoughtful- ness will be deeply appreciat- ed by them and their famil- ies. Miss Sarah Habecker 120 Delta Street Mount Joy, Pa. Miss Habecker is a patient in Lancaster General hospital, having undergone major sur- gery last week after a stay of about a month in the hospital. Donegal Football Schedule Gets New Look for '72 Donegal high school’s 1972 football schedue will have a different look and flavor! At an important meeting of high school principals and other school officials Monday nght, Dec. 13, at Ephrata, tentative schedules for Done- gal and others in the new Lancaster - Lebanon gridiron league were presented. And, unless there are some last-minute eruptions of con- flict, they will be submitted for approval shortly to the board of control. . Donegal, for instance, will be laying Annville-Cleona and Elco teams in Lebanon county and also will meet Penn Manor and Garden Spot Additionally, games with Columbia, Hempfield and Eli- zabethtown will not be league games, The arrengement places Donegal in Section II for the 1972 season. However, by- laws of the league provide for a cycling and realignment of the organization’s two sec- tions. The next membership change eould come between the 1974-75 seasons. Section II, under present (Turn to page 16) Form Non-Profit Corporation for Medica! Clinic The possibility that the Mt, Joy, Elizabethtown, Rheems, Maytown, Milton Grove, and Lawn area will one day have a 24-hour-per-day medical clinic appeared to be one notch brighter this week. At a meeting Wednesday, Dec. 8, community represen- tatives from Elizabethtown & Mount Joy approved formal plans for a non-profit corpora- tion to be known as ‘“North- western Lancaster County Medical Association.” Announcement that an or- ganization is being formed was made in a joint statement \ by Glenn E. Irwin of Eliza- bethtown and Charles Rice- dorf of Mount Joy. Official papers are drawn for the forming of a corporation and are now in the hands of Attorney Carl Hallgren. The committee handling the being direction of the project are meeting regularly, alternative ly between Mt. Joy and Eliz- abethtown., At one of its early meetings an architect is te become in- volved. No firm steps have been ta- (Turn to page 16) Henry Zerphey Resigns as Mayor of Mount Joy Henry R. Zerphey, for two years mayor of Mount Joy, has resigned his office! Although several council- men had been informed in advance, official announce- ment came as something of a surprise Monday night, Dec. 13, at the December meeting of Borough Council, The resignation was read Monday night by Borough Manager George Ulrich in the absence of Zerphey. The mayor, who lives at 154 N. High street, feels that his regular employment as graphic arts instructor at the Mount Joy Vo-Tech school, and other obligations, do not leave him sufficient time to attend to the duties of the mayor's office, In addition to teaching, Zerrhey is pursuing college level courses at Penn State's Capitol campus and York campus working toward a de- gree. The college work is manda- tory if he wishes to- continue with the vo-tech teaching. His obligations have been such in recent months that it has been impossible for him (Turn to page 16) EE No Story Hour Because of the holi- days, the Mount Joy Lib- rary Story Hour will not be held on Tuesday, De- cember 28. The series, however, will be resumed the fol- lowing week on Tuesday, January 4. Legion Childrens Yule Party on Dec. 24 The Mount Joy Legion, will hold its annual Children’s Christmas party at the W. L Beahm Jr. high school on the morning of Dec. 24 at 10 a.m. Chairman Lee Ellis annou- nces that the show will fea- ture all live entertainment, which will include a marion- ette show, animal acts, magic and audience participation, Everyone is invited to this free entertainment and Santa will be on hand to give out the fruit and candy to all children 12 years of age and younger, ~ Save the Children Sponsored by the Donegal high school Student Council, a “Save the Children” drive for used clothing will be stag- ed in Mount Joy, Maytown and Marietta on Saturday, Dec. 18. Trucks will collect bundles from 9 a.m. until noon. The clothing will go to the youngsters in Appalachia. Winter Musicin Park Next Wednesday The Community Council will sponsor the first commu- nity Christmas Carol Sing on Wednesday night, Dec. 22 at 730 o'clock, at Memorial Park. Miss Dorothy Schock is in charge of the music. Not only will there be Car- No Tax Rate Mount Joy. taxes will not be raised in 1972! There will be no new taxes and none of the present lev- ies -will be raised, according to the new, proposed budget as submitted and accepted on Monday night, Dec. 13, by Borough Council at its month- ol singing but there will be entertainment with special music by local singers. The program will begin with the Invocation by Rev, Stephen Getty, pastor of the Mt. Joy Presbyterian church. “Sweet Li’l Jesus Boy” will be sung by Romaine Bridgett. The Community choir will sing, “While Angels Sing” and “Noel.” A Brass Ensemb- le from Donegal high school, under the direction of Glenn Leib, will play “O Come Lit- tle Children” and ‘“A Christ- mas Tree.” Those in the group (Turn to page 16) Hikes Proposed for Boro ly meeting in the building. - However, the yearly financ- ial proposal must be open for public inspection for at least 10 days. Council expects to pass the proposed version at a special meeting to be held on Monday, Dec. 27. borough The 1972 budget calls for a total of $219,372.78 in both income and expenses. This is an increase above 1971 but it is expected that present tax levies will collect increased revenues to meet the added needs. One new tax which (Turn to page 16) sith Donegal Choir to Give Yule Program The Donegal high school choir, under the direction of Mrs. Bonita Ward, will pre- sent its annual Christmas concert on Thursday, Dec. 16, at 8 p.m. in the high school auditorium, . The Choir will be perform- ing the cantata, ‘Born a King’ by John W, Peterson. Featur- ed soloists will be Sharon Zimmerman, Gloria Longe- necker, Nichola Markley, Su- zanne Mateer, Julie Meszaros and Ed Smith, with Gobi Am- ersbach as narrator. Accompaning the choir will me: Molly Frey and Sharon Zimmerman on organ, and Sabina Frey and Sharon Steec- beck on piano. The W. I. Beahm Jr. high school choir, also under the direction of Mrs. Ward, will be performing before the High School Choir. There is no admission charge, School Board Re-elets J. Edw. Charles J. Edw. Charles of Mariet- ta Thursday night, Dec. 9, was reelected for the third consecutive year as president of the Donegal District School Board. This will be the sixth year he has headed the important board, It will be the third time he has held the office and the first fime the board has chosen to continue the president in office 3 straight years. 2 Others — Dr. David Schlos- ser, Dr. Thomas Mariner and Dr. Robert F. Eshleman — have served two consecutive years. : Charles was elected at the annual re-organization meet- ing of the board held in the Donegal high school library. It also was the December meeting of the school direct- ors. Named as vice - president was Jay Musser, who had held that position the past (Turn to page 16) 8
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