PAGE 16 Mrs. Cindy Piersol, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Det- wiler, left Monday, Dec. 6th, from Philadelphia Interna- tional airport for Dahn, Ger- many, which is near Heidel- berg. She is joining her hus- band who is stationed there with the Army. They plan to live in Dahn for one year. ® School Board (From page 1) four years as well as serving several years as president. Joining the board and sworn in by President Char- les was Dr. William B. Lan- dis, who lives in the East Donegal township, east of Marietta on the Marietta-Lan- caster Rd. and is a practicing physician jn Columbia. . He fills the place formerly held by Rev. W. R. May. Two other board members, Jay Musser and Lewis Bixler, also were reseated following their election. The resignation of Mrs. Bar- bara Murphy, a teacher in the Seiler Elementary sch bl, was accepted effective Janu- ary 25. Barry McFarland was hired as a temporary professional employe. He has served as shop teacher since Sept, 14, replacing Robert Mills. Warren Hayman resigned as boys gymnastics team coach. Miss Victoria Etzweiler, high school English teacher, has accepted the position as girls gymnastics team coach. James Kuntz, who had been elected girls gymnastic team coach in November, has ag- reed to coach the boys team. In other business, the board . —Approved a new school building rental schedule, ef- fective Dec. 1, providing for a fee of $15 plus $5.50 per hour custodial charge; —Moved to review the code of conduct for Donegal students and have a report made at a future date; —Noted another drop in total district school enrollment in November of five people; —Heard that Glenn Leib, Donegal bandmaster, is con- sidering holding the annual D.H.S. band camp next fall (Aug. 21-26) at Gettysburg college; —Learned that the district Science Fair will be held on March 3. (County Fair also will be held at Donegal April 11 - 14) ® Lancaster Leaf (From page 1) additional people will be add- ed to the payroll of the local plant. - Council discussed various aspects of the proposal—utili- ties, drainage, effect upon the neighboring properties and business — including a look backwards of some 20 years to a similar kind of situation when Jamesway brought a plant to Mount Joy. : No action was taken by council but arrangements were made for Thornton and his pepole to have additional discussions with council and itse representatives. In other business Monday night council— —Accepted the resignation of Park N. Eberly from the Planning and Zoning commis- sion. He was—in point of ser- vice—the senior. member of its representatives. — Heard the “swan song” of James Spangler, who was attending the final meeting of his term. of office as council- man. He has served on the body 20 of the past 24 years. "In his remarks he made the following recommenda- tions: 1. — Council should update - borough zoning ordinances; Subject: PEOPLE! NANCY NEWCOMER THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. ___ ” NEW ARRIVALS = CTT a Alan and Helen (White) Johnson, Marietta R. D. 1, a daughter, Friday, Dec. 10, at General hospital. Walter H. and Yvonne (Bretz) Johnson, a daughter, Monday, Dec. 13, at St. Jos- eph’s hospital. 2.—Number of councilmen should be reduced from nine to seven and elected ‘at large’ as opposed to ‘by wards’; 3. — Mayor's salary should be increased; 4 Two fire companies in Mount Joy should be combin- ed, and 5-—A borough-wide storm sewer system should be plan- ned and begun. —Took steps to terminate its refuse disposal contract at the Stauffer farm north of Marietta in favor of using a Lancaster facility. — Named Councilmen Omar Groff. George Groff and War- ren Foley to a committee to investigate reorganization of borough council. —Set Dec. 27 as the date for a special year-end council meeting. —Heard a report that ex- aminations are being given for police employment. It is expected that a name will be recommended at the Dec. 27 meeting. ’ ® Medical Clinic (From page 1) ken as yet to establish finan- cial approach to the project. However, committee people say that as soon as firm de- sign is set it will be possible to begin establishing the fin- ancial base. In announcing the forma- tion of the “Medical Associa- tion”, a spokesman for the group said that the pupose of the association is to build and staff a medical facility for the delivery of continuous med- ical care to the northwest of the county. The site committee for the association has made no decis- ion on location. However, the committee did report that several locations midway between Mount Joy Elizabethtown are now under active consideration. A spokesman for the associ- ation reported that the build- ing committee has researched a number of medical facili ties in Pennsylvania, That da- ta will be evaluated and used to plan a facility large en- ough to accomodate a mini- mum of five doctors and re- lated medical services. Y Maytown (From page 11) business session was held fol- lowing the meal. President Goldie told about the Christ- mas party she attended at Scotland School. The next meeting will be held the sec- ond Monday evening in Janu- ary at the home of Mrs. Hen- ry Haines, __A social evening was held at St. John’s Evang. Lutheran church last Sunday evening. There was a covered dish sup- per at 5:30. At 7 o'clock Mrs. Glen Eshleman showed a very interesting and beautiful pre- sentation entitled, “Where the Earth Meets the Sky.” Dates to be remembered for programs at the Church of God: Dec. 19, Evening Christ- mas program; Dec. 23. 7:30 p. m. Family Caroling; Dec. 26, A.M.. The Rev. Elam Hollin- ger; Dec. 26, P.M., The Rev. William Brandt; Dec. 31, Watch-night Service. Set Christmas celebrations at the United Church of Christ: ‘Emergency Medical Calls SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND SUNDAY Dr. Newton Kendig Dec. 18 at 6 p.m. Covered dish supper followed by dec- orating the chuchr. Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m. Youth Chistmas program with Mrs. Romaine Bridgette as guest soloist, also a guest speaker. Dec. 24 at 7 p.m, Pageant, “Why the Chimes Rang,” fol- lowed by Candlelight Service. If you have any news for this column, please send it, bring it or phone it to me not later than Saturday if pos- sible. Thank you. ® No Tax Hike (From page 1) does not directly touch the lo- cal taxpayer but will bring in about $1,600 is the new pub- lic utilities realty tax. State highway aid, too, is expected to be up about $8,000. An analysis of the borough proposed expenditures shows that 30.8 percent of the bud- get will g for police and fire protection; 22.2 for streets and alleys; 14.2 for refuse and rubbish collection; 20.3 for general government; 5.8 for employee taxes, benefits and insurance and the bal- ance for other borough ser- vices, As stated elsewhere in legal notice, the budget is availabe for public inspection at four local places. ® Donegal Football (From page 1) plans, includes Donegal, Gar- den Spot, Penn Manor, Cocal- ico, Solanco, Annville-Cleona, Elco, Manheim Central, and Lampeter - Strasburg, which will enter play in 1973. The Indians’ schedule for "72 is as follows, as presently arranged: At Columbia; At Cocalico; Solanco; At Hempfield; Penn Manor; Elizabethtown; Man- heim Central; at Elco; Ann- ville-Cleona, and at Garden Spot. Actual dates are yet to be confirmed. The schedules were releas- ed Monday by Kenneth Hoov- er, Ephrata high school prin- cipal. who has been chairman of the new league's football committee, Attending the meeting on Monday night for Donegal was Principal Donald Dren- ner. — ® Henry Zerphey (From page 1) to attend some meetings of council. Zerphey feels that is is not proper that he continue as mayor when he conscientious- ly feels that it is not possible for him to function as the borough’s mayor. The resignation is effective as of January 1, 1972. Borough council now is ob- liged to make an appointment to fill the vacancy for the bal- ance of Zerphey’s term, which is until Jan. 31, 1973. ® Winter (From page 1) are: Bill Wagner, Jim E:hle- man, Kevin Earhart, Donald Witman, Bill Martin, Jeff Bryant and Robert Shank, Jr. The community is invited to attend and participate. Take a flashlight and be pre- pared to sing and enjoy an old-time Christmas Carol Sing around the Cmmunty Christ- mas tree. At the close of the prgram, hot chocolate will be served, Killed in Au Funeral services for Paul H. Doyle, Jr, 23-year-old Maytown man killed in a auto crash Saturday after- noon, Dec. 11, were held on Wednesday from St. Peter’s Catholic church, Elizabeth- town. Doyle died in a violent one- car accident about 5 p.m. a mile and a half northwest of Elizabethtown on Mill Road. The victim was driving north and ran off the side of the road on a curve, slid a- long an embankment a nd struck and clipped off a utili- ty pole before coming to rest on its wheels. His brother, James Doyle, 19, a passenger, suffered rela- tively minor injuries, and Glen Mummaw, 26, Elizabeth- WEDNESDAY, DECMBER 15, 1971 to Crash town R1, was trapped in the rear seat. He suffered head injuries, Doyle was born in Lancast- er, a son of Mrs. Blanche Walter Doyle and the late Paul H. Doyle Sr. He was an employe of M and M Mars, Inc., Elizabethtown, He was a veteran of the U. S. Army. He is survived by his moth- er, his wife, Linda Byers Doy- le and one daughter, Michelle L. He is also survived by four sisters: Mrs. Verona Carter, Lewistown; Marie M., wife of Leon R. Yoder, of Bellville; Diane, wife of Charles Smith, Middletown; Miss Marlene Doyle, Rl; and two brothers, James J. and George L., both of Elizabethtown. Jaycees Hear Manager The Mt. Joy Jaycees held their regular meeting Tues- day, Dec. 14. Andy Reymer indicated that there will be a Santa Claus at Murphy’s Store on the following dates: Dec. 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, and 23. The Jaycees are taking colored pictures for those parents in- terested in having a photo ta- ken of their child with Santa. Phil Sinegar and Tom Mec- kley have completed plans for the Christmas shopping tour, scheduled for this Saturday, Dec. 18, beginning at 4 p.m. Following the gift buying spree, the Jaycees, Joycee- ettes and children from the Messiah home, will be treat- ed to supper at the Jaycee headquarters. At 6 p.m. the group will go caroling thru the town. Final plans are being made for the January Jaycee week activities, General chairman, Leo Moore has indicated the dates are set for the follow- ing events: Prayer Breakfast, Jan. 16; Bosses’ Night, Jan. 17; Library Night, Jan. 18; Vo-Tech visitation, Jan. 19; Flag display, Jan. 20; and Distinguished Service ban- quet, Jan. 22. Borough Manager George Ulrich was the main speaker of the evening. He reported on his responsibilities in his new position and he talked about several possible ways of maintaining the communi- ty’s successful way of life. Fire Company Elects Ronald Alleman has been elected president of Mount Joy's Friendship Fire com- pany #1, He was named at the com- pany’s December meeting, held Wednesday, Dec. 8. He will succeed James Schneider who will be retiring from of- fice. Other officers elected by the company include: First vice-president, Dennis Grove; 2nd vice-pes., Jeff Bri- an; Rec, Sec’y., William Char- les; Asst. Rec. Sec’y., James Heilig; Fin. Sec’y & Treasur- er, Dennis Fackler; Asst Fin. Sec’y, and Treas., Galen Rutt; Trustee, Earl Geltmacher; Chief, Frank Good, Jr., Asst. Chief, James Markley; Chief Engineer, Thomas Markley; Chief Hose Director, Gerald Grove; Chief Chemicalman, George Hedrick; Chief Hook & Ladderman, Leo Shank; Captain of Fire Police, Christ Charles; Delegates to County Conv., Earl Geltmacher and Leo Shank; Alt Delegates to County Conv., William Char- les and Ronald Alleman; Del- egates to Zone 7, Frank Good Jr., Gerald Grove, Jim Mark- ley; Entertainment Committee is James Markley, Leo Shank Hubert Rice, Donald Alleman and Jeff Brian. It was announced that the dues for 1972 are now due. The next meeting will be held January 6, 1972. Following the election and business meeting, which was conducted by president Sch- neider, a dutch lunch was served. BPW Holds Dec. Meeting The December meeting of the Mount Joy Business and Professional Women’s Club was held Monday, Dec. 13, at Hostetter’s, with the hospital ity committee in charge. The tables were decorated with candles, evergreen branches and red satin balls. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hack- man, Manheim R2, presented an inspiring slide program titled, ‘Let’s Keep Christmas’. Group carol singing was led by Miss Dorothy Schock, ac- companied at the piano by Mrs. George Broske. The November Girl of the Month, Miss Beverly Shank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert G. Shank, 448 Orch- ard Road, was introduced by Mrs. Dennis Fackler. The December Girl of the Month, Miss Marijane Sager, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Walter G. Sager, Marietta R1, was introduced by Mrs. Earl Koser. Mrs. Shank, Mrs, Sager and the hosts and hostesses of the homes shown on the recent Candlelight Tour sponsored by the Mount Joy BPW. club, were guests of the club. A Christmas gift was pre- sented to President Virginia Horst from the club members by Mrs. Gerald Sheetz, first vice-president. A short business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Horst. The members voted to take charge of the 1972 Cancer Drive to be held in Mount Joy in April, A chairman and captains will be named at a later date. The hospitality committee includes: Mrs. Jay Barnhart and Mrs. Lester Echelman, co- chairmen; Mrs. Robert Brown Mrs. Joseph Germer; Mrs, Warren Heisey, Elsie Lefever, Mrs. Donald Staley, Mrs. An- drew Reymer, Mrs. Thomas Meckley, Mrs. Paul Shreiner, Mrs, Arthur Sprecher, Mrs. John Wittle and Mrs. Ken- neth Smith, The next meeting will be held Monday, Jan. 24, with the membership committee in charge. la ACCEPTED Yvonne Robinson, daugh- te of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Rob- ingon, J. of 421 North Plum street, has been accented as a student in Wesley College Dover, Del. i Miss Robinson will- enter Wesley in the Fall of 1972, and will major in the busi- ness administration program. She currently is a senior at Donegal high school. PS RR Re
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