~~ « COLOR T.V. STEREOS : A PHONOGRAPHS 2-WAY RADIOS WALKIE-TALKIES RECORD CABINET & RECORD ALBUMS WORTH $70.00 Total Value $519.85 NOW ONLY $358.00 BLACK & WHITE T.V. MODULE SYSTEMS TAPE PLAYERS and RECORDERS Ls i Extra Special for the week RCA STEREO CONSOLE WITH TAPE PLAYER take advantage of group: -.dn- -rdile, go thousts each surance ‘plans which are us- ‘ ually less costly than individ- ual policies, Many pay prem- iums on a monthly or quar- terly basis when careful bud- geting would allow them .to pay on annual basis and make a saving. .And families who need a substantial amount of life insurance should investi- gate the discount that insur- ance companies often offed to people who buy a single pol- icy having a high face value. RUNS AND HOLES IN GIRLS TIGHTS CAN BE MENDED If your young daughter’s tights suffer from frequent runs and holes, you can mend of the tiny loops you'll see around the edges of the run or hole, Pull the thread tight as you sew, And this -should bring the loops together, Trying to mend tights with a sewing machine may not be successful, as you are likely to lengthen the existing run, says Mrs. Wilson. : Any mend in tights will show some, but "it will show less if you do it on the wrong side. Tights are one item where a higher quality pair may give better wear, Usually, the heavier, textured tights don’t develop holes and runs. as quickly as the smooth, sheer ones, They are also easier to mend and do not show the mends as much, Examine the construction of tights before you buy them, Look for a strong kit, reinforced heel and toe, and size that’s big enough, suggests Mrs. Wilson, Poor health in an alibi more offen than a fact, - Order Your Fruit Baskets Early PRICES - - $2.50 and UP POLICE and FIRE MONITORS STOP IN AND REGISTER FOR OUR CHRISTMAS DRAWING Drawings December 24th FLINCHBAUGH'S T. V. 5 GOLD COINS To Be Given Away &¥ them—if you are careful not to make more runs while do- ing it. Runs and holes in the tights come from broken threads in the knit, explains Extension clothing specialist at Penn State, Mrs. Ruth Ann Wilson. To mend the holes or runs, turn the tights inside out, NUTS — DATES — NUT MEATS — GLAZED FRUITS CHOCOLATE BITS - 2 lbs, $1.05 - 5 lbs, $2.25 HOME GROWN ENGLISH WALNUTS NICE SELECTION OF CITRUS FRUITS CRANBERRIES — LETTUCE — BLEACHED CELERY ANDERSON PRETZELS (seconds) 7 lbs $2.25 SWEET CIDER 95¢ GALLON, 2 GALLONS $1.85 2 GALLONS IN CUSTOMERS CONTAINER $1.65 IRISH COBBLR POTATOES — 50 lbs. $2.00 EGG SALE: Lg. 2 Doz, $1: 2 Doz, Not Classified 75c¢ 3 Dozen Crax, 85c ; SALES tf 72 N. Wolf St,, 20,07 “Since 1928 AND MANHEIM For your protection we service what we sell, SERVICE Phone 665-2293 CHEAPER TO DO IT YOURSELF When someone else does the work for you, it usually costs money. Among processed food NEWCOMER MOTORS OUR WHEELS MAKE BETTER DEALSI SAVE $ $ 65 Chevy 2-DOOR - HARD TOP V-8, Automatic, P.S. 62 Chevy Impala V-8, Automatic ’5%7 Chevy V-8, Automatic, P.S. 70 Chevy 3; Ton PICK UP, V-8, Stick WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. the trend is “out of the kitch- en and into plant.” Catherine Love, Ex- tension consumer education specialist at Penn State, says some of this maid servcie we have come to expect includes: washing and packaged vege- tables, ready-to-cook poultry, § rozen ready-to-cook vegetab- les, ready-to-serve vegetables, cake and pudding mixes, and partly and completely prepar- % ed meals. While “mix and bake” and you buy if you're trying to make the most of your food dollars. But remember you're saving time and energy with your dollars, so consider how } much it’s worth to you. ~ BUYING LIFE INSURANCE Many people overlook pos- sible economies when . they buy life insurance, .For .ex- ample, . explain ..Extension home management specialists at Penn State, .some .fail to DRESS SHIRTS white; colorful solids, TO SPARK wardrobe. Choose the very with-it white-on- cotion blends, 1414-17145. TIES, many color combos. THAT man’s stripes, too, Polyester- GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE ALWAYS A WISE CHOICE! BRUBAKER’S 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET MEN'S SHOP MANHEIM, PA. PHONE 665-2221 the processing % “heat and eat” ¥ foods offer convenience, they ¥ cost more than made from ¥ scratch items. Compare before ¥ and put a light bulb or round smooth, hard object inside. This will help you see the hole better. Using nylon or polyester thread and a nee- WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MARKET Mon. Tues, Wed. Sat, - 8-6; Ya CSLMILE WEST.OF LORIN. nem a— WEST OF FLORIN., Thur., Fri, 8-8, Closed Sun. PHONE 653-5661 TE CIT 2-SLIE TOASTER Soler control fat any toast you liket Chrome- plated with blak trim. Our Rzyg. 10.67 $7.99 Cordless ELECTRIC SHOE POLISHER 456 Thoughtful gift! Wood-tone brown /plastic casing. 2 brushes, 2 daubers, 1 power buffer, 2 eans of polish. (Batteries not included.) Magnus Reg. 29.95 12- Chord Table Model CHRISTMAS CARDS Lovely assortments of seasonal greetings. 10 $ 1.09 to 21 cards per box. Box Now $25.97 any heat setting. Set- a Spray/ /Stoam Di Dey Toms Sprays fine mist on Reg. $13.88 Christmas GIFT BOKES 2 shirt, 2 lingerie, 1 97: tings for all fabrics. al i Thumb-tip control! $9.79 i. jewgiyena Set PENNSYLVANIA GROWN CHRISTMAS $¢P95 to SCOTCH PINE — WHITE PINE AUSTRIAN PINE TREES $ 5os NG PS PA PS SR SS AS RAS A Sh RA J J FT TA RO Ra SR 0 Sk NT 35 A Nh SS TO 3 8 0 A Sk ik Ss Th SO SO i sR Si 00 RETTEW'S . . . MANNHEIM 7’
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