- (From Preceding Page) : .cut off our outside activities life within our own home. So the theery of relativity (Always write to Dr. Crane For we usually begin to and settle down to a quieter Thus, not many outstanding is also true in psychology. in care of this newspaper, en- : , events absorb our attention Even auto speeds are mis closing a long stamped, ad- RRS RE 5 SS RSA SaremARARGsgv from one week to another. judged on the plains. A speeddressed envelope and 25¢c to \ Except for the mailman’s of 50 mph through a foresicover typing and. printing may seem as fast as 90 mphcosts when you send for one gi : h * : g call and the newspaper boy's 3 Santa Will Be At . . . § rival very tiie’ upsets the on open prairie 58 hs ook ons. smooth monotony. Spe = — FOS RSE RA RUT RA RSE MARSA Ra TASTEF . FREE Sg : TASTEE - FREEZ bolls?” joi Suggestions Well, with thi Sunday, Dec. 19th § we vio ver ev tine 12:30 - 4:30 P.M, tilda thus finds that the days From streak past. 454 WEST MAIN STREET On the contrary, her grand- children are so preoccupied Sony Model CF-200 - PHONE: 653-2332 AC/DC Cassette-Corder AM/FM Radio Combination with ball games, dates, par- ties and other exciting events : 3 pass slowly. But the months and years MOUNT JOY : that time passes swiftly to Picture taken with ‘Santa them. : : Send a child to the store FEATURES: | if desired) for a loaf of bread and a fire * Sonymatic Recording Control i ; i i truck may captivate his at- ® Record Interlock ® Speaker Monitor Capability tention till he doesn’t even ® Record Level and Battery Strength B Indicator realize an hour has elapsed, while his parents are yelling Radio for that bread. ® AM and FM Bands is “f : » for ® Telescopic FM Antenna And this lled time or ® Built-in Ferrite Bar AM the child then seems interm- Antenna inably long when he looks back upon the past. For we subconsciously esti- g EASY $ 95 mate time by the many out- § TERMS standing events that have When a since last Christmas, for he Kitchen may have had 20 exciting ev- FEATURES: ents fill each day. ® AC/DC Operation ® Push-Button Operation His grandparents do not . g Pp ® Locking Fast-Forward and Rewind Needs a have maybe even ONE out-of- Buttons the-ordinary event in an en- Sonymatic Recording Control s tire week. jl Friend .. So Matilda looks back- ward and, seeing few inter- Microphone and Auxiliary Inputs Tone and Volume Controls Built-In Speaker Record Interlock Operates in Any Carrying Position ® 0600 0 0 Don’t worry about a thing. We'll be there vening exciting episodes, finds Remote Stop/Start Microphone — fast. We'ill repair or replace or un- that time telescopes. Her years flee by. i ¥ 0 ; clog. Your home will keep on humming. Much this same fule of psy- : $499% 0 0 i 0 J That's friendship. chology holds true in estim- ating linear distance, On the ocean, you mis- judge how far another ship d may be away from you, for W. M. Ernst & Sons you have no intervening trees transpired meanwhile, : The child thus feels that it . has been almost an eternity Jj Sony Model TC-60 AC/DC Personal Portable Cassette-Corder : or houses Established 1922 S ; & : : &« ci: o the unfilled space seems Plumbing © Heating ® Air Conditioning shorter than it really is, much 569-5386 se Registered Plumber i i 1890 STATE STREET EAST PETERSBURG | ne He Oper in Army sharpshooters thus sl J J can be upset by shooting ac- ross a stretch of water! RE FA 55 OS PA RS 5 tS SR SR 5 Eh PR 4 RIS Th SSF TP vk Fo Eh TOV J FS YEA J Rs Fs Ys Fok dE Rr i POLISH HIPPEY’'S JUMBO > Giant Size 22 fld. Oz. Hot SAUSAGE HOT DOGS Dove DIS ASHING Ib. 86- : Hb. 80- WITH THIS COUPON 29. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers